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derstoyvsky ago

The six pointed star they adorn themselves with is quite fitting. They'll kill ya.

chirogonemd ago

I'll be honest, I've never put that one together. I've seen badges in many different contexts, and never noticed this. Very interesting. Masonic?

blumen4alles ago

It is meant as a symbol of authority. They are basically taking the place of the one true creator to exert power over you. This is why police use red, blue, and white lights. If you form an equilateral triangle at the top of the kabbalistic tree of life, connecting spheres 1, 4, and 5, you will see those exact colors.

It is also why many nation's flags (USA, France, Russia, etc) use those three colors as well.

They want you to submit to their supposed authority.

The 6-pointed star can be made with two equilateral triangles.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

Do you know any sites that explain more of this kinda info?

blumen4alles ago

No sorry I don't. All of that came from my head, and was put together after researching and studying numerous topics over many years. You really have to just jump right in and start exploring. Find something that interests you and soak up all you can about it. Then as you are doing that, make note of anything else you discover that is either new or sounds interesting. Follow the white rabbit :)

I don't even know if anyone has made connections like that besides myself.

The red-white-blue connection I made shortly after my mystical experience, and a test was necessary at the conclusion to interact with those police lights without fear.