ArcturianDeathTrap ago

I hope they let him jerk while watching that? That would be bad manners if they didnt.

AmbrosiaGalt ago

This is exactly what is happening here now. People will not heed the warnings and revolt before it gets as far as SA. We have got to figure out a way to carve out at least some piece of what is left of the US for whites and their progeny, otherwise we'll all be slaughtered within the next generation.

LatoreCon ago

theres nowhere on earth for you to go white man

freedomite ago

Ahh, just like America.

Tallest_Skil ago


CognitiveDissident5 ago

Which countries are accepting White asylum seekers?

How do you expect 3 million Whites to revolt against 70 million bantus? Please elaborate.

fightknightHERO ago

This is the future for America if the goyim remain asleep

i sometimes wonder which timeline the fate would choose

Gytr82 ago

When have you heard of the reverse of this happening?

thestreetnaught ago

Then instead of running you should begin spreading the gospel and exacting punishment against traitors.

Belrick ago

Enemies have been infiltrating USA for 100 years and more

GeneralDisposition ago

Bad people always want to stick it in other peoples' faces. You're not winning if you have to prove it. This website is jew city.

Belrick ago

Imho those destroying USA will have taken down the govt

MaunaLoona ago

What is it with blacks and them raping grannies.

AmbrosiaGalt ago

How is 46 a grannie? But really they will fuck anything.

Varlet ago

That's where all the whales get their sexual activity.

Moon_Central ago

The cuckold propably would enjoy the show if the nigger savages raped them it in front of him.

This is the current state of the fragile and degenerate White men, they're just whiteskinned prey.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Belrick ago

USA is already lost. Your only hope is saving parts of it

custardcompass ago

the white women and the white girls put it out there

they are known the world over now for fucking and creaming on niggers and pakis. and even other white women

the white farmers will never be safe around white women

they are all whores and luring the blacks and the muslims to them for sex

pretending otherwise gets you killed

they did an experiment to test this thesis

they had white farmers farming where no white women where allowed to be present

and they had white farmers with white women present farming

the white farmers without white women never got attacked

the white farmers woth white females got killed for them

perhaps if white girls hadn't gone gang banging and rubbing their porn in our faces everywhere

labelling us racists and sexist for anything i say

then perhaps i would give a shit about these white skinned demons

but i do not

feed the white girls to the niggers and muslims

let them have them

it is game over

putting another 50p in wont change the outcome

they have solicited every coloured cunt in the world purposefully to use it as a control mechanism on white men

white women just aren't in white mens side

they are on their own side

black women are on black mens sides

asian women are in asian mens sides

but white women have divided white men for money and profit

do not die for a white woman

they are all whores

i pray, in the name of God, that God slaughters the white females for their sins against the white males

revenge and justice before death

GlowWorm ago

Well that was the most deranged and retarded post in recent memory.

LatoreCon ago

wish someone had quoted it. the faggot deleted it.

gotta quote it and tag their name, so we can track down these mentally ill people and encourage them to commit suicide

thestreetnaught ago

What the fuck did he say, it was deleted.

DesolationRoad ago

Have you seen the movie Taken? The bidding for a young, thin, pretty white girl starts at six figures and I think it's believable that people pay 500k for a blonde, blue eyed sex slave that has talents and skills. So think about that.... All those pretty women... The ones you fall in love with and day dream about just from looking at them, all of those females know they are like a Mercedes compared to your presumably out of shape, greasy haired, acne scarred, asymmetrical faced havin Geo Metro ass.

And here you are.... Like a kid crying at the grocery store because big bad female won't give him some pussy.

So what's to be done with your disfigured, emotionally stunted, socially awkward self? I will tell you..... this is what you need to do. Hustle. Acquire land. Aquire guns.... Lots of them. Acquire bitcoin.... As much as you can. Sell everything you own and buy bitcoin. Don't ejaculate more than 3 times a month. The rest will work its self out man.... You'll have 12 kids and 25 grandkids. This is your destiny.

d1a ago

Hahahahaaha you are fucking insane

WhiteChickens ago

See, you idiots only know one way.

Either it's exactly "Brenton Tarrant" or sit on your ass. lol

custardcompass ago

I see no good coming from defending what has destroyed me.

your the pussy

the child minded fool pussy

trying to goad others into fighting

do your own dirty work pussy

WhiteChickens ago

Yes, keep doing it your way.

