Cunty84 ago

They’ll start fucking awarding them with more benefits next... kike clown world

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Unbelievable. Muslims who are not compatible with Western Civilization are allowed to form gangs and rape children with impunity.

noob_tube ago

If a daughter is going out of her way to meet up with muslim nigger invaders, what do you suppose that says about her father?

noob_tube ago

The rapes occurred on several occasions when the girl was just 12 to 13 years old. The perpetrators had met the young girl on social media, coaxed her into meeting up, and then sexually assaulted her

Not rape. She was a slut after some strange foreign cock, and she got it.

bobbycdot ago

3 hots and a cot for being good MUSLEEMS

TheWorstImaginable ago

A lot of the time all it would take is a garden sprayer filled with petrol and a single match.

Shotinthedark ago

Start with the judge

dellip_der_ ago

Hang the fucking judges.

veteran88 ago

They should get short rope and a tall tree.

Why do all these feminist government that have infected the bodies countries always bend over backwards to help child rapists?

Feminists are pretty fucking evil.

Feminists - we just want to vote

Decades later..... So we can help rapists

jthun2 ago

rope and tree?????

Far too fast.

How about the Etruscan special? Beat them, hang them upside down with their legs spread, and then use a funnel to pour molten lead down their anus.

Hanging is far too quick.

NicotinicAcid ago

Going to drop some reality about young (white) girls. They will enable this behaviour and these men know it. I know this will upset many, but it's the truth. This is why massive pedo rings exist and are never broken, because the girls are essentially bad and the fathers don't stop it, or simply don't exist. Of course this isn't always the case and there is abuse against their will, but some girls are willing and here lies one of the problems. This is why female politicians in the UK will say that girls chose this behaviour. This is possibly why light sentences are given.

Not all girls are this way of course, but it's the same with adults, some are just promiscuous. None of this makes it right by any means, but I think this is what happens when girls and women lack direction and purpose.

I'm opening up a can of worms, but I think it needs to be done. Try not to kill the messanger.

WhiteChickens ago

The choices of a minor are irrelevant.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're right. It really has very little to do with muslims. When I was 10-11 the muslims hadn't infested yet, and 10 year old girls were still trying to get fucked. There will always be those girls that sneak out at night and do meth and flash their tits ass and pussies at passing traffic for minutes at a time and get drunk and fuck guys. It's not the muslims forcing them to do this. They willingly walk into rooms where they know girls are being 'raped' by packs of niggers and sand niggers. I've seen it hundreds of times, my entire life.

oh boo hoo the media is jewish. We all grew up watching the same shit. Some people are lesser beings. Let them get raped, just kill them after so they don't breed.

jthun2 ago

SOME of them are like this, not all.

The ones who are... well, they are degenerates and not worth having in the gene pool.

But that doesn't excuse the Muslims in their behaviour. They should be killed for even LOOKING at a white girl in my opinion.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I never said all, I said THOSE girls.

IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

Agreed. The parents failed to supervise this child and she made the a bad decision, like many kids do.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I feel like it's more genetic than most people realize. Like Trudeau being the son of a commie dictator. I think that shit is in his blood.

I watched the same media, I did the same shit, I hung out with the same people. I'm not a drug addict, I don't have aids or herpes, I'm not a wannabe gang member and I'm in the top 20% of earners. Most of the people I know are losers. There's a theory that there's something in the water, we have one of the highest rates of mental illness here. But why am I not affected as severely? I think a very large portion of people are just inferior, and our society has allowed the unchecked growth of retardation for the last 100 years. It's amazing looking at the seniors now vs 40 years ago. It's like they're 2/3rds retarded now.

NarrativeControl ago

You're not saying something new if you're saying young girls have sexual urges.

You do however come as a mudslime and kike apologist if you don't at least hint to the notion that these sandniggers deserve the rope for abusing those urges.

NicotinicAcid ago

Yeah, I want to kill all the people that live around me, they're white. I want to kill the house of brown men that live directly across from public housing and actively solicit kids for cash.

