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ScientiaPotentia ago

For anyone wondering; its the guy seated on right side.

noob_tube ago

Ethan Baucom, admitted to physically abusing the 5-week-old baby while babysitting the infant.

According to reports, the baby suffered a “broken leg, arm, ribs and skull fractures.”

dirt_reynolds ago

Imagine being so hard up for some ass that you agree to that situation.

tomdogg ago

10/10 title

ardvarcus ago

Degenerates, perverts, and inmature assholes who never grew up or took responsibility for themselves. Look at them. This is why the white race is dying. Jews are pushing us over the edge, but we got to the top of the cliff on our own.


Multiple brain bleeds

attacked on ATLEAST 3 seperate occassions.

He won't have any lasting damage from this.

As a child of a neurosurgeon, oh yes he will have lasting issues from this. Brain bleeds create plaques and cause a higher incidence rate in brain stroke at later life.

SearchVoatBot ago

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psilocyb ago

Nibiru take us

Amerikaner ago

So those 4 men have gay sex and occasionally have sex with a fatty?

Tholas ago

Judging by the looks of those people they're probably poly because that's the only pussy they'll ever get.

Slipstream ago

Throw him in general population. He won't last long.

speedisavirus ago

I know they are all betas but at least 3 of them should be able to do better than that tranny anyway.

CrookedHillarysCunt ago

Of course they did. Nearly all leftists are pedophiles.

areyoumygaffer ago

"It's something we can tag team." Yep, sums up this picture.

Lavender7 ago

4 men? 4 fucken retards!

Tholas ago

More like 4 neckbeards and their whale.

ChimpEvader ago

What if elevating theses monsters is all on purpose to create a new society with disassociation disorder. I mean they are forcing masks now. It's like a uniform. Dehumanizing, everyone looks the same. If they are beaten or abused by police they aren't people anymore. It's just another "rule breaker".

The deepstate contacts producers and directors

They give them plots that come true in purpose to prep them. Think if all the zombie movies. Walking dead? Where killing your mom cause she's "infected" is tough but must for the collective?

Like a CIA psyop where society is the subject. To groom the masses? If I was Satan or Lucifarian this is exactly how I would mentally break people.

I would show them pure evil and then protect and shield this evil from any form of justice. Then j would punish any good person who tried to do anything about it. I would then advertise this.

We need to bring back the death penalty for pedofiles. Period. No jail. Straight to execution. Just like the old days when we escaped the UK and were free people.

Everything putrid being forced to be equal to good is vile and Satanic. We must rebuke this in person even if it means being alone.

Shotinthedark ago

Well nobody saw that coming

bitbug ago

Holy shit watch the video. It's painful.

A house with 4 loser guys all at each others' throats over their share goblin love interest.

Fancy451 ago

That picture makes me a eugenicist.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

that is a picture of three useless men being removed from the gene pool and the fourth exiting his genetics from the white gene pool. this is good for white people as a group.

Master_Foo ago

Welcome to the club. We've been waiting for you.

Splooge ago

The biggest change the world contends with today is the technological defiance of natural selection. Think on all the degenerates, shitskins, pedos, etc. that continue to multiply and prey on the innocent because one way or another, advanced technology allowed them to be born, reproduce, and survive where they should not have been able to.

Second only to technology is government intervention. Yes, a lot of it has to do with jews, but that's mostly subversion of existing tech. The shitskin death rate in places like Chimpcongo are kept artificially low because of advanced medical technology, provided by the prey, to the predator, at the cost of other prey. That is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the jew's involvement in this.

ardvarcus ago

We need controlled, applied eugenics of the kind the Germans were trying to introduce during the 1930s. Criminals and perverts need to be executed to take them out of the gene pool. The genetically defective need to be prevented from having children. Marriage and families among the most intelligent and most physically perfect need to be encouraged and supported by society. Who will decide the selection? How about us. We, who make up white Christian society, get to decide who lives in our society, instead of letting the Jews make the decision for us.

Master_Foo ago

We, who make up white Christian society

No. No you won't.

The Sons of Odin have a eugenics program as an imperative. Our whole purpose is to create a future race of Übermensch to defeat entropy.

