You know, instead of "toll paid" and other witty quips about this, we should be rioting in the streets and demanding justice! We should take up banners describing all of the black on white violence in our country and the world, and we should burn everything supporting such violence down to ashes!
What in fuck is wrong with us that we all sit back and chuckle at this poor girl's demise? "Oh she was a coal burner" we say. "Oh she's ruined for all eternity". "She might as well be a nigger." Sure. All of that.
But at one time, she was somebody's beautiful baby daughter! And this fucking nigger arbitrarily ended her life!
If you have a daughter, she could be your daughter. And maybe she wasn't coal-burning. Maybe she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
How many of you have pulled up next to a car in which a nigger gave you a mean or ugly look? How many of you were just minding your own business, following the rules and laws of our good society? And how many of you are female and young, or know such gals?
How many videos do we have of niggers doing awful things to whites? I know the answer to that: a fuck ton more than the niggers have of whites doing things to them. And why is that? Because they hurt us far more than we hurt them! And everybody knows it! And now they're allowed to riot and destroy what we built! Fuck that! Enough is enough!
Make sure to wear your Booglaloo Boys Hawaiian shirts & patches when you do it. I mean, if you're going to glow make it so they can see you from outer space.
You know they're watching. That's just asking for trouble. They don't care about anything a leftist does but as soon as an evil white supremacists even discusses it, out come the feds.
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SocksOnCats ago
You know, instead of "toll paid" and other witty quips about this, we should be rioting in the streets and demanding justice! We should take up banners describing all of the black on white violence in our country and the world, and we should burn everything supporting such violence down to ashes!
What in fuck is wrong with us that we all sit back and chuckle at this poor girl's demise? "Oh she was a coal burner" we say. "Oh she's ruined for all eternity". "She might as well be a nigger." Sure. All of that.
But at one time, she was somebody's beautiful baby daughter! And this fucking nigger arbitrarily ended her life!
If you have a daughter, she could be your daughter. And maybe she wasn't coal-burning. Maybe she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
How many of you have pulled up next to a car in which a nigger gave you a mean or ugly look? How many of you were just minding your own business, following the rules and laws of our good society? And how many of you are female and young, or know such gals?
How many videos do we have of niggers doing awful things to whites? I know the answer to that: a fuck ton more than the niggers have of whites doing things to them. And why is that? Because they hurt us far more than we hurt them! And everybody knows it! And now they're allowed to riot and destroy what we built! Fuck that! Enough is enough!
It's damned time we start getting violent!
dirt_reynolds ago
Go for it.
Make sure to wear your Booglaloo Boys Hawaiian shirts & patches when you do it. I mean, if you're going to glow make it so they can see you from outer space.
SocksOnCats ago
Fuck. Really? I'm not a shill. I'm just really upset. I guess I did come across a little weird there.
But damnit, when do things turn around?
dirt_reynolds ago
It was pretty glowie.
You know they're watching. That's just asking for trouble. They don't care about anything a leftist does but as soon as an evil white supremacists even discusses it, out come the feds.
Watch yourself out there.
SocksOnCats ago
Yeah. Thanks. You're right.
Fuck all of this. It's really depressing. I don't know what to do anymore.
dirt_reynolds ago
Get in shape. Train. Prepare.
That's about all you can do.