You faggots are getting EMBARRASSED by the "goat fuckers" you spend all your time denigrating online while they knock out kids, build enclaves, whilst morally and logistically policing themselves.
Germany,you were decimated by our first black jewish president...Eisenhower. He killed 1000s of germans after the war,because his momma was black and he likes killing whites,oh yeah he liked killing whites because he was jewish. Patton and MacArthur wanted him banned,but noooo the guy who graduated 2 to last in his class, was given the Allied command,because his brother was best freinds with lesbian Elenor Roosevelt. This is why your country was ruined and poached. It was personal. You were victims of war crimes,by a man who was filthy. Look it up his mother was black. His dad jewish. In the west point year book they refer to him as a dirty jew. He wanted the white race to pay for his mother not allowed to attend white schools in Kansas.
If and when all countries with sand niggers quit paying welfare and other benefits to these alien invader leeches then those countries, the USA included with Somalia, et al, will see the beginning of the race/religious wars as they will attempt to steal what they consider theirs.
TLDR: Dry up the gibs and the war will start with the sand niggers.
There is no lessons to learn the Muslims in the Jews which are the antifa which are a combination of as well or nothing but destructive fucking shit look at the the Muslims blowing up their own no go zone buildings there the daemonic they’re not human they have no human rumors they are not human they do nothing but rape children and destroy shit I’m pretending to be nice and quiet no that’s cool talk to you like using victimhood know that’s a fucking lie OK they will do nothing but be fucking back stabbers shitting everywhereAttacking women and elderly because they’re fucking shit every single one of them
Oh wait expelling doesn’t work giving them camps With pools and delousing agent and theater and football Doors that open from the inside the holocaust shit is fake as fuck it’s a fucking scam from for billions in reparationsdoesn’t work put them into ghettos doesn’t work the only thing that works is taking them off the face of the earth burning them
That fat pig jew Merkel needs to be roasted on a fire.
Germany has to kick out it’s Jews yes every single one and they have to kick out the Muslims because this is out of control now this is the worst invasion in history and this Hass to be addressed properly n thoroughly now
Why I don’t understand why we can’t just fence it off and fucking gas them they’ve they’ve made it easy they’ve made their own ghettos it’s like shooting fish in a barrel and the world will be better off without the fucking Muslims because they do not they will never be anything but child raping demon excrement
Posted automatically (#116535) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@HeavyBeefCurtain: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
Now that stopping now we woke up to the Jewish question which is that they are Backstabber parasitic poisonous fucking rats and they cry victimhood like anti-Semite bullshit word and racist bullshit Trotsky word well they actually stab you in the back they always go in Group C and attack the week the Muslim and the Jew and the Nager the same shit out of the ass of a demon and need to be sent back
i have reached my limit with this bullshit. the police wont do anything about this but if germans so much as home school their kids then the cops intervene. i will not accept laws while foreign invaders are allowed to be lawless.
Yes Africa and the Middle East or nothing but the ass of a demon but the problem is if they the jew the Muslim in the Kniggehave infiltrated into our western countries to try to destroy us so they need to be round up sent back and burned from the face of the earth the inquisition did that they were quiet for a while because we didn’t get all of them expelling doesn’t work only burning works
The inquisition was good and we got a lot of them that’s why they were quiet for a while but they came back because we did not get all of them if you leave one of these rats con the planet they will come back there cockroaches and murderers monkeys to do the same horrific shit that they’ve been doing this is the worst invasion because they have gone into every western country and they have that’s why they’ve been pushing the race mixing we need to protect our white men and women from being pushed into race mixing we need to deprogram them because a Jew has destroyed the lives of white women and men by pushing them to raise me with a Nager because they know the Knigge is a violent fucking monkey They are a biois a weapon, And they’ve been using this in the last few gerbations Pushing feminism in the 20s or this hippie shit where we should be all peace and love and turn the other cheek and love our neighbors bullshit in order to except the race mixing and the invasion we need to know protect white women and children educate ourselves know who the enemy is named the enemy which is the Jew and the Muslim the Knigge and a lot of the Jews look white but there are physical traits that we can see we need to be aware of this spread word and teach our children this now quickly
You got that right man they are invaders did you is not white they are Jewish they are part of the Semite Negroid shit on his word anti-Semite is just another word for anti-Caucasian night they are invaders they are the destroyers everywhere and bitch shoot everywhere they’re saying that they want to genocide white people they are arrogant openly admitting it because the Muslims in the and the knickers are breeding like cockroachesOutnumber us well that needs to be fixed now the only way to do it to burn them we cannot show mercy to demon shit that thinks it’s OK to gangrape a child
A nationalist leader would reconsider their little town, no prisoners. Maybe send their weak back but anyone with the slightest amount of fight in them gets put down for good.
