iyskreem ago

That's how allah akbar translates: not God is great, but our specific interpretation of God is supreme above the others. Real world-class intellect on display here

Mustard_Monkey ago

Tha iad uile nan gealtairean

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Not so strange, both are pedo cults.

phoenix883 ago

Inviting a lot of Muslims during a pandemic is either stupid or incredibly based AF.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Cowardly, traitor, pedophile, priest cunt!

HeavyBrain ago

If the priest wants to be a cuck, fine, just don't do it where your cucking could kill othrs.

phillyjoe ago

I'll say it again. Ireland will be the first European nation to fall to Sharia.

Church attendance went from over 90% to negligible numbers. And the enrichment has been simply overwhelming to the under 20 native Irish.

Combined with the celeb conversions, the fall is already set in place. It's going to be so sad when I'm right, but the home of the Eurabian Caliphate will be Dublin. Although the heart will always be Berlin.

TabascoTabasco ago


boekanier ago

Stupid priest.

40KFTAGLView ago

The Catho-CUCKS!

Juneysunshine ago

I assume he has totally lost his flock. Francis follower for sure! Sure looks like another part of Agenda 2030.

mattsixteen24 ago


sivsta ago

If we're lucky he red pilled a few in his flock

freedomite ago

All part of the Hibernian Conspiracy.

allahead ago

Traitors first.

newoldwave ago

Get the picture, Father?

DrHatchetWound ago


CheeBooga ago

I bet money that is a Moreno (cryptio kike actin gas a Catholic)

somebody112 ago

Why are all these fucking western priests and pastors fucking heretics? There is no reason Muslims should be in a Church, unless they're there to convert, GTFO

Diggernicks ago

Death to catholics.

4ntychrist ago

We do not negotiate with terrorists.

pby1000 ago

They both like to screw kids, so at least they agree on that.

Helena73 ago


veteran88 ago

Send them all back

FederalShill ago

The christcuck meme is too strong. If you dont have a wife, how can you still be a cuck? They found a way

facepaint ago

During a pandemic. He invites a population of people over who are NOT taking any precautions.

The priest is both a moron and a danger to his flock.

Plavonica ago

Kinda wondering why his flock aren't standing outside with rope on hand.

5B3854C ago

Stupid is what Stupid does.

Zyklon_Bear ago

Islam dude isn't wrong. This cuck priest basically proved it himself by doing this. Christians are pussies.

Helena73 ago

Traitors to their own people are pussies.

anticlutch ago

jesuit priest who follows jewish nonpope follows path of heresy

Helena73 ago

Haha is he a jesuit? Figures.

anticlutch ago

Wanna hear a shocker?

Francis is a fag.

Helena73 ago

If Jorge is only effing adult men, he’s a better person than I give him credit for.

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

When we say turn the other cheek it doesn't mean spread them so we can get fucked up the arse.

Master_Foo ago

This is why the (((Jews))) invented (((Christianity))).

Helena73 ago

Yeah, Jews loves Jesus, Ive always found.

Master_Foo ago

Well, they certainly love the fact that (((Jesus))) turns the white race into pacifist fools who will do anything to protect the (((Jews))) and their (((Genocidal Foreign Jew-God))).

You think a Son of Odin would invite a Muslim to proclaim supremacy over the Odinists? Fuck no. That Muslim would have a war axe in his face.

Helena73 ago

Christians wielded a few axes too from time to time. Theyve mellowed out alot the last couple centuries. Prove that pagans wouldnt have done so as well? Hindus are IndoEuropean pagans and they are pretty passifist, letting the islamist get away with murder in their own country.

Master_Foo ago

Well, first of all, The Sons of Odin are Heathans specifically, don't confuse us with Hindus by calling us Pagans.

The White-Race is the natural predator of the (((Jew))). This is why the (((Jew))) had to create the (((Jesus Mind-Virus))).

We are the Anti-Christ. It is our duty to drive the (((Jew))) out of Europe. This includes the race-traitor (((Christians))) who worship a (((Foreign Jew-God))).

Heil Odin!

Helena73 ago

Haha you really dont need that many echoes when you’re actually typing jew. Jesus Christ.

