SheaButterVaseline ago

I know of a case in which a teenage shitbag was given cheap "CNA" training for free by the state as part of aging out of being g a ward of the state. Now she's caring for someone's grandma.

allahead ago

At 57 seconds, right before the young one slaps him, does the old guy try to grab his dick?

xzars_folly ago

What is it with Niggers?

They like have a screw or dozen loose in their brains. Because while there are plenty of good black people, and plenty of white criminals, criminal niggers bring the savagery to an entirely new level. The kind of crimes that made hardened cops pause and just blink at how incomprehensibly violent and evil it is.

Like a POS white cirminal will call a grandmother up and swindle her of entire retirement life-savings. Savage niggers are the kind of people who break into the grandmother's house, rape her, then beat her death with a hammer, than steel the $5000 in cash she had on hand.

I can find so many video clips online of very large and strong black men cold clocking black women. You can see plenty of footage of nigger teens shooting people in the back of the head in an ambus over a slight.

Its just what is it about black criminals that they are just...savage, utterly savage and mean?

bloodguard ago

I swear if they don't have robotic in home care by the time I catch a terminal case of the olde I'm using an "exit bag". I'm not going into one of these elder "care" facilities.

SkipBrutale ago

I dont think he was even holding back on those punches. This beaner might literally be the biggest pussy I've ever seen in my life.

rspix000 ago

Did blood run out his ear?

ardvarcus ago

"Care giver." What a sick joke that title is.

DantesInf ago

They should make euthanizing legal. Old man doesn't seem to be capable of anything anymore. Let him pass.

Looks dangerously malnourished too.

40KFTAGLView ago

Diversity IS our Strength.

SparklingWiggle ago

That subhuman needs to have the shit beat out of him.

PaoHater ago

Alright faggots. Since a lot of you think that you're professionals at nursing. Let me teach you something since I am a nurse. I have worked in long term care facilities (LTC'S), surgical centers, and have done home care. First, anyone who does not have patience, should not work in medicine. I don't care if you're a doctor, technician, EMT, or paramedic. Clearly, this mulatto fuck, or whatever he is, does not have patience.

Second, I hate to break the news to you, but I have seen many white male nurses who are more compassionate (and better) at their jobs than females. Many female nurses are fat and lazy. They neglect their patients just as easily as anyone could. They run their mouths like a bunch of fat fucking hens in a chicken coup, yammering on about their stupid families or their pets instead of doing their jobs. Plus, big surprise, many of them are liberal feminists. So you know they are brainwashed and entitled. Thus, for those of you who feel that only females should be nurses, you're a fucktard. I could also tell you that you can't see the world through rose-colored glasses when it comes to what you think you see. It isn't like that.

Third, the majority of people who are hurting these elderly whites are shit-skins. Same thing happened with the "muh-dick nigger," that punched the elderly white dude in the face a while ago. Don't think you aren't gonna be called out for uneducated comments; nigger faggots.

freedomite ago

Old boomer IS pretty fuckin stupid, giving away his country to rape apes and not having enough kids to take care of him in his old age...

ScreaminMime ago

He stuck them in daycare when they were growing up, it's just fair turnabout.

freedomite ago

Everyone only ever gets exactly what they deserve...

smokratez ago

Where do you live?

freedomite ago

1000 Colonial Farm Rd, McLean, VA 22101

SparklingWiggle ago

Home address, not your work address.

edgydude69 ago

Families are supposed to care for their elderly. If this shit happens to your relatives and you want to work out who is responsible, look in the fucking mirror.

ardvarcus ago

Used to be extended families in which the elderly helped care for the children, and then when they became too old to care for themselves, the children who were grown to adulthood cared for the elderly. Today the Jews have trained us to only care for ourselves.

edgydude69 ago

They have to separate us to make us dependent on them. And it’s not only jews, plenty of White people are involved in selling out our entire western culture. It’s a shame. Makes me want to move to a 3rd world country where I can live like a human, not livestock. I’d die at 60 for 20 good years I think.

Glory_Beckons ago

The brown people will take care of us when we're old!

- Things Boomers and "child-free" Gen X/Yers actually believe.

10-38-57-69 ago

By the time Xers retire the country will have collapsed

ardvarcus ago

The brown people will take care of us when we're old!

Nobody believes this.

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HeavyBrain ago

Let me guess more chimpouts because the old man was totally racist to the yuthhh.

MemeDropAcct ago

Slaps a helpless old man and yells "How stupid are you" while on camera

SteffisCute ago

only white women should be allowed to be caregivers.

mean_dot ago

Not the fat ones. Morbidly obese Whites are nothing more than albino spics. If you can't take care of yourself, you will fail when trying to take care of others.

