HeebyKneegrow ago

In Austin Texas there were easier tests for blacks to take to get a bar exam. Too many blacks were failing. A group of black lawyers got together and fight against this saying, "people will think all blacks will be shitty lawyers, this is bullshit, remove it"

And I agree. Stop making things easier, it doesn't help anyone

DOCornelius ago

So let's just plaster his face and name everywhere. I mean, it's not like people would show up at his house and threaten him or anything.

thebearfromstartrack ago

It's tough to stand with the good (ALWAYS HAS BEEN) a LOT of the time. KEEP STRONG (if you are). If not, FUCK YOU.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

But niggas gots to have high grades on dem tests and shit

Marku1 ago

Its ok, the world is learning never to hire a negro at all ever...i did, and learned a hard lesson that niggers are in fact pretty retarded IRL. Now everyone will know they need special treatment like stupid retarded Kids.....holy shit imagine a nigger doctor or a lawyer ...ffs.

Jujubean ago

I once worked for a tech vompany. We had a token nigger who did absolutely nothing. He knew they could not fire him. Management changed and the supervisor expected him to work. He ignored him. Management hired two niggers fresh out of school. It was funny because we remarked the first day they started that nigger #1 was no longer the token. He was defeated and was gone within a month. It took that long to give him a negative evaluation and two negative follow ups. The two niggers that were hired to replace him were dumb as stumps. They were willing, just hopelessly incapable. Within 2 months the supervisor appeared defeated. Hakuna Matata mitherfucker.

daveb75 ago

Lets see how they like it when people play their game. Theres a counter petition to fire the guy that suspended him. Cant post the link tho

Gringojones ago

I know there is a word that describes singling out a group based on their skin color and treating them differently. I just can't seem to think of the word. It's right on the tip of my tongue. Are there any university students or graduates that can help out here?

theBreadSultan ago

For a proffessor, that's pretty stupid.

When anything like this happens, you simply do the following.

  1. You kick it into the long grass
  2. Express your 'understanding' but remain entirely neutral and non-committal
  3. Pretend you're going to seek advice so as best to consider the 'ethical implications'
  4. Using language of the left, tell them to go fuck themselves, finishing with the angle that when news of black students being given free passes gets out, that the black graduates are likely to face more discrimination as any potential employer would be unlikely to treat them equally to black alumni of different years or non black alumni of the same year.

Because in truth, that is exactly what the end result is. A black person's qualification becomes worth less than the same qualification of any other race.

These people are fucking dumb, and it's more clear each day that they are just a bunch of opportunistic fuck wits who are more than happy to spit on their own kind, and own long term prospects for some nonsense short term gain.

They will probably get their undeserved qualification, and fail to get a job because of this bullshit.

Worst part, those black students who actually put the work in and aced the course, get fucked.

Im gonna assume the people behind this are bantu,.

Heathcliff ago

Academic standards are racist

itstheirculture ago

Bu-bu-but I thought they just wanted equality of opportunity?

Madranon ago

Why do they bother "studying" Why not just give them grades just for registering?

ViperCarbz ago

Typical niggers. Want special treatment and blame others for their own fucking problems.

veternpattriot ago


HeavyBrain ago

Thats what they been told all their lifes and then given a participation trophy, also no dad around to give them a slap or two.

Tyrone_Biggums ago

End result is for niggers to be untouchable. They cannot be arrested. Cannot be bothered for anything. The magic negro.

HeavyBrain ago

And yet a few grains of metal somehow didn't get the memo.

Will be very confusing to them I assume.

Anarchy99 ago

You shouldn't be sharing your knowledge with dimwits anyway.

Husita ago

Oh fuck, can't stop laughting. Yesterday I was laughting on bullshits from UK like police officers kneeling in front of blacks and muslims scum but this is next level of idiotism.

Alhambra ago

they're just trying to see how far they can push this shit without pushback. frankly the fact that it's gone this far without them being mass deported to shitfrica is disappointing.

Anarchy99 ago

Let them open their own colleges

Mcoli ago

Gib me an ay.

