selpai ago

Yes yes... Turn the welfare pet against it's master!

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Coofingjooger ago

“Let someone else do it”

Would you let a nigger mow your lawn?

selpai ago

A nigger? No. A well cultured black man? Yes, probably.

There's a difference.

420_MASS ago

Go suck some more nigger dick on reddit faggot. Niggers can go back to Africa or into the ground with a bullet in their skull.

Coofingjooger ago

Ah... so you’re a fucking delusional asshole then.

selpai ago

No, I'm an American. That means that i believe that we are all equal under the law as we are under god, and that we are born equal. Or at least that such perception must be maintained for opportunity's sake. It means that though i find stereotype and prejudice to be useful tools for considering a collective or a mob, they do not describe the individual, and the individual can excel.

If you believe differently, then you ought to reconsider your position, and fast. Blacks aren't going away, even if all external pressures disappear (i.e. media manipulation, affirmative action, etc.) They'll still be here, and you'll still need to deal with that. There's a difference between hating someone for what they've done versus what you think they are.

If you haven't met any well cultured blacks, then you probably live in one of these urban shitholes. The nigger culture disappears when they're a minority in an upper-scale community. They do integrate. Even the IQ/performance gap diminishes nearly to the point of irrelevance. It's exposure to anti-intellectual urban street culture that makes niggers. Period.

1F4A9 ago

... when they're a minority in an upper-scale community ...

Even the IQ/performance gap diminishes nearly to the point of irrelevance.

Except there is plenty of data that proves that is not the case at all. Of course they're often less into that unban street culture, and IQ/performance/violent crime stats improve, but the difference remains significant. Maybe there is room for improvement here, but that hasn't been achieved in reality.

selpai ago

Actually, the statistical data shows that when upper-class white famillies adopt black children, and those children have no exposure to black culture, the difference is minimal. The cultural forces are strong, maybe strongest. They’re also the most easilly addressed.

1F4A9 ago

You're moving goalposts. First you were talking about minorities in upper-scale communities, then about blacks adopted by upper-class white families. But all of them have a considerably lower than average IQ for those communities/families. There are very shoddy studies that claim there is no difference, but that claim in itself should tell you enough about their credibility of those studies. Of course adopted children, no matter the race, will never be up to the level of the biological children of those parents because many already took an IQ hit before they got adopted (think of a baby in the womb of a drug addict for example), and there is also a bias caused by the the selection of people that give up their children for adoption of have their children taken out of their custody.

They tried the adoption thing with the Australian Aboriginals. While their "stolen generations" perform better than those raised by their own, it doesn't even come close to the average of the families they were adopted by.

Good luck with the cognitive dissonance you need to maintain that perception of equality for opportunity's sake.

selpai ago

And yet im looking at probably the same studies you are. The IQ gao closes most where there is no exposure to balck culture, implying that it is a bery strong negative force. American blacks are not aboriganese. Our blacks are about about 10 points above the average west african black. You’re comparing apples to oranges. You might as well bring the pygmies in as an example.

Coofingjooger ago


“Blacks aren’t going away”

There’s a fuckload of kike transportation whores on here that disagree lolllll

You’re shitty at your job

selpai ago

Okay. Good luck with... whatever it is you're trying to say.

Coofingjooger ago

I’m saying you’ll die barefoot

selpai ago

So you'll kill me for my boots, because a black man mowed my lawn?

Oookay, that's enough VOAT for today.

Coofingjooger ago

Stop doing “let someone else do it”.

Kikes do “let someone else do it”.

Kikes did 9/11.

You did 9/11.

selpai ago

You want me to publicly criticize BLM? Waaay ahead of you on that. Got a Tshirt and everything.

Coofingjooger ago

Good luck wearing your T-shirt with a flat fucking dome kike

selpai ago

Uhhh... k...

Coofingjooger ago

I’ll smash your American head and take your boots.

How’s that for culture?

selpai ago

What is wrong with you?

Coofingjooger ago

I’m surrounded by traitors in new boots.

selpai ago

That's catchy. Mind if i use it?

Honestly, if you can stop frothing at the mouth long enough to type something coherent, i would love to read exactly what it is you profess.

hytreap ago

kikes are worried about BLM now that the niggers are targeting them.

BDS these kikes.

Niggers are rioting in (((rich city areas))) now. Let the kike cities burn.

The police protect the kike. So defund the pigs and form White militias.

Do not fight against BLM unless they come for you.

Don't put your life on the line to protect kike consumerism or kike Columbus statues.

Fight to protect your piece, because ain't no one coming to save you now White man.

Atkho ago

Then we'll have military police and white militias will be labeled white supremacists just for defending themselves.

hytreap ago

yes. we will. it's going to happen regardless of what we do.

every White that defends themselves is going to be a targeted as a White supremacist.

every White that kills someone to protect their daughter will be used against us.

deal with it.

Coofingjooger ago

How the fuck is a boycott an appropriate reaction to international crime?

You’re a fucking kike.

hytreap ago

Why are the kikes trying so hard to stop BDS?

It doesn't matter that the official organization for BDS is fully kiked. The muzzie and nigger supporters arent.

BDS is as simple as not doing business with kikes, and holding them to account for their war crimes against humanity.

Coofingjooger ago

Begging the question. Ok.

That’s called a war you fucking faggot... that’s holding to account.

hytreap ago

Wars first start with boycotts.

Coofingjooger ago

It didn’t in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Yemen or Syria.

You’re a dead kike.

captainstrange ago

Lol coofingjooger is an obvious and transparent angry jew.

You mad you little cutdick? Get in the oven bitch.

Let me blow your fucking mind:

Hitler helped establish israel.

Israel is a concentration camp lol.

Coofingjooger ago




Anarchy99 ago

I've been working over the negros on the jewish problem.

hytreap ago

Goyim rise up! One Struggle!

Coofingjooger ago



hytreap ago

rabbi shittin' himself at the wignat/nignat alliance

Coofingjooger ago