Juicebageddy ago

So fucking spot on.

TFS ago


mean_dot ago

We don't have to abide by everything we are told to do.

Drain0 ago

Destroying America from Cultural Amalgamating

mean_dot ago

I'm going to state something that may offend some faggots here: Males have no place in one-on-one personal care, babysitting, nursing .....

Also, who THE FUCK hired a teenage spic to take care of their elderly White family member?

BulletStopper ago

Someone must have suspected something, or else why the camera?

xzars_folly ago

I fully disagree. There are plenty of good natured and mature, patient MEN who can do this job.

Its fits that idea that men can't be nurturing. Sorry MEN are fathers, and fathers are loving and nurturing.

The question is how a savage nigger boy snuck through screening.

AmbrosiaGalt ago

When one of my relatives was dying with dementia, the males were the better more patient caretakers. Most of the females were total bitches and lazy as fuck. You have obviously never dealt with this situation, so shut the fuck up!

40KFTAGLView ago

The Nursing homes have been bought up by big corporations. They have Lost All Humanity!

Their HR directors are ALL part of the Left Plan! ALL HR Directors Everywhere are part of the Communist Plan!

ScreaminMime ago

This is the kind of Boomer thinking that courts use to give custody to the most unkept single-mothers, grand mothers again and again...

MemeDropAcct ago

teenage spic


40KFTAGLView ago

A PR "family" moved in next door. I agree with the term 'Spigger' COMPLETELY! The Mother is Even Worse! Like a screech owl.

BordelonLoop ago

how many "can" flags do they have posted? at least one in every vehicle dangling from the rearview.

HeavyBrain ago

Males do have a place in care, aslong they are directly related to the person.

I wouldnt let a sheboon in a nursing home either.

White and at most Asian woman may be able to care for eldes.

ardvarcus ago

The place of males is in controlling physically violent patients, and in lifting them and moving them around, both of which take strength that most women don't possess.

HeavyBrain ago

The lifiting part recently is supposed to be dont by some crane thingy, man or woman, as the lifiting is what put most caretakers in early retirment.

(of course its inpractical but still.)

BlueSpruceDew ago

As a 110lb female home care nurse, I can tell you that even the mechanical lifts are an absolute bitch to get the sling underneath the patient anyway. I would have to do all sorts of gymnastics & use all my strength just to get my 180lb ALS patient prepped for the mechanical lift. Meanwhile it was a piece of cake for his teenage sons when they were around. My 265lb guy took 2 of us just to get him in the lift. So yea male caregivers are great for muscles, patience/detail/comfort, in my experience, not so much- and that’s okay since we’re supposed to be different

HeavyBrain ago

Thats why I like the russian approach to things.

They have a police that only deals with traffic stuff and one for crime.

Same with the hospitals, they have nurses and then guys who are a mix of janitor and caretaker, they take care of the beds, the leg work to/from the labs and partical do the patien lifiting stuff.

But you know that would be actual job creation instead of putting everything on one person, fire when they break and hire the next one who now has to do double the work.

ShutItDownGoyim ago

Brought to you by boomers. Thanks boomers!

smokratez ago

This is the fault of jews. Not old white people.

RandomFurryDude ago

Boomers deliberately allied with the jews to make more shekels, jews came out on top, but retard boomers still instigated a lot of it.

smokratez ago

white satanists. not normal old white people.

RandomFurryDude ago

Boomers aren't satanists, they're just incredibly fucking stupid and corrupted by kikes.

Juicebageddy ago

Old white people let the Jews do it to them sooooooo

smokratez ago

Thank you for admitting the jews are responsible and the white people are the victims.

Juicebageddy ago

I personally don't need to admit anything. So if you're looking for a scapegoat for your untapped hatred keep on walking.

smokratez ago

You have already given me anything I could want from you.

derram ago :

2020-08-07 | Florida caregiver, 19, arrested after slapping man, 88, in face | Daily Mail Online

'Jonah Delgado was arrested in Hillsborough County, Florida, on Wednesday for physically abusing the elderly man in his care. ', "A 19-year-old caregiver has been arrested after horrifying footage showed him slapping a frail 88-year-old man in the face and screaming 'how stupid are you' at his victim."

'Delgado then forcefully yanks the frail man from the wheelchair while slapping him again in the face and dragging him back toward the bed. ', "Deputies from Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said Delgado also hit his victim in the face, head and stomach multiple times.", "Delgado was arrested Wednesday night with the help of Pasco Sheriff's Office, just hours after the shocking incident took place."

This has been an automated message.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I think old people need slapped around. Give them some motivation. All they do is sit around watching Wheel of Fortune.


AntiMason ago

Took long enough wtf.