DanglingGoatBalls ago

QRV is slowly turning into a real truth community without the Q bullshit. I always hoped this would happen.


starrychloe ago

You should move to a free land like New Hampshire. https://FSP.org

Conspirologist ago

Wrong forum, retard. This is news, not conspiracy.

Slipstream ago

I've watched them for a month now SHAMING anyone who admits they went outside even to get groceries. Today at work they

What's wong with this picture?

version7 ago

The whole Q thing is the most monumental waste of time that I've seen in a long time. Every single q tard should be ashamed of themselves for being so fucking gullible.

illuminalto2 ago

Q is obvious LARP.

Trump just empowered the FED, gave the dems slush money to work with. Absolutely disgraceful.

That being said Q has exposed a ton of people to concepts like Epstein, Clinton, Podesta, Child Tafficking, Intelligence Agencies on steroids, the MI complex, etc..

The only problem is that Q is pied piper and is leading them on their chosen path mean while the fence comes up around us.

Hey ask Qpeople about the border wall. How's that coming along?

Trump couldn't get a couple billion to build it, but could give trillions to the fed and to the dems' "special projects" (slush factories).


When you talk about it in plain English it just gets crazier and crazier to try to justify- but they can find a way!

Trust the numerology! Dont "count" dates though!

But muh numerology!

onezeno ago

No, it totally makes sense that a white hat conspiracy, perpetually one step from springing their trap, is secretly communicating their plan through riddles on 4chan.

Smokybubbles ago

A lot of retards exist in the world, and you're seeing waves of them coming to Q looking for answers. Many are moralist sheep who are just looking for another cause to glom onto, not to actually think for themselves. They just apply the same idiot pack mentality towards the ideas of others because their intellect is unwilling or unable to grow out of that. Yes, it's annoying.

Shadowlight ago

Because Epstein and Weinstein were about to be arrested any day now.


italive ago

Looking at the larger picture, I'm still on the fence about Q. For sure it's psyop no doubt about that, either of the "good" or "bad" guys.

Personally I rather have "red pilled npcs" running around, than normal ones.

For sure they are annoying AF, but the chance for escalation is just so much higher when SHTF and they realize they have been cheated for years.

gabara ago

beefartist ago

Your post is long enough (tl:dr) that you are clearly a butt hurt gamma. I bet every internet person who "lets you down" suffers your typing wrath

Mr_big ago

This account @Tallest_Skil With a foreskin pulled over his face

Tallest_Skil ago




lol coward

Mr_big ago

Heyyyyy take your brain meds there big boy

Tallest_Skil ago

[literally copying and pasting things only jews say and which are confirmed to come from paid shills]


Mr_big ago

No i believe Q is real and its used to fuck with specific assholes and make them nervous. There are bits of truth there. But they aint going to give away dates

Tallest_Skil ago

No i believe Q is real

No one cares what you believe. Truth is not a matter of belief. Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax. We’ve been over this, coward.

Mr_big ago

Yup whatever you say cowboy

Tallest_Skil ago

still no argument

Thanks for admitting Q-LARP is a proven jewish hoax.

Mr_big ago

The only jew hoax is you pretending to be one of us ya hook nose

Tallest_Skil ago

one of us

I hav never pretended to be a Q-LARPer, race traitor. Go back to your containment board and suck each others’ cocks in peace.

Mr_big ago

Damn you are the poster boy of mental illness

Tallest_Skil ago


Mr_big ago

Said the D-Licker

Tallest_Skil ago


lol, cry

Mr_big ago

Hey tall were you ever tested? I dont want to be making fun of the disabled. If you are just a weirdo then its ok. Let me know

Mr_big ago

Dude you should be ashamed Ashamed and embarrassed. Hell i feel bad for you somewhat. Serious question here.... do you have a disability? Because if you do i will leave you alone and will say sorry. Let me know dude.

Tallest_Skil ago

Dude you should be ashamed Ashamed and embarrassed.


Mr_big ago

Said the foreskin chewer

ChimpEvader ago

Ops co-workers represent the majority of people. More than half of freedom loving Patriots have been infected and are now mind controlled by "The Q". If you want to talk about action and forget about Q they don't want to hear it. They want to believe they can put zero physical effort for freedom and some other "dudes" are "secretly" going to risk their lives to do it.

We need to unite and come together. In a big physical group. I'd like to see some sort of May 1st Independence day. National defiance. Everyone on the street. etc,..

dreamcomfortmemory ago

lol I thought you were going to say something brilliant with that intro and then it was like fizzle pfffff ok whatever.

gosso920 ago

What took you so long?

freeman84 ago

honestly, im all for free speech, but Q is a psyop and I believe they were sent here from Reddit to poison the well here.

/v/theawakening and /v/greatawakening and any other Q psyop related sub should be banned.

freeman84 ago

convinced obvious psyop is a psyop, congrats

only boomers, retards, and shills promote that non-sense

One_out_of_many ago

"Debate Anon" returns to shill, prove him wrong so he can earn his sheckels.

robot7247 ago

OP, you work with retards.


No shit. I could tell you stories ALL FUCKING DAY about the cuckold blind ass sheep I deal with almost every day.

If you classify them geographically, you have your inner city and your gentrified neighborhoods. Then you have your suburbs on the outer ring, followed by the rural areas.

The people in the rural area and inner cities are generally the nicest overall. There are just as many whacked out meth addicts in farm country as gang bangers in the city, it's just more spread out. I find CONSTANTLY that people are generally really friendly in the inner city overall regardless of the nutcases you always run into. The gentrified neighborhoods are full of friendly people but they are fucking clueless.

The suburbs though... That's ALWAYS where all the worst fucking people in the world live. These basic bitches who only give a fuck about makeup purses celebrities and the royal family and the fucking sports bros who only know anything about beer and sportsball.

They are the most self centered selfish assholes on the face of the earth in every fucking city I go to everywhere. Anyone who lives in a cul de sac with a homeowners association is a total piece of shit in my book (until they prove themselves otherwise).

robot7247 ago

I feel the slow build up to future workplace violence.


I work from home to begin with. So the only workplace violence would be shooting up my own office and putting a bunch of holes in my own walls.

TraditionalCode0 ago

While the magician utilizes "The Reveal"....he does NOT telegraph it and ruin the trick.

As if the Whitehat MI needs an 'army' of ragtag rogue halfwits roaming the streets, shooting at whatever boogieman they prefer to believe is the cause.

That's why we have laws and a military in the first place, as opposed to mob rule.

The idea of "land of rule of law" include doing things in a 'proper' order established as 'justice'.

The law if broken down to no effect.............that is, if nobody agrees to abide by it......it's insistence on proofs in specific fashion and order, again to provide 'justice'.......when that goes off the rails ......as it HAS....then the militia is the last resort.


An attempt to provide an OPTIC to Joe Public....in order to gain support, and not opposition. To use LAW if possible and when that avenue is finally EXHAUSTED and ONLY THEN.....the militia will be utilized.

The 'Founding Fathers' used their own version of Q, Thomas Paine, to do exactly this same thing. To create a new awakening of awareness of the SPIRIT of the Law that one only hopes won't be necessary to defend with arms. But if so, so be it.

Without Paine, the Revolution would not have been possible because of the public's 'optic'.

And the public stayed the hell out of the way of that one too.

"Well regulated militia" is reference to it's distinction from a mob of armed Reactionary thugs with no plan.

Anyone complaining about the timeline delay has no respect for the law......just like the Deep State.

It would be poetic justice to allow Justice to reign, rather than fighting fire with fire and no real lesson learned.

Psuedo intellectual retards larping about taking down LARPS posing as a supposed LARP.

Q is Divine Inspiration as The Star (17). Think 'mirror' of Cicada 3301 and Deep State.

Throwing down snakes while snake handlers argue with people who have a snake phobia about the nature of snakes.

You're actually revealing more about your SELF.


Problem was back then this well regulated militia (best explanation of what well regulated means I've seen in a long time by the way), they actually knew each other back then. They would walk past each other and say hello and shit. But these days nobody knows their neighbors and the "truthers" are now all a bunch of anonymous tin hats on back woods message boards. And now we are all under house arrest and have to wear masks when we go outside.

I don't plan on running around with an AR-14 with a 30 double clip ghost bullet gun blasting whoever the fuck I feel like is part of the cabal.

But if they show up at my place thinking they are gonna force a Bill Gates vaccine on me or take me to some FEMA camp...

In the wise words of Lil' John: "Don't start no shit. Won't be no shit."

TraditionalCode0 ago

Back then, your neighbor lived a mile away by horseback and you conversed by pony express.

Town meetings were Tavern Parties where politicians bought drinks.

