FuckNegroesss ago

BLM probably did it

Merlynn ago

Jewish lightning strikes again.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

Police chief: 'Our investigation has concluded there was no arson or terrorism'

ridvid1313 ago

This just shows again how Christianity is to weak of a religion to save White people, worshiping a Jewish messiah was never going to do anything but destroy all Europeans, as the current end state Christianity shows, Europeans must start worship religions that are explicitly Pro-White to have any chance of survival.

wolf_534 ago

Valhalla, animated film for children, Denmark 1986, English Version:


SirNiggsalot ago

Drive the Saracens out of Europe ,White men.

OvertonWindow ago

I've been there. Amazing place.

Gorillion ago

Whoops, the latest globo-scheme failed out. So let's leaf back to the previous, dog-eared page of the Big Globalist Book Of World Domination Plans.

....aaaand it's the Notre Dame fire. Okay, Angela - get ze matches!

BentAxel ago

Muslims need to go.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off back to reddit turncoat faggot. Beg for upvotes in your shithole.

jimibulgin ago

And so will all the rest until the invaders are expelled.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Kill Muslims now.

redstarkachina ago

another accident right? facepalm

wasteroftime ago

Do they want a crusade? Because this is how you get a crusade...

CognitiveDissident5 ago

It's a ritual, just like the last one.

Blue333 ago

“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph6:12)

Gunk ago

Import third world scuzlims get and get third world shitskin terrorism.

Donald_Trumpstein ago

I'm sure the french will employ massive resources and manpower to finding who did this and bringing them to justice, right? Resources and manpower equivalent to what the germans used to find some guy in the woods who humiliated their police or what the uk does finding people tweting mean things, right? Right??????

Nah, they won't even cal it arson

AhmaudArbery ago

Oh that diversity aka conquering whites seems to be working out.

NotaQjackass ago

Israel is safe.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Oh, boo hoo. Burn it down and build a temple to Odin. Christcuckery isn't native to Europe and we should remove it from European lands.

antiliberalsociety ago

Kike defeatist fagging

BoomerHater1488er ago

You're the one who worships a Jewish religion and a Jewish Messiah, you cuck.

0rion ago

Nice LARP.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

These faggots are never clear about what religion Eurostars should return to. Odin was a literal trannie faggot who fucked a dude.

0rion ago


Humansized ago

i dont give a fuck about any branch of abrahamism. but i dont like to see historical architecture destroyed like this. rip.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I thought Jews didn’t work on Saturday...?

Alopix ago

They don't, but their moslem dogs take friday off instead

Risen_In_3 ago

This is what happens when you import thousands of fighting age men.... guerilla warfare is only the beginning.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

Don't worry guys, I'm sure it was just a lone wolf not an act of terrorism.

That's probably the last one.

antiliberalsociety ago

Blame the act not the person!

Theoretical Marxists go first

PhimoticEmbrace ago


antiliberalsociety ago

The term for the liberal that actually believes in their cause. They know not what they do but they're emphatic about doing it.

PhimoticEmbrace ago

Ah, I thought you were paraphrasing me.

xzars_folly ago

And here I thought all you protestants would be HAPPY to see a pedo-catholic church burned down.

$10 antifa did it.

Blue333 ago

You do understand the crusades right? Protecting you against the Muslim horde

xzars_folly ago

dude the Crusaders were 1000 years ago.

Mohammad is the #1 name in every grade school in Europe now. So much so that the majority of people under 20 in Europe are Arabs or Africans.

In a singe generation Europe is going to become muslin nations. In 3 generations Europe will become indistinguishable from the Middle east, with governments that are theocratic dictatorships, and religious-law, and of course...the complete genocide of the native whites. There is a reason why Muslim nations are ethnically pure and mono-religious.

NewsGuy2020 ago

Antifa, Muslims, or a combination. All with Schlomo's blessing.

LettItBurn ago

You won't get mad. You won't strike back. You won't seek revenge. ...for....

...you have lost your faith. That's why your women are so ...liberal.

jimibulgin ago

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

I guess where still not there yet.