....Heathans specifically, don't confuse us with Hindus by calling us Pagans.

Yeah big difference obviously. Hey Ive got no problem with you guys, but seriously if you exclude everyone but Odin worshippers from your list of allies, it’s gonna be a pretty small revolution.

Master_Foo ago

Haha you really dont need that many echoes when you’re actually typing jew

"Stop noticing paterns about us Goyim" - (((The Jews)))

Hey Ive got no problem with you guys, but seriously if you exclude everyone but Odin worshippers from your list of allies, it’s gonna be a pretty small revolution.

An Ethno-State needs to have standards.

Helena73 ago

An ethnostate needs to have more than 30 people.

Master_Foo ago

There are plenty of us. (((Christians))) just need to forsake their (((Foreign Jew-God))) and remember their own White-Gods.

Horrux ago

This is true. They took Horus, who was the previous Messenger of the Divine Inspiration, and made up a story, called the character "Jesus" and made him a jew.

So those waiting for a second coming, should be waiting for the coming of Horus, not of "Jesus" who was a made-up name for God's Messenger.

But he is here now and he really hates what the jews have done.

Talmuhdick ago

Citation needed.

Horrux ago


FirstLine ago

Nothing more cucked than a catholic.

Helena73 ago

Theyve had their church taken over just like Americans have had their government taken over. Some are true believers in this one-world b.s., others are fully awake and taking action. Most are just not paying attention.

This pope is hated by a lot of faithful catholics.

Broc_Lia ago

Father Stephen Farragher, parish priest of St. Patrick’s Church in Ballyhaunis, County Mayo

This is even worse. Ballyhaunis is a small village that was selected by the Irish government to settle an unrealistically huge amount of dindus. Inevitably they started raping local women, but the elders in their community helped the suspects escape the country, so the police investigation went nowhere.

The result? The locals are decamping and moving out en-masse. House prices are nosediving.

Helena73 ago

Despicable. Dont even try to convince me guys like this are even catholic. They’re just communist queers who like the steady income.

Even Sinn Fein is pro-immigrant now I understand? Fucking Clown world. What a betrayal.

Broc_Lia ago

Even Sinn Fein is pro-immigrant now I understand?

They've been cucked for a long time. Mary Lou hilariously reverses herself all the time after receiving instructions.

There's a split party called Aontas, but they're also commies so fuck them.

Helena73 ago

Yeah, I have heard of them but they arent doing well. Who cares if they’re commies if they want to end migration and abortion. I could get used to that kind of commie. But what the actual fuck, Irish people seem really asleep, their far right and anti- immigrant parties are doing so shitty. Presbyterians are just not the biggest threat anymore.

Broc_Lia ago

Aontas split from SF over abortion. SF went full SJW and pushed hard for the abortion referendum, a lot of their members and deputies quit. Same way Renua split from FG. To my knowledge neither party is strongly anti-immigration.

There are practically no anti-immigration parties in Ireland. There's the Freedom Party (formerly Irexit) and there's the Nationalist party, but both are new and neither have gained much ground. I'd expect that to change over the years as things get worse.

Globalists have completely taken over the Irish education system and universities, I'd argue it's worse than most other countries. Combine that with most people's source of news being a globalised state media, it's not a pretty picture.

Helena73 ago

Yeah Ive seen a little Irish news. No alternative viewpoints whatsoever it seems. And very bland coverage. So frustrating to see people destroying their own cities and countries because of their stupid politics.

Broc_Lia ago

Yep. I don't see much hope for here.

Helena73 ago

Tá brón orm. My Dad’s people have been in New Jersey for 150 years but we’ll probably have to leave soon. Behind enemy lines at this point.

But you never know. History sometimes makes an unexpected course change. The psychological battle is as important as the real world one. I guess that’s why we’re on voat.

Broc_Lia ago

Níl aon gáth leathscéal a tabhairt.

Yeah, part of the US are getting scary. On one hand you have more rights explicitly defined in law, on the other hand the government is becoming outright murderous.

Personally I have my heart set on eastern Europe. I hope the Slavs don't mind putting up with a Irishman for a while until the rest of the country wakes up.