Christians are just going to fuck eugenics up. You'll end up with retarded children. I mean, what can you possibly expect from a group of people who worship a (((Foreign Jew-God)))?

wanderingblade ago

I don't agree with the premise. After studying genetics for many years at the PhD level I am forced to come to the conclusion that evolution is baseless

Splooge ago

I agree with you; I see the evidence for speciation, but not macroevolution, i.e. we were all algae and fish at one point and eventually became monkeys, then humans. To date, there has not been a single intermediate stage found to support the theory, and the concept of irreducible complexity precludes many of their claims.

wanderingblade ago

Ah okay I agree with you then. For example all dog breeds come from the same thing

Splooge ago

Yes indeed, which is how Noah was able to do what he did. The Bible is very specific -- he was to gather two of each kind, so the dogs of that time period would've been sufficient to propagate the entire lineage of wolves, hyenas, shepherd, mastiffs, etc. that we have today.

tamb ago

I think jackals are family of dogs but not hyenas

Shotinthedark ago

So he also had 2 niggers on board?

Splooge ago

Maybe, maybe not. Speciation leaves it open to interpretation; he could've had two simians of unknown type on board, and following the flood, they eventually gave way to the modern day negroid.

Shotinthedark ago

If niggers were on board the raping would ensue and we would all be low IQ mutts

MrDarkWater ago

irreducible complexity is a stupid concept though

Splooge ago

Could you elaborate as to why?

MrDarkWater ago

well upon looking it up, it seems i misunderstood the concept. disregard my comment. I thought it had to do with our understanding more than a protein's ability to have incrementally evolved to current states. my bad, nigger

Splooge ago

Hey, all good, takes some dragon MAGA energy to admit fault, so big ups to you mein negroid.

It's one of my favorite scientific concepts by the way. You get someone who buys completely into the whole "we evolved from algae" narrative, it destroys them. Why would a heart need to evolve to pump blood if there's no blood? Why would cells need to evolve into blood if there's no heart? What about eyes? Lungs?

PaddyMcInfidel ago

The digestive system is the one that got me wondering. What came first? The brain that signals hunger for food, the tongue that tastes it, the teeth that chew it, the saliva that begins to break it down, the esophogus to move it to the stomach, the acid that further breaks it down (or the stomach's resistance to the acid), the digestive tract, the body's ability to pull nutrients and discard waste, etc etc etc. If these pieces developed one by one over multiple generations and sat dormant until they all were available to work together, what advantage would that provide for procreation, the key for passing along these traits?

noob_tube ago

I do not think the digestive tract is a good example at all. There are plenty of examples of primitive digestive tracts. The eye is much better, which must have (according to evolutionary theory) evolved 20 to 60 times independently (i.e. mathematical impossibility without spontaneous mutation of entire genes).

Splooge ago

Based and logicpilled

mostlyfriendly ago

Amazing dialog.

You asked a polite but probing "can you explain?" /u/MrDarkWater responded with thought, reason to the point of changing an opinion.

Such gentlemanly behavior exhibited by all. Well done internet strangers! Refreshing to see.

my bad, nigger

Ah, yes, there it is. Such poetry.

Splooge ago

Goats maek good frens

borderline7 ago

well a lot of the christian brain washing is to be passive and a lamb of god and to turn the other cheek etc...

so its no wonder that Christians refuse to take any action at all, including the political course of action that would work.

the jews take political action, and only political action for the most part and since non-jews will not, they deserve what they get according to the laws of nature.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

You are correct that the majority of Christians, esp in America, have been neutered by "churches" ran by feckless pastors that will gladly ask you for money while delivering empty messages that are nothing more than motivational speeches.

A slap on the face is an insult, not life threatening. Christians are called to tolerate insults and forgive. But there are countless examples of how a man should respond to a genuine threat. Ecclesiastes 3:3 tells us there is a time to kill, a time to heal. 1 and 2 Samuel is a good place if you want to learn about God's instructions for how a man after God's heart (David) should live.

