ConanLibertatem ago

Got what he prayed for.

CeasarSalud ago

Years ago I met someone being an edgy faggot saying they were a Satanist.

Yeah I remember being 12 too and yelling at my mom, how is it never growing out of that?

Stubbabubba ago


minx88 ago

synogogue of satan

hogan_knows_best ago

Jews by birthright are in league with satan

anotherdream ago

Great catch! Fuck yes! - People told me I was crazy. - Years back, I was out in Portland at a bar and a whole table of these Antifa Satanist fuckers were sitting there having beers across from my buddies and me. - They just plain out said "Hail Satan" as they touched glasses.- Like it was nothin. - Not even trying to hide it. Tried to tell people about what I'd seen, and people said to me "Must have been a joke dude" - or "you're paranoid" etc. - No MOTHER FUCKERS ARE EVERYWHERE. They've been recruiting over the last few years. Growing in number. Fucking disgusting, and should frighten all of you. - They have guns too. Keep em locked and loaded folks. Even after Trump wins it won't be over. - WE HAVE TO ERADICATE THEIR WAY OF LIFE. - WE HAVE TO STOP SUPPORTING THEM WITH OUR MONEY. - WE ALL HAVE TO BE SUPER VIGILANT AND DISCERNING ABOUT WHERE WE SPEND, WHAT COMPANIES WE BUY FROM, AND WHAT FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT WE SUPPORT. - COMFORT IS A KILLER FOLKS> - If you're giving money to these fucking Satanists indirectly, - even without knowing it, - You're contributing to your own demise. -WWG1WGA!

Queefpickle ago

Evil exist among us.

They drink the "koolaid" of jewish media.

SledGod ago

Look up the Satanic Temple's actual tenants. You fundamentalist lunatics may not resonate with them but theyre pretty common sense good human being shit. Also, pentagrams are "in" with younger generations fashion right now. Fuck antifa, but I guarantee this dudes not a Satanist. Real Satanists don't even believe in Satan, just like they don't believe in God.


One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.


The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.


One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.


The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.


Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.


People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.


Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

On the other picture, he has a tattoo of a ships wheel, which is a masonic symbol

polygeek ago

Maybe a minority. It's like warpaint: Putting on scary symbols to intimidate your enemy.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Who is going to protect them? Evil is protecting them so far.

mudbear ago

satanism isnt even a religion, its basically just some edgy club where people pat eachother on the back for being degenerates because their core belief is do what you want. So, its liberalism.

Judaism though is the one pulling the strings of satanism, they rile the emotional faggots up and point them to a target, doing what you want simply translates to obeying your emotions.

veteran88 ago

Is that a kike as well?

It has some markers but I'm not sure.

petevoat ago

Nice catch

Taydrum ago

should rub all your bullets in animal or human shit just like the cartels do, so when he gets stitched up the infection gets him

FU_PNS ago

I hope that hell.

Ddboomer ago

Correct and the Satanists have just triggered ANTIFA/BLM ...frequencies and mind control. Willing participants too.

The dark side feeds off of hate, killing and blood.

Qboard ago

It's actually very common in a lot of subcultures to mingle with satanic symbolism. You have to actively avoid it when dealing with alternative culture or rock/metal music

ChimpEvader ago

Saw the pentagram too but in this case this guy was with the "Defending militia"

blumen4alles ago

You really got to pay attention to who you are talking to. This one is probably a JIDF mamzer.

Xax ago

Good catch. Marx was a satanist. No surprise.

thislionsheart ago

Yeah, they are

It started with gay hipsters

Then it turned into satanists

Full blown

I've been watching it for about 15 years now since it has primarily targeted my generation (being someone aged 33)

It's not a joke

They are demonically posessed and brainwashed

How do you confront that though? You don't, you rebuke it with prayer and you tread lightly

The days are upon us, how are you going to ready yourself?

