(video) LOOTING ACCELERATING! Entire town lacking boards over store windows Rapidly Looted by Hundreds of Blacks ignoring Lock Down! Faster than a cloud of Locusts! Coming to a Democrat City near You (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.9 years ago by glownig
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aaronC 4.9 years ago
Coming to a liberal news outlet near you:
Why is COVID-19 affecting Africans and African Americans so much worse than anyone else? Why it's white people's fault.
StrangeThingsAfoot 4.9 years ago
Already happening, see /r/chicago
Meme_Factory_1776 4.9 years ago
Some anon should do a news report in a shaddow at the circle, daily. Or at least claim to be in the back room at the circle k with stock all stacked on racks.
La_Chalupacabra 4.9 years ago
Don't forget the secret basement with the hidden access door they use to hide all the really good stuff!
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aaronC ago
Coming to a liberal news outlet near you:
StrangeThingsAfoot ago
Already happening, see /r/chicago
Meme_Factory_1776 ago
Some anon should do a news report in a shaddow at the circle, daily. Or at least claim to be in the back room at the circle k with stock all stacked on racks.
La_Chalupacabra ago
Don't forget the secret basement with the hidden access door they use to hide all the really good stuff!