Lastly, proclaiming Jesus as King of Kings is, in itself, a political statement. Ultimately our solutions will not come through our political realm, but those that say they can separate God from their personal politics while voting for endless degeneracy are attempting to serve 2 masters. The bible addresses this as well.

wanderingblade ago

I am a Christian and I believe the Bible SUPPORTS my desire for the death penalty, war etc. Not needlessly I'm not cruel but my point is being a real Christian does not mean passive. I'd prefer to sort out almost anything without violence but some things can't be

borderline7 ago

these are words and mostly meaningless. christian actions in the past 60 years are the opposite of these words.

then again the violence issue... its a joke. what Christians had to do was fight politically. why are white Christians a minority in america now? political bs they didnt fight back against changed america.

all these people saying they would like to live in a christian entho state basically ignore the history of america, because it was a christian entho state up until the 60's and these people refused to fight back at all and just let it become multi cultural.

you are just fooling your selves worshiping complete bullshit, which is a 99% match to the other abrahamic religions.

Splooge ago

They're not real Christians. They are christcucks.

Jews wrote the talmud 200 years after the founding of Christianity as a direct response. It was their earliest attempt to subvert the faith.

Most people don't know that the jew's first attempt to take over was via the text. However, followers were encouraged to write, keep and maintain their own copies of the Bible. It had the side effects of higher literacy and encouraged self study. So when Chaim came around going "look what the bible says u guise!" everyone would compare their copies and know what the jew was trying to pull. It's man's first-ever example of distributed ledger security in action.

So jews couldn't subvert the text, and over the years that followed, they realized that torturing and killing Christians did nothing to help the cause. Eventually they settled on subverting the church, as in turning people away from the Bible and teachings of Christ. This evolved into today's modern (((churches))), where you are encouraged to give money to the friendly man who will not only read selected bits to you, but tell you how to think about it as well.

That's why the lie of "judeo-christianity" is so pervasive. And even outside of that, the jew still does their best to destroy Christianity at every turn.

I don't get why people make the claim that Christianity is a jew psyop or whatever -- has society gotten better as people turned away from God? Look at the (((mass media))), every character that's considered smart or tough does the whole "THERE IS NO GOD" routine. All part of the program. The jew wants you to deny God, to condemn yourself to the same fate they are destined to receive.

ex-feminist ago

i was raised devout christian and i loved the whole thing as a kid. but then i grew up and realized my mom was emotionally abusive and was using the bible incorrectly in order to have control over me. when i told her i wanted to stay home and study the bible and study other religious texts so i didnt feel so ignorant when trying to turn people to the word of god, she told me obeying and respecting her was more important and that she would kick me out of the house if i didnt go (even though my siblings have gotten away with worse in the past and had no faith in God).

in my innocent youth i took the good book at face value and used it to springboard myself into spiritual maturity. realizing my mom was wielding its power incorrectly over me to control me and fabricate a false world around me, it litterally broke my heart, i felt like i just learned santa wasnt real. i was just a dumb kid iscolated from family and the rest of the world on narcisist island that just found out that everything she knew about the world was just my moms projected delusions.

I'm greatful for christianity for giving me a nice foundation and moral code. it also taught me how to meditate and gave me a desire to always seek self improvment. but the churchs' potential is wasted. the system allows for way to much abuse and theres no accountability. if churches worked like they should, no kid should be experiencing any level of abuse or social isolation. "no one can tell me how to raise my kids" bullshit, if you're a shit parent the people in the church should be able to realize this and do something.

we really need some change in the world. id like to make up some kind of establishment that does what a church is supposed to do without any of the deep seeded bullshit. we need educated counselers not pastors giving me the same lecture ive heard a million times

(i loved the hell out of the last book, i reread Revelation so many times wishing for the end of days lol)

Splooge ago

Thanks for sharing your story. A few thoughts if I may:

she told me obeying and respecting her was more important

A clear example of the Bible being used as a weapon. Your mother is merely one instance of this particular gaff unfortunately. The Bible teaches us to honor our parents. That's it. It does not compel respect, nor blind obedience.

realizing my mom was wielding its power incorrectly over me to control me

The Bible itself holds no power, at least not in the sense most people would ascribe to it. The Bible serves only one purpose when it all boils down -- how you can live righteously. That's it. It doesn't teach you how to be good, how to be happy, how to succeed, none of that. It's all up to you, but the Bible will show you how to get there without condemning yourself to hell. The fact that you gleaned a proper moral code from it shows you studied it honestly.