Be steadfast because as i've been saying , they have been preparing their basically undead armies (they have no life)

They will orchestrate all attacks on them to take away your rights and civil liberties (2nd amendment anyone)?

Like the case going up right now, so you are going to start want to going to work IMMEDIATELY

Broc_Lia ago

It started with gay hipsters

Then it turned into satanists

You say that like those are separate groups.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Satanism is becoming more popular among atheists because it affords protected religious liberty rights such as ritual abortion.

CheeBooga ago


Mugman ago

Looks like death wish. It was an edgy skateboarding thing 10 years ago. Brand sold shoes and boards. Jews being jews.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Color me shocked.

781842_Anon ago

Looks like a face mask. Anyone have a picture or a video of him wearing it over his mouth? It must be somewhere...

Oh, Racine, WI is right next door to this place. From pizzagate, Racine is a hotbed from Freemasons and pedophilia.

781842_Anon ago

Good catch. LOL. I am not surprised.

ZKX ago

Synagogue of Satan.

downvoatmachine ago

stuff is more common than you think, I had an otherwise good kid tell me a girl took him to a "party" which happened to be on a full moon where they did things like standing around a fire holding hands and howling at the moon and asking (WHO?) for assistance with their issues/insecurities....

MrBateman ago

In seattle CHAZ they beat a preacher for doing nothing but coming in and just preaching the gospel.

downvoatmachine ago

That is the best kind of death for a Christian. I'm serious it's the way to go out.

Phantom42 ago

No, fuckwad, it's the best kind of death for a dumbass.

A Christian would go down fighting, killing, and destroying anything evil may hold.

downvoatmachine ago

It's as if Satan's taken control of your tongue

MrDarkWater ago

The wages of sin are death, and sometimes God uses his children to pay that tab

Phantom42 ago

Oh believe me buddy, I'm in control here.

tury ago

Fair enough, but I'd rather go for Crusades 2.0

Chimaira92 ago

Those were done by freshly converted Pagans and the Catholic church though

DiatomWarship ago

They sell this shit at the mall

canbot ago

A Christian is not just a person who believes a man 2k years ago was born to a virgin, made of the blood of God, who goes to church every week and prays. A Christian is really anyone who believes in the tenants of Christianity, who believe in ideas like turn the other cheek lead to good societies and good societies are what we should be collectively working for.

A Satanist is anyone who believes we should all do as we please. That morality is subjective. That hedonism is what we should all be working for. Anarchists are satanists if they worship Satan or not. I believe this guy knows exactly what that symbol represents and supports the core beliefs of that ideology.

tokui ago

Cuckstianity can't fix IQ and genes.

Ddboomer ago

Open your eyes as Satan is everywhere. Even at the mall...

Queefpickle ago

Hell is on earth

Ddboomer ago

I used to think that, but I thing we’re on testing ground. I believe hell is far worse.

antiliberalsociety ago

Ever notice an uptick in license plates having 666 on them?

Ddboomer ago

In our faces all over the place.

jewsbadnews ago

Especially at the church...

Ddboomer ago

Churches and religion has been infiltrated by Satan.

Following Jesus Christ is personal and reading the Bible is your own journey.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Churches are easily infiltrated by Satanists

2fat2move ago

Broad appeal

Ddboomer ago

Eternal hell does not bother you I guess.

2fat2move ago

Why are you assuming things about me? Broad is the way to destruction. Straight and narrow is the path to salvation. Why do you think its called broad-way?

Anyways. Im saying, open, proud satanists are dime a dozen today.

Ddboomer ago

Ok, clarification is good. I agree.

CrudOMatic ago

I wouldn't call them literal satanists - LaVeyan satanists are hedonistic atheists who use the iconography of satan to fuck with Christians - but they DO believe in revenge, which I support wholeheartedly. This turn the other cheek shit got us to where we are today.