The Muslims make their own little ghetto they destroy it they make it a problem they attack I’m in Lor children with drugs and alcohol and the gang rape little children tiny little n murder n serve in shoarma n laugh about it. every single Muslim will stab you in the back including the little children as young as five don’t think that they won’t they have already been doing that little kids Muslims of 10 years old had gang raped a five-year-old handicapped girl they are not human at all people need to get that in their head now the victimhood shit is not gonna work stop showing people really need to stop showing mercy and empathy for these fucking demon shit that do nothing but destroy and murder and rape if they’re quiet and called that’s called TakiaWhich is psychological warfare to victimhood the Jews use victimhood and blame shifting and gilding and the Muslim and jew the same shit.The blocks are Muslims are the Jews bio weapon but they are the Jew is the bolshevik genocudal murder.And everywhere you can see on bitch shoot that they admit to it I’m not arrogant about it because they see that the Muslims in Nager’s are breeding like cockroaches that they are
Against S., born in Duisburg in July 2001, 75 investigations have already been carried out since 2014, mainly for property and violent crime
So this guy is a serious suspect for 75 crimes. Can't get a single conviction to stick?
as stated in an investigative report by the police headquarters in Duisburg about the recent violence in Marxloh. The 13 pages are available to our editors. The report is declared with VS (classified information) – only for official use.
So the leftist media can have it, but the general public can't.
They are demonic parasites they are not human no they are absolutely not human because humans have remorse even the Muslim women and children are stabbing people even a 10-year-old and 12-year-old Muslim gang raped a five-year-old handicapped child and beat her they have no remorse OK they think it’s funny to torture puppies they are not human they need to be killed because they are never going to stop raping and killing never never never OK there is not one of them that will not stop you that’s not all bullshit is a lie everyoneof the muslim n black muslim will stab you!!And they’re proving it every day in every country people need to wake up stop being manipulated by jew lie
And stop falling for this anti-Semite bullshit word it’s just a victim hood tactic made up by the Jews to silence critics of Jewish crimes and it’s extremely anti-Caucasianlist.
The Jews and the Muslims in the blacks are invaders they are a demonic subhuman and they need to be round up and sent back to hell and if you can’t tell which one it is there’s plenty of videos and information on to tell because a lot of the Jews look white but they’re not they’re Jewish and if they’re mixed they’re going to use that to hide and lie like Francis the infultrated jew
That’s a Jewish lie it’s psychological war tactic it’s a victimhood tactic the Jews love the victimhood but they do it to backstab end it and literally backstab and that doesn’t work we know that the that the Koran in the Talmud are hate speech it is demonic and they admit it as well they hate Christ therefore it is demonic.Everywhere in the Koran and the Talmud it says to rape little children as young as three and to lie
taqiya lie!!! And yes every single solitary Muslim is a liar and a terrorist and a childrapist. So when they say this word religion it’s not a religion it’s a demonic cult when they say it’s of peace that’s a lie it’s called Taqueria
Yeah actually the Japanese and the Hindus would probably help us because the hindus have been having problems with the Muslims from the beginning as well.
agnostic here. im with you you. i support Qanon and what they want to get done. i support white christians mainly because i think whites would have christian values with out the bullshit jew sandnigger religion the core aspects of Christian morals jusr goes right along with white europeans values is all. sadly the jew has turned them into a weapon for thousands of years and a perfect peascful tax cow as well
lockenloaded ago
How to deal with Islamist? challenge their beliefs
use old but gold david wood and nabeel qureshi tactic
Islam are being destroyed left and right as of now
but LEFT are embracing it so it seems stronger than before
code : christian prince, the arabian prophet, david wood, islam critiqued
newoldwave ago
How them Muslims working out, Fritz?