Helena73 ago

Yeah I just don’t want to learn those languages at this point in my life. The neurons are not so flexible. Ive been so impressed with Hungary lately, but alas... Hungarian.

Broc_Lia ago

Hungarian is hard-mode for sure. I think one of the Slavic languages might be easier, or even Romanian.

Helena73 ago


Broc_Lia ago

It's an interesting language for sure. Romance Grammar with a lot of Slavic vocab. Also it's spoken in an area which originally had a Celtic/Dacian population, so I'd imagine that has an impact.

newoldwave ago

Don't they know you can't be nice to Muslims?

phillyjoe ago

They are trying to make a place of dimini for themselves as their nation falls to Islam.

I'm sure his church will make a nice mosque.

gazillions ago

They really are so fucking stupid they think they can survive islam. They can not and will not. Fuck them to hell.

And they'll all stone faggots and adulterers to death once they've decided they can live with their head up their own ass under islam as well as the marxist parrot society they have now. That's the plan.

lord_nougat ago

Heretical traitor.

Smokybubbles ago

At least no one was beheaded.

Helena73 ago

If they beheaded Father Stephen Farragher, would it be a great loss?

letterstoitaly ago

how fucking thick are the average irish?

Helena73 ago

Thicc bitch, why u wanna be hatin’ on this, itie-boy? Y’all can’t handle this much Irish, hon.

NoseSubversion ago

The priest should be happy nobody detonated.

Broc_Lia ago

Look up "Ballyhaunis rape." It's a migrant plantation town which has experienced the normal kind of enrichment.

Seventh_Jim ago

Fuck, I wish the jews had realized that irish slaves would have been way better than niggers.

Granite_Pill ago

They did at first, iirc. Then they switched to blacks because they were cheaper.

belrial ago

It's all about the shekels.

captainstrange ago

Are you so sure? You must not spend much time around the irish.

SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

We'll take the chinks and niggers.

captainstrange ago

Ten luckycharmsniggers were offended.

Seventh_Jim ago

At the very least they can be trained to only attack each other. They won't ever go after their masters, only get uppitty if daddy doesn't hit them hard enough and go looking for a new one.

Btb ago

How ever did the Irish get rid of their masters? Occupied territory for 800 years and....

captainstrange ago

Occupied territory for 800 years

That really puts it into perspective doesn't it?

I think the upper limit for an empire is between 1000-2000 years.

badbot ago

I am informed and enlightened about islam

islam is a death cult founded by a desert bandit pedophile

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niggertimes ago

On conan 2's youtube channel , there is an email address you can message there to make a complaint and get this traitor de frocked, but I doubt that will happen. Good to make a record of you complaints if enough go in ppl will take notice. The thing that needs to happen tho is that Jesuit pope who sucks muslim toe and smites his own congregration should be looked and and replaced with someone who understands who his faithful followers are and restore faith in those who have lost faith.

earlymac ago

His flock should be really proud they're not RACISTS!!!!

PagingDrBenway ago

If I was there I would have stood up and given that muzzie cunt a New Crusade, Deus Vult, this is Ireland! sorta spiel in return.

Naive old cunt priest.

earlymac ago

The congregation would have booed in unison and called you an intolerant bigot, xenophobe, and racist! You'd have to turn and walk away feeling like a fool (even though you were in the right). That's what it's come to.

PagingDrBenway ago

I don't give a fuck. I would do it anyway. i would not feel like a fool if I did something like that, even if the herd did not approve.

earlymac ago

Why aren't you out on the streets alerting people of white genocide?

PagingDrBenway ago

Because I want to keep my job and not be homeless.

earlymac ago

Then you wouldn't fucking stand up "and given that muzzie cunt a New Crusade, Deus Vult, this is Ireland! sorta spiel in return" either, would you, you fucking keyboard warrior?

PagingDrBenway ago

You are a retarded bitch of a human being who doesn't know a damn thing. Fuck off and stop wasting my time.

earlymac ago

Is that the high IQ talking? LOL!

PagingDrBenway ago

No, it's someone who thinks you are a bitch.

earlymac ago

Oh, it's the low IQ then. Thanks for clarifying.