Str8jak1t ago

Site cannot be reached.

DandyLion1 ago

Seems the site was hacked

getterdone ago

It's interesting how the same folks who want to doxx every man, every Trump supporter, every vocal christian. To expose them and have their lives ruined. But they freak out in unison when's website letting nice guys know if a chick is a low IQ miner. Funny stuff

Merlynn ago

Great,now set up Jew Finder.

PurpleGiant ago

Vice actually does great documentaries and loved Kentucky Ayahuasca, shows like that but yeah we are sick to death of the fake commercials.

LegitimatePen ago

Just say "No!" to bestiality

Shotinthedark ago

No where on that site says anything about harassing anyone. Looks like the mudsharks don't like the spotlight.

Shadowlight ago

Why do you think Indians don't want any DNA testing done at "ancient gravesites"?

I've already seen and researched the data. I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not.

SadMacKabaam ago

Recent genetic evidence supports the theory of Asian, not European, origins for the peopling of the Americas.

The only human burial that has been directly associated with tools from the Clovis culture included the remains of an infant boy researchers named Anzick-1.[5][6] Paleogenetic analyses of Anzick-1's ancient nuclear, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosome DNA [7] reveal that Anzick-1 is closely related to modern Native American populations, which lends support to the Beringia hypothesis for the settlement of the Americas.[8]

The most obvious conclusion from the study is that the Clovis people who lived on the Anzick site in Montana were genetically very much like Native Americans throughout the Western Hemisphere.

"The Anzick family is directly ancestral to so many peoples in the Americas," says Eske Willerslev, from the University of Copenhagen. "That's astonishing!"

I should rape you for lying, you nigger-brained animal.

Shadowlight ago

Wikipedia, as reliable as snopes.

Put that dildo back in your ass.

SadMacKabaam ago

You’re going to have my dick in your ass, tard monkey.

Shadowlight ago

go suck muzzie cock windowlicker

killfuck9000 ago

8 paragraphs before "Anti defamation league" was brought up. Thought vice would have led with that.

mitoriomyt ago

All I got out of that article was hashtag #interracialcouple to make submissions to their Coalfax that much more efficient.

CrudOMatic ago

>White supremacists built a site

>never name the site, link to the URL, or even at the very least show us a screenshot

>You can trust Vice - it's not like we're a sensationalist border-line yellow journalism faggot-ran tabloid meant to stir shit for leftist causes

Fake news.

Deceneu ago

The site is real and Vice doesn't want to give them traffic.

I believe this is the girl (the only Chicago entry)


GameBOB64 ago

These evil racist need to be taught a lesson.

GameBOB64 ago

GameBOB64 ago

It is banned on Voat WTF!

mitoriomyt ago

Take out http://

GameBOB64 ago

What No Comment Section?


I wish I was that tech savvy.

gazillions ago

Ooh "birdbrain". you reached deep into your geriatric past for that one. How original.

Usernamenameuser ago

I liked it.

libman ago

Free speech.

369693936 ago

If white supremacists existed, no one would dare talk about it. The fact that the term is used everywhere = it's a cover for Talmudic Supremacists.

zum ago

Always check her and her friends on

Check her !

voat wont allow direct links to, and neither will 4chan. can in theory be used to falsely smear a reputation of a girl who jilts a guy, but for now its 100% coalburners.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago incoming

recon_johnny ago

There's a simple answer to all of the hysteria.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Vice is the biggest fucking hypocrite. I would love to see their entire headquarters leveled and every person who works for them dead.

Voat4CBD ago

Lol. Lauren Southern

Deceneu ago


ootz ago

Vice is retarded, nothing on the website it violence fueld, only the examples of white women who have paid the toll. And if this coal-burner has no problem dating her future murderer why does she care if her pics are on the website. Her shit is already posted on instagram

performance ago

Best advertising coalfax has ever received lol

tokui ago

We need more iterations.

"Cucks & chinks"

"I had an abortion!"

Lots of potential.


I'll tell you my prediction on how the site will likely get taken down.

Some dumbass is going to use that site to find out that their ex-girlfriend /wife left them to go race mixing with another man, and flip out. Someone is going to end up dead, and quite possibly the person who runs that website.

Shrugs. If they want to stir shit by making a site like that, they will get what they are asking for.

AngelofDeath ago

Nope ... they just switch the link to a nigger porn site.