They want me dead too because of everything I know, so the feeling is mutual. Unfortunately for me, this problem applies to every form of authority, so if they wanted to, they could easily make my life hell.

Right now my dog is sick and has low energy (has many symptoms of poisoning), I'm convinced my biker neighbour poisoned him because he knows I'm anti this shit. This is where I'm at in life.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Put up a camera. If you notice them poisoning your dog spray their house down with gas.

NicotinicAcid ago

Hear that. It probably wasn't him in the end, but this is state of mind I live in because of all this.

veteran88 ago

Blaming girls with brains that aren't fully formed yet in countries who's whole media is run by Kikes.

NicotinicAcid ago

Has nothing to do with brains.

veteran88 ago

Ok Muhammad

Everyone gets approched by children

Only pedos think it's because the kids want to get laid

NicotinicAcid ago

Do you know what approached even means? Dumbass.

veteran88 ago

Fuck off pedo apologist

NicotinicAcid ago

Complete opposite. Jesus christ dude, I'm just trying to explain why this shit goes on. You haven't the slightest clue about what's happening in this world relating to this issue.

veteran88 ago

And your answer is not remove the sub human filth.

You answer is she had it coming for approaching them.

NicotinicAcid ago

Look dude, I was just trying to explain something that goes on. Dial it back, jesus. Obviously the muslims know this shit and will exploit it. If the girl comes from a single mother, well it's over for her. I've seen this happen with my own eyes.

veteran88 ago

Then we must export/exterminate them all. They are incompatable with our Civilization and make existing problems worse.

noob_tube ago

They are incompatable with our Civilization

They are incompatible with a civilization which idolizes single mothers.

we must export/exterminate them all.

You can't, not as long as femenists are running the show. Women want to be raped.

veteran88 ago

A Civilization that worships shingle mothers is Jewish not European.

Feminists will get their wish when they are strapped to rape racks and forced to breed jannisaries.

TheWorstImaginable ago

So do it and stop whining and accusing this guy.

veteran88 ago

You first agent Smith

TheWorstImaginable ago

heehee you're so clever. I'm not the one talking shit. You always are.... hmmmmmmmm I smell a kike.

boekanier ago

Scandinavians so soft, weak. Bah.

followthedolla ago

easy to say when youre not the one living next to soviet union. if you think the US government is kiked, what do you think we as a nation of 5,5 million got from them?

jthun2 ago

wtf are you talking about the soviet union for????

The fucking Finns fought the Soviets in a brutal war. They can't be bothered to fight third world invaders.

Plavonica ago

3 million rapey dune coons.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

It seems European males have been fully castrated.

Fully demoralized. And articles like these are just more demoralization propaganda. (((

Draco777 ago

I think that is putting it too nicely, fuck them and good riddance is a better way of putting it. They're the same bleeding heart cowards that would call you racist and xenophobic if you told them their culture is dying.

FederalShill ago

Nature has its ways of getting rid of those who dont deserve to live. Sad.

Call_Of_Goat ago


Violence isn't the answer. We have a justice system for a reason

Jewish guy raping a little while child "you hear something?"

Jewish cameraman "oh it's just our slaves talking don't worry that's all they do"

veteran88 ago

Violence is often the answer.

We have to rise as one of we want to remove the parasite for good though.

NicotinicAcid ago

This is white people man, I live in this shit. It's top to bottom pedos without question.

LettItBurn ago

Meanwhile, Hans Christian was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for using the word "sand-nigger" in a public area. These kind of hate crimes will not be tolerated in today's progressive Finland.

Boocheus ago

Holy fuck. 15 years for 2 words.

How fucking far did this shit go in the past 2 years???

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bobbymcgee ago

Agreed. There are ways to deal with these kinds without getting caught, yet no-one does anything.

jthun2 ago

No revenge attacks either. Not a single gang rape of a muslim girl in retaliation. No murders. No vivisections. pathetic.

FederalShill ago


kammmmak ago

Though short I'd give them shorter penises.

DOCornelius ago

I wish they would have gotten short ropes instead.

MyMobileAccount ago

Kill them.

kammmmak ago

They are (((needed))) asap