LightestHour ago

Notice the title

Suspected Mask Profiteer Arrested for Coughing on FBI Agents

and not

Man Arrested for Profiteering on Masks

Ripping goyim off is fine, but don't you dare threaten the Jew Police!

subscribetopewdiepie ago

This is why there are shortages, Jews should all be driven into the ocean.

RobertJHarsh ago

(((Bloomberg))) reporting on (((Feldheim)))? Interesting. (((Feldheim))) must be behind paying his synagogue dues.

MemeDropAcct ago

Brooklyn Man

(((Brooklyn Man))) looks Florida Man look like a saint.

JohnGaltApproves ago

I have no issue with spitting on the FBI.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

Hail Mr. Lindell.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

FBI vs a Jew?

They always do eat their own, don't they?

iyskreem ago

I'm sure this is in the Talmud somewhere

Dr3dpierat ago

Throw that jew fuck under a train.

xzars_folly ago

You linked a Bloomberg article? You like giving Little Mike and his gun grabbing ambitious money?

Broc_Lia ago

Jews gonna jew. That said, when price controls aren't causing shortages, they're exacerbating them. If prices are allowed to rise during a crisis then consumers have an incentive to consume responsibly and potential vendors have an incentive to rush to enter the market.

Let's imagine that on day one this crisis hit, all the medical supply companies and pharmacies started charging $50 per mask. People would be extremely careful about them, and would not buy more than one or two. And provided they weren't strangled by red tape, anyone with the requisite equipment would immediately start producing masks. No politician would need to tell them to or ask them to or give them permission to, they'd just do it until they'd driven prices back down. Even those that didn't have the proper equipment would be investigating ways to use the equipment they had to produce something usable.

Instead we have a situation where people panic buy whole packs of masks they don't really need, and others who bought masks to resell are forbidden to do so, so the stock just rots in their garage. Meanwhile manufacturers who could be alleviating the shortage either lack incentives to do so, or consider it too risky because of regulatory hurdles or liability.

And you just know the very people who won't let the market do it's work will be all too happy to crow about how capitalism has failed.

boekanier ago

Jews smelled shekels again

veteran88 ago

These Jews are evil parasites with no conception of Western morality.


Two masks for a dollar at Dollar Tree and also two for ,99 at the 99 cents store.

What did they base the markup off of? Amazon listings?

Animals9 ago

Baruch Feldheim

Oh color me surprised, or white. Whatever! Every. Single. Time.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Oh surely not, I refuse to believe such a vile accusation against one of God's chosen!

Granite_Pill ago

LMAO! The next article is about greedy Jews too! You can't make this stuff up.

CrudOMatic ago

Then suddenly one day, for no reason at all...

B166-ER ago

Ooops, looks like some overzealous jewish supremacist got caught up in the machine before they could scan his jew card. Don't worry they eventually scan it once he's in holding. I'm sure he'll be home in time for dinner with his dirty whore wife and greasy kids.

bobdole9 ago

Maybe it's not a Jew. Let's see what his name is...

Baruch Feldheim


Ozzsanity ago

Actually the Jew was a reference to his dirty love of $$ and fucking over other people for it.

MBB ago


xzars_folly ago

I'm willing to bet... they watch where these stories are being linked to, and when its to conservative sites like voat, they slap a pay wall on them so they can't be used to red pill.

Ozzsanity ago

Yeah but in the quick seconds before the pop up you can read the entire article.

BoyBlue ago

What? Our greatest allies trying to make a profit from pain and suffering?

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Shotinthedark ago

Come on, feldheim could be an Italian name.

Ozzsanity ago

Italian?? More than likely it's a German name.

Shotinthedark ago

Depending on the inflection it could be Icelandic

Ozzsanity ago

Ozzy hated how that song sounded. I would guess with the right inflection you could make it from anywhere.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

Depending on the infection, it could be Israeli.

Shotinthedark ago

I think your onto something.

Newmemba ago

are we surprised?

bizzywiz ago

probably selling what he stole from the hospitals back to their workers...fuck that filthy kike

mememeyou ago

Triangle waist fire: Kikes locked the exit doors & people burned alive. Kikes then shut down the clothing industry with strikes & marches, until competition went out of business. Now Kikes claim it was all for workers rights

bizzywiz ago

kikes are the real slave owners

Ozzsanity ago

I think they should have shot him in the forehead when he attempted murder on them by spitting.