Mustard_Monkey ago
Burn Germany burn!
AttilaHitler ago
Gee whiz, it's almost like there's a war on or something
boekanier ago
Yeah, the american rioters gave those retarded muslims an idea. Wondering how Merkel will respond to this.
Mr_big ago
Let in sub humans. Get sub human shit.
4841400209 ago
There are a few of these enclaves in the US too.
badruns ago
Normally I'd be against the use of white phosphorous.
beefartist ago
You faggots are getting EMBARRASSED by the "goat fuckers" you spend all your time denigrating online while they knock out kids, build enclaves, whilst morally and logistically policing themselves.
MrPancake ago
Send them ovens ASAP!
Cunty84 ago
Gas tanks.
LAquixote13 ago
Gona have to eventually pull it out by the root or risk the whole garden.
OccularIrritant ago
Burn it down with them inside?
mattsixteen24 ago
They can thank jihadwatch's Robert Spencer's zionist jew supporters
capicua ago
wow, sounds like CHAZ is the exact same thing... guess that proves jews are behind both
hang_em_high ago
They should kill every last man, woman, and child in every no go zone. Maybe brutal but it's past time to send a message.
Fetalpig ago
Germany,you were decimated by our first black jewish president...Eisenhower. He killed 1000s of germans after the war,because his momma was black and he likes killing whites,oh yeah he liked killing whites because he was jewish. Patton and MacArthur wanted him banned,but noooo the guy who graduated 2 to last in his class, was given the Allied command,because his brother was best freinds with lesbian Elenor Roosevelt. This is why your country was ruined and poached. It was personal. You were victims of war crimes,by a man who was filthy. Look it up his mother was black. His dad jewish. In the west point year book they refer to him as a dirty jew. He wanted the white race to pay for his mother not allowed to attend white schools in Kansas.
Diggernicks ago
Kill them back if they try
random128dsf321 ago
Islam is right about women.
WightRarebit ago
Did anyone NOT see that coming?
TerraKell ago
If and when all countries with sand niggers quit paying welfare and other benefits to these alien invader leeches then those countries, the USA included with Somalia, et al, will see the beginning of the race/religious wars as they will attempt to steal what they consider theirs.
TLDR: Dry up the gibs and the war will start with the sand niggers.
RobertJHarsh ago
80 years after WW2 the system Hitler wanted exists...just called the EU.
Husita ago
Retarded German piece of shit, they started WW1, bolshevik revolution in Russia, WW2.. now they are turning their state into ISIS caliphate.
And they still think how smart they are, they constantly tend to teach other nations. I can't stand them.
Soyboy69 ago
Sounds more like you're describing jews...
HappyMealBullshit ago
Those kids over in CHAZ could learn some lessons from these muslims.
minx88 ago
There is no lessons to learn the Muslims in the Jews which are the antifa which are a combination of as well or nothing but destructive fucking shit look at the the Muslims blowing up their own no go zone buildings there the daemonic they’re not human they have no human rumors they are not human they do nothing but rape children and destroy shit I’m pretending to be nice and quiet no that’s cool talk to you like using victimhood know that’s a fucking lie OK they will do nothing but be fucking back stabbers shitting everywhereAttacking women and elderly because they’re fucking shit every single one of them
QualityControl ago
I would imagine many are already inspired by the Nation of Islam, which is basically kill whitey.
whatisbestinlife ago
killdozer beckons
minx88 ago
Oh wait expelling doesn’t work giving them camps With pools and delousing agent and theater and football Doors that open from the inside the holocaust shit is fake as fuck it’s a fucking scam from for billions in reparationsdoesn’t work put them into ghettos doesn’t work the only thing that works is taking them off the face of the earth burning them
minx88 ago
That fat pig jew Merkel needs to be roasted on a fire.