the churchs' potential is wasted

The church has been (((subverted))). Its potential is being used exactly the way it was intended, albeit by the followers of the Devil. Remember, the Bible tells us that Earth is not God's domain; it is Satan's. That's why sin is so pleasurable and difficult to forsake.

id like to make up some kind of establishment that does what a church is supposed to do without any of the deep seeded bullshit

It's a commendable notion, but the issue we face in every facet of life is not the lack of establishments, it's that people as a whole refuse to acknowledge the active subversion of it. You can create as many establishments as you want, but so long as the zionist synagogue of Satan is around, it will be subverted or suppressed if it gets anywhere. Look at the SPLC, the ADL, the ACLU, AIPAC, NAACP, CUFI, on and on and on.

Remove the jew and society flourishes. The establishments you dream of happen naturally without their influence -- and in many cases, they aren't even needed because communities form without the jew's presence.

I'm sorry you had a tough childhood, and I'm glad you're with us now.

borderline7 ago

Christianity is a Jewish psyop 100%

its the same controlled opposition you see in politics.

onezeno ago

Don't worry; we haven't even gotten to hard times yet.

AntiMason ago

Infowars is trash

justregtoasku ago

state of voat with your 3 downvoats there

YourMomsOtherAccount ago

This isn't surprising at all. Infanticide is common among many species (dolphins, lions, baboons, and more) when male reproductive access is limited or where females typically engage in reproduction with multiple males. Undoubtedly the perp in this instance isn't the father.

satisfyinghump ago

It is really incredible to me just how much human behavior imitates animal behavior.

Lag-wagon ago

Or, you know, humans are just animals too...

CHeritageP ago

Almost as if human beings are animals.

wanderingblade ago

We're not. No animals have a conscience, no animals spend vast amounts of time and money setting up courts and jails for justice, no animals know right from wrong only reacting

CHeritageP ago

that isnt what makes someone an animal.

You should look into the studies on this, humans are capable of long term thought and planning and that is what seperates us from the beasts, but we still operate on the short term on instinct.

Ihateyuppies ago

jews are animals but I don't think they can be counted as human.

SexyLoverBoy ago

The article says the father is yet another guy who this digusting whale was sleeping with.

spaceman84 ago

That was the original article about the degenerates when she was pregnant, but the article about the child abuse said the abuser was the biological father. Must have done a paternity test at some point.

facepaint ago

There is a Chris in the video (with the red hair).

yewotm8 ago

In almost all species, "stepfathers" will attack, kill, or rape the offspring of their mate and the previous male. Humans are no exception.

It_was_the_juice ago

Men who aren't the biological parent or grandparent of a child should never be left in charge, period. Especially with infants and small children that can push anyone to their limits of sanity. Something like 70% of abuse cases are by men who aren't related.

sonofaboomer ago

The destruction of the nuclear family by communists causes all sorts of problems for everyone involved. My retarded liberal half brother fucked and impregnanted a half latina in cali and bailed. Now the kid is by and large being raised by my parents since this woman is practically incapable of being a mother. Not my dad's grandaughter, but through my mother, he is basically forced to use all of his resources on a child that will never contribute to the propagation of his lineage and will more than likely be a far left lunatic like my brother and her mother. My dad cares for her, but as a man with far right viewpoints like myself, he will never accept her as his own. Who knows, it's looking like it might even detroy my parents' marriage. Thanks bro!

anticlutch ago

poly relationship

No. This is a homosexual-cuck relationship.

This is a start to attack Mormons.

This is like a while back that Amish family that was murdered by spics and a holocaust's worth of kikes came to voat to post about how the family and Amish people deserved it as they were importing illegal spics.

Master_Foo ago

This is a start to attack Mormons.

Ummm... Kind of doubtful. Mormons have always been the butt of the joke. If you see one walking down the hall, put a post-it note that says "Kick Me, I'm a Mormon" on his back.

Helena73 ago

Amish and mormons are not the same. Mormons engage in degenerate polyamory, are you talking about the mormons masacred in Mexico 6 months ago?

zxcvbnasdf ago

This is a start to attack Mormons.

Mormons sell children into slavery. The entire "church" is a corrupt abomination of logic, reason, and decency. I don't need this article to get me to see that.