The ACTUAL satanists that you should be concerned about, and stomping out where you find them, are the Luciferians - they actually DO worship satan and make sacrifices. Those are also the people you will find going to Epstein's island.

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

I don't buy that shit for a second. "we don't ACTUALLY worship satan" BS, yes they do, and they know it. The whole "just to piss off christians" thing is a cover.

CrudOMatic ago

LaVey even called his followers idiots and thanked them for helping make him rich.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Lavey was jewish...

PeckerwoodPerry ago


Shlarb123 ago

Do you have any good links about the Luciferians? Lately my intuition has been telling me that maybe it’s more than just jews behind the scenes. Although I can see the evidence of the jews being behind many of the world’s problems, I’ve been thinking that maybe even they are a front group for something else.

If it really is Luciferians, then does that mean that Lucifer literally exists in some form or another?

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Many "gods" exist. Jews were polytheistic before they were called jews, they just picked one to worship. Calling them luciferian is accurate in only the most basic sense.

CrudOMatic ago

Of course there are a lot of jews in the background there - you can't spell satanist without "Sabbatean-Frankist"

tury ago

Of course Lucifer exists. Who exactly do you think the kikes pray to? This isn't a joke, or sarcasm.

The kikes worship the lightbringer. Wait until you understand what that means.

CrudOMatic ago

Enlighten us on "lightbringer".

MrDarkWater ago

Barak Obama

tury ago

Ok! Have you read Samuel before? Best place to start:

(and it goes without saying, of course, to read the bible)

2fat2move ago


Dave_ph ago


There doesn't seem to be a bicep in that photo

RoseBreastedGrosbeak ago

Error Code .223 BICEP NOT FOUND

Dave_ph ago

If I had multiple accounts over here I would up front that more than once

blumen4alles ago

Gonna answer my question CIAnigger:

How many nuclear warheads do you think Israel has?

All I need is a number from you...

Dave_ph ago

What the f**** are u babbling about manlet

Your brain is just a pile of random mush internet boy

blumen4alles ago

Ah you can't answer, glownigger confirmed.

How many nuclear warheads do you think Israel has?

Dave_ph ago

Go to your mother and tell her you need your meds crazy little one

blumen4alles ago

Why can't you answer a simple question? All you need to do is type in a number, any numerical value will do. How many nuclear warheads do you think Israel has?

slumbermachine ago

Thanks, nice to see another forum Glow nigger found out.

blumen4alles ago

Probably JIDF. They keep making multiple edits on comments blaming it on autocorrect. And censoring themselves like n*r and f.

Dave_ph ago

Take your meds

blumen4alles ago

Alright I will take my meds after you answer one simple question: How many nuclear warheads do you think Israel has?

Splooge ago

I don't think it's necessarily a glownig, my money is on JIDF, possibly overseas based on the odd verbiage.

blumen4alles ago

They are also censoring themselves (n****r), and making multiple edits blaming it on autocorrect. I don't think Engrish is their first language.

Splooge ago

Yeah, if anything, I'd also test for CCP ties. Simple enough, just ask the following:

@Dave_ph, will you please say the following? "Taiwan is a nation."

Dave_ph ago


Don't you mean East China

Splooge ago

My goodness

Dave_ph ago

You probably don't want to accuse someone who's Thedonald.cucks account was winnie the flu of being CCP.

Nosdrovia Comrade

Splooge ago

Non-CCP shill confirmed

Dave_ph ago

WTF is wrong with you. Shill is so July

You're supposed to say "simp" now to be one of the cool internet ony kids

Splooge ago

But I'm not one of the cool internet ony kids. :(

pr0nw4r ago

Literal satanists are indeed coming more up recently. Even on the /sig/ sphere, and on the /x/ occultist sphere as well. ESPECIALLY the free love type of new age spiritualists. Pretty much all free love, and love all people are satanists. You can tell by the fact that they love all except god. Whereas in most religions first and foremost you love god, and then maybe have compassion for many else, but not love. Except for the ones you choose like your friends and family.