I actually agree with most of what you've posted, anon.

But the Q team is real because there was no reason to do this big reveal.

The fact that 'we' voted DS shills in, was already considered 'acceptance' from us.

I reserve an ever smaller part of fear of a 'long game play', as it's smart to never put all your eggs into one basket.

The DS is full of bad actors.

The fear I see is REAL. They aren't that good.

This guy was not a big fan of Trump when he was Mr. Business. He was a fixer of a sort. Good to some, bad to others.

He 'fixed' raw deals between moguls. An independent 'rogue' in this way. Friend to JFK whom The Timberwolves killed, no?

He's now "The West Point". No longer cadet.

There is an old school element that has always existed within the military. HONOR

Your mind is the sword that needs to be honed so it can divide truth from falsity..........wheat from chaff.......Hero from villain.

Q is psyop. An operation to psychologically PREPARE Joe Public.

They play a role in live-action, sure.

These terms are relative. And the actions are needed.

Swallowing the snake with your staff, which the snake is imitating in dishonorable fashion.

heretolearn ago

great speech yet we still do nothing. q or not, it's the same effect; compliance. day after day we all sit and do nothing while those who want to keep us enslaved, actively do so with our silent consent. when do we organize and fight back.


Every day these cocksuckers let me live increases the chances more of them are going to lose their life trying to take mine. Do whatever you can every day to improve your fitness, your preparedness, your security, and your knowledge and every day that you live from here out makes it harder for these new world order mother fuckers to take us out. George Washington didn't win the war by winning battles. He won by making sure the British knew that every time they showed up to try and take our shit, a bunch of them were gonna die that day. Eventually they got tired of it.

heretolearn ago

in 2 weeks damn near everyone gave up their rights willingly. saying shit like sit and wait isnt gonna change anything. the founding fathers didnt sit and wait.

halinflorida ago

I've been staying home but then I have 10 acres and it's what I do mostly anyway. There's a lot to do here. I'm also a prepper type guy and I consider it sport to see how well I can provide for my own needs. Oh, and you think it's a psyop. Well, I think the moon is made of green cheese. Prove me wrong. In other words, I don't care what you think. And typing in caps and using abusive speech towards is infantile. My view on Q? I think it's legit but I got tired of not seeing Obama and Soros not dangling from the gallows for treason so I just drifted away to do other things. I come back to check on things every now and then. Right now, I'm spending a lot of time making a nice vegetable garden. One other thing, don't grouse and carp. No one cares. Just take responsibility for making your world into what you want it to be.


Yeah. After I moved out of the city I set myself up to spend all my time at home. This isn't much different than my normal routine other than the speed at which I'm getting things done I otherwise would have done at a laid back pace. Anger is a hell of a drug.

W0nd3r ago

Add two more groups to the Q fucktardery: the "Oathkeepers and the 3 percenters". Largely of the same ilk. Fat, do nothing fucktards dressed up camo playing at being an operator. These people, the Oathkeepers and 3 percenters, follow the same demented thought process as the Qtards. Smoke some hopium, get together online, enter in LARP mode, and pat each other on the back for their deep insights and intrigue decodes that the regular "steeple" just can't or won't understand. The truth is there all about to be rudely awaken by a deep depression, followed by hyperinflation, then rebellion, and complete authoritative crackdown. And what will they do about it? Nothing. Fucktards one and all. Fat fucktards at that.


The thing I didn't mention in my original post was that I believe it's a psyop because I've seen enough shit that can't be coincidental to explain otherwise than someone or a group inside our government is involved with this shit.

A podcast I listen to had me paying attention 2 weeks after the first Q post came out. I've seen enough to believe there is more to this thing than a prankster playing a joke. I may be wrong but my gut tells me I'm not aside from the evidence.

My gut also tells me that it's a psyop to not only placate certain people who would otherwise be organizing IN PERSON and IN REAL LIFE to march or take public action (it's much safer when you're "anonymous"), but to also create a "patsy pool" to blame false flags on and give the normies another term to go along with conspiracy theorist...

If you ever try and have a serious discussion about anything a normie would find controversial you'll get hit with the "You must be one of those Q followers" or Q tards, or Q tard conspiracy theorists.

UsedToCuck ago

WagaWagaWaga fellow faggots

jewsbadnews ago

Guess who else is a pussy who does nothing? You! You can't even speak your mind to your limming co-workers.


I don't speak my mind to them because A. I don't give a fuck about any of them as human beings. And B. Because there's no reason I shouldn't continue to get paid for working on my preparations instead of waiting for my government handout check.

jewsbadnews ago

I read that you hate your job and want to quit, why not trigger them for the lolz before you go?


I will when it's time to quit. Trust me. It wouldn't be the first time. I'm kind of known for doing fucked up things like that. But I guess like Q says... "soon"

Elemental_Lightning ago

Pretty much, but what are You going to do about it?


I've spent the last 25 years preparing for this so I am doing plenty. Consider Voat part of my rounds taking a digital smoke break between preparations.

Keep sitting on your ass waiting for that plan.

Myself and my friends are taking action.

Elemental_Lightning ago

Ah, I guess as a child compared to your wealth of knowledge, I'm gonna assume it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better?


My people and I will be fine. I made the preparations for this 5 years ago and now that it's hear all the people who used to make fun of me for it are asking if they can come stay at my place. Fuck them.


Youre totally right. Voat needs to purge the Qlarps, who are just reverse agent provocateurs, ensuring that the patriots who are slightly awake will be lulled into a Lily Eater coma and stay inactive. I downvote those cucks every chance i get and i suggest others do the same.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Q is A.I.

FlyinToadstar ago

I tried long ago here to explain how to determine what a system is by deconstructing it's real output. As fantasy always trumps reality, I soon realized my folly in expecting logic to win that argument.

How about this?

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? " Matthew 7:16

Q fruit = inaction, complacency, idleness, and a severe dopamine addiction to fantasy delivered in series form. The "A" to Q's game is damned obvious.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

and basically congratulating each other for being snitches.

Snitches get stitches.

They will learn that lesson the hard way.


Haven't you heard? Now snitches get rewards!

IAMthePie ago

You've comparing your snitching faggot normies at work to the Q movement?

It's obvious from this post you consider yourself smarter than everybody else. But you are not.

Q is a pysop to put us in our place? What place? He didn't have to start dropping crumbs for us to read, examine, investigate. Had his purpose been to simply deceive us, fool us, fck with us, then the best course of action would be not drop anything. Just let us wallow in ignorance.

You are clearly angry at the world. So am I. I already was aware of 90% of what Q was dropping before he started dropping it. Most of what he says isn't anything new to me. So why do I "follow" Q (for lack of a better word)?

Because for the first time in history, we have someone in a position to do something about it. The president of the United States and Q team are in positions of enormous power to take them down. And it isn't fcking easy. These evil cunts occupy the highest corridors of power all over the world. They've been controlling man for thousands of years. You say we are just stupid to sit around and trust the plan. What do you propose we do? Arm ourselves and storm the Fed? Gather in numbers and make picket lines around the Vatican?

I do not have any choice but to trust this plan. Sure I've had my doubts. Sure I think it's taking too long. But who the fck am I to question the POTUS?

And I'll ask the same question of you.

Bottom line:

If Q is a psyop then humanity is fcking finished. Do you understand that? If their is no one taking down the cabal, the Satan worshipping Illuminati assholes, then WE ARE FUCKING FINISHED. Bill Gates will have us all chipped, dipped, and stripped.

So get with us, or get out of the way, because you ain't doing shit but calling us retards. Retards? Get to the back of the line, MSM has been calling us that for years.

Tallest_Skil ago

If Q is a psyop then humanity is fcking finished.

I’ve been telling you this for years, you brainwashed subhuman jew-fellating boomer piece of shit. Go back to your containment board.

If their is no one taking down the cabal, the Satan worshipping Illuminati assholes, then WE ARE FUCKING FINISHED.



"You say we are just stupid to sit around and trust the plan. What do you propose we do? Arm ourselves and storm the Fed? Gather in numbers and make picket lines around the Vatican?

I do not have any choice but to trust this plan."

Thanks for proving my point asshole.

The founding fathers didn't wait around because they had no choice. They armed themselves and surrounded the British until the British finally caved in.

Q wants you do to the same thing the MSM wants the normies to do. Sit home. Keep your mouth shut. Let us handle it for you.

IAMthePie ago

Oh. One more thing. You proved you aren't as smart as you think you are.

6 months of food, but 1 years worth of toilet paper. You won't have any need for the last 6 months of toilet paper.


My God you're so fucking retarded.