Germany has to kick out it’s Jews yes every single one and they have to kick out the Muslims because this is out of control now this is the worst invasion in history and this Hass to be addressed properly n thoroughly now
PsychicRussiaSpy ago
Well what do you know
minx88 ago
Why I don’t understand why we can’t just fence it off and fucking gas them they’ve they’ve made it easy they’ve made their own ghettos it’s like shooting fish in a barrel and the world will be better off without the fucking Muslims because they do not they will never be anything but child raping demon excrement
HeavyBeefCurtain ago
We killed white Germans for this
SearchVoatBot ago
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Posted automatically (#116535) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@HeavyBeefCurtain: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
minx88 ago
Now that stopping now we woke up to the Jewish question which is that they are Backstabber parasitic poisonous fucking rats and they cry victimhood like anti-Semite bullshit word and racist bullshit Trotsky word well they actually stab you in the back they always go in Group C and attack the week the Muslim and the Jew and the Nager the same shit out of the ass of a demon and need to be sent back
rebel_1812 ago
i have reached my limit with this bullshit. the police wont do anything about this but if germans so much as home school their kids then the cops intervene. i will not accept laws while foreign invaders are allowed to be lawless.
Ddboomer ago
Time to drop a target bomb and remove the Dark demons.
minx88 ago
Yes Africa and the Middle East or nothing but the ass of a demon but the problem is if they the jew the Muslim in the Kniggehave infiltrated into our western countries to try to destroy us so they need to be round up sent back and burned from the face of the earth the inquisition did that they were quiet for a while because we didn’t get all of them expelling doesn’t work only burning works
Ddboomer ago
They’re Satanists who call themselves Jews. And only Jesus Christ can wipe them out.
minx88 ago
The inquisition was good and we got a lot of them that’s why they were quiet for a while but they came back because we did not get all of them if you leave one of these rats con the planet they will come back there cockroaches and murderers monkeys to do the same horrific shit that they’ve been doing this is the worst invasion because they have gone into every western country and they have that’s why they’ve been pushing the race mixing we need to protect our white men and women from being pushed into race mixing we need to deprogram them because a Jew has destroyed the lives of white women and men by pushing them to raise me with a Nager because they know the Knigge is a violent fucking monkey They are a biois a weapon, And they’ve been using this in the last few gerbations Pushing feminism in the 20s or this hippie shit where we should be all peace and love and turn the other cheek and love our neighbors bullshit in order to except the race mixing and the invasion we need to know protect white women and children educate ourselves know who the enemy is named the enemy which is the Jew and the Muslim the Knigge and a lot of the Jews look white but there are physical traits that we can see we need to be aware of this spread word and teach our children this now quickly
gazillions ago
Oh thank you muslims, That was brilliant.
An ineffectual little girl government just fucking begging human nature to overthrow it.
minx88 ago
Never thank or show mercy toa demon never think it is anything but a demon that will kill you
r00t1337 ago
lol! fake news!
lockenloaded ago
as fake as muhammad the prophet was
DemocratsAreAssholes ago
Fuck any and ALL brown people.
minx88 ago
You got that right man they are invaders did you is not white they are Jewish they are part of the Semite Negroid shit on his word anti-Semite is just another word for anti-Caucasian night they are invaders they are the destroyers everywhere and bitch shoot everywhere they’re saying that they want to genocide white people they are arrogant openly admitting it because the Muslims in the and the knickers are breeding like cockroachesOutnumber us well that needs to be fixed now the only way to do it to burn them we cannot show mercy to demon shit that thinks it’s OK to gangrape a child
Cunty84 ago
You need a larger Grenfell 5.0 smoke em’ out and block fire trucks access points.
veteran88 ago
Of look a legitimate military target.
Vote nationalist always. Beware fake jnationalists.
A nationalist leader would reconsider their little town, no prisoners. Maybe send their weak back but anyone with the slightest amount of fight in them gets put down for good.
minx88 ago
The Muslims make their own little ghetto they destroy it they make it a problem they attack I’m in Lor children with drugs and alcohol and the gang rape little children tiny little n murder n serve in shoarma n laugh about it. every single Muslim will stab you in the back including the little children as young as five don’t think that they won’t they have already been doing that little kids Muslims of 10 years old had gang raped a five-year-old handicapped girl they are not human at all people need to get that in their head now the victimhood shit is not gonna work stop showing people really need to stop showing mercy and empathy for these fucking demon shit that do nothing but destroy and murder and rape if they’re quiet and called that’s called TakiaWhich is psychological warfare to victimhood the Jews use victimhood and blame shifting and gilding and the Muslim and jew the same shit.The blocks are Muslims are the Jews bio weapon but they are the Jew is the bolshevik genocudal murder.And everywhere you can see on bitch shoot that they admit to it I’m not arrogant about it because they see that the Muslims in Nager’s are breeding like cockroaches that they are
ScottMAGA ago
So this guy is a serious suspect for 75 crimes. Can't get a single conviction to stick?