It's working so well. lol

smokratez ago

So people like you is why life is hard for white people in SA. Because quitters like you walked out on them.

WhiteChickens ago

Yes, run away, that is how we win.

Whatever you do, don't start hunting those niggers, people won't like it! lol

smokratez ago

Would you abandon America?

rayfarmer ago

If it gets to the point where every week my women are being raped and murder In Front of me and no one is fighting back against the animals at all, that might be where I say fuck it and leave.

AcceptableWays ago

Dosen't sound right, 76y old man and 46y old wife... South Africa so this ain't an old guy being sugardaddy to an asian thot here. Maybe a race traitor that got in relation with a nigress who want his money?

FightingTheDarkArts ago

It would not have mattered if they had more money. Look, they're going to torture, kill and rape you everytime. If you have guns keep them on you. If guns are illegal then keep them hidden, use them when you have to and bury people like this in the back yard or get a burn barrel. Do not call the cops, ever. No matter what color they are, they are there to find a way to prosecute you for simply defending yourself. If you can't have guns you had better keep other weapons or tools on you, like a zip knife. Be ready to fight, know how to fight and the girls and women should especially know how to fight because they face a threat worse than simple death. I guarantee you their shitbag white neighbors, had they defended themselves and killed these guys then disposed of the bodies, would have snitched them out the 1st chance they got hoping for some positive attention from Jews and their golems.

You shouldn't be living in a community that doesn't have a security force anymore. Some of us will have to do this full time. These girls, they should be married to men that would defend them the 1st time they bled. This kind of world we live in now is exactly why people used to do this. 1 man and 4 women or girls is not a good equation for self defense. I guarantee you they scouted that out.

If you have family and friends you can live with or around that you can trust. You sell all your shit you can and move there now. These people, long ago should have did that and moved North or out to a larger Boer settlement where there are more people living closer together and less cops.

Cops are not gonna protect you. They're gonna rape your daughters and wives too, deal to them and extort you for money. If you dare defend yourself from death or your underage daughters from rape or kidnapping or dare to report it to the police or even complain about it on social media the cops are going to come and lock you up then turn your kids and wife out. It's already happening in the UK and S. Africa and I guarantee you it happens here on the hour.

noob_tube ago

Republicucks will continue to import wife/daughter rapists legally.

jobber ago

Are they ready for a real constitution to immediately turn this around?

It doesn't matter how hopeless it appears. The strongest constitution always wins.

Ralemlol ago

Why why why do you retards think ink on paper matters? It is so fucking frustrating. Jesus Christ dude wake the fuck up.

jobber ago

Because you retards do whatever it says.

Tallest_Skil ago

He’s literally clinically insane. He believes he’s god itself and he’s still allowed to post here.

tastelessinvective ago

I think he's just joking around, lol.

Ralemlol ago

No, he’s in other threads all the time talking about ink on paper changing the world. He’s completely serious.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Most of us are mentally ill and hopeless. I can't tell you how rare it is I meet another white with simple manners that isn't an obvious weasel and snitch or a barking bag of dicks. If it isn't one of those two it's someone like this guy, lost in the woods a long time ago but thinks he has that one solution 'pen to paper.' He probably sets down all day, for years, fantasizing about an alternate reality where he writes us all a new constitution and he is respected and loved by all. He probably has a whole imaginary world, self and timeline he dreams about everyday. I've met a few like him before.

WhiteChickens ago

If it isn't one of those two it's someone like this guy, lost in the woods a long time ago but thinks he has that one solution 'pen to paper.'

Like "propertarians".

I can't tell you how rare it is I meet another white with simple manners that isn't an obvious weasel and snitch or a barking bag of dicks.

Never in my life.


A constitution has zero effect when you're up against this many niggers. It's all over but the crying for those poor bastards. We will be next if we keep it up.

AmbrosiaGalt ago

Yep. Whites are being systematically exterminated the world over. Bit by bit.

jobber ago

It has all the effect.

Size alone confers no advantage.

WhiteChickens ago

Yeah I mean if only there was a way to hunt nogs the same way they hunt animals. Oh well.

It's like reading about people getting eaten by bears.

There's this guy in South Africa has a YouTube channel where he hunts all kinds of game with high powered airguns. Somehow their brains are stunted.