First of all toilet paper doesn't go bad or expire. And what was the first thing the lemmings ran after and depleted the entire nation's supply of when the shit hit the fan? TOILET PAPER

IAMthePie ago

You are so childish. Name calling. Really? Hoping I have no toilet paper because I don't agree with you?

Telling me that I proved your point? The point of Q is to wake up the masses to what really going on in the world. You consider yourself smart, but you don't even realize the point of what Q is doing. We aren't sitting around. We are pounding the shit out of social media to spread our message. We are all patriots who want nothing more than real freedom. REAL FREEDOM. This country holds 5% of the worlds population, but we have 25% of the worlds incarcerated. That isn't fcking freedom. The bankers charge us interest on money they don't even have. Religious leaders are fondling our children. Thelist is endless.

I suppose you get satisfaction out of calling us Qtards. Whatever man. Why don't you go kick the shit out of the flat earthers. They are the true retards. All we want is our fcking freedom. Peace out.


"We are all patriots who want nothing more than real freedom. REAL FREEDOM. This country holds 5% of the worlds population, but we have 25% of the worlds incarcerated. That isn't fcking freedom. The bankers charge us interest on money they don't even have. Religious leaders are fondling our children. Thelist is endless."

Thanks for continuing to back up the reason I call you people RETARDS.

While you sit on your ass "pounding the internet" I deal with real people every day and I'm busy taking care of my family and friends through this shit and making sure they all have a safe retreat for when it's time to leave the city. I already did it years ago and set this up for when the time would come. And that time is now.

I ditched ALL social media. The fact that you are still engaging on those platforms means you are spending your whole life letting big tech track your every move. And by your presence on those networks you are enabling them to continue doing the shit they are doing.

Want to take down big tech? Then STOP USING BIG TECH.

IAMthePie ago

Says the guy using social media. Fuck off.


If you say anything that's TOO controversial, like "let's use the 2nd amendment to get the rest of them back" you get responses like "I JUST SENT YOUR POST AND YOUR IP ADDRESS TO THE FBI!!!!" Then they start patting each other on the back telling each other to sit back, do nothing, and keep trusting that plan. Then dear leader Q comes right out and SAYS if you aren't patient or question the Q narrative then you are a SHILL.

So basically, this thread is about you being butthurt because Q-tards slapped you down after you tried to incite violence over the rule law.

Q has never promoted, nor encouraged lawless violence. If that's what you want, you got the wrong movement to follow.

Please do us all a favor, and stay the fuck out of Q discussions.

WhiteChickens ago

The founding fathers incited violence, so shut your dick hole.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Understand one thing. Its not a LARP and you accurately said psyop but Q+ = POTUS. Not arguing with what you are saying just being objective here.

traveler573g ago

I have noticed a pattern with any type of shill which is they always attack with some obnoxious insult. Their sole purpose is to emotionally affect you and throw you off. I haven't fully written off the Q movement yet but I fully agree anyone who replies to rational, logical comments with an obnoxious insult should 100% be considered a shill and everything they say ignored.

duckswagger ago

The people calling the police on their neighbors are the same as the ones calling the STASI. People like to imagine that "evil" governments are easy to spot from inside, and all those people were just evil. The reality is that most people are easily manipulated into thinking they're doing the right thing. They have no idea they're getting dissidents carted off to a gulag, they think they're helping protect themselves and their neighbors from evil.

englishwebster ago

I cant prove you wrong, but I can point out that Q has made a ton of people politically aware on the conspiracy level when they otherwise would not be, and that's a good thing in general.

CubanDeathGrip ago

there is big following of Trump because of Q, if shit goes south and we all had been faked out, then the 2nd and 3% (more now) come into play/ a fury like you have never heard/or read in your history books...am done and on standby.

Wynterwhisper ago

Q is to prevent real Patriots from taking their country back. To prevent a civil war. It's always trust the plan to keep them home and doing nothing. Hopefully we all won't be forced to take the Quantum Dot technology or face a camp.

CheeBooga ago

I called them out not long after they came here and pissed off a lot of people. Then @Crensch dared anyone to say that Q was a larp. I took his challenge and called Q a larp then Crensch wrote a big essay about me. Go loo kat all of it and you'll see how they work. I was Cheesebooger back then. Then Srayzie created The Great Awakening and started shilling Zionism and attacking goats, which I called out, and then I was attacked by Crensch and dozens of other titty pic cuck knights who were apparently getting nudes from her. She tricked them all into pushing zionism. It divided Voat. Looks like that was part of the plan. I was the first to call them out. Then I was relentlessly attacked, mass ping spammed, etc. Now after almost 4 years of nothing happening and total bullshit lies, here we are.

Crensch ago

CheeBooga ago

I can't believe I got you to watch that shitty video ah ah ah


DanglingGoatBalls ago

The truth about the username above.

How embarrassing.

The @crensch lizard slithered out of its hole! Lets fuck it! And by the way, if you want to ping the real @rotteuxx you have to put 2 X's on it because the other one is an imposter.

Crensch ago

Oh man, you were so desperate and beta. "Please, man, you know I can't back down now."


CheeBooga ago

I got you to expose yourself. You are part of the Q psy-op or larp --whatever the fuck it is. Its a Zionist movement and you're part of it. I ripped your cred patch right off of your shirt, cuck boy. She was sending nudes to a bunch of you idiots and you white knighted for her to the fucking end. Bow down at my boot, boy.

Crensch ago

You wallowed around for a while after the link above before leaving, then coming back with a new narrative spin on what really happened.

You had nothing to do with anything at all beyond getting your ass destroyed when I asked you to provide some support... ANY support for your position. You were incapable.

Also, you seem to really have your facts wrong, but that's normal with Jews - they don't care about facts, just feelings, because high-IQ isn't something they have.

CheeBooga ago

Me leaving had nothing to do with you, chump.

You had nothing to do with anything at all beyond getting your ass destroyed when I asked you to provide some support.

hahahaha shit

You were incapable.

I tricked you into outting yourself, fool. I was masterful in it. I am the greatest jew hunter whom ever lived. I nailed you and Srayzie's asses before anybody. I was on that muthafucker, son. I was right about everything!! You went on to become the most-hated person at Voat, and that quite frankly, is a fucking feat, but you did it! Congrats, faggot

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Id blow ya. Good job dude.

Wheatstone ago

If Q was legit he would have exposed the gangstalking that's killing several thousand veterans every year!

It wasn't stopped or even posted about a single time!!!

Why would a patriot allow ex servicemen to be tortured to death when all the evidence sits in the open on wikileaks proving it to be true.

But now the Qtards won't even consider this topic because Q didn't say a thing about it.

This is a larp that focused on the most extreme crimes of the cabal because it would be near impossible for the normies to get over their cognitive dissonance.

He calls them satanists and evil when he could show us the solution to the problem by identifying them accurately as psychopaths with physical brain damage.

Constant misdirection and gatekeeping for years allowing the slaughter to continue.

This larp was never intended to get as big as it did. It was just supposed to create an echo chamber for people that scare the normies.

Why hasn't Q discussed this crucial information a single time?


Because solving this problem isn't the mission!!!

Redpilling so many with this larp was an unintended consequence.

W0nd3r ago

Vets troubles aren't from mysterious gangstalking. The gangstalking vets endure starts the day he leaves service and enters into the normie workforce. Civilian employers love to say, "thank you for your service", but that ends the moment they hire a vet, especially a war vet. I'm convinced. Everyone loves a veteran until they hire one.

He doesn't conform to their weak ass nonsense and they put up with him, until alas, they gangstalk his out of the company via termination or is forced to quit. Civilians suck ass. Pussies.

nouseforaname ago

Upvoat. Shilling works. It only takes one user with a VPN to samefag and disrupt an entire community. I know because I've done it to a porn forum. I got them fighting with each other, confusing each other for me, the troll. Got their mod banning legitimate users. It's great. Knowing how easy it is to do just as me in my spare time, a team with money and resources and tools can wreck thousands if not millions of gullible users with just simple tactics.

Neskuaxa ago

How's one go about trolling a porn forum? That sounds like a thrilling time

nouseforaname ago

It involves sharing links to content that isn't exactly what they wanted to see ;)

Neskuaxa ago

Like kittens instead of gaping butthole?

nouseforaname ago

More like a decapitation and ear rape edited into the video they're requesting

veteran88 ago

There are still niggers on qrv who think the holohoax happened like the Jews said it did.

Lots are lying kike vermin of course.

Ihatesports ago

Are you just now figuring this out? We have been saying this here for years. The whole point of the movement is to keep people complacent and busy thinking they are making a difference while in reality they are accomplishing absolutely nothing.

IAMthePie ago

Another tard who cannot grasp the concept of critical thinking.

