PolPotPie ago

Looks like Better Simians and Gardens.

binrobinro ago

Say outrageous things, then let the media talk about your magazine - increased circulation!

bonghits4jeebus ago

Safer sex, I suppose

Cosmicdrifter ago

Starting to look like this shit wont stop without force.

Slipstream ago

Of course it's two skidmarks.

watts2db ago

please let DOTR be soon

Lamp_shade ago

jews jewing.

Dimetrodon ago

Isn't teen vogue promoting child pornography if that is the case?

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

So are all the TV shows that dress girls, down to toddler age, in pedo-friendly outfits and then have them do sex-kitten poses.

We just can't get our law enforcement to do anything about it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Do you fascists really think you make your points and win anyone over by downvoting the hell out of anyone that has a perspective you disagree with? More like the opposite effect I'd wager. I look around this thread and see the prude police is up to their usual bullshit. Toe the Taliban line or prepare to be brigaded.

watts2db ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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LurkedForever ago

Completely correct. I agree that this teen vogue stuff is fucked, and in no way acceptable to suggest sexting to middle schoolers. That being said, Voat is so much more of a mono-culture from years ago. I'd really like to see more dissenting opinions. Echo-chambers stagnate. Hive-mind can't be correct about everything. I decided never to downvoat because it's so abused. Using it as a 'disagree' button is obnoxious and counterproductive.

AnotherGrayman ago

Serious question.

What if your position really is the correct one, and everyone knows it's correct, which is why there's the appearance of an "echo chamber" without any "dissenting opinions?"

Are you really the type of twat who's going to disagree just so they're special?

"Everyone thinks X so I'm gonna argue Y just to be different, even when X is obviously correct!"

I get what you were going for, feedback loops are equally stupid and are how academia got the way that it is, but at a certain point it has to be recognized that there are times when everyone is on the same page because it's the right page to be on, and little faggots who want to change the book because they instinctively defy "the group" are just as dangerous as a herd of sheep.

Joe_McCarthy ago

They're assholes for starters. Then they can't argue for shit so the downvote button is a knee-jerk response projecting their own weakness. It'd simply be laughable if their behavior didn't make Voat a less interesting, less serious place.

Downvoting is like sharp objects given to little kids.

LurkedForever ago

I don't know about "taken away". I'd like to see an expanded voating system, something like "agree/disagree" "relevant/not relevant" "well thought out/poorly thought out". That might be interesting. Then one could agree with something, but think that the argument was poorly made. Also, public downvoats. That way you could see who the shills are.


GothsInksTattoo ago

This is why parents need to be paying close attention to what their kids are doing. You just can't give them complete freedom or they will screw themselves up

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Until a Tarrent style attack is done on the staff this rag it will be business as usual.

HeavyBrain ago

After Teen Vogue explained in detail how to prepare your ass for a big black dick, this is on the tamer side.

MercurysBall2 ago

So the Mossad embedded systems can transmit their photos, videos and details to some faceless strangers.

chirogonemd ago

This is truly the insidious effect of society's pornography acceptance coming to fruition. What these magazines want more than anything is engagement. Plain and very simple. In a society that adopts a radical acceptance of pornography, there is literally no incentive against these outlets (which target teens) not to exploit the use of sexual material to its full potential. Their target audience is a young, generally stupid, and curious whirlwind of hormones and new rarefied sexual drives that don't yet have the pressures/constraints of adulthood to channel and naturally control them. This is, in part, a consequence of our entire society's evolution toward extended childhood, i.e. school until 18 and then more school.

The bodies we inhabit are still primed for teens (young girls especially) to start moving into an adult way of living much younger than we are allowing them. So you've got overcharged batteries, if you will, combined with a society that accepts pornography, and a business whose model relies on engaging those young, displaced walking sexual appetites. What do you think is going to happen?

Of course the magazines are going to use the cheat code. They'll insert sexual words and imagery wherever they fucking can. The only way this doesn't make sense for you, is if you are first assuming that these magazines are - first and foremost - trying to be an educational and morally enriching medium. They aren't. They just want to attract moths.

It's not altogether different than what is happening in our media. They are competing for engagement by viewers in a society without values, and for whom the truth of reality is so far removed from us by layers of abstraction (see: Simulation and Simulacra), that they are essentially making reality up. Of course it is in their interest to be as controversial as possible. Of course they want people scared and alarmed. They aren't going after teens, they're going after adults. Different pressure points.

