Fuckyounigger ago

Well if you make a law in between someone owning a gun and they legally owned it before of course these crimes will go up it was supposed to happen like that

vastrightwing ago

anti-gunners are still able to delude themselves into believing that gun control reduces gun crime.

You're looking at it the wrong way. The "anti-gunners" are technocrats who want to tyrannize society. Guns represent control and sovereignty. They want control and to take away your sovereignty. They don't give a shit about the basket of deplorables who are victims.

kammmmak ago

Canada. Soon

kammmmak ago

White Genocide will be carried out by criminals that do not obey the law.

1F4A9 ago

Part of that increase is simply because possessing a gun now qualifies as a crime in more cases. These numbers don't tell us if there are more shootings, although that is likely because the numbers were going up before the ban. The article tries to suggest that the ban is causing gun violence, but doesn't give data to back that up.

Gorillion ago

Yep, Chinks bring in guns through their controlled ports and sell them to mosques and other criminal organizations.

Splooge ago

Don’t forget the close relationship china has with israel. It’s no mere cohencidence.

mudbear ago

This is gun crime increase from before the restrictions and its including data from the christchurch shooting, so the numbers will be inflated considering new zealand has some of the lowest gun crime rates in the world, so minor increases have a disproportionate affect on statistics. its not chicago.

Also most new zealanders dont have guns, so gun ownership has never been a deterent to gun crimes. Banning guns doesnt make the majority of people more vulnerable because they are already vulnerable. Banning guns in new zealand has no relevance to banning guns in the united states.

Im not challenging US gun laws, just this bullshit article. Do not quote this article, its garbage.

Anyone lapping this bullshit up needs a lesson on confirmation bias.

canbot ago

Everyone always claims that the gun crimes will go up when guns are banned but realistically criminals don't even need to carry guns anymore because everyone is disarmed. They can rob them at knifepoint point, or simply through intimidation and battery without any fear of being out gunned.

There is no reason for them to attract more attention to themselves by using guns.

That is why you don't hear about the rise in assaults and robberies following these kinds of laws. They don't want you pulling that thread. They want you to claim that gun crimes will go up and then be made a fool of publicly by someone who pulls up gun crime statistics.

jesus_is_lord ago


gazillions ago

Well there you go. Cry like girls over the loss of a country they wouldn't defend like men.

Paprika_Jones ago

Here's a twisted thought: what if Western women are trying to make the West so shitty no one wants to come here? Women do play the long game...fascinating.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Women don't posses the ability for advanced foresight. An individual woman, maybe, but women as a whole? No. Not even close. Women would all die if it weren't for men and our foresight.

gazillions ago

I thought the government was trying to do that too. Didn't hillary get caught saying "It's the fucking jews" one day?

SaneandAware ago

She doesn't care. This was about her tyranny, not protecting lives.

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Why the FUCK are there women in power?

BalfourYourFace ago



Jacinda is a tranny

Israel_Did_9_11_ ago

Ah, ya this one is a tranny...

My point stands:


tom9152 ago

"...the very people not complying with the law include a large number of criminals who aren’t going to comply with any law. Now, though, they know that their potential targets are less likely to be able to defend themselves. For them, it’s time to step up and get busy because no one can stop them."

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MrBateman ago

Nothing would be more frightening than the idea when you look out onto all of the usa and think none of those households have a gun in them. It's actually a kind of herd immunity for safety.

prairie ago

Reminds me of Kennesaw, Georgia requiring all homeowners own a gun. Unexplainably crime was lower.