Ddboomer ago

All the actors, musicians, most politicians, preachers, power figures have sold their souls to Satan. This is the only way they’re famous.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

These fuckers are out in the open in liberal shitholes, even in industries that you'd think would have more conservative minded people. Saw an auto mechanic with satanist tats on his arms recently (pentagram on one, upside-down cross with 666 on it on the other). How is it ok to have inappropriate shit like this not covered up when working in a field where you have to deal with people? Why are they being hired?

892012518HEROS ago

I have a pentagram with Baphomet in it on one arm and an upside burning cross on the other. Mistakes made when I was young and unwise. I have since been baptized and I pray for forgiveness and try to live a good life. But now I have camouflage and can blend in with the satanist we have running wild. God knows my heart so I fear not.

Ddboomer ago

As one who follows Jesus Christ we need to start some Spiritual Warfare and raise our kids with God.

Ozzsanity ago

BWHAHAHAHAHHAHA at the simple-minded.

Ddboomer ago

You mean the Satanists...doomed minded and the there s the spirit world. God and Satan.

“Simple-minded “ are those who think their actions mean zero..clueless until then shock of death.

Ozzsanity ago

Just like the Battle between Flash and Reverse-Flash. I like a good comic book superhero story as well as the next guy. Just wait until you die. OMG, the heavens will open up and gold will rain down on you. God, it's gonna be fucking great for you. What will you do first?

Ddboomer ago

I’m working on getting there...Lol

I will fly!

Ozzsanity ago

How selfish. The first thing you think about is your own enjoyment. Typical Christian always consumed with themselves.

I used to be a sinner, used to have my cake and eat it

They warned me of my fate, but I was quite prepared to meet it

You'll go to Hell they smiled at me

And told me of the roaring fires

But I was happy living wild

And fueling my own desires

I was a wild man

Drinking, smoking and messing around with women

Lots of women

No, not swimming, women

I wanna go to Heaven

The place to be is right up there

I wanna go to Heaven

It's gonna be good so I won't despair

I decided to reform and pray

Beg mercy for my soul

I prayed in church

Threw away my bad habits

Prayed out of church

Adopted an entirely different role

I gave my money to the poor until I was poor

But at least I ensured that I would go up there

Instead of down below to the Inferno

Where the evil flames of desire

Burned higher and higher and higher

I'm gonna go to Heaven

Paid my dues so I'm getting in

I'm gonna go to Heaven

It's looking good if I abstain from sin

I knocked on the pearly gates

Neatly side-stepping the long queue

Waved hi to St. Peter

Who checked my card and let me through

I smiled, threw my hands in the air

Laughed and got arrested

They said hey man, you're in the wrong place

Your behaviour is a disgrace

Here we pray every hour, on the hour

Read extracts from the Bible and look solemn'

What, says I, no party?

No party?

Let me out

Let me out of Heaven

I got it wrong, no I can't stay here

No laughing in Heaven

Let me out, I just can't stay here

Well I ran around in the state of shock and panic

This wan't what I expected

Here was what looked like a bunch of manic depressives

Can I get a transfer, I screamed

But no, once you're in Heaven, you're here for good

The good of your soul, but that's no good for me

If you want to go to Hell you've really got to be bad

Okay, okay, I'll be bad

Too late

What do you mean too late

Too late


In the meantime

Let me out of Heaven

I've got it wrong, no I can't stay here

No laughing in Heaven

Oh God, it's awful here

Going crazy in Heaven

Take me out and let me go to hell

No laughing in Heaven

Don't laugh, this place is Hell

Source: LyricFind

Ddboomer ago

Long winded garbage...”selfish” ???? Oh, you must be a Satanist because youall profess you be so “truthful” “kind” while you sacrifice living creatures not your evil Satan.

Read the Bible!!


So for the start you are wrong.

Keep your garble to yourself.