You can engage a teen with sex. You can engage an adult by causing them to think the world is coming after their earnings, or their kids safety. Wonderful little vicious cycle we have here. The media can scare adults about the media going after their kids.

Everyone is just a bunch of wet clothes in the spin cycle.

Harpfor7 ago

Glorifying sex is immoral, unethical and has long term consequences.

FilthyDisgustingGuy ago


random128dsf321 ago

Fags glorify sex and immoral unethical behavior with long term consequences.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Glorifying sex is immoral, unethical and has long term consequences.

What you're actually saying is... glorifying the distinction between male and female is immoral according to the religious definitions of morality and has long term consequences defined by men made judgments.

You were deceived to corrupt your own intent by restricting your comprehension of reality with false beliefs.

AntiMason ago

No faggot. WE are saying that sexual promiscuity is unhealthy and evil. Sexual pleasure is a gift from God to be enjoyed in marriage, not gay marriage, but real marriage. In reality there isnt even any such thing as gay marriage, its just two dikes or faggots pretending to be husband and wife.

Splooge ago

There is no such thing as gay marriage, there is only LARPing faggotry.

Blood-is-Nature ago


A bundle of sticks.

WE are saying

Claiming ownership over collective opinion.

sexual promiscuity

Nonsense propaganda from the sexual liberation agenda.


That isn't a natural state; it's a human belief system; a lie.

Sexual pleasure is a gift

No; it's a consequence of a former action according to the laws of nature. The intent you create with your comprehension is what will drive your actions towards a positive (procreation) or a negative (lust) consequence. There is a natural order and nature demands from you to uphold it by adapting to ever changing circumstances.


I just paste what I just wrote to somebody else...I probably should also mention that creation doesn't require a creator, but that the sum of all things that sustain this ecosystem is responsible for all individual creation collectively. The sum of all things can even collectively create a new temporary rule without intent or anyone around with the ability to comprehend the new rule...imagine a drought, and all remaining life forms gathering at the last water source. There predator and prey will stand together without following their natural moral behavior patterns; instead a new temporary rule was created by the sum of all things collectively coming together, with no intent or comprehension from any of the participants, to enact order to chaos; thereby following the laws of nature.

Creator is the concept of the one, but we are the many. It's idolatry designed to create unquestionable belief (blind faith) towards the unknown; thereby preventing adaptation to happen. It's a weapon of deception from the parasitical predator preying upon us, and they learned it from the relationship between the child and his father. It's about the child shirking responsibility towards the father and knowing that he will bring order to the negative consequences of your actions. They groom us into trust. Our conscious existence is based on the gift of participation, which comes with responsibilities through adaptation. If you shirk them (by stagnation; holding on to beliefs) you're wasting your existence.

to be enjoyed

What you enjoy can be suffering for others, which means it's a assumptions; not a truth.


They used the rhetorical lie of "love" (again; not a natural state) to deceive humans to give parasitical predators access to the most natural union between male and female, by making that union into a legal contract, which was the breach for the destruction of the family unit, because now the contract could be used to give legal rights to both parties to create division. The patriarchy archetype that would drive feminism in the future was based on the husband; the patriarch of the family unit. You sold nature out and they even used a golden ring to mark you as their slaves.

gay marriage

A consequences of the former action of marriage. It's called the spreading of corruption in nature.

but real marriage

Ah yes...the power of believe as a justification for negative actions. The endless shirking of responsibility of hedonists.

In reality there isn't even any such thing as gay marriage, its just two dikes or faggots pretending to be husband and wife.

Well; at least you are still conscious enough to notice corruption. Now; if you were just conscious enough to to seek origin of corruption to drive your intent with adaptation towards creating order to combat chaos...

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

I wonder if you have anything practical to say, because most of your post was self-gratifying rhetoric that ultimately nullifies the point you seemed to be trying to make.

You made so many assumptions that it seems your goal was not to tell some truth, but to glorify your own assumptions over others.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I adapt to what others offer. Your response offers nothing, because it doesn't address anything. Please do try to disprove what I wrote if you believe it to be assumptions.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

I asked if you have anything practical to say, that's an open ended question that gives you a free reign to respond, but you replied with more obfuscation. You seem to like to hide in vaguery.

