GreenSlug ago

So where them titties at?

SkipBrutale ago

still no nudes up of this cute lil coal miner?

rubberdougie ago

Toll paid in full. Natural order for the win.

Origin_Unknown ago

The cops clearly didn't ignore her if they visited her and got her nudes. That implies they took reports on the harassment, stalking, and extortion attempts, at a minimum. Beyond that, what did this moron and her moron parents want the police to do exactly? Arrest him on petty charges so he spends 2 days in jail and then murders her? How much do you want to bet her pathetic cuck dad raised her anti gun and was the one telling her to just keep calling the police who clearly could do nothing?

speedisavirus ago

Got the pics?

getterdone ago

21 year old college student murdered by her 37 year old nigger ex con bf she started dating immediately after meeting him in a bar, and is then obviously murdered when she is shocked to learn he is a 37 year old ex con.

I really don't know why this girl was in college considering she had to be brain dead to meet a 37 year old ex con and think he was a quality guy. Obviously she was just some whore, but still one dumb liberal bitch.

Sanpa33 ago

She shouldn't have fucked around with joggers.

Turnagain ago

Coalburner killed by her nigger. How is that news?

Fancy451 ago

She was a nigger lover.

Wonder_Boy ago

She was a runner dating a jogger. Anyone could have seen that was a mismatch.

Bremertonbruiser ago

Holy fuck that was witty.

Wonder_Boy ago

Once or twice a year I come up with something. 😉


Dang, that's sad. Cops should be held liable for negligence or something (at least fired, I'd hope!)

Save-Europe ago

She got what she deserved. She fucked niggers. Race Traitor.

cantaloupe6 ago

ALIENS2222 ago


AhmaudArbery ago

I remember her father posted a tribute video on youtube and it was nothing but coalburner comments, he shut it down.

ALIENS2222 ago

Based comments.

killkillkill ago

Fucking shut the fuck up, faggot ass bitch boy.

RevDrStrangelove ago

She's a coalburner. Anyone with a couple of braincells bouncing off each other knows there's no saving them. They let nature run its course.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

when Miguel Deras, one of the officers assigned to her case, received them, he saved the photos on his personal phone

Hire a spic to be a cop and you get a cop that acts like a spic.

spaceman84 ago

Toll paid. Links to pics now that she's dead, for phrenology/physiognomy research purposes.

Inaminit ago

Toll paid... Next!

BalfourYourFace ago

Free thought project always lies

Reinhart ago

A couple takeaways completely ignored by the article:

-stupid whore went to college when she could have, and should have, been working on her 3rd child at 21

-stupid whore had nude pics that escaped into the wild

-stupid whore fucked around with a nigger

Lessons learned (but not by her):

-niggers will always act like niggers

-the father of the stupid whore is a complete failure

Helena73 ago

These parents sued the University for $56 million. No worries, tax payers will pick up the tab.

‘Lauren’s trust was betrayed,’ father of murdered Utah student says

Imagine being this out of touch with your responsibility as a Dad.

Reinhart ago

What a disgrace.

So nice to know that the parents are avoiding responsibility at the expense of others.

Helena73 ago

A lot of good conservatives will argue that these parents deserve this dirty money as if it came out of a vacuum, and that it was a good idea to teach her not to be prejudiced about dating black guys. I mean the spic cop is basically an innocent bystander to this guy’s bad parenting.

ALIENS2222 ago

Most based comment. o/

Reinhart ago


killkillkill ago

3rd child at 21. Lmao. I'd love to meet your pathetic ass in real life just to see the kind of faggot you truly are.

Reinhart ago

Keep on simpin'

killkillkill ago

Yes, the two options are simping or advocating murder.

Reinhart ago

Except I did neither of those.

Are you going to white-knight for the dead lady and completely ignore the missteps and failures that led to her death?

She's dead, bro; you aren't getting laid here.

killkillkill ago

You can't white-knight for someone not present, dipshit. But to delight in the murder of a girl because she fucked someone you don't want her to is fucking pathetic.

ssaa6oo ago

Nah, if you fuck a nigger you deserve the consequences.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Not advocating.