Cockboy ago


prairie ago

It's not even doxxing them, just naming them so if you happen to run into them, you won't be fooled (though you should build the skills to be able to tell without any cheat sheet). Doxxing is where you get all their info and actively do things to ruin their life (these coal burners are already doing that step themselves).

last18500 ago

Which is only ok for liberal leftists to do to right-wing conservative bigots who don't believe in diversity and ending the white race and smashing the patriarchy. I mean, as long as you do it for a good reason (like the liberal agenda) then it's ok because that's the faggot-woman reasoning/logic of irrational leftists.

jmichaelhudsondotnet ago

vice is garbage that covers for epstein.

I do not however support making it illegal for anyone to love, date or marry any one for basis of race or any other reason.

That is a very bad idea, it will not end well, and is very likely originally a poison pill psy op to attack a certain demographic and bait a race war.

See the shills incoming to call me every name in the book, and demonstrate the point, that at this site a certain kind of radicality is encouraged to make legitimate arguments and factions appear ridiculous and cause division in the united states and western world.

That may be the purpose of this site, idk, but see my recent post in v/conspiracy and homepage before you decide whose side I am on.

Racism is not the answer for the united states, but neither is race war baiting, or anyone having sex with anyone to "get back" at one race or another, or anyone targeting people in their personal lives.

I know how bad that is, my work against zionism and pointeless permanent wars, among other things, has already made my life difficult and scary, and I dont want to bring that on anyone else.

white supremacists did not make that site, I bet you, people who want to make white people look ridiculous and evil did. Or people who funded the dumbest white people for said effect.

This has been a PSA.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

" is very likely originally a poison pill psy op"

Dumbass. Back when the White man ran this country, back before the Jew took over, miscegenation was illegal. In almost all states It was illegal for Whites to marry joggers and it many states it was illegal for White women to even fornicate with joggers.

Ihateyuppies ago

yeah that's a honeypot site, probably israeli.

beece ago

LOL, but they can't allow people to know the address. Interestingly, that link can't be published on Voat either. so copy paste it.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

Notice the weasel-wording about "toll paid" : The wording insinuates that the "something horrible" that happened to them, happened because of their being doxxed. That the women were hunted down by "white supremists" inspired by this site, rather than by their own "boyfriends".

The website also got an article courtesy of the 7News service out of Australia . It's even more blatantly misleading:

The site also includes a disturbing category called ‘toll paid’ which, in explicit detail, lists ‘former traitors’ who have been “punished for their crimes”.

IOW, the article is insinuating the women were "punished for their crimes" by the dreaded boogeyman, the "white supremists"...rather than-AGAIN-by their black SOs.

Archive link to full text of the Australian article:

Shadowlight ago

Denying racial homelands is the ultimate form of hate.

Whites experience the most racial hatred of all.

SadMacKabaam ago

The racial homeland of whites is Europe.

PurpleGiant ago

That is true. America is the white diaspora.

MOGA ago

Manifest Destiny mein negger. The racial homeland of whites is wherever we painstakingly carve out a civilization from the wilderness

SadMacKabaam ago

The racial homeland of whites is Europe..

Shadowlight ago

And yet the Clovis people (Germanic) predated the Asians in the Americas.

SadMacKabaam ago

Are we making up things now? Were whites also in South Africa before the San, Australia before the aboriginals, and New Zealand before the Maori? I bet they were also in Hawaii before the Polynesians. You’re so full of shit it’s coming out your ears.

Shadowlight ago

Strawmen much?

Clovis people (germans) predated the asians that came to North America.

SadMacKabaam ago

Idiot animal retard. I hope you get raped by a pack of feral niggers.

Shadowlight ago

Somebody hates Whites.


SadMacKabaam ago

The evidence for the hypothesis is considered more consistent with other scenarios. In addition to an interval of thousands of years between the Clovis and Solutrean eras, the two technologies show only incidental similarities. There is no evidence for any Solutrean seafaring, far less for any technology that could take humans across the Atlantic in an ice age. Recent genetic evidence supports the theory of Asian, not European, origins for the peopling of the Americas.

Lol. Stupid fucking retard.

Shadowlight ago

Wikipedia promotes anti-White narratives, cuck.

SadMacKabaam ago

The only human burial that has been directly associated with tools from the Clovis culture included the remains of an infant boy researchers named Anzick-1.[5][6] Paleogenetic analyses of Anzick-1's ancient nuclear, mitochondrial, and Y-chromosome DNA [7] reveal that Anzick-1 is closely related to modern Native American populations, which lends support to the Beringia hypothesis for the settlement of the Americas.[8]

Shadowlight ago

More cuck loving. Shocking.

WD_Pelley ago

This, but unironically.

Shadowlight ago

If you want to import and breed with diet worlders, you don't get to do it in White civilizations on the backs of the White men who built it.