So the leftist media can have it, but the general public can't.
VoatBug ago
I just had a friend in Germany look into this and he says it's common knowledge even in mainstream media and that Turkey / ISIS is coordinating Antifa
an_account_hello ago
wait really? this whole protest thing is a muslim attack?
Ocelot ago
Didn't you know that media traitors aren't civilians like the rest of us but rather a protected special class?
HeavyBrain ago
In return the cops kneeled and promissed to help rob blue collar workers for jizya.
minx88 ago
They are demonic parasites they are not human no they are absolutely not human because humans have remorse even the Muslim women and children are stabbing people even a 10-year-old and 12-year-old Muslim gang raped a five-year-old handicapped child and beat her they have no remorse OK they think it’s funny to torture puppies they are not human they need to be killed because they are never going to stop raping and killing never never never OK there is not one of them that will not stop you that’s not all bullshit is a lie everyoneof the muslim n black muslim will stab you!!And they’re proving it every day in every country people need to wake up stop being manipulated by jew lie
And stop falling for this anti-Semite bullshit word it’s just a victim hood tactic made up by the Jews to silence critics of Jewish crimes and it’s extremely anti-Caucasianlist.
The Jews and the Muslims in the blacks are invaders they are a demonic subhuman and they need to be round up and sent back to hell and if you can’t tell which one it is there’s plenty of videos and information on to tell because a lot of the Jews look white but they’re not they’re Jewish and if they’re mixed they’re going to use that to hide and lie like Francis the infultrated jew
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
Trapezoidal ago
Its Turks nothing Muslim about them
wolf_534 ago
These are tribal ethnic groups. They destroy social trust, social cohesion, and transform any region into a shithole, regardless of their religion.
They would not behave any different if they changed their religion, but they would just find another pretext to go berserk.
They know exactly that they are fucking up the German society, and they want it that way.
This is a race related problem, and not a kind of cultural-religious "misunderstanding".
minx88 ago
That’s a Jewish lie it’s psychological war tactic it’s a victimhood tactic the Jews love the victimhood but they do it to backstab end it and literally backstab and that doesn’t work we know that the that the Koran in the Talmud are hate speech it is demonic and they admit it as well they hate Christ therefore it is demonic.Everywhere in the Koran and the Talmud it says to rape little children as young as three and to lie
taqiya lie!!! And yes every single solitary Muslim is a liar and a terrorist and a childrapist. So when they say this word religion it’s not a religion it’s a demonic cult when they say it’s of peace that’s a lie it’s called Taqueria
PorchMonkeyJackson ago
Im not religious but will help the Christians and Hindus in the Crusades Pt. 2.
MuzzieJuice ago
Fuckin' same, brother. I would rather be culturally Christian than living in this jewish consumerist post modernist hell hole
Diggernicks ago
Crusades 1.0 was a money making scheme pushed by boy loving Catholic priests
minx88 ago
Yeah actually the Japanese and the Hindus would probably help us because the hindus have been having problems with the Muslims from the beginning as well.
minx88 ago
But you know they still a non-whites are still going to always side with each other so whites have to be stronger for each other first
wasteroftime ago
There are more like us out there than people realize. I'm atheist personally, but I could get behind a crusade.
PorchMonkeyJackson ago
No repentence or "conversion." Just destruction.
bobdole9 ago
No time to fix shit...if it's broken, out it goes. CLEAN HOUSE.
Doglegwarrior ago
agnostic here. im with you you. i support Qanon and what they want to get done. i support white christians mainly because i think whites would have christian values with out the bullshit jew sandnigger religion the core aspects of Christian morals jusr goes right along with white europeans values is all. sadly the jew has turned them into a weapon for thousands of years and a perfect peascful tax cow as well
eatorganic_gasemetic ago
Can I get an amen? Errr how bout a yeehaw!
PorchMonkeyJackson ago