Accept Jesus as your savior, and leave that cult behind. You will be happier for it.

ardvarcus ago

Mormons need to stop kidding themselves and just say, "OK, we were wrong. Joseph Smith was a con artist and a lunatic. We are actually just Christians. The Mormon Church is a Christian Church. Sola scriptura doesn't include the ravings of the maniac, Joe Smith."

constitutionranger ago

They wont do that because they are masonic through and through. Lots of satanism and evil at the top of that “church” just like Catholics.


When are you going to create white children above replacement rates? aah that's right, sinning is preferred, then having the idiocy to think all will be forgiven.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Look up the birthrate of the Catholic Church. You'll find that you and the (((media))) make fun of Catholics for breeding like rabbits. As a matter of fact you tend to team up with the forces of evil to talk smack about the Catholics.

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

So. Cool story bro.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Also you should consider that most priests are greedy jews constantly begging for shekels from christians

satisfyinghump ago

Any thing you can share with us that we can read about this?

speedisavirus ago

Basically anything about the fundamentalists in their cult.

Heer_me_roar ago

This is a start to attack Mormons

Mormons with multiple wives are Chads

Helena73 ago


Heer_me_roar ago

strong conservative traditions

bunch of white children

Fuck off rabbi

Helena73 ago

The muslims have the same tradition, did you know? Very conservative culture!

Polygamy was not even a thing with europeans before christianity.

Judaism does allow multiple wives as well. Maybe a good match for you?

Do you know mormons believe in another gospel that they think was given to them by the indians, who they identify as the 13th tribe of israel? That sounds neat, maybe they are cool religion. Very multicultural.

0cto5quid ago

You sound like an boot hurt roastie,

Helena73 ago

You sound like a degenerate.

Broc_Lia ago

and a holocaust's worth of kikes came to voat to post about how the family and Amish people deserved it as they were importing illegal spics.

Well... were they?

spaceman84 ago

He's mistaken. They were Mormons, not Amish. And the Mormons regularly engage in criminality. Closest thing to a fully white Jew.

Broc_Lia ago

Huh, that's a shame. I always thought of them as ultra-conservative frontiersmen.

Quaintarrow303 ago

That orgy must be one of the grossest things to ever be witnessed.

Brawndosaurus ago

The smell..

Quaintarrow303 ago

Ugh I didn't even think of that part. Damn it dude I was about to eat

ImReallyHighBut ago

Alex made me choose between him and Q

Since Alex Jones is a retard that works for Mossad I chose Q.

Best of luck with your Jewish intelligence info war.

NarrativeControl ago

It's not an exclusive secret club, you retard. Did Alex Jones put a gun to your head and made you choose?

speedisavirus ago

Perhaps the retard is you. Fuck you and your moronic never right Q. Alex Jones has a far better accuracy rate than Q's 0%

phillyjoe ago

I chose Q.


onezeno ago

Trust the plan! The pieces are almost in place...

ImReallyHighBut ago

What's your favorite cipher?

phillyjoe ago


ImReallyHighBut ago

;) I have measured your intellect and found it to be lacking. Your opinion may be relevant when it's time to change my oil. Good day.

phillyjoe ago

You must be a 3des man. One des ain't enough, and two is too low!

There is nothing wrong with owning my own shoppe.

romanstock ago

you don't have to choose anyone bro, just figure shit out yourself. i have noticed tho that whilst AJ used to shill for Israel, he actually stopped about the same time that he got mass censored. i'm assuming some funding got cut off. since then he, or his website anyways, has actually attacked israel a fair few times.

CouldBeTrump ago

since then he, or his website anyways, has actually attacked israel a fair few times.

Care to share any links?

ImReallyHighBut ago

Alex made me choose. He called out Q.

Use your brain and take your time.

jackthelion ago

he and Q do the same thing, they report real shit couched in boomtard insanity so nobody pays attention

AmericanJew2 ago

If that kid survives to 18 it has a 9/10 chance of becoming a cannibalistic serial killer.

romanstock ago

never underestimate just how evil and disgusting all of these people and platforms are who push the freak agenda. how many little kids are now suffering because of these mentally ill people i cannot begin to imagine

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Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It doesn't matter the little kids probably inherited their mental illness too