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Vc83 ago

both political parties top donors are billionaire jews, Sayer and Adelson

Don_Tomaso ago

Just let us people loose on these cockroaches and the cnn cunts will be strung up and gutted one by one.

jimibulgin ago

Just gonna leave this here:

thebearfromstartrack ago

Isn't Tara Reid (accusers name?) an actress whore? Who when she gets past her prime will blame men for her selling her ass to be in movies, then getting discarded when she's a dried up old prune like the rest of them. You CHOSE cunt. START YOUR OWN movie company, TRY to SELL your delusional feminist garbage and SEE how much MONEY YOU EARN. Instead of claiming, like niggers, everybody OWES you for some reason when you don't get what you WANT!!!

DOCornelius ago

Two completely different women.

Tara Reid = actress

Tara Reade = Biden accuser

thebearfromstartrack ago

Oh. Everyone's against me.

romanstock ago

yes they have an agenda and we all know. the real issue is, why isn't fox publishing 700 stories on biden's child sex allegations and getting a whole political circus and hearings over it? the 'right' doesn't do anything close to the same back, they just run a soft whimpering false cover as gradual communism is rolled out.

Ezre ago

Commie TV channel

v ago

Uhm duh. Kavanaugh red, red bad. Biden blue, blue good

That's it, that's the lens they see the world through.

holaymackal ago

CNN knows exactly what they are doing.

And your average american doesn't see the Biden scandal played on CNN, they will assume it's fake news, a Trump lie.

Voatering4life ago

So at the end of the day, should they be shut down? Can we support other news organizations that are fair? How to proceed? Honest question.

tonberry2 ago

Just inform everyone you care about that what they are saying is BS and give solid examples why (pointing out to them the difference between how Kavanaugh and Biden are covered by the media is a good example for the double standard). The effectiveness of political propaganda relies on the belief people have that what they are being told is the truth, once people know that what they are being told is propaganda and not the truth, they will stop listening to them, and without viewers the news media will die a natural death. In fact, if you look at the trend in the ratings for CNN, MSNBC, and the like, you would see that this has already been happening.

Voatering4life ago

Yes. It is an uphill battle. Thank you for the advice.

imacoffeeaddict ago


Roody15 ago

They are blatant propaganda. Every possible headline is Presented in a way to push a political narrative. The network is straight out of a middle school dystopian novel... same stories... same fake focus groups ... same tv personalities that provide controlled commentary.

Just utter nonsense

gazillions ago

Yes. I also don't trust news that singles out CNN while the rest of the exact same media is left to continue on pretending they're human.

blit416 ago

an excellent example of their collusion (CNN et al). Rotten bastard, with zero attachment to the truth.

PoquitoMojito ago

Crooked News Network

AlternateSelection ago

Metoo........unless they're Democrats.

1Sorry_SOB ago

"I only get outraged and march with a pussy hat when Jews tell me to"

Doglegwarrior ago

if you cant see the jew agenda you are a fucking idiot


Make sure you subscribe to approved controlled opposition Q so (((they))) can harvest your information and keep you complacent while they import immigrants to impregnate your wives and daughters.

The Democrats stole the 2018 election and literally nobody has been arrested for it. Nobody lost their job. Buses of people where going from polling station to polling station and nobody did anything about it.

Wally777 ago

Maybe letting the Democrats steal 2018 was a better strategy. If Trump had a Republican House along with Republican Senate, voters would have no choice but to blame everything on the Republicans and Trump. Allowing the Democrats to run wild in the House for the last two years has exposed them for the naked obstructionists they are.

Deflo56 ago

Keeping the Senate to confirm judiciary nominees was paramount.

The Cabal isn’t ready to bring forward their candidate. Joe is but a place holder and votes are manufactured.


Allowing the Democrats to run wild in the House for the last two years has exposed them for the naked obstructionists they are.

Nobody thinks that way except the folks that were already sucking Donnie's dick to begin with.

Voatering4life ago

This fact in the US and abroad-you can say Marie LePen did not win but we know she did.

Vc83 ago

remember when 500k of her ballots went missing

Voatering4life ago

And the fact they don’t fight for the truth, I guess it isn’t worth it to them or, they know they wont be able to ‘overturn’ the official count. Or someone tells them to stand down.

CheeBooga ago

There is a battle between left-winged zionists, who control all media, and right-winged zionists. Goyim matter not.

bas14_ ago

Sums everything up quite nicely.

shitstartercarter ago

Press G to gas.

noob_tube ago


AmazingFlightLizard ago

GGGGGGGGGoy power!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Where are the deaths?

Battle means deaths


Death of the spirit is, in a way, worse than the death of the body. You crush someone's body, they become a martyr. You crush someone's spirit, and you own them.

gazillions ago

That's exactly true. They've been crushing the spirit of the West since they kicked all the really sick psychiatric patients out on the street and forced us all to have to deal with people living in alleys and doorways and dying in alleys and doorways.

Voatering4life ago

Well I am not going quietly into the night. So they cannot crush me.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Sure Barbara.

CheeBooga ago

Their armies so far have won and didn't have to fire one single shot.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

You don’t know what a battle is then

CheeBooga ago

But I do. I know the many types of it.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Ok I gotcha

CheeBooga ago

All I'm saying is not all battles are fought with guns, bombs and knives. In the internet battle of information of 2016, the memes we made were the bombs and gun fights.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago


Anarchy99 ago

non news

Wally777 ago

Expecting to find professional standards of journalism at a Propaganda Factory is like expecting to find Filet Mignon on the menu at a hot dog cart.

issueninja ago

People are always SHOCKED that the media are the same left wing lying propagandists that they have been for the last 50 years. SHOCKED I tell you!!

newoldwave ago

Commie News Network