SoOutraged ago

Why none of these people use a Deadman switch I will never understand

MissingEgo1 ago

And the merry-go goes round and round.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

I read about this guy disappearing a couple of days ago. Supposedly he had dementia although it's hard to believe someone that wealthy didn't have a live in care taker that would keep track of him. It's also interesting that a "hunter" found him in a park near where he lived even though hunting season hasn't been in play in NY for months and a grid search had been done of surrounding areas when he first went missing.

binrobinro ago

I saw nothing about this on MSM. How strange.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

There were a number of articles when the 84 year old with dementia first wandered away into the woods.

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Ezre ago

Hillary and Bill at it again

Bill_Williamson ago

Good start. Now the rest of them can die.

audiastrat ago

And none of Epstein's fellow pedos have been arrested

Ionie ago

Wow I bet that man had some very interesting evidence. That someone has got now! But who got it ??

Doglegwarrior ago

are these people retarded? how hard is it to ser up legit dead man switches even go on the dark web. have some real in world ones. have some with trusted people. have one with unknown people who just release the evidence if you die. or fucking go release it before you are killed so you at least know the evil shit you were involved in gets out. fucking cowards

anticlutch ago

Hi fellow niggers.

Threadly reminder;

Jeffrey Epstein DID NOT commit suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein WAS NOT murdered.

Jeffrey Epstein IS NOT dead.

Jeffrey Epstein IS alive.

Jeffrey Epstein WAS escaped by Mossad.

capicua ago

this needs to be higher up, the corpse body-double switcharoo is the oldest trick in the playbook

Agent7851 ago

Pretty common knowledge on here


Another one to chuck up on the clinton body count

Xax ago

(((How))) did this happen?

prairie ago

The Clinton Foundation, the gift that keeps on giving.

tednugent_faggot69 ago

Probably worth mentioning that he was an 82 yr old man with dementia.

anoncastillo ago

Seems like a good time to remind people that Epstein's right hand lady was the daughter of an Israeli intelligence agent and another former Israeli intelligence agent confirmed that they worked for the Israeli government. Israel literally uses child rape to control the world.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Very effectively too.

gimpyoldman ago

Was it like Vince Foster? Found dead in the woods with no dirt on the soles of his shoes only carpet fibers?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The old 'two carpet' trick.

Broc_Lia ago

Let's hope his dead man's switch doesn't cuck out.

facepaint ago

The only way out of a situation like that is to publicly let loose all incriminating evidence that you have. That way there is no more incentive to off you.

Of course the photographer was probably fucking kids too so he probably didn't want to get stuck in a circular firing squad with all of the other kiddie fuckers.

This fear factor should be put to use. All of the other kiddie fuckers should fear that the other ones they met are talking to the authorities. Maybe 'leak' or start rumors that certain individuals are talking to the Feds. Thus the other kiddie fuckers off that kiddie fucker.

The only safe stance left would be to talk to the feds in exchange for protection.

LaRiver ago

Wow, literally "one day they won't be able to walk down the streets".

Splooge ago

One of my friends in college was this fitness nut, super cool dude, tall and yoked beyond belief. He’s the type of guy that seems to get away with anything he does purely on charm, the type everyone knows instinctively not to mess with, and even the trashiest niggers avoided eye contact. You know, that default crazed stare and grin, but super nice if he likes you.

When we used to hang out in public, like at the malls or wherever, if he got bored he had this fondness for saying random shit just to see if anyone would react. Like there’d be relative silence and out of nowhere he’d say (not shout) loudly enough for everyone to hear.

For instance, if he saw some yuppie with a Che Guevara t-shirt, he’d go “COMMUNISM IS GREAT IF YOU’RE A FAGGOT.” He always did this shit nonchalantly, and if the statement related to any specific person (sometimes it didn’t), they’d always avoid eye contact and/or scurry away. One time he randomly went up to a lady with three kids and just said “Hey thanks for your service.” She gave a really confused smile, but there’s that brand of insane charm for ya.

By far his favorite line though, the one he was most fond of, was saying “KILL ALL PEDOPHILES.” That’s it. No anger, no malice, just a casual matter-of-fact delivery to everyone within earshot. Seeing certain bystanders suddenly shift uncomfortably was hilarious, and in hindsight I’m certain at least a few were jews.