Please do try to disprove what I wrote if you believe it to be assumptions.

Only because you asked.

Claiming ownership over collective opinion.

This is an assumption. He was agreeing with the person you responded to, saying "we" are against promiscuous sex. It could be seen as a manipulation tactic, but it's not inherently one. He could just be agreeing, so you've made an assumption.


That isn't a natural state; it's a human belief system; a lie.

Depends entirely on the definition. Again, assumption.

The intent you create with your comprehension is what will drive your actions towards a positive (procreation) or a negative (lust) consequence.

So you think things can be positive or negative, but don't think things can be evil? You weren't talking about batteries, here, so that's hypocrisy.

There is a natural order and nature demands from you to uphold it by adapting to ever changing circumstances.

How does nature demand you uphold its natural order? If that were the case, how could anything go against the natural order? Unless you mean it demands in the sense of asks, but then the sentence says nothing.

I probably should also mention that creation doesn't require a creator

You can't prove or disprove this. God is not inherently a "creator," some people believe that, others may not. Assumption.

The sum of all things can even collectively create a new temporary rule without intent or anyone around with the ability to comprehend the new rule.

Yes, once living things exist they can do things.

There predator and prey will stand together without following their natural moral behavior patterns; instead a new temporary rule was created by the sum of all things collectively coming together, with no intent or comprehension from any of the participants, to enact order to chaos;

Why would that be order? Would the order cease to exist if one of the predators attacked a prey animal? Why would you say "moral behavior patterns?"

Creator is the concept of the one, but we are the many.

Such a broad statement and essentially useless. Again, not a provable statement - it relies on poetic meaning. But you could just as easily say the many are one.

It's idolatry designed to create unquestionable belief (blind faith) towards the unknown; thereby preventing adaptation to happen.

Assuming you know what people believe, assuming you know how they act, and again making an unprovable claim.

It's a weapon of deception from the parasitical predator preying upon us, and they learned it from the relationship between the child and his father.

Hm... sounds evil- Oh, but that's just a human belief!

If you shirk them (by stagnation; holding on to beliefs) you're wasting your existence.

So holding onto any belief wastes your existence? I hope you don't believe in anything you say then.

What you enjoy can be suffering for others, which means it's an assumption; not a truth.

This doesn't logically follow. Even if something were an assumption that would not de facto make it untrue. If you're saying we can't even make a claim like sex causes joy (joy being roughly a synonym for pleasure), then we can't make virtually any claims. If that's the case, why are you blathering on? Everything would be assumption to you and therefore untrue.

They used the rhetorical lie of "love" (again; not a natural state) to deceive humans to give parasitical predators access to the most natural union between male and female, by making that union into a legal contract, which was the breach for the destruction of the family unit, because now the contract could be used to give legal rights to both parties to create division.

The concept of love can be used as a lie, it can also describe a phenomena that most people agree they experience. If you're against all legal systems, you probably won't even find much disagreement here. No one was arguing steadfastly for legalized marriage - though, that's perfectly reasonable position to argue for if one desires.

Also, who are they? Are they part of the natural order? Or did they get out of nature's demands?

Now; if you were just conscious enough to seek origin of corruption to drive your intent with adaptation towards creating order to combat chaos...

Well, here's your chance to speak. You have said there is an origin of corruption. I agree, and if someone asked me what it was I would happily tell them. So care to explain? Do you have anything practical to offer? Or were all these words a waste?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Oh, and honestly we probably agree on many things. But worshipping natural order and natural law but then claiming belief is god is stupid is just a retarded misunderstanding.

The whole belief of "worshiping" nature (hugging a tree) comes from the social engineering construct called paganism. Pagan just means "one with nature", so we're all pagan by definition. Pagan was weaponized as a mantle term to discredit those who didn't follow the laws of men through religions, but those calling themselves pagans are the same as atheists and non-believers, they falsely define themselves as being the opposite of believers, which is why they participate in the conflict by creating idols (Gaia) and symbolism to stand against the believers. That has nothing to do with nature; they were just tricked by the same 3rd party that created religions and paganism for control.