Before Q can along, everybody was already complacent. Nobody was doing a good damn thing.

What the fuck have you accomplished in life? How many deep state actors have you taken out?

dreamcomfortmemory ago

Before Q can along, everybody was already complacent.

was thinking the same. What is the difference between watching a season of some Kevin Spacey netflix show bullshit and following the Q thing? Not much.

Personally Q I don't give a shit about, but I do find it odd how vocal people are about 'qtards'. It doesn't make sense because I am impartial... why can't they simply be impartial and let people think about Q. It's not like they are suggesting a better alternative... durrr watch the 'real' news not Q. ummmmm what news do you think you are watching that is real we got some real Thomas Edison's on this forum that's for sure.

Ihatesports ago

I've killed.

IAMthePie ago

Not enough apparently. Soros', Gates, pope, Obama, Clinton's e still walking around. Get to work.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

You are an embarassment. Fuck off back to the harley you sold us out for in the garage, you fraud.

Chempergrill ago

thinking they are making a difference while in reality they are accomplishing absolutely nothing.

All the drawbacks of smoking weed with none of the high.


You call looking for the secret decoder ring in a box of cracker jacks NOTHING? Without the secret decoder ring the children in the tunnels can't be rescued.


based gematria calculator

cereal=17 in reverse triple hebrew trigonometrical gematria

q confirmed jesus

gazillions ago

The solution is simple. Kill everyone. Everyone.

AlternateSelection ago

If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?

gazillions ago

Working on it. All life on earth must end because there's a problem.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Start with yourself

gazillions ago

Nope. Starting with the other life on earth.

TraditionalCode0 ago

You share methods with the Blackhats then huh?

No rehabilitation......nothing to be made aware of....

Just believe THIS or die.

How inventive/original.

Did you think this all out yourself?

gazillions ago

Wow. You are really crazy aren't you? Afraid I'm going to kill all life on earth by commenting on the internet?

TraditionalCode0 ago

Oh here we go.

YOU say "Kill them all."

And suddenly that's PROJECTED onto me?

Genocidal idiotic maniac says WHAT?

Not_C ago

I trust God, and God's plan. God will make sure good triumphs over evil.

God gave you free will. God also gives you tools, abilities, knowledge, and opportunities. It is your free will that decides if you use those tools, abilities, knowledge, and opportunities, or if your free will decides to ignore them and do nothing with them.

God does not help the righteous. God gives you everything you need in order for you to help them.

If you yourself choose to do nothing with everything that God has given you, then this world will continue to descend further into darkness. Not because of God's will, but because your free will refuses to use the tools, abilities, knowledge, and opportunities that God has given you.

And when you are finally standing at the pearly gates, you will state that you did nothing wrong, that you were a good person. But that will not help you one bit as you are forced to face the consequences of doing nothing when you were given every piece of knowledge, tool, ability, and opportunity.

If any of you trust God, and God's plan - Then you need to stop ignoring God, everything he's telling you, and everything he's giving you. And you need to start doing something.

spaceman84 ago

God also created kikes and declared them the Chosen People.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Comical that these critters downvotes you for pointing out the obvious that collapses rheir entore foundation.

AlternateSelection ago

God only wins AFTER millions of innocent people suffer and die. Only AFTER evil succeeds and thrives. Only AFTER the masses question whether God even exists. Why does God indulge in so much suffering? Is it because God enjoys the suffering of us all?

God is a sick sick deviant entity with absolutely zero empathy for anyone. That's why.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

The 'god' the jew and it's cultslaves venerate is a cannibalistic pedohilial monster. This is supported by all of history, according to the bible.

RoBatten ago

I see you've already reserved your place in Hell . . .

AR47 ago

You know what God did?

Brought the plagues

Brought the floods

Kicked Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden

Know what the devil did?

Made orgies

Convinced some girl to eat an apple.....

Who is really the worst one here?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

LOL all tjese downvotes. Every one an admission that you're 'over the target'.

AR47 ago

What you do is follow the money.

Prayingmedic is the most center part of this Q bullshit, and he has more books written then L Ron Hubbord....you know him because he invented Scientology. Well prayingmedic used to only write Jesus books and bullshit like that, and Q came on and all the sudden he is cranking out one after another about all these "crumbs" and their meaning, and the rabbit hole exploring.

Soon after he does paytreon.....holy fuck man....75 bucks for him to decode a Q message and trace it backwards to ones before.

Sprinkle in a bit of numerology with some good old fashioned bullshit, and he had like 300+ people each goddamn "drop"

Then a couple others got in on it and it became a war of who knows more and who can capture the audience.....think greatawaking and QRV here.....seems very very similar.

It's been about money, and it will end with money.

Can be ad revenue or fucking paytreon, or anything else these kikes dream up.



What about that fucking David Wilcox fucker coming out of NOWHERE with his "master class" of the great awakening. And then not even a week after that fag starts with his Q bullshit ALL of these fucking new age dick suckers are all jumping on that Q pay train.

domains ago

He has been pretty consistent in his career although he may have new words to use

9NaughtZ ago

Q-tards are the worst conspiracy theorists ever. They don't even come up with their own theories. And the things that they do believe are loaded with massive obvious logical fallacies. I was on the QAnon channel for a while and almost deleted my voat account because i started getting this feeling that most of voat was this stupid.

What are the demographics of a Q-tard? Where do they come from? (other than langley or tavistock bots)

These Q idiots are all the fuel I need to keep me willing to work for the dark side. If I was told I need to take out some Q-tards and expose them for pick up I would do it. Sorry. But I'm getting paid and stupid people of any affiliation should get wiped out.

Gas_the_Jews88 ago

I don't know about psyop but anyone that believes it is fucking retarded. Trump is a Jew lover, he's not on our side. He's barely better than the butt-fucking Muslim nigger Jew loving lefties.

Argumentative ago

q boomers are awesome lad, i honestly seen one one day saying you shouldn't trust an anon on the internet because it could be anybody, and q told them not to trust just anybody, without the slightest fucking hint of irony

many chuckles were had

beefartist ago

You are being stupid (on purpose)to make a non existent point. What does "anon" mean? You don't know the persons given name? In the context of internet communication having any frame of reference to know you are speaking to the same person as another time, and being able to build a mental profile of their reliability (instead of bullshit generated numbers like QRV)

Argumentative ago

"What does "anon" mean?"

(instead of bullshit generated numbers like QRV)

Kinda like a tripcode? :^) have you ever used an imageboard in your life?


And you just exposed that fact right from the off, good move. You qtards claim to come from a board but don't know shit about boards.I accuse you of being a fucking embarrassment to the internet. Defend yourself! :^)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

q boomers are awesome lad, i honestly seen one one day saying you shouldn't trust an anon on the internet because it could be anybody, and q told them not to trust just anybody, without the slightest fucking hint of irony

Thats comedy gold.


Lmfao yeah. Don't trust just anyone unless his trip ode matches Q

Patranon1 ago

Wow. So many downvotes. All for a larp. The silent war continues.



I gave you an upvote in solidarity.


And my axe!

MrDarkWater ago

Your coworkers call the cops on their neighbors for going outside and then they go to work? Do you work with real people?


We are all working remotely. I have always worked remotely for them but now the whole company is remote. All they do is sit at home looking out their windows looking for people to call the cops on now.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

All they do is sit at home looking out their windows looking for people to call the cops on now.

They need a good bitch slappin...


I already deleted my LinkedIn account. I make a very good living but have been so riddled with tax debt and other shit since 2008 that I'm still basically broke as fuck. But I'm done with this career. When I'm fired from this job in a couple of weeks I'll be homeless soon enough and I don't ever plan on getting another job in this line of work again. I'd rather be homeless at this point than be surrounded by soy faced basic bros who only care about beer and sportsball and these Karens and cunts who only give a fuck about celebrities and following rules.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Been there. If you're a vet there are whole communities out there man.


No. I'd never join the military in a million years. The recruiters were always up my ass in high school but all I ever did was fuck with them and use them as an excuse to cut class. Life turns out a lot better when you're a rule breaker and having some drill Sgt yelling in my face would be a recipe for disaster.

However. In the event I have to fight for my country (not for oil oligarchs or defending the poppy fields for the Bush family) I will GLADLY lay down my life to take the lives of others who think they can show up and tell us we aren't free.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Having the skills and expertise to defend my home and my country qre why I joined in the first place. Turns out it wqs probabky a good idea. Going to need those skills again soon.


I definitely wish I had those skills as learned by a soldier. I know enough to know that the kill box I set up on my property is solid. Even a vet would tell me so. But I also know that the likelyhood of being able to fight them off on my own terms is not very high.

