IF there's one article worth a read this week, this one would be it.

This is lawless New York – a city that was once America’s glittering crown jewel but which risks descending into mob rule.

According to figures released by the New York Police Department, for the first six months of this year, there were 176 murders, an increase of 23 per cent on the 143 killed during the same period last year.

The number of shooting victims has gone up 51 per cent to 616 this year. In June alone, there were 250 shootings compared to 97 in the same month last year. Month-on-month, burglaries are up 119 per cent and car thefts up 48 per cent.

Many blame New York’s liberal mayor, Bill de Blasio, who has slashed police funding by $1 billion (£800 million), ended the NYPD’s controversial ‘stop-and-frisk’ policy (which allowed police to stop and search anyone solely on the basis of ‘reasonable suspicion’) and who last week vowed to paint a huge Black Lives Matter sign outside President Trump’s flagship Trump Tower. De Blasio has also introduced criminal justice reforms, including changes to bail for dozens of offences, which has meant violent criminals released on to the streets.

Parts of Manhattan, famously the ‘city that never sleeps’, have begun to resemble a ghost town since 500,000 mostly wealthy and middle-class residents fled when Covid-19 struck in March.

Rich people flee when society destabilizes. This shows that if you want to overtax them, they'll just leave and operate from just across city or state lines.

New York state has suffered the highest death toll in America, with more than 24,000 dead, nearly 10,000 more than the second-hardest hit state, New Jersey, and eight times the number killed by terrorists on 9/11.

Streets once teeming with tourists are virtually empty. Shops and restaurants are boarded up to protect against looters. Hotels are closed. According to one resident: ‘New York has become a place where the soup kitchens are full and skyscrapers are empty.’

The rich immediately fled to homes in the [out of state] country or by the beach. Millennials went home to their parents. That left poor people and immigrants living in incredibly crowded conditions with high levels of poverty and multiple generations in one household

Significantly, Kotkin believes that people being able to work from home will dramatically change the nature of life in New York for ever. ‘When the Twin Towers were hit in 2001, the internet was still in the early stages. Now it is easy for people to work remotely.

Urbanization that the UN applauds for it's Agenda 21 is dead in the water.

If you're aware of what the riots did in Detroit, NYC is likely to see the same result. I'm seeing lots of online businsess who had brick and mortars there put up their business for sale.

‘A city which is perceived as dangerous and dirty doesn’t hold any appeal. It makes sense to locate to suburban regions and smaller towns that are generally safer, cleaner and less expensive.’

Indeed, thousands of New Yorkers were already leaving for ‘safer’ cities such as Austin in Texas and Tulsa in Oklahoma, which offers newcomers in the tech industry a $10,000 (£8,000) welcome fee. It doesn’t help that NYPD commissioner Dermot Shea last week admitted: ‘You have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.’

This fee needs to stop. Stop attracting leftists.

Beleaguered police unions have accused de Blasio of being ‘anti-cop’. In the past month, 272 officers have applied for retirement, 49 per cent up from the 183 who applied during the same period last year.

Gimme what's owed, i'm out. Hyper-individualism is shit, especially when you have no recourse against a political system that hates you.

‘We have a mayor who cares more about optics [how things look] than on-the-ground policing,’ one police officer said. ‘The NYPD is utterly demoralised.’

Most of these cops know this, they live outside the city.

Police Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch said: ‘How can we keep doing our job in this environment? Of course, a neutered police force is exactly what the anti-cop crowd wants. If we have no cops because no one wants to be a cop, they will have achieved their ultimate goal.’

A statewide moratorium on evictions, in place since March, expires on August 20, when tenants will be expected to pay back owed rent. A restaurant owner who declined to be named said: ‘I will close for good and move to a cheaper part of the country.’

‘I feel sympathetic to the majority of protesters, who are peaceful,’ one woman said. ‘But there is a small minority who use protests as a shield for rioting and looting. I’ve boarded up my business but I’m terrified they will break in. Insurance doesn’t cover looting. I’m in a constant state of stress and fear.’

With no reliable forecast when tourists might return, up to a third of the city’s small businesses – including 186,000 shops – could fail. Gregg Bishop, commissioner of the city’s Small Business Agency, said: ‘I don’t know if the New York we left will ever come back.’


Marku1 ago

So? Only cocksuckers love Jew York so live and die there ....who the fuck cares ....let NY burn down to the fucking ground

HoodSafari ago

“Niggers killed more than ever, but it’s not they fault... whit peoppl. They did this.”

Animals9 ago

Couldn't happen to a better place!

AmbrosiaGalt ago

Welcome to New Detroit City. Hurrah!

videocodec ago

Why are they fleeing all that diverse food they get. Those racists.

mehwah ago

So.... first they wreck NY with rent controls... buy it up when its a shit hole and sell it back as it gentrifies.... now they sold it all to hipsters they turn it back into a jungle so they can buy it up cheep.

Rinse and repeat

Kristov ago

Love how they blow up the value of all these photos so the skin tone looks lighter.

BalfourYourFace ago

This will cause libtards to spread all over the us and ruin those areas in turn

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

I hope you're wrong and this is the last straw so they get redpilled from their new SUCCESSFUL community. Maybe I'm an optimist.

BalfourYourFace ago

You're an optimist. These people are dyed in the wool democrats.

And just remmeber, a Democrat is just a person too stupid to realize they are communist.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

I don't disagree but you weren't born a Democrat or a Republican, some people can be salvaged but not by keeping a pessimistic attitude and viewing all as a combatant.

BalfourYourFace ago

some people can be salvaged

I grew up with my cousins, we've known each other since birth basically, they were like my brothers.

With all the information and articles I show them, I can't change one single one of them, and I have 13 male cousins and 11 female cousins.

They don't even care to listen. I'm 39, the oldest one and our age ranges is about every year to two between us and the youngest cousin is 14.

They don't care and won't change

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

Stop trying then and try to educate outside your family, obviously your family is too low IQ to be salvaged. Wait a year and try again. Plant seeds of doubt but do not give up.

BalfourYourFace ago

My coworkers are all the same as well. I showed a few of them the Biden compilation of him kissing kids anout a year ago, all they said was, "Trump does that too, except worse."

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

Did you ask for proof?

BalfourYourFace ago

Yeah, I said show me a video or article, but as usual they can't since it doesn't exist.

But their excuse was "I can't use Google but it's there, I've seen it."

Fuck these retards.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Real diversity has never been tried!

Misskylie42 ago


vastrightwing ago

But, but jew york is so diverse!

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SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

I see the strength (((they))) speak of

MemeDropAcct ago

Thanks for the Feel Good story. Needed that pick me up, the damned Black Pills are heavy lately.

derram ago :

2020-07-04 | How coronavirus, BLM protests and a liberal mayor are doing what Bin Laden never could  | Daily Mail Online

'Murder figures have skyrocketed and a combination of the coronavirus pandemic, Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and weak political leadership is in danger of achieving what Osama Bin Laden never could: bringing the Big Apple to its knees. '

'This is lawless New York – a city that was once America’s glittering crown jewel but which risks descending into mob rule. '

'Kathryn Wylde, president of Partnership for New York City, a business group, said: ‘In the late 1970s, it took four or five years for the city to empty out. '

'Kotkin says: ‘Under Mayor de Blasio, conditions were perfect for the pandemic to flourish. '

'Chioke Thompson, 23, and his friend Stephanie Perkins, 39, had been gunned down on the steps of Chioke’s Brooklyn home. '

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TheFritoBandito ago and all sub-domains are down again. They can't allow the truth to be let out or captured.