Comprehension of nature doesn't restrict your usage of it to any men made concepts of behavior. The tree hugging accusations stems from the fear of losing access to technology that was promoted to discredit nature; it utilizes the human hedonism of the wants over the needs. They are bribing us into their digital technocracy, while luring us away from nature. Without them, we would use a technology to advance nature; not to enslave each other into fantasy. The agenda behind transhumanism is to replace the 1 (the natural reality) with the 0 (the digital fantasy) so that they (the parasites) can be "gods" of their own reality (a death cult).

Thank for the response btw it helped me grow a lot.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Assuming you know what people believe, assuming you know how they act, and again making an unprovable claim.

A belief is an assumption; is a lie, which means it's by definition not the truth. The only truth that exists in a finite; moving; temporary ecosystem are the laws of nature that define it, because those laws are fundamental. And those fundamental laws of nature don't require belief; they demand constant adaptation. belief, as I stated, is the survival instinct helping out with an assumption towards an unknown, which is automatically flowed by curiosity, which turns into knowledge and nullifies the belief , but if you hold onto it, you overstepped the balance; the natural order and the belief becomes blind faith; a restriction of reality you hold in your consciousness.

What humans believe means exactly jack shit, because the act of believing is already against the laws of nature. I know by the laws of nature that they're wrong and when I deal with them I adapt to pathological liars to find ways to get them to break the restrictions that prevents them to comprehend reality. Again; the majority of mankind was deceived to follow the wrong rules (the laws of men), which is why their intents are all fucked up and self destructive. They are desperately looking for complex answers to all the problems that are mounting in front of them, without realizing that the simple answer can only be found by questioning the faulty foundation they build upon. If the foundation is uneven; the roof will never fit. Once you comprehend the laws of nature, like every other life-form does, you can see all the human lies as a clear as day.

Hm... sounds evil- Oh, but that's just a human belief!

It's again a consequence of a former action. A parasite requires a weak-point to leech upon. When humans claim ownership over that which nature provides for free, then it creates endless negative consequences, which leads to moral guilt, which leads to the hedonistic response of creating idols to blame, so unburden the guilt for all the shit they caused. And that idol requires first knowledge gained from nature that symbolizes their desire to shirk responsibility onto others, and what do you know...they learned this as children from the relationship to their fathers. They emulated their childhood behavior to deal with their moral dilemma as adults.

So holding onto any belief wastes your existence? I hope you don't believe in anything you say then.

Correct; I don't hold any belles anymore, which took a lot of effort to get my mind around. Beliefs are lies. Truth does not require belief. Example: if you tell your kid to clean his room you don't believe him. If you say you do it's a lie. First off as a parent it's your responsibility to use adaptation after giving an order, which means you will check if he did indeed clean his room; otherwise he will prey upon your gullibility. So your belief wasn't required at all, but it gets worse...what you actually believe is your ability to teach your child to follow your commands. You never believed in him, you believed in yourself, but you tell others that you believe in him, because you don#t want to be seen as a hedonist.

Humans are pathological liars who lie about absolutely everything; all the time; to everyone and most of all to themselves. Small talk for example are both parties doing something they don't actually want to do out of a false belief of social conduct. So two liars lying to each other to uphold a lie together. Fashion and cosmetics? That is masquerading; hiding yourself from public view based on insecurities aka lying to the world, because you lie to yourself. Childhood innocence directly points out adulthood guilt. Every time you ignore something you lie about your responsibility for upholding the order, which of course exponentially snowballs Pinocchio style into more and more problems. Soon you can't move anymore because your metaphorical nose is so big...and what do you know? Western civilization is currently under enforced house arrest based on nothing but lies. And that nose is still growing into a massive genocide, as stated in the protocols, which is based on them showing their hands according to the talmudic laws of karma. They tell you exactly what they're doing to wash their own minds of guilt; they blame your ignorance; the very same ignorance the pathological liars of humanity are using as a shield to shirk their responsibilities.

This doesn't logically follow. Even if something were an assumption that would not de facto make it untrue. If you're saying we can't even make a claim like sex causes joy (joy being roughly a synonym for pleasure), then we can't make virtually any claims. If that's the case, why are you blathering on? Everything would be assumption to you and therefore untrue.