I haven’t seen him in years. I gotta look him up, I hope he’s doing well. Crazy ass motherfucker I tell ya.

NPCGator ago

I knew a crazy fuck like that back in the day, he would say the same kind of shit and always in a crowded mall or when we were standing in line to get in somewhere or waiting for a seat at a restaurant. Honestly I was embarrassed to be around the guy back then but now looking back it was really kind of genius.

sunshine702 ago

Sounds a bit sociopathic or troubled imho.

Sometimes people considering murder or suicide often will tell someone in the form of a joke or nonchalance. "I am gonna kill a hooker tonight" or" It''s ok I woln't be here for that" Sometimes they are trying to psych themselves up to do it."


Lets hope he kills all pedos

puggy ago

Trump should hire him for press conferences

traveler573g ago

Lol reminds me of a friend of mine

tankingwrong ago

Are you really gonna take offense to that?

More than a few of you look like pedophiles and you know it.

Just like your Commie t-shirt example, it's less about "what they're thinking" and more about "why would he say that? oh god am i slack-jawed mouth-breathing again? goddammit."

voatusernamevoat ago

no more incentive to off you.

revenge, spite, example to others that cross them.


You seem to think that these people don't have anything on him.

Broc_Lia ago

The only way out of a situation like that is to publicly let loose all incriminating evidence that you have. That way there is no more incentive to off you.

There's still a 50/50 chance he'd be killed. The evidence is stronger with him alive. Photos on their own don't mean much nowadays.

This fear factor should be put to use. All of the other kiddie fuckers should fear that the other ones they met are talking to the authorities. Maybe 'leak' or start rumors that certain individuals are talking to the Feds. Thus the other kiddie fuckers off that kiddie fucker.

The only safe stance left would be to talk to the feds in exchange for protection.

That proposal assumes that the feds aren't also in on it.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Exactly. Remember when the NYPD supposedly found all kinds of shit on little Weiners laptop that never saw the light of day?

glownig ago

So true.

Photos on their own don't mean much nowadays.

Not even VIDEOS mean much nowadays :

In 2020, for example, many clever deepfakes with sound synthesis too, will pop up vilifying Trump.

This may be a problem for a long time from now (untrusted pictures or video).

glownig ago

So true.

Photos on their own don't mean much nowadays.

Not even VIDEOS mean much nowadays :

In 2020, for example, many clever deepfakes with sound synthesis too, will pop up vilifying Trump.

This may be a problem for a long time from now (untrusted pictures or video).

LaRiver ago

The only recourse for us is our inner guidance.

ElvisP ago

That implies talking to the feds will actually result in things be properly investigated and prosecuted.

99.9999% chance it won't

Amphiprion ago

Epstein's photographer didn't kill himself.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Exactly. He was 84 years old with dementia, and wandered out into the woods. Although technically, he might have felt the call that it was 'time'.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Deplorablepoetry ago


No one cares about wealthy perverts who rape children, it’s a standard we must all learn to respect.

When Bill Clinton is ordered to testify is the day that I die..., Justice will never prevail.

Society has failed, there is no use in trying anymore..., turn off the lights, don’t forget to close the door

NarrativeControl ago

At last you learned how to troll.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Law enforcement doesn’t care. I care.

Deplorablepoetry ago

It’s more than law enforcement, Satan rules this planet.

One does not need to believe in a God to know that evil is our master.

You care like I and hundreds of millions of people care, sad truth is our caring means nothing.

Children are being raped as I type this, Hillary Clinton sleeps soundly in her mansion guarded by Satan’s minions.

We live in Hell

steven_feelsperg ago

Just like the word "enemy", the word "Satan" can be used collectively. Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan. Hillary is a jewess. We live in hell because we suffer jews to live.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You know what the devil hates?

Mound building

notallfrogs ago


Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Just build a little mound bro. The devil will freak. Just try it.

Just a little one.

lord_nougat ago


KinkRaven ago

Bahahaha omg you're a giant loser

Go eat your black pills somewhere else, stupid nigger faggot

Deplorablepoetry ago

You forgot to call me a jew

KinkRaven ago

That was obvious

notallfrogs ago
