June 2020 Los Angeles : LAPD halts use of statewide police database that shares information on 90,000 potential gang members after activists complain it's racially biased (not enough Whites)
H.R. 5602, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020
The US Government (the new democrat House) recently banned the FBI from looking at too many Muslim Terrorists, and to redirect the FEDERAL BUDGET for TERROR, to spend 1/5th on seeking out "White Christian Domestic Terrorists"!
Democrats passed law to defund the FBI Terror Watch list for Muslims and spent a staggering amount to watch voat.co users!!!
In recent years the FBI is forced by democrat "funds apportionment" rules in congress to hang out on voat.co and other sites and look for mythical WHITE TERRORISTS!
The H.R. 5602 Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020 REQUIRES the FBI spend 20% of its time looking for dangerous White male Trump voters, and NOT spend so much on Muslims.
... and thats just USA and omits all the other nations scanning voat for HATE THOUGHT, and not including ADL, and SPLC and JIDF whom all three scan voat
BS on the 1.5%. Every single sand nigger, jungle nigger and asia nigger that carried out or tried to carry out a terrorist attack was on a watchlist for American and British intelligence.
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ToxicWhiteMale ago
So that means at least 10 times as many should be on the list......minimum
newoldwave ago
The wise know who their enemies are.
By definition they are on my terrorist watch list
Lagmonster ago
Is that because 98.5% muslims have "approved" terrorist attack plans?
hytreap ago
the biggest terrorists in the UK are the kikes, and BLM and muzzies are the only ones making any progress at standing up to them.
the pigs didn't defend the girls who were raped by muzzies because of orders from the kike.
but keep falling for kike propaganda and keep protecting the ZOG Whitey.
jewer ago
IN NEW YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND LOS ANGELES databases of Muslims on terror watch lists have been DELETED and BANNED!
Yes, deleted and banned to have Gang lists, muslim terror lists, or any databases that democrats think targets niggers adn muslims!
Chicago 2019 : Cook County Takes Steps to Erase Its Regional Gang Database (too racist):
Cook County board votes to permanently dismantle gang database: (too racist)
NYC 2019 : Erase the NYPD’s gang database: The city can be kept safe without unfair, discriminatory and unnecessary information gathering (too racist)
June 2020 Los Angeles : LAPD halts use of statewide police database that shares information on 90,000 potential gang members after activists complain it's racially biased (not enough Whites)
H.R. 5602, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020
The US Government (the new democrat House) recently banned the FBI from looking at too many Muslim Terrorists, and to redirect the FEDERAL BUDGET for TERROR, to spend 1/5th on seeking out "White Christian Domestic Terrorists"!
Democrats passed law to defund the FBI Terror Watch list for Muslims and spent a staggering amount to watch voat.co users!!!
In recent years the FBI is forced by democrat "funds apportionment" rules in congress to hang out on voat.co and other sites and look for mythical WHITE TERRORISTS!
The H.R. 5602 Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020 REQUIRES the FBI spend 20% of its time looking for dangerous White male Trump voters, and NOT spend so much on Muslims.
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
Do you have any sources for those watchlisting voat users or something?
jewer ago
millions from countless federal agencies, even the NSF too :
... and thats just USA and omits all the other nations scanning voat for HATE THOUGHT, and not including ADL, and SPLC and JIDF whom all three scan voat
ParsedOutput ago
I think over 80% said that they would cover for the 1.5%.
Sharia law an' all that.
ParsedOutput ago
The other 20% either lied, or aren't real muzzies.
changz ago
BS on the 1.5%. Every single sand nigger, jungle nigger and asia nigger that carried out or tried to carry out a terrorist attack was on a watchlist for American and British intelligence.
rob_white ago
Only 1.5%? They are missing 98.5% of them then.
SIayfire122 ago
It's so bad that even the UK is forced to add 1.5% to the watchlist.
SearchVoatBot ago
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prairie ago
*98.4%. Not all muzzies, only 99.9% of them terrorists.
Gargilius ago
...well, 1.5% is a start; until now, they couldn’t be criticized at all.