Relishing in "play stupid games win stupid prizes"?


Mr_Quagmire ago

Ex-boyfriend and murderer was black.

Cop who fucked up her case was mexican.

At least she wasn't a racist, though.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I mean, have you tried their food?

DFW ago

I bet she is now!

xzars_folly ago

Somebody should make Chorizo out of that wetback pig.

spaceman84 ago

Nasty. Feed him to pigs, don't eat him you retarded nigger.

xzars_folly ago

I'm not suggesting you eat him...but how about we settle for lighting a spic pig on fire and watching the squeals?

Reinhart ago

ex-bf/murdered is black

The article in the OP neglected to mention that little tidbit.

"Free Thought Project" indeed.

getterdone ago

What self respecting 21 year old girl dates a 37 year old nigger she met at a bar?

I can't tell if she was just a modern multicultural retard or if she was truly a retard. She didn't know he was 37 and an ex con? How much time did you talk to the fucking dude before he was your bf? 5 minutes?

Its always very amusing to me how these idiots who hear a dumb as fucking ex con mush mouthing at them and do mental gymnastics to explain away the retardation as "not their fault" or "just how they speak" because they are black. The actual racists are the ones who give niggers and spics a pass, while they search high and low for some white trash to mock and laugh at.

therage96 ago

Interesting how they aren't showing that THE GUY that KILLED her is BLACK and are instead focusing on this silly bullshit.

zum ago


37 year old ex-con felon NEGRO killed 21 year old whitey who FUCKED THE NIGGER OFTEN in the past!

Always check a girl's "coalfax" , too bad russian gov yesterday took control of domain.

He forgot to use proper registrar (.com) and from a hong kong registry. He forgot to use a good hodsting provider on US soil. He forgot to impishly state the purpose of site on main page "Was to help enable open minded Black males how to find and date non-racist White females with a history of dating black men". It should have appeared as pro-SJW pro-race mixing, but still called "coalfax" and still listing coalburners and tolls paid.

always check her friends on COALFAX and check her as well!

Check the COALFAX!

SearchVoatBot ago

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captainstrange ago

Did the russian government really seize control?

Apparently putin is a cuck if it's true.

TheyLie ago

Why would they take down the site? Wouldn't they want to protect people by warning them? Unless, somehow Jews have jurisdiction over this.

DesolationRoad ago

They own Russia. Russia is not a haven for white people. Research it.

captainstrange ago

Fuck out of here you blackpilling shitbag jew.

If they owned russia they wouldn't allow gangs to beat up homosexuals.

If the jews owned russia putin wouldn't have kicked out jewish oligarchs recently.

TheyLie ago


zum ago

.ru is domain with ultimate control by russia and its desginated stewards.

copy is up today at :

... for now

WorldSerpent ago

Hang the cop, hang the nigger. Likely hang the father as well. What kind of upbrining did she have that 20-something college student would date a 37 year old black male?

xzars_folly ago

This is what the media programs girls into, coal burners. Find me a modern TV show that doesn't feature a coal burning female lead. If she is white, she is coal burning.

Parents can try, and try damn hard,but ultimately the TV and peers are the full other half of a child's influences.

Its why the Jew-stream media needs to be shut down.

theshopper ago

This. Every fucking advertisement I see, and I mean litterally every single fucking one, is a mixed race couple.

bas14_ ago


Groove_Control ago

And it's always a nigger & white woman

beece ago

THAT'S TERRIBLE. Where were the naked photos of this coalburner BTW?

ALIENS2222 ago They are all the same.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Paid. In. Full.

LarryWhiteContrary ago

Coal burner gets iced by her pet monkey, who could have seen this coming?!?! Q predicted this!

BillNye_TheSoyGoy ago

Exactly! A true american! swiggah swiggah swiggah!

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Q predicted this

Made my day

spaceman84 ago


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fusir ago

Misconduct by police. That's a hangin'.

Cockboy ago

I'm convinced freethoughtproject is a psyop to make people disregard fucked up things police/the government do. After the 50th article that turns out to be mostly fabricated or based on Facebook posts you stop looking entirely.

fusir ago

The university and his former coworkers have made statements about it.