NewsGuy2020 ago

You have a point. Christianity in the West has been hollowed out to the point that all that's left are the trappings, and now those are being destoryed.

LettItBurn ago

It's sad. I hate to see it end.

totes_magotes ago

Just an accident, shut up goyim.

acheron2012 ago

These are the people that voted the Goldman Sacks globo troll into power. They could have voted Marie LaPenn (technically TWICE now going back a decade).

But she’s RAAAACIIIST! Because she said unrestricted immigration of inverted 3rd world mercenaries was not in the long term interests of the French people.

If America votes for Biden in November we will fare no different. And yes I know that the demo-crime syndicate will forge hundreds of thousands of ballots. But they will mostly be in blue shitholes anyway. If the other 40 states vote for survival we will have a chance.

Infearmal ago

the Goldman Sacks globo troll

He litterally was a Rothchild banker 5 years ago. Send help pls.

BrokenVoat ago

Actually the French who witnessed 3rd world enrichment voted on Le Penn. The people who lived far away from the third worlders were the people believing the lies and voting on Macron.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

If America votes for Biden in November we will fare no different.

America has no culturally significant buildings worth burning down.

What are they gonna do? Torch a McDonalds? Get tae fuck soft lad. I grew up pissing on walls older than your country.

CowWithBeef ago

If the other 40 states vote for survival we will have a chance.

How much whiter has the USA become under Trump?(less white) What % of US pre-school children are white?(less than 50%) The fate of the USA is sealed. Electing a Democrat will just make it happen faster.

flapjack_charlie ago

Yes, but the analogy is do you want the plane to hit the ground at a 90 degree angle or 5 degree angle. If Trump gets another term, theres the chance they we will get a scotus that will strike down AWBs and red flag laws.

If Biden wins, they will have a grace period to disarm us before the shit really hits the fan.

Zyklon_Bear ago

There's a chance I might bang 3 chicks at once tonight too, but that's almost a slimmer chance than Trump doing anything for white people.

Humansized ago

you realize that trump is for those things not against them right?

CowWithBeef ago

Delaying disarmament has a lot of merit, I'll give you that.

Brotherhoodlum ago

We are facing an unprecedented level of global Marxism backed by Satanic forces.

steven_feelsperg ago

Why speak redundantly?

Moon_Central ago

Macuck will say it was a case of spontaneous combustion like the Notre Dame of Paris.

c0ck ago

Once you realize how important these structures were in the old world, you can see why civilized Christians preserved, cherished, and converted them into grounds for prayer.

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Neverendingpissstory ago

Oh so they want another Mosque mass shooting....? got it.

jewer ago

All mosque shootings are from other muslim sects shooting other muslims.


The muslim fire department let the arson burn!

Listen to total complete lack of sirens 20 minutes into the blaze! listen to absence of muslim fire department. no sirens. listen :


Just like Notre Dame... no fire response allowed for eons.

BentAxel ago

Since you only provided 31 Seconds. I can't say if no one showed up 20 minutes into the blaze. Most response times are 10 Minutes. Its not like Firefighters just Appear out of thin air. AND Muslim fire departments? Son, you sound like you're pulling strings out of your ass.

jewer ago

as seen in the video, that is the tail end of the fire, long after calls for fire response were ignored.

Notre Dame too was not only lit on fire by muslims, muslims in fire department key positions, let Notre Dame burn. Not ONE fireman did a single thing 23 minutes AFTER fire alarms sounded for the fire at Notre Dame. Over 23 minutes the fremen IGNORED and told media , they could not see the fire and smoke! Then it all burned down, of course.

THIS TIME the muslim-heavy diversity crew let this cathedral burn for over 20 minutes AS THE VIDEO PROVES! See the raging inferno?

See how not one siren in the distance? No fire response from the Muslim-controlled fire department.

BentAxel ago

I will say as a retired firefighter, that fire is hot. Its not fresh but it may not be 20 minutes.

THE VIDEO PROVES! See the raging inferno?

This makes me question you as a raving lunatic more than anything. You're triggered. I would like to see proof of what you are saying. Your point is logical but asking for proof.