My neighbor is a vet so I have some company but I have a wide variety of skills and frankly until this thing kicked off I thought I had been slacking hard on my prepping for a long time but when it finally did kick off I found out that the last 25 years I spent planning on what I'd do has made it so I don't have to think hard under stress. All I'm doing is following the plan I trained for.


Get a nice 4x4 van, set it up, and make it your home. Apply for all gibs. Fuck the system.


When I was a kid Chris Farley said if we don't work hard we would be living in a van down by the river.

When I grew up I found out I could bust my ass working for Facebook making 6 figures and end up living in a van down by the river because I can't afford a fucking apartment in San Francisco.


Why live in a fucking degenerate city anyway?

Mustard_Monkey ago

Welcome to VOAT faggot OP.


Thanks faggot.

Mustard_Monkey ago

anytime Nigger noob.


No worries honkey donkey.

ElvisP ago

At some point in the past Q said NO COMMS OUTSIDE THIS PLATFORM. Then when 8chan got taken down and eventually replaced, nobody questions it and the grift just goes on and on as always while nothing ever happens.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

LOL 'think critically'. Yeah, if rhe qoomers did that they'd abandon the psyop over night. Good thing all that cognitive dissonance makes it a non issue for them.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Q is probably a bunch of israeli trolls being payed to keep boomers in check


Ironically enough that's exactly what Christianity is as well

VoatIsRunByJews ago

Come to Islam. At least you can act on and uphold your old ideals like Uncle Adolf always wanted us to.

Fuhrer1488 ago

every religion is a tool to control people. Now we have social media and TV to tell us what to think and how to act, and it also works on atheists!

beefartist ago

You aren't wrong about your first point but I think your frame of reference is off. You are a special smart boy. in love with the notion of modern science and knowledge and education so you think you are smart enough to know all the things people have tried to figure out for the last 3000 years. The (real)rules/codes of Christianity aren't to control you but to protect you from yourself

IAMthePie ago

Critical thinking isn't your strong suit, is it, Zoomer?

The boomers are already in check. What threat do old people pose? What are boomers going to do that is a threat? Threaten to not contribute to the economy by saving their pension checks? You fckn tard.

SuckaFree ago

Everyone's entitled to their opinions. Maybe Q IS a stop, and maybe not. The only way to tell is to wait and see if or when indictments start flowing.

Tallest_Skil ago

There are no indictments, you subhuman retard. They never existed. You don’t have an argument.

Chempergrill ago

wait and see if or when indictments start flowing.

How long has it been? 4 years now?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Everyone's entitled to their opinions. Maybe Q IS a stop, and maybe not. The only way to tell is to wait and see if or when indictments start flowing.

Its not necessary to wait for something that will never come. Discerning minds have known Q was a psyop from the first day that bag of lying shit Q started. Q used to be Coleman Rogers from the Patriot Soapbox but I don't know if it still is. There have been about 4 or 5 different ones. There was a sneaky power struggle within the group when Tracy Beanz, Baruch The Scribe, and that bunch was involved. The control of the tripcode changed hands a few times. Last I knew it was Coleman Rogers at the soapbox but don't know if that is still the case.

Isthisthenewreddit ago

Thanks. Ive linked this a half dozen times.

christophoros ago

so you count your points

good to know what is important

dreamcomfortmemory ago

^^^ True points mean nothing it always cracks me up when people act like they are making some sacrifice losing points or that it is important in any way.


Just noticed that I lost about half of what I had all because I made a few posts questioning dear leader Q.

My point is that I left Twitter because I couldn't stand being censored for not following the corporate line of thought only to show up here where you get censored for not towing the QOOL-AID cult narrative.

TheBookWasBetter ago

I am extremely stubborn to convince of things. The thing that I like about q is that it is encouraging people to really dig into politicians. A lot of the date fagging and decoding is too much for me but, I am glad that so many people are trying to solve the puzzle.

spaceman84 ago

By your assessment, what percentage of Q followers do any research whatsoever?

Isthisthenewreddit ago

That I didn't hand them over there over the last two years or so? Zero. None.

kingdomhearts123 ago

I’m also concerned at the numerousness of the qtards

It is as if their popularity becomes part of their appeal in a downward spiral of multiplicity and numerosity

There are so many of them. I see qtards in my dreams


When I see all these people on YouTube making TONS AND TONS of money by basically promoting this Q bullshit it never ceases to amaze me.

Nekketsu ago

Wouldn't they at least get taken down by Jewtube considering it's """""right-wing conspiracy""""" stuff? Or has this Q bullshit gone so deep that their true colors have openly been revealed as just trivial uselessness?

kingdomhearts123 ago



cbramwel ago

Thanks. It means a lot.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The term "conspiracy theory" was created by the CIA to dismiss anyone who questioned the official narrative for the JFK assassination.

Ocelot ago

Ha ha oh and I guess you think the HOLOCAUST is created by the CIA too, racist?


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The really mind blowing thing is that the guy in the pictures holding the "lampshades" and the shrunken heads is literally the OSS propaganda director. AFAIK the shrunken heads were real, but were from New Guinea or something.


Right. That's why I used the term. MSM brainwashed retards use it when you question the official narrative, like I said.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Oh sure, but it never hurts to let them know where it came from. Pretty much everyone agrees the official narrative on JFK is nonsense, so it can be a good way to get them to think.

Or maybe they're just frightened sheep like the people I see driving around by themselves while wearing a mask. Seriously?


I got so sick of the mask bullshit I decided to see how far I can take it and how RIDICULOUS I can dress up and get away with it when before you couldn't.

I have a full face ski mask with a rubberized mouth vent area. Fire and brimstone colored mirrored ski goggles that say SINNER on the elastic hand. Balaclava with the punisher skull on it. Black tactical gloves. A cammo browning rifles hat with a big ass fish hook clipped to the brim that's my normal redneck hat I always wear when I'm doing hillbilly shit. A shirt that says "COME AND TAKE IT"


The benefit is all the fucking Karens and cunts from the suburbs and their soy faced husbands get out of the way now without me having to say excuse me.

Just SAYING excuse me and being polite while dressed like that just doesn't even seem right.

I am going to add my old ALICE tactical vest with 4 PMAGS in the pockets next and see how it goes lmfao.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Well, it fits since we are all sinners.

I have been shopping for plague doctor masks, but haven't bitten the bullet yet.


I'm gonna go out in an eyes side shut costume soon and see how that goes.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Dude thats raw! Thumbs up :)


It will be great to wear if I ever get into paying airsoft.

Phantom42 ago

I've been tempted to go to Wal-Mart and do this shit as well... Sounds fun.


You can spot the ones who are doing it for fun vs the ones who are fucking brainwashed retards.

Plant_Boy ago

I've been noticing a small change on Voat. Like you used to be able to get a decent discussion going but it seems to be a bit more insane than usual.

I've been noticing this on other sites too. The user bases seems to be more proactively negative, as if the shareblue shills and Isreali Derpa Fucktards are attempting to redouble their efforts to establish their propaganda again.

It's like they think they can deter us by doing exactly what they've been doing for the past 5 years, forcing their opinions on others.

Tallest_Skil ago

Certainly seems to be working, though. No one does anything about white genocide.

Plant_Boy ago

I suppose it depends on where you're having the discussion. On Voat every knows the problem so it's hardly productive to discuss white genocide here.

I tend to strike up conversations on image boards and meme sites. I think that's a productive place to practice arguments and seeing what works and what doesn't for when you start discussing things with your everyday friends.

Tallest_Skil ago


Do. Talk is meaningless.

dreamcomfortmemory ago

Yep I noticed the same thing. Large amounts of assholes doing various subsets of forum fuckery, arguing with people for no reason, not making sense, wasting people energy.

Also people are posting stupid ideas and then like 3-4 other idiots in the thread chime in to reinforce and make it look like an organic idea. Basically what every reddit thread looks like.... you can see it's a pattern super creepy.

Anarchy99 ago

That's right Jews have doubled down on Voat. They just keep posting useless bulshit so people waste their time. Jews can't have a rational discussion because they are mentally ill. So they can only attack by overloading the platform with complete utter rubbish

beefartist ago

You fags want to blame jews for everything but it just doesn't work in the simple way you would like (blame the jews for my shit life). Jews roll up the "candy van" and you fags jump in like degenerates.

dreamcomfortmemory ago

They might be stringing people along to build profiles and get doxing files or something. I noticed some stringing along maybe possibly .

Anarchy99 ago

The Qtsrds are a mental ill waste of time. A lot of nothing. For years.

Anarchy99 ago

I don't waste my time with Q

Plavonica ago

It's like they think they can deter us by doing exactly what they've been doing for the past 5 years, forcing their opinions on others.

