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chemlord11 ago

Sadly we did as well in NC only to get it shot down by a activist judge in the court of appeals (at least last I heard of it's progress)..

Liana_ll ago

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Anarchy99 ago

It really doesn't matter because all your communist legislation is in place. It doesn't matter who you vote for. It doesn't matter who gets elected. They all suck Jew cock. All the Gentiles are too mentally ill to do anything about it. All nine Jews are utterly spineless. They give license to Jews to get fucked by Jews. All these Gentiles do all day long is political regurgitation thinking it's going to help. Fucking losers

Broc_Lia ago

The bill’s opponents pointed to the absence of voter impersonation cases in Kentucky

How can they claim there's no cases if there's no measurement lol.

Also, how did the legislature override the veto? If they can do that then what's the point of a veto?

Approved ago

I think a 2/3rds vote by the legislature can overrule a governor's veto... so if the legislature was evenly divided by party, a governor's veto could stand.

Broc_Lia ago

Ah, that makes sense.

I guess if there's a huge swing we'll find out that there was voter fraud going on.

Leonidas4Q ago

A huge win.

Heathcliff ago

I love how the governor's argument for vetoing the measure assumed that he will keep everything shut down in November.

traveler573g ago

Gotta love super majorities.. The legislature is basically the governor there because they can override the usurper to push through whatever they want.

puggy ago

Easier for an illegal to vote than to buy sportsball tickets

The bill’s supporters have noted that a photo ID already is required for many other transactions, including opening a bank account, cashing a check or picking up sports tickets at will-call.

ReAwakened ago

Maybe it stop ballot box stuffing in Louisville.

uvulectomy ago

Doubtful. Louisville is pozzed to hell and back, as is Lexington.

It's no surprise, then, that Jefferson and Fayette counties were the only ones go to vote blue last election.

GarthHader ago

i can't believe this is controversial. You very fucking obviously wish to cheat if you don't think this very logical measure should be in place.

lanre ago

I know Democrats are against it because they want to double vote, get illegals to vote, vote for dead people, etc., but I wish we didn't even need to have this conversation. If we hadn't flooded our country with 30M+ illegals and had decent voter rolls voter ID wouldn't even be an issue.

GarthHader ago

couldn't agree more. this shit should have been taken care of before it was even remotely a problem.

Anarchy99 ago

You mean Jews not Democrats. Republicans are Jews also. And get off this red pill blue pill bullshit. Too many people are idiots

DeadBeatNigger ago

I mean, (((they))) put a blue governor in charge of a 100% red state, using election fraud. What was the expected outcome? His authority is illegitimate, and no one has to listen to him, so cry me a river of kike tears

TapasTree ago

Beshear won because we hated Bevin's faggot ass. He came after teacher pensions and made us a Right-to-work state when he isn't even fucking from here, the little Colorado bitch.

The Beshear's are a well known family from the area and even though Andy is a faggot lib, he's STILL a better populist than Beshear. I can't imagine Bevin handling the pandemic with a fraction of the care that Beshear has.

tourgen ago

Decades of programming. Like little baby birds, 80% of American's frantically swallow the regurgitated talking points puked into their faces. You may favor a certain flavor of brain-puke, but you swallow it without question just the same.

Le_Redditeur ago

The cheating is to make up for the decades of oppression that poor, undocumented Mexican illegals have faced while trying to break US law.

Anarchy99 ago

Mexico is Freer than America. They decriminalized marijuana they should be rolling in the dough. America is still living in the Dark Ages

Le_Redditeur ago

The cheating is to make up for the decades of oppression that poor, undocumented Mexican illegals have faced while trying to break US law.

It's just like affirmative action, or I how I let my feminist wife cheat on me to make up for my internalized misogyny. It makes perfect sense!

ardvarcus ago

All this ID means is that you will have to be a legal resident of Kentucky before you can vote, which is how it should be under the law. The Democrats are unhappy because it will stop illegals, whose votes they buy with welfare and illegal immigration, from voting Democrat.

LightestHour ago

They'll have to resort to cooking the numbers directly, oh the horror

bfriend13 ago

Keeps them from busing in "voters" from outside the state too.

RobertJHarsh ago

(((ACLU))) will sue, of course. I hope you KY tards have an ID in november.

derram ago :

2020-03-20 | Kentucky lawmakers override veto of voter ID measure | PBS NewsHour

'The measure would require Kentucky residents to produce a photo ID when voting, with limited exceptions, starting with the November election. '

'In November, Kentuckians will vote for a president and decide one of the nation’s highest-profile campaigns: Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s bid for reelection. '

'Andy Beshear’s veto easily cleared the GOP-led Senate and House as lawmakers reconvened Tuesday for a wrap-up session amid the coronavirus outbreak. '

'The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky promptly said it will consider filing legal action to try to halt the measure. '

'FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Republican lawmakers in Kentucky swept aside the Democratic governor’s veto of a bill to require the state’s residents to show a government-issued photo ID in order to vote. '

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Jujubean ago

Seen this before . North Carolina. Some Obama nigger judge will strike it down.

toobaditworks ago

No the Judge in NC actually overrode the PEOPLE's vote. I think they should wait till really close to the election and overturn that judges decision giving them no time to change it back before the election. Also throw that judge in prison for trying to change what the people have voted on. She can not act as a dictator.

tourgen ago

She absolutely can. Why would you think she can not? Throw a judge in prison!? LOL no son. Who's going to try and do that? You? I don't think so.

toobaditworks ago

Are you telling me a judge can't go to prison?

Who's going to try and do that? You? I don't think so.

Obviously not me you fucking idiot I'm not the law, a fucking policeman or federal agent. Who you think put this judge in prison? Another judge you god damn imbecile.

BentAxel ago

This is no longer justice. Sad.

VirtusVitium ago

In KY? Yeah right!

strange_69 ago

Hopefully, that court has been flipped by now.