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MissingEgo1 ago

I want to believe - Mulder's poster

DOCornelius ago

Well here comes another attempt at a crushing level of gun control for Canada.

boekanier ago

The killer's name: (((Gabriel Wortman)))

HeavyBrain ago

"Oh would somebody think of the common sense gun laws." We need more of them.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

He didn't steal the cop cars, he bought 2 decommissioned RCMP vehicles and put new vinyl stickers and lights on them

There was planning.

WickedVocalist ago

Don't worry, the liberals plan on saving lives by making you resort to IEDs and not guns

EngineeringReverse ago

Gunshot wounds are pre-existing medical conditions.

TestForScience ago


Bitch, please. Here in the States, there would have been seventeen dead before the gunman was killed in only thirty minutes, and the gunman would have only shot four of them.

THEx1138 ago

He went house to house burning and killing. Since none of the homeowners had guns...they waited for the police to arrive.

kawyzoqau ago

The fucked up thing is at least several of those homeowners certainly had guns. The fake police uniform would have disguised what was happening and prevented people from reacting.

CHeritageP ago

It’s going to sound morbid, but given that these people are already dead and I’m just hoping in the context; nothing could be better for individual firearm rights then that.

A madman going door to door massacring unarmed civilians is why we need the 2nd amendment

Octoclops ago

(((Gun control))) kills.

stray502 ago

That is just plain ignorant. It wasnt 10 they have so far found 17 dead.

Scine ago

Good thing they've got all that gun control up there, so they don't have to worry about this shit from happening, and becoming sitting ducks.

Fucking pussies.

TwistedSista ago

Way to go gun-free Canada! When seconds count the RCMP are just 12+ hours away!

MikeNelson ago

Don’t they have a really strict gun laws up there?

Literally-Oppressed ago

Mhm. Still 1 in 14 adults have their long-gun license, so Canada isn't as defenseless as people blindly assume

TwistedSista ago

I think they even have laws against dressing up like a police officer. Someone should have told this guy.

TechDumb ago

He's a jew, the rules don't apply to him.


Like the Rabbi David Wortmann.. yep, it's a kike

kammmmak ago

16 dead now.

yukondawg58 ago

up to 17 dead now

Gunk ago

18 reported now.

ramultyleveachan ago

Whoa wait. People were killed by something somewhere? Aren't we calling all deaths terrorism now?

Deceneu ago

It's COVID-19. And it always will be until complete worldwide vaccination. /s

BMF1976 ago

Those are rookie numbers Canada, gotta pump that up!

BentAxel ago

Well that just fucks up the narrative, doesn't it.

SaneandAware ago

As if the media for morons will have any problem pretending he is white.

Anarchy99 ago

Nova Scotia police tased my friend to death. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve a lot of things. All I'm feeling is schadenfreude.

Tallest_Skil ago

I like how Canada is now going to ban all firearms and this is all that is mentioned of it, even here. Just one thread. Almost as though this site is not only completely dead, but also that we all already know that no one will ever do a single thing to stop it from happening. Isn’t that funny? How whites just keep letting jews exterminate them from the face of the Earth? Without even attempting to fight back? Funny stuff. Hilarious. MFW.

beefartist ago

No they won't. The gun would be the story already if that was true...Canada isn't going to outright ban guns...they will continue down the path of restricting more and more semi rifles while using municipalities to make sure there isn't anywhere you can use them if you are city folk

Tallest_Skil ago

How is the gun supposedly not the story? Why wouldn’t we see a new Port Arthur out of this?

Cat-hax ago

Because even if that story they didn't focus on the gun.

itssomatic ago

This Time The Lightning

BjornIronside ago

Never going to happen.

Civil war if they try that shit.

MikeNelson ago

Then what the hell is Virginia waiting for?


It's been going on for 2000 years. Now is the time for action, not big talk

Tallest_Skil ago


Nothing is happening. Nothing is ever going to happen.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING. They didn’t rise up in:

  • 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war in Europe and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation (every civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within roughly 100 years).
  • 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war in Europe, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • 1950 when the Korean War removed all pretense for reasons for the US going to war–and with no legal declaration.
  • 1955 when the US paid 100% of Laos’ military budget for its own civil war, without anything in return and without taxpayers’ consent.
  • 1959 when the Vietnam War saw its first direct US involvement, again with no legal declaration.
  • 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. THE POLITICIANS ADMITTED THE PURPOSE OF THE BILL WAS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITES. No one did anything.
  • 1965 when the US intervened in the Dominican War, again without declaration.
  • 1967 when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel for the sole purpose of getting the US to attack Egypt for the jews’ sake.
  • 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent, and when the US defended Israel in the Yom Kippur War after Israel literally threatened the US with nuclear hellfire.
  • The 1980s when the US was exposed as deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • 2001 after 9/11 when jews attacked the United States, yet again for Greater Israel.
  • 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • 2010 when Obamacare ran roughshod over the Constitution.
  • 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”
  • 2018 when trannies became accepted as “normal.”
  • 2019 when CPS confirmed that children stripping at faggot clubs “isn’t” child abuse, or when a jury ruled that children can be forcibly castrated.
  • 2020 when the entire world was forcibly locked down for a smaller biological threat than SARS and the Keynesians stole 6 trillion more from our future