You are learning. I like that. The difference between procreation and lust is your intent. As long as you enjoy it to create life it's positive, but once you enjoy it for selfish reasons it becomes negative. Now that is YOUR intent and you have no right to to take YOUR intent, make a belief out of it in your mind and proclaim it to the world as truth. That would be a lie. You have the freedom of choice to do it anyway, but only nature can pass judgment about the consequences. You are not in charge; you're a participant; a guest under house rules. You don#t have the rights to pass judgements, you have the ability to make judgements to steer your intent, but you cannot proclaim any of this to be true, because in a moving system everything is temporary.

By passing your belief out as truth you are being subjected tot he laws of nature, which will create non-believer to your belief, because "opposites must coexist", since they're defined by each other. And believer and non-believer means division, which creates conflict, which is nature passing the judgment of chaos onto your negative action, and that chaos will come back to bite you in the ass, because we are all a part of the sum of all things.

Your joy in the selfish act of lust, can at the same time be the suffering of your partners intent for procreation. These are both your individual believes; not natural truths. Your consciousness can easily adapt to all of this on the fly; if you would just let it, which means taking out all the restrictions.

Lastly; why do I go on when mankind presents me with next to nothing but lies? Because they are not in charge, nature is and I follow the laws of nature, while struggling to create order for the benefits of all, so that I can benefit from that order. That is the only way towards order. If I would ignore this; I would chose death over life. Ain't gonna happen, because nature doesn't want me to. And if you still think you're in charge; convince yourself to kill yourself by holding your breath and see who stronger...your mind or the natural survial instinct controlling your body? You can't do it. It requires way more corruption and chaos for you to throw the gift of life away and we are designed to withstand struggle, because that's what life demands.

The concept of love can be used as a lie, it can also describe a phenomena that most people agree they experience.

No phenomena in the survival instinct, the maternal instinct, in all the senses reacting with each other, in the chemical reactions caused by this etc. You accepted a mantle term through ignorance of nature, which was corrupted into a "magical" meaning (a lie); a belief that "love" is a binding power. It isn't; it's a multitude of natural processes, which you were decieved into ignoring to dump your conscious perception of reality down, by selling you on rhetorical mantle terms that also leave enough room to inject genocide agendas like sexual liberation, marriage, and abortion.

Also, who are they? Are they part of the natural order? Or did they get out of nature's demands?

Oh no; they are the consequences of our hedonistic actions of being parasites to our own host, which in response made our host create a parasite within our own species to get us back in line. The antidote to their lies and deceptions is us throwing out our beliefs and start following the laws of nature, at which point the parasite has nothing to leech upon. Right now they are a death cult dragging us all into extinction with them, and that is not an emotional statement, it's a natural observation.

Do you have anything practical to offer? Or were all these words a waste?

What more could I offer than comprehension of reality and the fundamental rules that govern our existence? Which btw all come free of charge...not "buy my books" no cult of personality, no sign on the dotted line; no groups; no symbolism. Instead I offer the way for mankind to elevate itself and everything around them and all it takes it is for the individual to comprehend the laws of nature, follow them and take down the restrictions that prevent him to operate at full capacity in this world of lies. The reason why you say "practical" is because you subconsciously want to shirk your responsibility onto a leader, but as humans we don't require leaders, we are the stewards who were given the ability to comprehend everything; to mimic everything. What you want is what you already have, but you don't use it right, because you believe in the wrong foundation of rules. this deception is been going on for thousands upon thousands of years, but nature will always create order and let the truth reemerge in people like me, because it wants order; not chaos.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

No. If there's room to define something differently than it isn't a fundamental natural state, but a belief

Positive and negative cannot be defined from within existence; which would just be self destructive ignorance, but are defined as the barriers in between which all existence operates; or life and death for us lifeforms (to make the concept a little smaller in scale and easier to comprehend). If you have the movement of life towards death; you have the draining of a positive state towards a negative goal.

This is a belief. I know you are against beliefs, so you will not accept that, but it's the case.

I generally agree that anything you have to prove is probably not true, what's true is self evident. However, we also see situations where are individual reason can go from being ignorant on a subject to being illuminated by the inherent reason within something - that is, we can learn that something that seemed self evident was a trick. There is deception in the world, intentional and unintentional. This is part of why reason, though amazing and powerful, can not be totally trusted.

