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version7 ago

Need more info on this video


angry large black looting mobs.

Is there really any other kind?


In that pic, they don't look like niggers to me.

La_Chalupacabra ago

Of course.

I would never confuse that term with someone who was fighting to save civilization as they knew it...

fusir ago

I was going to say they need to allow shooting of looters by anyone who wants to, but they don't own enough guns there to make a difference.

superspathi ago

Use melee weapons. Use bare hands.

Tallest_Skil ago

Of all things to not sell, you’d think niggers would be self-serving enough to realize that they ought to KEEP selling alcohol to keep their fellows complacent.

Agent7851 ago

You don’t think the people in charge know that and did it on purpose?

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m curious why they would, though. Government–no matter the race–seeks complacency from its people. Alcohol is one of the easier methods to invoke complacency. People sober up and see the world around them, they’re going to not only be able to see what’s wrong, they’ll be in a physical state that lets them do something about it. Even niggers HAVE to comprehend that, right?

Agent7851 ago

The one thing that comes to mind to cause even more destabilization of the area. Swoop in, get other people in charge, enforce laws and start taking over.

SparklingWiggle ago

niggers would...realize

I am sure you know better than that.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, see, that’s the thing! It’s not Africans pretending to uphold white civilizational standards and failing (because they’re just going through the motions). This is blacks in their own nation (because that’s what South Africa is now) with their own people, and the people in charge are too stupid to realize that booze is something that they themselves would want. It defies comprehension even from the standpoint of self-serving inhumanity.

SparklingWiggle ago

people in charge

We've been over this. They are subhuman retards. Even the ones in charge probably think they will just get sent more.

I'm surprised they managed to get product and stock the shelves. In fact, there are some honkies still living there. Chinese are present as well.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm surprised they managed to get product and stock the shelves

Well, that’s part of the whitey voodoo. Whitey does his magic and water comes out of the tap and the lights turn on and the food comes to the shelves. Then when whitey gets killed and expelled from the land, they put a curse on the poor, poor Africans and the water stops coming and the lights stop turning on. South Africa does, unfortunately, still have some whites there. They’d be the last of the farmers. When they’re all killed like in Rhodesia, South Africa will starve too. The whitey curse will extend to the supermarkets.

alele-opathic ago

Then when whitey gets killed and expelled from the land, they put a curse on the poor, poor Africans and the water stops coming and the lights stop turning on.

There was this weird feeling as I read this when I understood that this was probably exactly what the Bantus were thinking. Holy moly.

Clarke's 3rd law and all.