Make some sense when you comment.

Ozzsanity ago

Jesus Christ was a coward and a pussy who actually carried his own cross for the jews so they could stick him on it. Never fought back just pussed out like the coward he was. People who believe in him are just as big of pussies and cowards. For some reason this Christ faggot attracts peds of all kinds. So my bet would be.....

Ddboomer ago

Mock Jesus and you will go to hell when he returns for WAR not PEACE!

You ungrateful evil, demon thug. He died for our sins and you say such garbage.

You’re referring to RELIGION which has been infiltrated by SATAN! Pedos are SATANists!

Jesus Christ was the sacrifice for all men and you have the audacity to say such GARBAGE ABOUT THE SON OF GOD!

Be gone demon by the power of Jesus Christ!

You will soon find out the power of Jesus and God.

Ozzsanity ago

BWHAHAHAHAA at foolish tools. The father, son and holy ghost are just somebody's unholy hoax. Jesus Christ was a pussy faggot coward who sucked jew cock.

Ddboomer ago

Enjoy hell Satanist. You side loses. Eternal damnation.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Eternal life.

God will not be mocked. Mark my words, you will feel the wrath of God/Jesus Christ and then you will know the power of God: the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

You already have Portals open for more demons. You will regret your words.

Jesus Christ is a HERO!!

Jesus Christ Rocks!!

No man gets to God, BUT through JESUS!

Ozzsanity ago

jesus sucks jew balls

892012518HEROS ago

Even a snake loves its children. Jesus says Love your enemy

minx88 ago

noo that jewified christianity

lords jesus had a whip for those rats

you dont turn your cheek or love enemy who jewish ritual murders children


892012518HEROS ago

Synagogue of Satan he has more than a whip for fire and brimstone

pr0nw4r ago

The teachings of buddha say that nothing outside exists truly, what is there to love?

Ddboomer ago

Buddha religion worships idols and it is a false religion.

Only one God !! Read the Bible. There is no reincarnation. This is the one life we have.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Through Jesus only do we get to God, the Alpha/Omega , the beginning/the end.

One God, one Jesus and one Holy Spirit=Holy Trinity.

Worshiping a gold Buddha is a man-made idol.

pr0nw4r ago

love for anything but a god is satanic, thats a fact

Ddboomer ago

Did I say anything about “loving” enemies???? Nope!!

You said this.

Earth is temporary. God is eternal life. Satan is eternal death.

I do not follow a religion, I follow God/Jesus Christ.

You issue with love makes no sense.

pr0nw4r ago

"Even a snake loves its children. Jesus says Love your enemy"

someone of your clan said so. This is the material realm, the inferior nature of god. By following the real god you can get to the superior nature. The etheric instead of the material. All satanists worship this material nature, and do not worship god at all. All of their efforts, their laws and their desires live purely here in this realm and for this realm. And they worship its demigod, the caretaker of this realm as well. Not realizing the eternal nature of their soul that goes far beyond this realm

Ddboomer ago

You let JEsus take care of your enemy.

However, in self-defense ...I would think Jesus would be cool with taking down demons. When Jesus’s for war not peace.

I’m not in a clan...

2fat2move ago

Buddha is fake and gay. "Everything is god" is satanic

892012518HEROS ago

God said put no other Gods before me. He never said he was the only one

OandAPartyRock ago

He did say that. Many times. That’s like saying the number four isn’t in a math book. The gods He was referring to were fake gods. The context of this passage was in reference to specific gods that people were worshiping instead of Him - not in a general or nebulous way, though the admonition was meant to be universal as well.

2fat2move ago

Jesus is God in the flesh. There's no such things as lowercase g gods.

Cgeo9 ago

Nothing really important was shot then

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SkippyMcSkipperson ago

Baphomet right there plain to see. Good catch

SaxonWolfcock ago

A fitting final image

Guy_Justsome ago

"Where's your anti-god now?"