The reason why you say "practical" is because you subconsciously want to shirk your responsibility onto a leader, but as humans we don't require leaders, we are the stewards who were given the ability to comprehend everything; to mimic everything.

No, the reason I want something practical is because words can so often be nonsense. If you have no practical means whereby one could get to a more "positive" place (to use your terminology), you have noting to offer people. Anyone, even one of the parasites you talked about, can adopt the language of "natural law" and trick people with their ideations and corruptions of natural law. Someone could even think they were a good and noble steward of natural law while not understanding their actions, and thereby bring about negative results even though their intentions are positive.

Your criticisms of religion and god are faulty. You have taken your opponents definition of these words as the definition, even though you think those people are liars. You don't seem to like that words can be broad and mean many things, but if you're going to engage in conversations and persuasion, though words are not the basis of such things, they are a part of the whole. If you want to deny language, you can, but not in words. There are many false religions, false gods, false science,s false philosophies, and more, so your criticism do have places they apply. Perhaps you think it's all false, that there is only natural law, but that is itself a belief system.

Everyday you act within the world. You have to have a belief system guiding you. You might say your belief system is believing that natural law should be followed and that natural order is good. You might not want to call it a belief system, but again, that's your aversion to allowing words to define things for the purposes of discussion and further illumination. Take out the word belief if you must, but that is the system of thought that is guiding you and though you may claim it's all self evident, I'm sure your ideas have changed over the course of your life, so you cannot sit there and act as if your thoughts are the great self evident truth - and you certainly can't if you can't offer anything practical.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Like I said, I don't think we disagree on that much. But I would suggest that you present your thoughs with a little more humility. I don't refer to this last reponse, but to your initial response to the other person which I responded to. You need your explanations to be listened to with genuine nuance for them to be coherent, but you read broad assumptions into people's responses to you. That's not sensible.

Blood-is-Nature ago

If you want to deny language, you can, but not in words.

That I wholeheartedly agree with, because using this mongrel language, raped out of deeper meaning, is the bane of my existence, but I just don't have the time to teach the world Latin so that I can have more substance to argue from, because I'm up against criminal who used globalism to spread their created dog-Latin monstrosity (Missgeburt) to dumb us all down.

Perhaps you think it's all false, that there is only natural law, but that is itself a belief system.

Oh yes, the good old "my religion is better than your religion" justification without realizing that a) that division was created in an act of warfare by a 3rd party and b) that whatever your belief is can only affect those who have the conscious ability to believe, which tells me all i need to know about your hedonistic act of excluding all other existence from your lifebelt, which you then will justify by slapping your deity on everything that has no voice, for which there is of course no evidence then your demand of "you gotta believe".

Meanwhile the laws of nature define all existence and can be proven by everything around us over and over again. I try to explain the rules that govern all; you try to stand out with whatever you believe in. That is based on hedonism. It's you over all or from your perspective; your belief as the justification for you over all.

Everyday you act within the world. You have to have a belief system guiding you.

Nope. I adapt according to the laws of nature; while trying to avoid those who want to force their false beliefs upon me. I don't need guidance, because I'm not lost. I comprehend that my end is unavoidable death, and that life is the gift of existence that defines all value, which means it's about experiencing it; not looking for a way out; chasing a goal; being afraid of the unavoidable end. Every other life-form does what I do; the difference is; I can comprehend what the majority of my own species does wrong and I struggle to do something about it, because that's the only way to order; struggling against overwhelming odds.

The lesson to learn here is that there's nothing to win ahead, because we already won existence, which is the ultimate price that we can even make better and gift to others in the most beautiful act of procreation. You have to struggle by looking at reality and facing up to your responsibility for all the shit that is going on.

You might say your belief system is believing that natural law should be followed and that natural order is good

It's not good; it's fundamental and you don't have to follow it; it will force you to do it or make you perish. At least accept the constant forward movement that defines all existence, by trying to disprove it on anything around you. Then work on comprehending that movement is defined by a beginning and an end. The rest will fall into place and your beliefs will just break apart, which starts the whole 5 stages of grief and loss scenario, but afterwards you're good to go...finally awake with full comprehension ready to start experiencing your existence for real instead of living a lie.