It worked on the normies. But it's exactly what works against them when talking to people who seek out their own information.

Tallest_Skil ago

dumb ass clues left by a prankster who's game has become so weak its obvious by now.

What’s interesting is that Q-LARP made a post today saying that “datefags hurt the movement.” Not only is this something I said about Q-LARP


it flies right in the face of Q-LARP’s very first posts. You know… the ones with DATES? Which claimed that things were happening and which were the catalyst for ANYONE believing in it in the first place? Hilarious stuff.

By the time you faggots wake up you'll be inside of a FEMA camp.

Unlike whites, jews aren’t transportation cucks. They will literally just go door to door and slaughter us all in our own homes. To do otherwise would be to waste shekels. They’ve done it everywhere else that communism took hold.


Aww, fuck, now they’ll think you’re me.

CanIPlay2 ago

While the Jewish Bolshevik Communists will go door-to-door, their preferred method of killing is starvation. Not only because they don't have to lift a finger to make it happen, but because it's cheap.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, enjoy starving then.

NPCGator ago

As they say, it's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled.

beefartist ago

You really think jews are going to do the work? Shows how little you know...more likley they try to ruin cities and have niggers ruin stuff for them, either way you are a fucking pussy who tries to convince other people to be scared so you don't feel like such a pussy. Have you tried just acting like a man?

Tallest_Skil ago

They did in Russia. They’ll probably outsource it elsewhere, though, since they now have entire armies of their fellow nonwhites already in place.


Fuck you on about.

beefartist ago

So you haven't tried acting like a man then...

Tallest_Skil ago

can’t even explain himself


NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

They will literally just go door to door and slaughter us all in our own homes. To do otherwise would be to waste shekels. They’ve done it everywhere else that communism took hold.

Not disagreeing with you to be contrary, but if anything, this last virus/scare/psyop thing got enough people buying guns, ammo and otherwise, along with food, water, survival/solo-sustanance stuff, that a armed door to door shoot em up would be the LAST thing they would be able to accomplish. If anything, this recent insane run on arms and ammo shows just how much Americans no longer trust their own government, and realize no one is coming to save them, and they are on their own.

If anything, this last few weeks I've seen more people and talked to more neighbors and/or been friendly with most people I've come across than I have in years. It's been quite pleasant actually. Many I have seen are not buying into the fear at all, and are just flat out ignoring out Governors suggestions, as they know they don't have the manpower and/or firepower to enforce it.

Have a great and blessed Easter too Goat.

Tallest_Skil ago

more guns

Dude, we’re never going to use them. Ever. When the kikes took over Russia, they went door to door. RUSSIANS HAD WEAPONS. THEY DIDN’T USE THEM. Your ✡libertarian✡ bullshit has to stop. This fucking idea of “They can do whatever they want to my nation–even all of my neighbors–as long as they don’t come on my property. THEN I’ll totally do something about it.” Who the fuck do you think CAME UP with that ideology?


It shows that no one will do anything unless the government tells them to. What did they do after buying the guns? They crawled back into their homes (because the government said to) and watched talmudvision cowering in fear.

Many I have seen

Well, that’s a start at least. Not sure it’s enough, but hey.

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

You should consider getting off the internet, going outside and getting some sunshine, and focusing on what is immediate to you, your family, loved ones, neighbors, etc. Your negativity and blackpill nonsense is the source of all your problem. I wrote a positive reply to you to help, and yet you still manage to spit in someones face.

Best of luck to you and all your endeavors.

Tallest_Skil ago

There’s nothing wrong with your reply, other than it being not reflective of reality. If you were to actually go outside, you’d see that.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING. They didn’t rise up in:

  • 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war in Europe and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation (every civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within roughly 100 years).
  • 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war in Europe, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • 1950 when the Korean War removed all pretense for reasons for the US going to war–and with no legal declaration.
  • 1955 when the US paid 100% of Laos’ military budget for its own civil war, without anything in return and without taxpayers’ consent.
  • 1959 when the Vietnam War saw its first direct US involvement, again with no legal declaration.
  • 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. THE POLITICIANS ADMITTED THE PURPOSE OF THE BILL WAS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITES. No one did anything.
  • 1965 when the US intervened in the Dominican War, again without declaration.
  • 1967 when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel for the sole purpose of getting the US to attack Egypt for the jews’ sake.
  • 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent, and when the US defended Israel in the Yom Kippur War after Israel literally threatened the US with nuclear hellfire.
  • The 1980s when the US was exposed as deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • 2001 after 9/11 when jews attacked the United States, yet again for Greater Israel.
  • 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • 2010 when Obamacare ran roughshod over the Constitution.
  • 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”
  • 2018 when trannies became accepted as “normal.”
  • 2019 when CPS confirmed that children stripping at faggot clubs “isn’t” child abuse, or when a jury ruled that children can be forcibly castrated.
  • 2020 when the entire world was forcibly locked down for a smaller biological threat than SARS and the Keynesians stole 6 trillion more from our future



It’s fact. Don’t like it? Change it.


Only jews say this. Truth has nothing to do with your emotions.

to help

Your reply was fine. But if you actually want to help, start killing nonwhites. There are no other options.

TheSeer ago

They actually made nuns leave the convents before executing them, because they didn't want to have to clean up the convents before repurposing them. So refusing to leave, when ordered, is actually an inconvenience to them. Albeit a minor one. Solzhenitsyn said it is better to get a group of friends together (different house every night, I suppose) and just be ready for that knock at the door. If you take even ONE with you, every time they knock in a door, before too long they are either scared shitless or defeated.

midnightblue1335 ago

Never forget the circumstances Solzhenitsyn faced. He was not living in a country with hundreds of millions of guns in the hands of the public. He spoke about using axes and other household items to ambush soldiers that would come to kidnap them.

In the USA, we have different options. A lot of them.

How many houses you think any given American police force or military unit will be willing to go to after they lose two or three men trying to assault a single house? What about neighbors- as they're assaulting this house, neighbor across the street sees and takes some shots at the vulnerable raiding team.

Things would play out very differently if a round-up was attempted the same way it was for the Russians. That's why they're incrementally stripping us away of everything.

It'd be easy for them to defeat most of California's civilian population and have them in gulags within a week or two. But Arkansas? North Dakota? Might be very different when facing an entire household armed to the teeth and ready to die fighting instead of starving.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Solzhenitsyn said

I see that you be a scholar of relevant history. I give thee accolades.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

What’s interesting is that Q-LARP made a post today saying that “datefags hurt the movement.” Not only is this something I said about Q-LARP


it flies right in the face of Q-LARP’s very first posts. You know… the ones with DATES? Which claimed that things were happening and which were the catalyst for ANYONE believing in it in the first place? Hilarious stuff.

Took the words right out of my mouth bro. When I saw that earlier today about the "datefag" stuff I could only laugh. QLarp doesn't want them to do that, LIKE HE USED TO because it just keeps proving what a fraud QLarp is.

Jungun ago

Can't wait to use the term "datefag" on my wife next time I get shit for forgetting an anniversary.

Warnos44 ago

This should be good. Popcorn worthy. Do you like strife? Cause that's how you get strife. :3

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Can't wait to use the term "datefag" on my wife next time I get shit for forgetting an anniversary.

You treadin on thin ice right there bro :)

captainstrange ago

I used to think you're a jew now I'm starting to realize you're just a shitlord channer.

The longer time goes on the more I see you know whats up.

Hindsight is 2020.

midnightblue1335 ago

Hah, another finally snaps out of it and starts thinking for himself, instead of going along with the crybaby goats who don't like Mr. Skil's honest, painful observations.

Guess I've been ahead of the curve on this, but ever since I've been lurking and active on this site, he's always seemed reasonable, and people would shit on him for no reason. Then he ends up being right.

u/Tallest_Skil made a little meme for me a while back, when I was complaining and raving about how it's such a LONELY feeling being "ahead of the curve". Things that I see as obvious, other people, whom I think are my equals, are completely blind to. A great example would be the con artist, Tommy Robinson (true name- Stephon Lennon). I saw through his con to profit off of the rape gang trials, and tried to warn you fags... and I got called a shill instead.

And now, I am totally vindicated as Lennon goes on to use all of the money you morons donated to him for his "legal defense" to make a movie about anti-semitism in the UK.

It's fucking lonely. I suppose "you get used to it".

Tallest_Skil ago

A lot of it is sunken cost fallacy. That’s the majority of what we have to deal with in redpilling people, by the way. I don’t really see anyone talking about it, but it’s what we have to address first and foremost. Maybe that’s why we keep losing.