Neverendingpissstory ago

Yeah I am not arguing that they let it burn. I am sure they did. I hope Europeans are enjoying their cultural enrichment in the name of progress.

beefartist ago

How does that save your local church? Have you ever heard the term "every patriot missle creates a thousand jihadis"? Don't get distracted by media...find a local church, stop it from cucking, and protect it.

THSenior ago

Local churches have always been cucked. Pull your head out of your ass.

beefartist ago

Maybe local to YOU...and maybe attitudes like yours (larping about buildings across the ocean) are a big part of the problem.

THSenior ago

Church is in your home. Read the Bible jew.

beefartist ago

Church is where one or more Christians gather to celebrate...maybe you should re read it.

Neverendingpissstory ago

It is not helping the church it is called vengeance. Also at this point in time, I would call it justified vengeance.

Next you will tell me. "How did the crusades help the church?" Because it killed Muslims and told them to fuck off and stop killing them or there would be no church.

beefartist ago

If you aren't Christian how can you claim vengeance for this? Even if you are you should worry more about your closed down local church than shit in France. I don't think you really know much about the Crusades

Neverendingpissstory ago

I know when this kept happening over and and over again, that is when they began the crusades. So I think you know nothing about the crusades.

greydragon ago

... every patriot missle creates a thousand jihadis ...

Yeah, that was when we were invading and destroying their countries. I was so anti-war back then.

Now they are invading our countries. It's time to kill outside of war if we can band Whites together.

beefartist ago

You are already losing in the cultural war when you consider yourself "white". Dig into your heritage before you try to go on the warpath

greydragon ago

I consider myself White for my fellow Whites. I am all Northern European and pale as shit to prove it, but I ally with the Spanish, the Italians, the Greeks, the Portuguese, the various slavs, doesn't matter.

I am White. The enemy is not. Our related skin color and our Western ideology is our uniform today.

beefartist ago

Have you met any Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish, or (actual) Italians? If you are going to define by skin colour get your eyes checked at least. Banding together on shared values is fine and dandy, banding together on skin colour is a (((hoax))) perpetuated on niggers that jews never thought (people of) European (descent) would be dumb enough to buy into to.

greydragon ago

... banding together on skin colour is a (((hoax))) perpetuated on niggers that jews never thought (people of) European (descent) would be dumb enough to buy into to.

Maybe it will make more sense to you by me saying to band together on IQ (that still winds up being essentially the same thing).

Anyway, the groups previously stated share my skin uniform. I identify with them more than anyone else outside of native European heritage. I'm mellow with jews and blacks compare to this site. I still know the jews are generally the enemy. I still know blacks are generally stupid and also a problem.

I want a White supremacist society. I don't need favor killing all the niggers. I don't need to kill the jews. Practically, the only solution is establishing Whites as the superior to make the world better.

beefartist ago

The last sentence kind of demonstrates how much we should value your opinion, thanks buttfucker

greydragon ago

I'm 50% Pollack (full Pollack mother), Irish, Scottish, German, and Ukrainian (my father's side was a bit of a Northern European mutt).

What is your anger with the Southern Europeans? I like them.

beefartist ago

Nothing just greeks are notorious buttfuckers:)

greydragon ago

All good!

greydragon ago

Explain that one for us...I haven't met an Italian buttfucker.

beefartist ago

You probably have :)

greydragon ago

Are you hitting on me? You sly dog!

THSenior ago

We found us an Italian jew

beefartist ago

Explain that one for us...I haven't met an Italian worth spitting on, nor a jew,faggot

townblke ago

Kill our traitorous politicians first, niggers second.

greydragon ago

Kill the traitorous elite jews first. The politicians are bought and sold by them. I don't even want to kill the negros.

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. -- Henry David Thoreau

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Muslims are all Jihadis. Attacking one just makes them feel like they have gained a victim complex and burn more churches

wolf_534 ago

The cathedral in Nantes / France from the 15th century has been set on fire, destroying an organ from the 17th century.

The fire started from three different locations simultaneously.

SearchVoatBot ago

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