HeavyBrain ago

Here you go, now off with you go designe a bridge, but don't wast your diverse talents on white hellholes, go to vibrant liberal cities and buillt stuff there.

DandyLion1 ago

Someone should start a petition to make this Professor Dean of the college.

CryptoBard ago

Rewarding bad behavior or giving special treatment based in race is the most harmful racist thing you can do.

Mustard_Monkey ago

So much for muh equal rights huh?

ardvarcus ago

Professor suspended for doing his job.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Notice how none of the nogs even asked for it but their helpful (((white))) peers did

Blood-is-Nature ago

Less arguing; more homeschooling, and don't accept vetting processes like online certificates. Teach to survive within a world of liars.

newoldwave ago

Hell, blacks have been getting a free ride in colleges for years and years. Saw it when I was there.

ardvarcus ago

And they are so fucking stupid, they actually believe they can compete with whites.

newoldwave ago

The colleges give them a degree for nothing but employers know it and hire accordingly.

NakatomiBaby ago

Wait...they want to be treated differently because of "being treated differently"...?

CognitiveDissident5 ago

In South Africa, bantus only need 30 percent to pass.....because they're retarded. This ridiculous dropping of standards especially for them only reinforces how dumb they are. It's hilarious.

rustydog ago

Post 30% source plz.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm trying to find one, all I found was a source for a 20 percent pass rate for maths, hahaha! So I may have given you bogus information.

rustydog ago

So I listened to the interview linked in your article. It's a little more nuanced. If you're passing 6 of 7 classes but fail math you can advance to 10th grade if they score at least 20% in math, he mentions that they want it moved to 30% but are unsure how to bring in a gradual change. They are also not allowed to take any more math classes until you take a remedial course. (They won't)

The big take away mentioned in the interview... A passing grade is only 50/100.

rustydog ago

Shit happens, thanks for not doubling down.

HeavyBrain ago

And yet they don't see how they mock themselfes.

Luis_Sphincta ago

I don't doubt it, but I'd love a citation or two for a couple of my "They're just like us!" associates.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I stand corrected, the pass mark for maths was lowered to 20% a while back https://businesstech.co.za/news/finance/146351/sa-government-lowers-pass-mark-for-maths-to-20/

arniecuntingham ago

if niggers are just as smart (or smarter, as they claim) than whites, why do they NEED lenient marking?? and if they DO NEED lenient marking (as the suspending of this professor would surely indicate) then they must be INTLIECTUALLY INFERIOR. you can't have it both ways niggers.

Anarchy99 ago

INTLIECTUALLY INFERIOR lol white people are just as fucking dumb

arniecuntingham ago

if that's the case then why do niggers need lenient grading. if whites are as dumb as niggers, why not treat them the same??

Anarchy99 ago

To me it's low-priority I couldn't give a shit about college. It's all Jew bulshit anyway

arniecuntingham ago

that's beside the point.

Anarchy99 ago

No it's not fuck head. People like you or low priority you'll never get up off your ass and do anything about it anyway.

arniecuntingham ago

yes it is, and I have proven you wrong, wrong, WRONG! HAHAHAH! I WIN AND YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!

Anarchy99 ago

you have no foreskin.

ardvarcus ago

If the universities give the niggers degrees, then the media and the corporations and the politicians can all pretend that nigger degrees are just as meaningful as white degrees. It's retarded, but then, so are niggers.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Nigress Masters Degree is White Boy HS diploma.

HeavyBrain ago

It would be really interesting to form acompany and set up two or even three branches, similar location and market.

You hire people from the same year/degree.

Make one branch all white, all black and all asian (no discrimination since its one company and everyone is equally represented at 33%) and see who goes up belly first.

The funy part will be that the results will be racist and because of racism.

Plavonica ago

why do they NEED lenient marking??

Institutional racism keeps them from being able to properly study. That's seriously their answer: "It's the system maaaan."

HeebyKneegrow ago

Almost every black kid in every class is there just to mouth off and act too cool to pay attention in school. Sorry homie, we both had the same teachers and same school, your feeble brain is on you

arniecuntingham ago

yeah, every time a nigger tries to study, RACISTS bust in and force him to pick cotton instead.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Exactly, see my comment in this thread.

