boekanier ago

Yes, but the police arrested those 12 peaceful identitarians. The niggers and white commies who threw stones at the police were left alone...

Zyklon_Bear ago

Vive la France.

Let's make France white again.

minx88 ago


The French are great love they’re fighting spirit as yellow vest !! we need Charles Martel back. They don’t want their country to become like Venezuela they want that big nose faggot jew macron kicked out.They don’t want all these Nager’s in France!!! Just because they have a country in with Africans that speak French so the Nager’s think that they can live in France and think that their French but they’re not they’re not European their ethnically Nager and they need to go back to Niggerland

xpat ago

He's a Jew (Macron) ?? I knew he was tied to Rothschilds, but not that he was Jewish.

JaguarPorsche ago

Merci du Canada. Nous aussi on va prendre cette avi. Vive la France. Vive la langue Française. Vive les blanc Français.

wolf_534 ago

Génération Identitaire deployed the banner at a leftist demonstration yesterday.

Video with context, 2 min:


worthlesshope ago

ive met a few french people online, I thought the entire country was hopeless.. maybe it's not..

andrew_jackson ago

French never get credit. They were the most gallant in WW1, most other armies just sat in their trenches but French soldiers actually fought. Almost took over Europe in the Napoleonic wars. Were the most zealous Crusaders. They riot if you threaten their civil rights and they burn things. Executed their nobles during the revolution. Sponsored the American revolution. Start wars in Africa on the reg in order to kill niggers.

worthlesshope ago

I almost dated a french girl.. but she was a completely lost cause, totally brainwashed in the liberal mindset and refuses to see how wrong she was.. With some other unrelated french people I met I found them all to be of the similar liberal mindset and I thought the whole country was a lost cause as a result. Maybe it's only french people who go online and speak english who are lost causes?

andrew_jackson ago

Maybe it's only french people who go online and speak english who are lost causes?

Good question. I don't know. I have only met one or two French that weren't racist. I had a quick look at the French press, and find it far less grovelling towards negro than our own. Maybe compare against German press? Der Spiegel is garbage.

Blork_Blorkinson ago

The frogs will rebel against multiculturalism before Americans ever do.

golgo91 ago


minx88 ago


Those who do not respect western countries and white people need to get out because they are invaders Jews are invaders Muslims are invaders Nager’s are invaders I don’t care if their great grandparents were born in Western countries they are not ethnically white and they need to get out!!!

If they cry well I was born here I have a passport blah blah blah bullshit a black can be born in china it doesn’t make them chinese.

xpat ago

that is some trolling material right there

Helena73 ago

I regret that I have but one upvote to give.

bingo-bango-bongo ago

I'm fucking retarded. Can someone explain whats going on in this photo?

xpat ago

There were "anti-racism" / "BLM" protests in a number of European cities today, including Paris. France has a large number of negroids from their former colonies, who decided to "protest", which included a ton of vandalism, such as this (will add when catbox will allow me).

GI (Generation Identitaire) decided to stand ground and unrolled that poster you see in the pic that says "Justice for the victims of anti-white racism. White lives matter". The last bit was torn off by the people on the balcony by the time the pic was taken.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's true, since the explanation was posted 37 minutes before your comment, and is now directly above.

irelandLost ago

Blanc Lives Matter

Deplorablepoetry ago

Oui, mon ami

xpat ago

Now kiss!

Deplorablepoetry ago

homosexuel éviscéré

Helena73 ago

Je t’aime aussi, mon petit chou.

Deplorablepoetry ago

le seul bon cochon est un cochon mort mourir porc

Helena73 ago

Tu es très amusant, mon cher charcutier

Deplorablepoetry ago

célèbres derniers mots

Helena73 ago

je meurs de rire

veteran88 ago

There are no French blacks, there is an invading army.

GameBOB64 ago

Translation please

Metanoiac ago

Justice for the victims of anti white racism.

Alhambra ago

they're not victims of 'anti-white racism', that's kike talk.

they're victims of a permissive government which is allowing low-IQ savages to roam their streets freely.

racism is good, discrimination is good, it's the reason we pull weeds from our gardens and pick up litter off our streets. stop falling into the jew-mindset of thinking these things are evil.

minx88 ago

Exactly they use this word xenophobia and which is an invalid word I mean you phobia is a irrational fear but we do not have a fear of these stupid Nager’s and he’s disgusting jew rats and muslimcockroaches but we have in fact a healthy miss trust of these child raping and murdering .they are inferior Psychotically jealous ass ugly demon fecal matter that want a parasite off us and attempting genocide they are backstabbing shit every single one of them even the Muslim blacks and Jew children will stab you they are not humans because humans have remorseWe have every right to hate them because they are demon shit Out of satans ass .

RoBatten ago

Profiling is good. It's how we catch criminals . . .

Great comment btw!

minx88 ago

exactly right and if we look into the history of their nature and of all the people that have done a violent crimes and that’s why they’ve always tried to hide this information in the school systems every time I ask some thing I just did a tiny little bit of research it really takes no effort so Jack the ripper was Jewish Bundy and Berkowitz Jewish school shooters or Jewish the Vegas guy Jewish the mafia we’re not Italian they were Jewish throughout history the mass murder has always been Jewish and of courseNo they brought their Islam make a Knigge bio weapon with them because after the inquisition they realize that they can’t use their pathological lying they try to fit in they try to take Christian names or get plastic surgery but they still look like and are litteral backstabbing rats

derzahla ago

It's really annoying how we let they get away with framing every single conversation

philmchawk ago

Correct but unfortunately our society is so soy'd this is where you have to start.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

So you don't think weeds can be proper plants too! That's speciest...

