beefartist ago

Anyone who is "forced to resign" may be plenty educated but not very smart. Make 'em fire you, dummies!

binrobinro ago

Why are blacks disproportionately kicked out of schools and arrested for violent crimes? They are more violent and commit more violent crimes.

Wolfspider ago

Systemic racism! :D

TreeMan32 ago

I feel no sympathy for "forced to resign".

charliebrownau ago

Suck shit

It was only a matter of time till asians lost the victimhood status and was effected by the Global Left - jews and marxists/commies

boekanier ago

Very 'racist' study of that scholar.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Truth is the new hate speech

vastrightwing ago

It's not so new. It's been like that since jews.

GoyimNose ago

Yet they cry "source source"

imwithstupid- ago

When Universities are barred from sharing content contrary to a political objective it is no longer science. Any university that follows these kinds of "rules" can no longer be trusted on the data they do share.

Students at such universities should withdrawal and seek to transfer to universities who are academically credible.

ardvarcus ago

The leftists hate the truth -- it embarrasses them.

Bill_Williamson ago

SPREAD IT. Normies need to understand that being a cuck still results in their destruction.

phillyjoe ago

Remember who loves the science!

mendelbot ago

Never resign, never apologize. Make them fire you. Always.

Ddboomer ago

He’s CHINESE! Check his name!!

Anarchy99 ago

cops work for jews. Anyone who supports cops, sucks jew cock.

thebearfromstartrack ago

By SQUELCHING opposition truth, you DO NOT prove fraud. Did they prove the study was fraudulent?

Shade111 ago

He went on the Stefan Molyneux and spoke about race and IQ. He knows.

vastrightwing ago

“The victory of the Twitter mob will likely have a chilling effect on academic freedom on campus,

Everytime I read "will likely have...." sends chills down my spine because we've long ago crossed that line. There hasn't been academic freedom in decades.

novictim ago

As for the claim of “scientific racism,” Hsu rejected that on his personal website, stating “I believe that basic human rights and human dignity derive from our shared humanity, not from uniformity in ability or genetic makeup.”

OMG! He's a witch! Burn him!

DrHatchetWound ago

The title just made me realize that when I see the word "scholar" my mind immediately goes to the lulzy defintion of that word.

TameFloyd ago

“scientific racism” lol

vastrightwing ago

That's called using facts that encourages wrong think.

Faggotron5000 ago

The union also circulated a petition against Hsu that accused him of “scientific racism”


AbelianCohomology ago

The kikes have figured out that controlling academia is a powerful way to control society. It keeps the intelligentsia at bay, because the intelligentsia demands academic evidence for everything. It also allows them to perpetuate the stereotype of the "dumb right-winger".

a_ben ago

how racist of him!

what's next?

a study that proves niggers are subhumans with no perception of anything abstract like time, morality or the word perception itself?

Killinitnow ago

Liberals and facts go together like lamb and tuna fish. Good luck clown world.

Khash36 ago

Facts are racist now, the jews want their slave class to not think for themselves. It’s easier to influence people when they’re minds are emotional & thoughts are given to them through external sources. Maybe that’s why they want to feminize men & feed us soyboy chemicals. One defining characteristic of woman I’ve consistently noticed is that they are horrible at being logical or planning. As men we cannot lose our capacity for cold-hearted calculating logic

CaptnObvius ago

damn white people! /s/

Kshtrangya ago

That's good for the society.


Truth is the most racist and anti Semetic force on the planet

ardvarcus ago

Truth is just what it is. It's clean. It's pure. It's beautiful. It can't be stained or distorted. It can't be defiled. It is eternal and perfect. It doesn't matter how much mud is thrown on it, when the mud falls off, the truth remains as it always was, pure and divine. Truth is God.

theysayso ago

If the university is making statements that aren't consistent with the findings of research, maybe the university should be re-thinking the statements that they put out there.

Gas_the_Jews88 ago

Yeah no shit. Black people commit 54% of the crime in the country and only account for 24% of police shootings. If anything cops are trying harder not to kill them. Then there are the retards that try to claim blacks don't commit more crime. To that I say 540,000 whites are the victims of black violence EVERY YEAR yet only 50,000 blacks are the victim of white on black violence. Here's this, guns are a big problem in the United States according to the media, yet if you remove black/Hispanic firearm homicides then we've got a lower rate than canada and almost half the rate of France.

God I hate niggers and how they have to be coddled even though they're savage animals.

ardvarcus ago

If anything cops are trying harder not to kill them.

Cops are trying too hard not to kill them. It's getting cops killed.

Gas_the_Jews88 ago

Yeah it's a damn shame. When cops are scared of social backlash more people die. It's a statistical fact. Niggers are like wild animals too. I'd hate to have the job of trying to keep them from breaking the law. It would only be a matter of time before they drove me crazy and I shot one.

