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obvious-throwaway- ago

But Muh (((media))) told me they are "Just Like Us". I see black people in every movie, every poster, every advertisement these days. They appear just like white people, who I never see in advertisements anymore unless it's a white woman paired with a black man.

niggernaut ago

I've noticed this and point out to my gf how overwhelmingly disproportionate the interracial shit in commercials is, as compared to real life. She just gets mad and calls me racist for making a simple observation.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Holy shit, you still have the electric Jew in your house? Your girlfriend is being brainwashed every second it's in your house. Get rid of it before it gets rid of you.

niggernaut ago

Yea, bitch even brought up the subject of white privilege out the blue one day. It’s sickening. If that’s what she’s turning into, it would be great if it got rid of me.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Your only chance is to subtly redpill her. Women, aka property, have the minds of children. If you are a man, you should be able to outwit her with ease.

Say things like, "I like that all advertisements now feature black men with white women, it's very progressive." She'll be a bit confused but will agree on the "progressive" part because of her brainwashing through the electric Jew. After she starts to "notice", later say, "I'm glad they don't feature black women with black men, I don't think black woman make good mothers of black children like white mothers do." Her programming will cause her to be immediately triggered, but it's to late, you've planted the seed. Now she'll "notice" that they no longer feature black women with black man.

Do this for everything. Point out hypocrisies as though you agree that these hypocrisies are a 'good thing'. Her programming will tell her you are wrong because all white males are wrong. This begins her to question the blatant hypocrisies. Double down whenever you can, but again, be subtle, you are dealing with the mind of a child, not a white man. If you can't outsmart a woman, you might as well cut off your dick and start wearing dresses.

niggernaut ago

K. You're expecting she won't notice a sudden 180 degree switch in direction? Going from saying nigger 50 times a day to supporting the way television portrays unrealistic demographics. This would be great advice for new relationships, but this woman knows me.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Tell her you watched [insert random video] and now see the error of your ways. Again, you are dealing with a child, you should be able to outwit her.