You might not want to call it a belief system, but again, that's your aversion to allowing words to define things

Belief = only ever temporary; automatically followed by curiosity; leading to knowledge; which makes belief irrelevant and holding onto it into blind faith (hedonism). Up to the path of knowledge is called adaptation, afterwards it becomes stagnation. You cannot stagnate in a consonantly moving system. That kills you. No balance means an opportunity for predators to prey upon you.

How much more clearer do I have to point this out? I this really so hard to comprehend or so hard to accept, because it goes against all of your beliefs? Did I mention the 5 stages of grief and loss starting with denial and anger? Belief is not a requirement for survial; adaptation is.

I don't have an aversion to accepting your definitions, but I correctly pointed out that your foundation is crooked, yet you try to invite me into your house of belief...why would I do that? I want you out of your fucking comfort zone. Adapt to what I wrote; don't hide within your beliefs...try to use them to disprove what I said. Don't file them away as my beliefs; I don't believe in the laws of nature; I'm still trying to disprove them daily.

Take out the word belief if you must, but that is the system of thought that is guiding you

Why can every other life-form function on instincts alone? Guidance does not come from what you're making yourself believe. The consciousness is just a tool for comprehension. You are using it wrong, because you think it is you, but your life essence is within the blood that fuels the brain that hosts the consciousness.

I'm sure your ideas have changed over the course of your life, so you cannot sit there and act as if your thoughts are the great self evident truth

Again; everything in motion is constantly changing so I cannot tell the truth, I can tell you about the laws of nature, which are the only fundamental truth. What I say you can ignore without consequences, but you cannot ignore the laws of nature without consequences. This is why it isn't my belief; it is something you have to adapt to for yourself. Forget about me and try to disprove the laws of nature for yourself.

and you certainly can't if you can't offer anything practical.

What is more practical then comprehending truth and seeing lies? Take racism for example...doesn't have a natural opposite; therefor a lie. It stands for hating other races, but at the same time there's no term for loving your own race. There's still the lie of love and hate in there, but you get the idea how easy it is to see through all the deceptions when you have the rules? Now look at how many people believe in racism; they live in their own belief based fantasy world, because they do not comprehend the laws of nature. Now comprehend the magnitude of lies from all the beliefs and -isms that people were deceived to believe in? It's a clusterfuck of contradictions and endless justifications. I can see all of it and so can everyone that comprehends the laws of nature, and the only way out for everyone is comprehension of reality, which requires adaptation.

But I would suggest that you present your thoughts with a little more humility.

"Humility consists in lowliness of mind; a deep sense of one's own unworthiness in the sight of God, self-abasement, penitence for sin, and submission to the divine will"...dude that directly translates to "you gotta believe". Are you trying to trick me? I'm onto you. Nice try tho. Keeps my mind sharp.

You need your explanations to be listened to with genuine nuance for them to be coherent, but you read broad assumptions into people's responses to you. That's not sensible.

Ever heard the alleged origin story for Mohammad? Tried soap box preaching, but nobody listened, so he went for the next "best" thing and robbed, raped, enslaved and killed himself into a warlord messiah status with his own religion that is still alive and kicking. The soft-hand approach isn't effective and the hard hand approach doesn't lead to order, so here I'm trying to struggle to find my own approach. You are one of my thousands of test subjects...you can take it, and since my only intent is to make you comprehend more; I fail to see the negative outcome for you.

That's not sensible.

SENS'IBLE, adjective

1. Having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the instrumentality of the proper organs.

2. Perceptible by the senses.

3. Perceptible or perceived by the mind.

More language examples that were corrupted from their original meanings by our favorite parasite tribe. Sensibility has nothing to do with emotions.

Blood-is-Nature ago

This is a belief. I know you are against beliefs, so you will not accept that, but it's the case.

See it this way...all life-forms inside this ecosystem are struggling to survive towards life, while their actions are showing us that they're trying to avoid death at the same time. Next, look at a stone, with the end being a negative outcome for the stone, despite it not having any conscious perception of a negative outcome, yet when the end comes for the stone it is gone. No more stone. So that means all life-forms and all inanimate objects have a beginning and an end. Finally it's your turn, the conscious human with the most advanced comprehension. First step; using the compass that helps you to navigate between the positive and negative consequences of all actions...common sense. That should logically tell you that existing is preferred to not existing. That aside you can also witness the birth into life; which is a celebrated positive event gifted with a new participant in this ecosystem; and the procreation aspect of it is also immensely positive (that's the one thing you just have to believe if you're still a virgin), while you can also witness death and the violence, the struggle against and the sadness accompanying the loss of life. All very dramatic and stressful if I may point out, which increases manifold, when it isn't about the survival instinct failing, but about the maternal; paternal instinct for losing a child. Lastly; the aforementioned test of holding your breath in the attempt of committing suicide by checking if your will is stronger than the natural survival instinct. It isn't.