No one will ever fight back against any of this. Ever.

spreadthosecheeks ago

I feel like there are many white men willing to fight back, but not enough are willing to take the first step. I honestly have no idea how to enable enough of my brothers to shed that weight and fight. I fear you may be right, but I also have hope. Maybe I'm stupid.

kammmmak ago

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuutttttttttttttt uuuuppppppppp..........

Tallest_Skil ago

I know. It hurts. But we lost before we were even born. There’s a reason they call the newest kids “generation Z.” There aren’t any more letters in the alphabet. It’s where whites end.

ardvarcus ago

Catchy. A bit dark, but catchy.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Certified neckbeard cuck. Get a girlfriend, faggot.

blit416 ago

h-have sex, right? have sex.....


He's not wrong

Tallest_Skil ago

no argument

impotent screaming instead

Prove me right harder.

Landsberg15 ago

If I had to live in Nova Scotia I’d probably go batshit crazy too.

SaneandAware ago

Too white for you rabbi? Miss that diversity I am sure.

TwistedSista ago

Nah, it's the accent!

SaneandAware ago

miss that yiddish rolling of the rrrrrr's eh? :)

fightknightHERO ago

Whoa whoa whoa... the shooter is a fucking kike?!

beefartist ago

That must be why the reporting has been so weird...the way CBC and Nova Scotia police were talking it sounded like he WAS a cop but no sounds more like he killed one and took her car

TwistedSista ago

He wanted to be RCMP in highschool, he made his own fake uniform and detailed a mock up car in his garage to carry this out.

beefartist ago

Gamma jew confirmed. Worst part for this idiot is that RCMP is a terrible fucking org to work for

GoyimNose ago

Are you being serious? Most mass shooters that make the news are kikes.

WickedVocalist ago

6 snackbars left on the site, used to be 13

themrspancake ago

Came here to say this. Almost every. single. time.

edgelord666 ago

Yup. And people on this site were all getting their dicks hard over Tarrant, despite him being an obvious kike

itssomatic ago

The lesson they wanted promulgated from Tarrant was that you couldn't kill fifty sand-niggers without getting caught.

Reality differs.

Octoclops ago

They want you to join the army and kill sand niggers for Israel instead.

itssomatic ago

With fuel prices so cheap, it's a lot more economical to head to Dearborn or other numerous outposts.

And, now they're shilling China vs Whites over trifling fat New Yorkers croaking from pneumonia. I guess shipping all our factories over there didn't warrant anything, not to mention poisoned baby formula or fentanyl.

toobaditworks ago

-12.9K comment votes...

shillaccount3344 ago

he must speak the truth a lot...

favoritecoloriswhite ago

It's all so tiresome.

fightknightHERO ago

Holy shit he IS a kike

i'm definitely expecting the jew media to cry "white man bad" "gib us your guns"

satisfyinghump ago

Says he can be trusted and is reliable... well for an ashkenazi jew I guess...

Anarchy99 ago

Probably staged but I hope it's true

beefartist ago

It isn't likely they would stage a false flag in buttfuck nowhere on the edge of the country

jimibulgin ago

why not?

beefartist ago

Because in small communities people know each other and it is hard to fake shit.

stray502 ago

You hope its true that all those people died. What kind of a monster are you. One day you will face your maker and good luck with that.

gazillions ago

Oh no, he' really kill 16 people to help get that communist gun control the still living communists are after in Canada. Since when did the Ahkenazis give a shit about killing people to get what they want?

Anarchy99 ago

Wortman could be a German name. It still could be a staged event. Hopefully it wasn't

Tallest_Skil ago

reliable person who could be trusted to keep his word

Are we SURE it’s a jewish surname?

Helena73 ago

Ya know I did know someone jewish named wortman but it looks like it also might be an english surname. The fact that he’s a Gabriel and a denturist, Im leaning tribe, but you never know.

WickedVocalist ago

What about a kevlar and shatterproof spook glass salesman?

Is that also a Jew? Pretty sure he's LDS

Helena73 ago

You’re all over the place. I speculated he might be jewish. Your saying he’s lds? I cant even tell. I dont need to be red pilled on lds.

fightknightHERO ago

Well, he sure was reliable in committing this false flag

which reminds me, was the guy who committed another false flag in Commiefornia (the one who led to 8chan getting shoah'ed)

also a biological jew?