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aaronC ago

Coming to a liberal news outlet near you:

Why is COVID-19 affecting Africans and African Americans so much worse than anyone else? Why it's white people's fault.

TruthSemen ago

Have you heard Biden recently shrieking about this? He says it's 'shameful' that blacks are being so disproportionately impacted by this, and says it "must change!!" Of fucking COURSE he and other Leftists are pretending this is somehow our fault.

Hey Joe, these are low-information pack animals who don't read the news (or anything else), can't stand their own company so need to be in groups of 10+ at all times, 57% of their women are obese according to the CDC, and are all diabetic and predisposed to heart disease because they drink gallons of soda and eat fast food for every single meal. NO FUCKING SHIT they're going to be decimated by this shit. It's culling the retards first.

aaronC ago

It's just going to get worse. There will be a time when the rest of the country is healthy and fine, ready to re-open, and black areas will still have a lot of problems. Trump will want to restart the economy when possible, which will mean keeping black areas under quarantine for longer. Which is going to drive liberals absolutely nuts.

gazillions ago

Quarantined in Liberia for fuck's sake. That's where they belong. Looting the bushes for berries and edibles. Killing game for meat.