SirNiggsalot ago

Da troof be rayciss

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Truth = wrongthink

DeliberatelyNosier ago

“It is the union’s position that an administrator sharing such views is in opposition to MSU’s statements released supporting the protests and their root cause and aim,” Ackles wrote in an e-mail to The College Fix.

Those "views" he shared weren't "views" at all. They were results of scientific research.


So aside from misrepresenting facts as opinion, the union here also seems to be admitting that the facts are against the official narrative.

So either they've completely bought in to the delusion that objective truth doesn't exist, or they're deliberately lying.

KikesOnTrikes ago


Anonymous171717 ago

Orwell could not have put together this crazy story happening in the USA vs. Oceana, or wherever.

fritz_maurentod ago

A nice interview with Prof. Hsu about intelligence:

NoseSubversion ago

So the University is saying they WANT cops to shoot niggers then?! I’m good with that.

veteran88 ago

Forced to resign is dumb as fuck.

Make them fire you then sue for millions while making the court take judicial notice of the truth.

Gumbatron ago

Definitely. He should have done something like Professor Peter Ridd in Australia. Force them to fire you them sue the shit out of them. The discovery phase alone shines a light on these roaches.

WTFisthisshit ago

He only stepped down from his Vice President role, he’s still teaching, probably didn’t even take a pay cut. Just more pandering to the libs so they’ll shut up and move on to their next target

BillRiccio ago

Good let niggers teach classes and watch enrollment crash and burn

HighEnergyLife ago

This is true, but theyll prob print $80k a year in (((currency))) and make tuition free for inner city blacks. Whites will pay for it through taxes

AmericanJew2 ago

This has to be the most insane thing I have ever heard.

What fucking era is this? Up next Galileo will be walked down to the execution block for being a heretic.

shillaccount3344 ago

It's almost like the people in charge are actually the people who took out galileo.

Shotinthedark ago

the vegans burned Darwin at the stake for eating all the animals.

Doglegwarrior ago

well the flat earth people have some pretty compelling evidence using videos from tv... theres a ship that is x amount of miles out then you see behind the ship the horizon... math dictates that no way should you be able to see the horizon beyond that ship it makes no sense mathematically when you figure out the curviture and how much it should drop per mile.

anyways im not a flatearther i dont know what the fuck is going on but its not what we been told

ardvarcus ago

No. The "flat earth people" really do not have compelling evidence. They are morons.

Doglegwarrior ago

have you sat down and watched one? with an open mind it felt rediculous when i did it 3 hours later i was just going what the actual fuck.

JamesGunnIsPedo ago

This is one thing I cant get past. The mainstream needs to explain why you can see objects beyond the curvature.

Doglegwarrior ago

ya the video i watched the fucking bbc literaly says look that ship is x miles away and behind that ship was another ship you should not have been able to see then fucking behind that ship was the fucking horizon for fuck sake!


I thought he died in house arrest rather than executed per se

mendelbot ago

" the most insane thing I have ever heard"

You haven't been paying much attention.


(((Academia))) has been corrupted for years. Journals reject any papers that go against their left wing ideology and publish any bullshit that panders to it.

Search "Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship" and read the article by AeroMagazine. A group of academics exposed this bias by purposefully writing a bunch of bullshit, left-wing papers and seeing what they could get published. One of them was just an extract from Mein Kampf but with the words changed so that it was about feminism instead lmao.

Despite all of these papers just making up insane shit with no sources half of them ended up getting published with glowing praise from peer reviewers.

shillaccount3344 ago

It's time to start new colleges/universities that aren't run by them or employ them.

satisfyinghump ago

I was laughing my ass off when watching them get interviewed

voatdied ago

but...but he was

AmericanJew2 ago

I know, I’m saying it’s like we have regressed back to that era right now.

Chad88 ago

Time is a flat circle

Killinitnow ago

Yes, but some how the catholic church lost control to the Jews.

voatdied ago

it's ironic as fuck you say that because I said the same shit last week.

we are permeating the consciousness, surely.

10-38-57-69 ago

Anything that doesn't make white people look evil will be censored. They want to justify imprisoning and killing us!

001011001011 ago

I won't go without a bang, I'll shoot dead dozens if hundreds of them rather than letting them arrest and imprison me.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

This is their message. This is their goal.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well that's good. We certainly don't want to let someone like this confuse people with facts.

Shotinthedark ago

That racist motherfucker. I bet he also has studied that IQ is genetic and Africans have some of the lowest scores of all races

001011001011 ago

Only Australian niggers are below African niggers when it comes to IQ.

Shotinthedark ago

But they invented the didgeridoo.

TotallyNotRedditfuge ago

IQ is a misleading term. Math is racist. Science and engineering is a white construct.

Trash_Panda ago

But we already have the facts, all we need now is a body of research to support it /s

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