minx88 ago


gosso920 ago

  1. Fucked around.

  2. Found out.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Maybe he will stay home and jerk off, or play video games from now on

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

I hope that hurts. Fucking faggot.

Risen_In_3 ago

His mask should have protected him!

Cgeo9 ago

Cant jerk off to your wife getting railed by her boyfriend anymore, gotta start using that left hand

ardvarcus ago

Think about it -- once Antifa starts waving guns around, it will be OK to shoot them down in the streets.

Dave_ph ago


If our Patriot have been carrying a AK the arm would have come off

dayofthehope ago

556 can deliver more energy to the target. 762x39 has more power to penetrate. It wouldn't be easy to combine both of those in 1 round.

But I'm starting to think it's fake anyways. Look at the photograph. Not enough blood. In spite of the injury, still manages to hold on to his gun.

Dave_ph ago

I can't tell where it hit so it's hard to say how f***** he really is

veternpattriot ago

looks like a pocket full of rounds, heavy bulge

dayofthehope ago

I posted it myself, but I'm starting to wonder whether this is a fake photograph. Why is he still holding the gun? Is that real blood? Is it just painted?

jesojr ago

Dam it,somebody is a bad shot-lol

Uncle_Bud ago

Was this guy or the others chasing the guy local BLM, or shipped in from Soros land to play a video game only realizing to late respawn doesn’t work.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Not a complete disarmament I see...

dellip_der_ ago

The moment you realise real life is not a video game.

RedBullTrooper ago

.. were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood. Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts ..

dayofthehope ago

Now that you point it out, there isn't as much blood as you'd expect. Almost as if its painted. I'm almost starting to wonder whether this is another psyop.

grendelbiter ago

The way this is being meme'd and pumped up on these forums makes me think it is.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

It's pouring. This is likely seconds after he was shot

bobbymcgee ago

It depends on a number of things, if an artery was hit, the body's response, etc. The body can shut down blood flow to the extremities to prevent death.

Also, if an artery is hit, you'll know it. Liquids can go up (as in straight vertical height) about a foot per psi pressure. Arteries are under about 2 psi pressure.

RedBullTrooper ago

There’s probably more piss than blood.

MrDarkWater ago

Jesus, is that in coontown?

That road is shitty

whambamthankyouham ago

That is an amazing picture of he damned fool.

MarauderShields ago

The color depth is great.

Ken_bingo2 ago

And he cries out Medic! Medic! These fucksticks play to many video games.

Infearmal ago

spams E furiously

elfmaster5 ago

I thought he was a medic lol

Mind_Games ago

"I'll never video game the same again" was his only thought.

ForgottenMemes ago

"I'll never be able to give handies to two niggers at once again" was his only thought.

RobertJHarsh ago

Looks like he destroyed his bicep. That arm might not be sticking around.

Drunkenmoba ago

He tried to execute the guy on the ground. This mother fucker is lucky he didn’t end up with a bullet in center mass

Jabilukka ago

His cap says Paramedic so maybe he can treat himself.

toobaditworks ago

He should just kill himself.

Ken_bingo2 ago

He does say he has a tourniquet in his pack, but I don't think he is an actual paramedic.

toobaditworks ago

He identifies as a paramedic. lol

Drunkenmoba ago

Paramedic with a gun he was pointing at a man being attacked.

He ruined the entire soros paid labels in one image.

Medic, press, etc- proven they are armed and will not hesitate to execute a man while he is down.

Want to know what the jew fears? Exactly what the shooter did- he fought back justly.

You can bet that the media is going to spend the next two days coordinating with twitter to remove all evidence that the shooting was justified and spinning it as those this guy was a white supremacist.

Archive all video of this. Make sure to make available for this guys inevitable leftist trial.

moosethenoose ago

Paramedic with a gun.....

That's enough of a story.....

Where is his triage bag?

He deserved his lost arm.

Get learning to write left handed.

Creatives do it - it's hard for structured thinkers.

child_abuse ago

Look he took his mask off.

FU_PNS ago

This image gives me much pleasure.

ClandenCTrake ago

Just 1 person was shot???

dayofthehope ago

no, there were more

KosherHiveKicker ago

The 17 year old ANTIFA jumped fired on at least three of the ((( Soros ))) merchs while on the ground.

It was fucking amazing.

Xenxaytax ago

So was jew Soros's money worth that?

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gazillions ago

I can threaten you. I can shoot you. You can't shoot me because I have special high self esteem, and you admire me

MarauderShields ago


moosethenoose ago

He is still holding it and pondering his wound.

What the hell dude?

You are going to lose that arm......fucking get some help, drop your faggot gun, and stop doing stupid shit.

hang_em_high ago

Is this one that died? Guess they should spend the money on a TQ

toobaditworks ago

The white guy that said "shoot me nigga, shoot me nigga" got shot in the head (dead) and the guy who attacked him with a skateboard got killed too. lol

And then they yelled "call the police!".... lol idiots protesting to shut down the police, starting fires in police stations and shit suddenly need police after they riot, break shit and break the law and get shot after trying to attack a dude. lol

hang_em_high ago

Haha, feel good story right there if I've ever heard one.

Yuke ago

No just this injury. The ones that died, I believe, were the first shooting (bald head pink t-shirt, shot in the head), and whoever the guy was that jumped at the shooter just before this guy, and got one in the chest at close range.

PygmyGoat ago

They put a tourniquet on him to stop the bleed out. Bet he wishes he didn’t run down that guy now. The vaporization of his bicep was impressive in the video.

moosethenoose ago

ANTIFA logic.....riun after man with gun.


InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

he infection is going to be bad.

He took his mask off the 'rona gonna get him!

silic0n ago

He probably can't drop it since is arm is so jacked.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Even worse: he has his mask lowered, making him susceptible to Covid!

Dave_ph ago

If he bleeds out it's still a covid-19 death

SkippyMcSkipperson ago


Drunkenmoba ago

He can, the nerve that controls the forearm muscles (and hand) runs on the bottom of the elbow.

The problem is he is in shock. Unless someone was smart and forced him to drop it he could easily start squeezing up on that gun to cope with the pain.

moosethenoose ago

Is that a rifle wound?

I'm not questioning that he was shot, but that looks like shotgun....maybe....?...or a long gun simply obliterates at close range...?

AR47 ago

Close range as he was yeah 5.56 with the gas exit on a shot will do that.

moosethenoose ago


Good to know.

I assumed it would be trough and through.

The pressure and proximity made it more destructive.

AR47 ago

Everything with firearms is about velocity and weight.

A 5.56 is usually a 55 grain projectile that is traveling at 3100 feet per second when it exits the barrel.

At that velocity the impact alone creates a wound channel that is massive.

Add being as close as the shooter was you get the exit gases following behind the projectile to further the size of the wound channel.

Its devastating.

Now with a 5.56 they are almost always pass through due to their high velocity. It's why in my 9mm I have hollow points. They will dump all their energy into the first few inches of the target.

With my 7.62x39 they will dump so much energy into the target you know you got hit, and generally they wont pass through.

THSenior ago

Watch the videos that are literally fucking everywhere on the site right now.