“No, no! If every single thing that has changed in the last century has been wrong, we can’t just undo it! That would mean my grandpa died for nothing in WWII!” or whatever. Literally any argument against such change, but predicated on “they didn’t know better so we can’t just nullify their entire life’s work.” 90% of people will have their entire system of beliefs completely uprooted. Entire lifetimes spent working for something, and it turns out that thing was objectively wrong the whole time. Idiots hate being told their lives were worth nothing. They’ll defend TO THE DEATH their work–simply because it was their work–rather than be angry at the ones who lied to them in the first place.

That has to be overcome if we’re ever going to win.

DownRange ago

Entire lifetimes spent working for something, and it turns out that thing was objectively wrong the whole time. Idiots hate being told their lives were worth nothing. They’ll defend TO THE DEATH their work–simply because it was their work–rather than be angry at the ones who lied to them in the first place.

That has to be overcome if we’re ever going to win.

This is where I usually run i to a roadblock with normies. How do you convince them to throw away something that they built their whole lives around and embrace an unknown.

alele-opathic ago

In a way, you've discovered why jews place such importance on indoctrinating kids young.

captainstrange ago

I see that now. It makes so much fucking sense. "Stay the course", "trust the plan", "some things are worth keeping", "don't toss the baby out with the bathwater", "we cant just do xyz", every argument I've made has just been an appeal to the high cost of change.

Then I don't know what to believe, or what comes after the current system. Whats worth keeping, if anything.

I've been outclassed this whole time, and you over there, all the while, indulging people like me, like a come-along, knowing some of us would finally see it too.

But it took this long. We're a bunch of retards. How can we be of any use to someone like you who's seen the core of the problem for years?

Tallest_Skil ago

"some things are worth keeping", "don't toss the baby out with the bathwater"

Ah… For my part, and taking them completely out of context, I’m fine with the idea behind these statements. Situationally. Take a look at the American Revolution. What did it do? It created an entirely new form of government–something that should even be called proto-national socialist–to break away from the British monarchical system. The ways in which government conducted itself and its relationship to the people were totally changed. BUT… English common law remained the foundation of society and society’s interactions, and the social structure/hierarchy was left untouched.

Now look at the French Revolution. What did it do? Entirely new form of government, yes, but it also overthrew the French social system and shredded it down to its foundation. All units of measurement were totally erased and replaced with metric. They even created metric time (ten hours in a day, 100 minutes in each hour, 100 ‘moments’ in each minute; a moment is slightly longer than a second; you can find digital metric clocks easily, but only a handful of physical ones from the FR survive. Additionally, the French Revolutionary Calendar even switched to a 10 day week (this didn’t last because people just didn’t like getting one day off every 9 days instead of every 6). Nothing was left untouched. Everyone became “citizen.” The monarchy was slaughtered and had its wealth redistributed. It was proto-communist in a way...

The Founding Fathers saw what was good and kept it. Similarly, anyone who says “we have to undo EVERYTHING” is suspicious to me, because that implies they’re going to undo the 2nd amendment (et. al.). This is getting off topic, but the point is that we have to look at what’s objectively correct (natural law and its founding principles), determine what systems we’ve built on top of that which are in accordance with it, and then remove anything which stands in its way (for example, clearly the laws in place aren’t sufficient to protect the natural rights of the individual against their harm by government. So we have to throw out–not the enshrinement of the rights, but rather–the entire system which does not protect them.

Then I don't know what to believe, or what comes after the current system. Whats worth keeping, if anything.

That’s the rub, isn’t it. Most important might be focusing on what we know absolutely has to be explicitly prevented. For example, the Founders saw the differences between the races as so fundamental and obvious that they made no mention of it in the Constitution. That was a mistake only in its naïveté. It allowed lower-level laws to dictate citizenship, which could far more easily pass through a corrupted Congress. Thus, the foundational document of a new government MUST enshrine racial exclusionism as an inalienable right (like the bill of rights). Whites only. No exceptions. And anyone who tries to change that is legally allowed to be killed by any citizen. Or something.

How can we be of any use to someone like you who's seen the core of the problem for years?

Bah, I’m nothing. Seeing’s one thing. Doing is another. Clearly no one awake now is willing to do; our job is to grow numbers until we convert someone who is. Either that or we’re just kidding ourselves and we’re already dead. Feels like that to me most of the time.

B166-ER ago

Have you looked at The Venus Project? I agree we are at a point where we need to decide what we want to keep and what is waste. I think it's time we consider the technological advancements of the last century when deciding exactly what ancient concepts are dead weight. This idea that everyone has to produce and work is a big sticking point for people for some reason. Despite the hypocrisy as capitalism clearly produces people who do not work and do not produce anything. Is it some deeply conditioned need to operate under a class system where there are a few haves and many have-nots? Because we are at a point where we could guarantee freedom from work for everyone. And as Fresco points out, people do feel the urge to work in a healthy way. Under TVP people would sign up for work and do shifts of weeks or months depending on the work. Obviously no one ever expects this to work if its rolled out overnight. The problem with a Utopia is that if you teleport everyone in Los Angeles into a functional Utopia somewhere. They will ruin it overnight. You start with one city, then another, and another. Baby steps.

Tallest_Skil ago

Venus Project

I’d heard the name but hadn’t taken more than a glance. Interesting, looks like a modern scientific version of what EPCOT was designed to be. Of course, such a thing will never exist unless all jews are exterminated. Full technocracy–even just aspects of it–implies that science governs. Jews can’t have that because it undoes all their work. Speaking of work, I’m not entirely sure that I consider ‘utopia’ to be ‘freedom from work,’ myself. Such a system would require the extermination of all jews, because if they exist then it just becomes communism since that’s literally what the commies are calling for right now. “Oy vey automation is EVENTUALLY going to take all our jobs (because we say so don’t question it goyim oy fucking vey); we have to implement communism RIGHT NOW to save us all!”

B166-ER ago

But that's just it. You don't need to figure out how to exterminate the jews first or anything like that. If you build an environment where your parasites cannot survive then they simply disappear. Part of that environment is ensuring that everyone is educated to a sufficient degree. For lack of a better phrase, "Educated enough to know and understand the parasites in our midst." Its why I hate these online circle jerks on Voat about how to kill all the jews and whatnot. To me, that's wasting precious time and resources. I had an ant problem years ago, I didn't waste days killing each and every single ant. Instead I put all my food away, and cleaned and bleached everything so there was no food no crumbs anywhere. After a few days the ants simply disappeared. I created an environment that suited them and they swarmed my kitchen. Then I remedied it by creating an environment that did not suit them and they left.

alele-opathic ago

If you build an environment where your parasites cannot survive then they simply disappear.

Disappear, but do not die. They adapt, as they have in the past, until they can reverse-terraform a world comfortable for them.

Part of that environment is ensuring that everyone is educated to a sufficient degree.

As they were in the past. The problem is that anything done can be undone, so vigilance is key, and this was lost when the education system we have now was formalized and introduced.

Tallest_Skil ago


And then reappear a year later with the militaries of four other nations and wreck your shit. Every. Single. Time. The tactic works on whites. It works on Asians. It even works on Africans. It doesn’t work on jews.


Ants don’t team up with roaches or raccoons and come back in force. Jews do.

albeit ago

I can't speak for Tallest but I'd looked at it over 10 years ago. Thought it sounded kind of cool, but was in the middle of college and had different political beliefs back then. Was introduced by watching a Zeitgeist video I think.

In retrospect, it sounds like it would have similar problems to communism: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Venus_Project

Here's an excerpt from the Venus Project website FAQs:

As exclaimed in The Communist Manifesto, the “history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” Knowing what we know now, we might rewrite this statement to state the underlying problem: the history of civilization has been the history of resource mismanagement under conditions of scarcity. All class struggle has been a symptom of this underlying condition and it is this root cause that The Venus Project addresses. Although Karl Marx did envision a vague picture of a communist society wherein money, private property, and social hierarchy was abolished, he couldn’t begin to imagine how to implement that at a technical level.

Which to me sounds a lot like:

Real communism hasn't been tried yet.