Go to their nation and enjoy their "paradises" if that is what you want.

SadMacKabaam ago

Do you think the blacks came here voluntarily, dumbass?

Shadowlight ago

And yet you would be the first to cry at leaving White nations.....

SadMacKabaam ago

White nations are in Europe. I don’t live in Europe.

Shadowlight ago

The USA has always been a White nation. And you would cry if you were asked to leave it.

SadMacKabaam ago

Whites aren’t native to the US; Amerindians are. Whites belong in Europe because Europe belongs to whites. For thousands of years your ancestors lived, fought, bled, and died there. Fly home, little bird.

Shadowlight ago

And they were in the Americas before the Indians.

Do some research.

SadMacKabaam ago

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Burden of proof lies to you.

altident ago

They definitely stay here voluntarily. For every nigger that wants to leave the country permanently I guarantee there’d be a white man willing to pay for his ticket

SadMacKabaam ago

Blacks have been here since 1619 and they were no longer imported by 1807—before the arrival of the majority of white America’s immigrant ancestors. They should have been given land here, carved from the defeated Confederacy in ‘65. Whites were too stingy and stupid to repatriate 4 million after the war. Do you think they’ll shell out the cash now to repatriate and resettle 40 million? If so, you’re even more retarded than I take you to be.

altident ago

Would you pay $150 for a nigger’s ticket back to Africa? I know I would.

Whites didn’t keep blacks here after the civil war, Jews did.

SadMacKabaam ago

Jews didn’t wield significant political or social power in the 19th century, dumbshit.

altident ago

Jews controlled the most profitable industry on the planet for centuries. Of course they had political power

SadMacKabaam ago

You’re the one making queer assertions. The burden of proof rests squarely on your shoulders.

altident ago

Well since the white president wanted to repatriate them yet they remained in the place that the Jews wanted them, I assert that your assertion that whites didn’t want to remove them is the queer one, so burden of proof rests squarely on your shoulders.

sbt2160p ago

Post-WW2, yeah, they did come to the West voluntarily.

SadMacKabaam ago

The majority of blacks descend from slaves. Do you really not know your own country’s history, dumbass?

sbt2160p ago

You’re assuming I’m american, while I’m referring to the deliberately constructed flow of sub-saharan migrants to all of the West. The world doesn’t revolve around the USA.

SadMacKabaam ago

Europe is the West-lite. Western European states are just American protectorates. Too much of pussies to defend your own women from sub-Saharans and Arabs. All your masculine men died in WWII.

TheSeer ago

'promote violence'

turns into

'facilitates harassment'

real quick in that article!

GusStappo ago

Did you see the post on there with the guy posting (((his address))) daring someone to come to him,so he could kill them?

They'll bait some idiot into attacking a random address they post.

There's always one dumbass who takes the bait.

sivsta ago

I saw that like... definitely not their real digits. It's a tactic they use to take down the site if someone takes the bait.

veteran88 ago

Why would it be taken down?

It is clearly not for the faggots who read vice.

It's to protect good men from the brainless coal-burners who hate their own race.

If they can do that can we take down all the far websites we don't like.

There are faggot and Trannie websites that Target children and help them get hormones pills without their parents knowing. They also hook up pedos with mentally ill children.

I recommend those should be taken down long before the coal-burners website is taken down.

bonghits4jeebus ago

Outlets like Vice are used to spineless Californian websites like Reddit and whoever hosted coalfax first bending over when they get triggered by something. Whereas large parts of the world care not for their SJW bullshit

veteran88 ago

Rip coontown

sivsta ago

Because someone got their feelings hurt

veteran88 ago

The slut who goes around riding monkey dick and then hopes for a quality man after she is used up and her hole is as loose as a garbage bag, so even the monkeys don't want her anymore?

Her feelings are irrelevant.

Better to save the quality man from making a mistake.

derram ago :

2020-05-13 | White Supremacists Built a Website to Doxx Interracial Couples — and It's Going to Be Hard to Take Down - VICE

'In some other countries, including the U.K. and France, “incitement of ethnic or racial hatred” — which could include running a racist website — is considered a crime. '

'White supremacists have long invoked “racial purity” to justify horrific racism and brutal acts of violence against nonwhite people. '

' Australian authorities are reportedly investigating the website, after they were contacted by a teen from Melbourne who was targeted by the site. '

'The website was created in April but was taken offline after their initial hosting provider cut ties with them. '

'The randomness stems from the fact that it’s not just one person identifying and targeting couples; the owner of the website solicits submissions from visitors. '

This has been an automated message.