Quotes_retardation ago

Right you are, Ken

HumanGenome ago

What a great way of putting it, especially the last paragraph. I've saved it for future use if you don't mind sir.

sugamari ago

i don't see how anything out in public is copyrightable - it's public like wtf :)

SeanBox ago

Justice for victims of anti-white racism...Based

minx88 ago

Exactly we’re not gonna take this BS from the the cake this word anti-Semitism that’s actually anti-gentile isn’t which is what the Talmud is the Talmud is hate speech the Koran is hate speech those books of the same shit is the synagogue of Satan and allait is Satan’s bitch And the Jew and Muslim and Knigge need to go back into the ass of the demon that shat them out

RoBatten ago

I agree with Alhambra's post above. Stop using jewed terms like racism, it gives them credibility. "Stop attacks during ____." Don't even list a race. Some will even get on board not knowing they are supporting our cause. If we take race completely out of it, how can they bring race into it without being disingenuous? This is Trump 4D chess here. Exposing them.

I think you're on to something here, Alhambra. Meme this.

rebel_1812 ago

I agree we need more of those signs around. Justice for victims of Caucasianphobia.

minx88 ago

Yes justice for the Catholicphobe.

Those who attack the church need to be strung up including that fucking big nose snake teeth fag kike macron for attacking the Notre Dame.

And its also time make anti-Caucasianism illegal

hytreap ago

Whites are taking back their lands from the kike.

Pickle_Rick ago

Translate please.

gazillions ago

Absolutely right.

I am sick and tired and fed up with Anti White Racism coming from the multinational corporate one percent.

Every political party simply exists to flip contracts to those vultures and no other reason, They are the genociders and they have to go first

minx88 ago

It’s obviously the fucking Jew trying to push this the blacks onto against the whites they’re trying to push the race war worldwide so it has nothing to do with this stupid fucking Nager Floyd that was resisting arrest Floyd is a criminal he was doing crime he was resisting arrest and that’s why he took because he was moving around n trying to fight the cop the whole timewhen he should not have been.And that stupid nigger in America has nothing to do with UK and France so obviously it’s the rat Jew that’s pushing this and people have to start naming the Jew and treating them like shit that they are stop buying anything that’s Jewish stop going to any restaurant that has blacks working there because usually it’s owned by a Jew

gazillions ago

I'd like that to happen as well, however you're dealing with millions upon millions of brainwashed, narcissistic Whites that would rather kill you or die themselves at this time. we sinoy don;t have the ability to cleanse all their minds.

They believe multinational globalist one percent is their enemy. They think China sells them stuff. You have to get them to see that that one percent makes them read their text books, watch their movies, listen to their music, read their books and buy their stuff. Once eh get that every politicians they vote for signs contrast with the one percent and exists for no other reason. The money for the contracts comes out of health and welfare spending. . the UN and the WHO only exist to sign contracts with the one percent that they pay for.

They were already demonizing the one percent all by themselves. The jews just fed them Nazis as a substitute. "Anyone that contradicts the one percent is a Nazi" is a knock on the head for a lot of them, because they don;t want to be identified with the one percent.

rebel_1812 ago

Damn right. Always call out the Racist Caucasianphobia. It fucks with their propaganda and it puts you on the offensive. Never be defensive with these fucks. Always be on the attack in arguments.

PagingDrBenway ago

Good point. One minor thing: the correct morphology of the word would be causcasophobia.

Glory_Beckons ago

Europhobia is easier to pronounce and more on point.

All "White" people are indigenous Europeans, the aboriginal peoples of Europe.

We are an ethnic minority in a global world without borders, at merely ~9% of the global population and falling. We are outnumbered by each of the following groups: Population of African, Black diaspora worldwide, Asians (worldwide or in Asia), Chinese by themselves, Indians by themselves, Muslims worldwide. Each of those groups individually, let alone combined.

minx88 ago

Oh yeah you’re right exactly and it’s fucking Jews with their anti-Semite bullshit word which is actually anti-Caucasianism.. were not putting up with that shit anymore it’s hypocritical discrimination from these genocidal bolshevik backstabbing synagogue of Satan ratshit

edgelord666 ago

lol this comment literally reeks of Doritos and mountain dew lmao. How are those tendies in mummy's basement, neckbeard?

Helena73 ago

What a densely packed grab bag of overused trolling cliches. You’re like an overachiever of mediocrity.

edgelord666 ago

ligma nutz bitch

Vrblpollushin ago

Fucking weak. Your faggot ass comment is a mash up of every leftist insult for the last 3 years. Neck yourself faggot.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

the last 3 years

Try ever since 4chan /b/ existed. That site triggered so many leftwing bugman that they had to shit it up.

gazillions ago

Are you grounded again? We told you this place isn't for tiny kids like you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Xax ago

Freaking awesome!

TFS ago

Good on them for standing up for their people. We need more actions like this.

minx88 ago

That’s right let’s spread word quickly