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AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I can't wait until the day a pickup truck full of good ol' white boys or Koreans roll up with fully loaded firearms (shotguns, rifles, handguns) and start unloading on all of them, killing 50% or more of the looting niggers. The ones that run away are also run down by the truck and more are shot and killed trying to flee.

Niggers only respond to violence. It's time we put them in their place.

NoBS ago

There are White, Hispanic and Oriental gangs to go around.

We have enough knuckle heads for a biblical culling.

I believe the global Adrenochrome supply was tainted. The Deep State is now distributing Chemical Enslavement for pennies on the dollar. Shoot them on sight.

Buckle up Buttercup, it will get bumpy.