SaneandAware ago

Moar censorship! control our thoughts! Moar government control! vaccinate us with whatever you want and force everyone else to do the same!

These people are very dangerous, and no I am not talking about the coal burner site people. They are just re-posting public info. you don't want the world to know you suck black cock and take it in every orifice? Then don't post it to your social media accounts and make it public info.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/8chan comment.

Posted automatically (#110143) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@SaneandAware: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

altident ago

This is the second time today I’ve seen a coalfax comment linked to a different two week old anonymous thread. What’s this about?

gazillions ago

There's Vice, spreading hate and hysteria over and over again.

They should send OP a thank you note for making them money for every little click he sends their way, instead of archiving that shit.

shillaccount3344 ago

vice is probably owned by the same people who own coalfax. I mean after oj simpson you think heebs don't get that coalburners are a problem for them as well?

TheDonaldTrump ago

Don't feed them!

1Sorry_SOB ago


fusir ago

Definitely hysteria. I don't see a link or a name mentioned in the article. I'm thinking Vice made the whole thing up. They should probably provide a link.

gazillions ago

Like this?

http://coalfax. ru/

is a banned domain on Voat. so there's a space between the dot and the ru.

Now why is coalfax a banned domain on Voat?

freedomite ago

why is coalfax a banned domain on voat

jews, one would presume.

Catfishbelly ago

Sketchy website anyone know if that is a honey trap

Glipglup ago

All .ru domains are banned to prevent spam bots.

CrudOMatic ago

OMG it exists. This is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life: "Don’t ask her out until you get the coalfax"


ShalomGoyim ago

Holy shit you're retarded

tokui ago

We've gone over that, again and again. Pay attention.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Play attention if you can't do that.

blueblur ago

Do clicks mean anything without ad revenue?

MrNevsky ago , copy news links and put them in an archiver. There are plenty on other ones. This is also in case the journos "learn new information" and we need the original article.

Butterbread ago

Use https:

gazillions ago

Clicks increase the price of the ads. More clicks more profit.

kingdomhearts123 ago

can we pretend that coalfax isn't a psyop?

vice jumps on board lol... perfectly natural and organic.

AR47 ago

If you notice a great many of the women seen are attractive, and the reluctance to update the male section says incel to me. It is all about bringing a female down to their level and beating them with experience is all.

As for the site what? Bitch wants to flaunt her trophy nigger on social media, but gets all scared when her image of self is tarnished.....get real cunt. You are signaling and it may on the slight chance work out for her to not get fucked up or over, but unlikely.

Plus her sexual value is forever lost with other white men.....she fucked a nigger or more.....that is the real thing here. Men forever will know and that pisses them off.

Funny how if it is so good and right that they are afraid of their public image..... Guaranteed that no one sent them a threat.....directly anyways. Bet they all were about the nigger chimping out.

Bitches live in shame because they know its unnatural.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I haven't gone on the site...

because all the marketing for it seems inorganic and a lot of the usernames pushing it are desperate transportation whores.

it seems like a dumb psyop...

AR47 ago

I agree it is very very suspect. Seems like a tragic incel made it is all.

Gives a great idea too....if it was a psyop then they fucked up. People like the drama and it will be back some way or another.

kingdomhearts123 ago

lol you're a kike

AR47 ago

Alrighty then.

Everyone is entitled to an incorrect idea.

kingdomhearts123 ago

whatever faggot... there's more kike shills on this site than users, so I think I'll be ok.

AR47 ago

What exactly is a transportation whore?

It's a newer term or at least one I have never heard before.

kingdomhearts123 ago


A great idea huh? that's neat.

kingdomhearts123 ago

let's have a look at your posts... am i gonna find transportation shit?


Intrixina ago

The retarded thing is the fact that they post it for all and sundry on their social media accounts for ego kibbles, but the moment they are on a site that doesn't pander to their ego, they get the shits and screech about it for it to be removed. Then cue the copious amount of concernfagging for "white supremacists" which on the site itself it mentioned "This is just documenting who likes to fuck black men" - how is that any different from advertising something to be "women only" or "LGBTQPWTFBBQ friendly"?

The_Venerable ago

"Someone is finally doing something! It MUST be a psyop!"

kingdomhearts123 ago


that's totally what's going on here....

look at the fucking track record dude... you tell me which Optimistic meme or theme isn't a fucking psy-op.

crazy_eyes ago

suddenly they get free advertising

altident ago

Except they never mentioned the site name

kingdomhearts123 ago


there's kikes out here telling us all about it lol.