B166-ER ago

Well, perhaps it is true that real communism hasn't been tried yet. As the quote you pulled says. The issue is that we've never before been able to manage resources as we can today with technology. And the core function of communism, capitalism, socialism and any other system is essentially how to distribute resources. I would hesitate to assign any such labels to TVP because it is so different from anything else we've had in our history. And while I don't believe in the idea of a Utopia as a static thing, I believe that as a goal or an idea for us to aim towards and build towards is certainly more productive than what we are working towards today. Because I don't even know what we are workig towards today. There's a few common scenarios people focus on to discredit TVP and to me it just demonstrates how inflexible people's imaginations are:

  • "But who will clean shit up when a homeless guy ass sprays the Starbucks bathroom? You can't have robots do that!" Long-term in a TVP world there would be no homeless people, everyone would have a home. Starbucks wouldn't exist, nor would any public restrooms in shops. The mental health of the individual would be important to everyone, and without jobs to distract us we could focus on each other, build community and help each other. Most mental health issues are not genetic but a product of the system we live under. People raised in healthy communities in healthy famlies with proper educations do not spray their shit all over the walls of restrooms. As for cleaning the bathroom, most of us already clean our own bathrooms. Though like Fresco points out there could be many improvements to the design of restrooms to minimize the need for cleaning. And for any public restrooms, we could share that responsibility. When I was young I went to school in Eastern Europe for a few years. The school had students rotate shifts with the janitors to clean the facilities, those were the cleanest bathrooms I had ever seen in any school in my life. Nothing was vandalized, nobody did stupid shit like fill the bowl with turds and paper and then flush to let the bathroom flood. Or shitting into the urinals on the wall... These were behaviors that shocked me when I started going to public school in America.

albeit ago

There's a few common scenarios people focus on to discredit TVP and to me it just demonstrates how inflexible people's imaginations are

Generally I operate under the hypothesis that socialism (e.g. The Venus Project) inevitably leads to tyranny. I've yet to to come across a convincing counterexample that falsifies the hypothesis.

I'm a fan of trying early on to discover ways that a system can be exploited. Any system that relies on everyone having benevolent intentions is destined to failure. There isn't a time in human history that everyone had benevolent intentions (unless maybe you count Adam and Eve and ignore their children Cain and Abel). The more powerful a government becomes, the more incentive there is for bad actors to seize the levers of power. I know I don't want morons like AOC (or their handlers) to have more control over resource allocation - being able to dictate what I can or cannot have: "No comrade, airplanes are the old way. You don't need to visit the biological parent you call 'father'. Here watch this video clip of a pouting sixteen year old girl saying 'how dare you'."

Venus project says:

Who makes the decisions in a resource based economy? No one does. The process of arriving at decisions in this economy would not be based upon the opinions of politicians, corporate, or national interests but rather all decisions would be arrived at based upon the introduction of newer technologies and Earth's carrying capacity. Computers could provide this information with electronic sensors throughout the entire industrial, physical complex to arrive at more appropriate decisions.

But a team has to program the computers. Their FAQ answer to "If supercomputer(s) runs the global resource-based economy, who runs the supercomputer(s)?" isn't really an answer.

According to your user profile, you've been on Voat for nearly 3 years, so you should be well familiar with the archetypal (((jew))) as described over and over again. Sleazy and scheming, socially savvy, constantly trying to manipulate people to engage in self-destructive behavior, willing to destroy $1,000 in value for others if they themselves gain $1 in value, etc.

From what I've seen of the Venus project (who's founder Jacque Fresco happens to be a jew), this system would be more vulnerable to greedy parasites than the current "capitalistic" system. Regardless of the intentions of the founder and current leaders, I think this is a fundamental flaw in The Venus Project.

The FAQ has an 'answer' to this:

One of the major foundational principles of a Resource-Based Economy is automation with unlimited access to goods and services within a set of relevant sustainable values. When people have access to whatever they need along with education on how to live with that abundance and one another, they will not be motivated to hoard.

In other words, hoarding and many other undesirable behaviors would become irrelevant in a resource-based economy. With proper education and a shift in values, no one would have any reason to hoard resources, as it would not benefit them in any way, and would actually be detrimental to them in the long run. People would be educated to understand this.

That answer is fairly brief and unconvincing. For a reason similar to the reason children of all races destroy each other's sand castles. Education is not a panacea. This relies on the assumption that everyone is going to 100% agree with the curriculum.

Starbucks wouldn't exist, nor would any public restrooms in shops.

Lack of access to toilets encourages people to shit in the streets. Places like San Francisco lack access. (Business owners and employees don't want homeless junkies abusing their bathrooms.)

Also, "Starbucks wouldn't exist" meaning the corporation, or coffee shops in general? Even Star Trek's "post-scarcity" utopia had restaurants on Earth.

The mental health of the individual would be important to everyone, and without jobs to distract us we could focus on each other, build community and help each other.

Lots of financially secure retired people don't do this and they don't have jobs.

When I was young I went to school in Eastern Europe for a few years. The school had students rotate shifts with the janitors to clean the facilities, those were the cleanest bathrooms I had ever seen in any school in my life.

That's not an ethnically diverse society. What if it's Tyrone's week and he doesn't want to.. how will he be incentivized? Under the current system somebody will step up to do these tasks because they will be paid for doing the work.

Aside from what I've mentioned, the link I provided earlier to The Rational Wiki has many arguments against the feasibility of TVP that I feel have not been adequately addressed by TVP.

Phantom42 ago

@captainstrange I hope you read every word of that.

National Socialism is the way forward. It's natural. It is the natural conclusion, as being a "racist" is natural when uninfluenced by outside forces.

What has happened to the world is it has fallen for lie after lie after lie, and soon we find ourselves sitting on a house of cards built by lies.

Look at the Holohoax, look how much that alone has shaped how we view Nationalism in general.

But strip away the lie... The ship rights itself almost immediately. Everything goes from a sinking chaotic mess to smooth water and a surfaced ship ready to be led by a captain with a mission.

When that captain comes, there will always be a crew. And when the helm is taken, the winds of change push that ship forward unto victory, guided not only by the captain, but by those "under" him as well. In Truth, they are all mere men with a purpose, all equal under God's eyes, BUT given a greater purpose to keep going forward across the oceans wherever they may be headed.

We need our Hitler, yes, but don't think for a second that he will save us alone.

What good is a ship without a crew?

Rip and tear at the lie.

Bring good souls and mighty hearts into our fold.

Inevitably, we will have our leader.

Then when that day comes, let the winds of change not guide you, but assist you to achieving the future you set out to create. Make the future, don't sit idle and let the world decide.

veteran88 ago

Food water power entertainment are all still on.

We are missing the final ingredient to summon a Hitler which is hyperinflation and/or loss of luxuries.

Right now doing nothing feels good. It feels better than starting something only a few want intellectually, because even poor here are so comfy with their talmudvision and vidya.

Anyone who removes that comfort will be the enemy of all normies. Forcing the change will make everyone hate whoever did it.

The choices I see are wait or be like ABB if you're impatient. Which I'm not advocating at all.

captainstrange ago

Short and excellent analysis veteran.


The whole Q shaming people for "date faggotry" made me laugh out loud when I saw that shit today. Because of the same reason you mentioned.

Then look at the lame ass excuses these brainwashed cult retards come up with to defend themselves from that attack.

Arguing with a Q tard is truly no different than arguing with an MSM brainwashed moron from work.

slapstick2 ago

You are right, we should make a subverse for memes about qtards


Cults and other victims of con men lack the insight, introspection and humility to honestly assess their situations so they keep following an idiots path.


I see so many fucking idiots on both sides of the aisle. Which is why I made this post in the first place.

Weak minded people find whatever ideology speaks to them the loudest and then just blindly accept ALL doctrine that comes from their new identity and never question any of it or think for themselves.

I'm a marketing professional for a living. We literally sit in rooms and make fun of how easy it is to manipulate weak minded people.

Whenever I meet someone new I can usually assess 150 things about them, along with their opinions on just about any subject and I already know how they will answer any question. It could be based on simple observations of their clothing or phraseology in their speaking patterns, hair style, or typically a combination of those subtle things.

80% of all people fall into that bracket.

The ones who surprise me and who I can't figure out on my own? Those are the ones who end up becoming good friends.

domains ago

It's a rarity but I found sometimes the best of friends can be made after a disagreement.

I do find some kind of morbid entertainment from the 80% usage of the term marketing as if it is some kind of magic solution golden ticket


The 80/20 rule applies in a lot of ways that it was never intended to.

For example almost EVERY poll I find on the MSM is 80% hooray for checkpoints and slavery and 20% no fucking way / constitution.

domains ago

It's bewildering how many biologicaly driven sociological impulses are hijacked for the purpose of commercialization.

The cult of the personality perhaps being the most relevant exploit

sinclair ago

Trust the Plan™

Q inc.


You just sold 1,000 more Q t-shirts paytriot anon fag!

borderline7 ago

q rhymes with?

AusPatriot ago


Which to be fair, also applies.


Qtards stay in the q ghettos. They don't come to v/news because we make fun of them whenever they do.


I only came here so I'm not as anonymous.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, they spam here all the time. You can always tell their handiwork when an anti-Trump posts gets -40.