ChiCom ago

He needs a gofundme

CrackerSlant ago

What if non-radical professors started standing up to clownworld with the knowledge that they would be protected by a patriotic parachute, a patrichute in the form of direct cash donations. Problem is we are going to need quite a few patrichutes.

Plavonica ago

We would also have to setup our own gofundme, payment processing, and possibly banks. And then fight off an army of lawyers and alphabet agents at the same time.

CrackerSlant ago

Yup, it would need to be a private donation platform for sure

noob_tube ago

It would need to be crypto.

ChiCom ago

This war has many fronts

BentAxel ago

Kline seems like somebody who's rooted in the real world. A business professor judging people on their performance, Just like in the real world? How dare he.

AmericanJew2 ago

What he should have done was offer to raise each niggers grade one level for every level that a White student lost one of theirs. That way he could have trolled them by making it their own responsibility to lower their own grades (aka lower themselves into their own graves).

He missed an epic troll opportunity is all I am saying.

Gringojones ago

Thankfully he didn't. We already have enough sell outs, we don't need to advertise for more.

metricisokay ago

I'm so sick and tired of this shit. Doesn't that teacher know we as a society have lower standards for niggers?

BlackGrapeDrank ago


125227 ago

Hey now, it's a delicate balancing act. One must use low standards for the nig nogs without saying that they are. If you admit standards are lower, you must phrase it to sound like it's in the interest of fairness.

metricisokay ago

Well if anyone can do it, it's the academics.

dontmindthemess ago

That’s racist. The firing of a teacher because he wouldn’t give a break to students who choose not to attend their final exam on the scheduled date. Try that with a contract for work and product in the real world.

HeavyBrain ago

You think like somone who still belives that its about education and accumulating knowledge, its not its about indoctrination and making a buck at it.

And as you see it worked like a swiss watch.

They couldn't give less fucks if you give away free A's or if your engineering final is to figure out 10% of 120.

dontmindthemess ago

All it will do is make every degree from these universities just another piece of paper.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Not fired, suspended. Not because he's racist or declined the request but because he had too much fun declining the request.

I don't agree with the suspension.

There would probably be no suspension if the response read: "Because the course is graded entirely based on the final exam, University rules do not allow me to adjust the exam results for any reason."

HeavyBrain ago

But he would also have been shitcaned if he just wrote "No".

Those digenerates want you to dance for them on eggshells they get of to pseudo power.

newfag322 ago

You clearly have not worked in office with mandatory racial quotas. Ever wonder why the government is so slow?

onezeno ago

Academia is power much the opposite of the real world.

SexMachine ago

The sad thing is that the professor is probably a hardcore liberal as well. They won't let you take the middle ground, the left will eat their own. In the 90s and early 2000s I was a Democrat voter. The left moved further and further into ridiculousness and as a result I was pushed further and further right.

HeavyBrain ago

Were you pushed right or did you remain the same and the left just went to the deeper end?

Thats a difference.

SexMachine ago

Well pushed further and further right. Look at the LGBT shit. "what we do in our bedroom is our own business."

Oh, I agree with that. Shouldn't be laws against that. They're just keeping it in their bedroom.

"You must accept that women, who were child sex offenders as men, are women, and should be allowed in the girls' locker room at the YMCA with 12 year old girls."

Fuck no.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/1JaOA :

2020-06-10 | Professor suspended after refusing request for lenient marking of black students' assessments  | Daily Mail Online

"A professor at the University of California in Los Angeles has been suspended and placed under police protection after he rejected his non-black students' appeals for him to be lenient with his black students.", "The students wrote that, in light of recent 'traumas, we have been placed in a position where we much choose between actively supporting our black classmates or focusing on finishing up our spring quarter'.", "They requested a 'no-harm' final exam that could only benefit students' grades, and for shortened exams and extended deadlines for final assignments and projects.", "He sent an email to students on Monday calling Klein's behavior 'troubling'.", "How can I identify them since we've been having online classes only?'Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black-half Asian?"

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