May I rest my case and point out that the evidence is overwhelmingly pointing towards positive and negative consequences defining existence or should I continue, because I could also point out that energy is positive and that TIME applied to positive energy makes it less positive over time, which creates the opposite of positive ? Where in all of this do I have to apply belief?

I generally agree that anything you have to prove is probably not true, what's true is self evident.

No. I can self evidently prove that my fart smells, but add time to it and the next person will say I lie because he cannot smell it ANYMORE. So I said the truth in my moment and he said the truth in his moment, but both together were temporary assumptions, as the fainting smell proves. Anyway; truth can only ever be fundamental for all, which means the only truth in a system based on TIME initiating constant movement are the laws of nature that are defined by the existence of the system. It's a self governing ecosystem. The consciousness is there to handle the adaptation to the constant movement, which it has no problem to do if we let it.

However, we also see situations where are individual reason can go from being ignorant on a subject to being illuminated by the inherent reason within something

It's called change, based on TIME initiating constant movement defining existence as having a beginning and an end; as being finite.

that is, we can learn that something that seemed self evident was a trick. There is deception in the world, intentional and unintentional.

Nope. Nature doesn't deceive; it doesn't lie and it doesn't withhold knowledge in secrecy. Nature offers everything openly in all its many wonders. The reason we don't see what it all means is because WE lack comprehension. Why? Because comprehension demands responsibility by following the laws of nature, being stewards and creating for the benefit of all, which in return creates the best possible breeding ground for our offspring, who then have a chance to have more advanced individual traits like intelligence, creativity, comprehension, strength etc. The responsibility to actually share the knowledge of nature with each subsequent generation is also on us, which is how nature makes sure that we actually have a reason to show some effort, because why would anyone withhold information from children...did I mention that the term childhood innocence means adulthood guilt? Yep, that's how fucked up we are.

This is part of why reason, though amazing and powerful, can not be totally trusted.

Reasoning is the process of influencing intent to drive actions. All good. Trust is the origin you are reasoning about and it didn't come from truth; it comes from blind faith, because that is what trust is, which is based on hedonism. If you tell your child to clean his room you don't trust him; you trust in your ability to teach him to listen to your commands, which is trust in yourself, which is the act of hedonism. As a parent you don't have to believe in yourself and call it trust, you need to sue adaptation by checking if he actually cleaned his room, because that's what the parents has to do, otherwise the child will sense the weak-spot and break your trust, blind faith, belief, by not cleaning up his room because he knows that you don't check up on it. If your mother tells you she loves you and you steal money from her for your drugs, then you can bet your sorry ass that the next time she said that she loves you has a lot less meaning behind it.

There is no reason to believe in or trust anything, anyone at any time. Use adaptation instead...it's what nature demands and you don't have to make up justifications for it at all. How great is that?

because words can so often be nonsense

We are a species full of pathological liars based on hedonism, originating from us claiming ownership over that which nature provides free for all. Excusing and justifying the consequences of that started it all; plus the misinterpretation of the consciousness as the human identity carrier over the blood.

If you have no practical means whereby one could get to a more "positive" place (to use your terminology), you have noting to offer people.

I can pick up an apple and offer it up for an orange. People can comprehend my intentions perfectly fine.

Anyone, even one of the parasites you talked about, can adopt the language of "natural law" and trick people with their ideations and corruptions of natural law.

Oh; they absolutely did, by slapping the concept of god on the laws of nature. It took me years to question the laws of nature without my indoctrinated assumptions about god attached to it. I was sick and tired of running into lies at every angle I researched problems, yet every-time I came to the question "is there a fundamental truth that cannot be changed?" I threw the laws of nature concept aside because my first thought was religion. Once I questioned if the laws of nature could be possible without a creator everything fell into place and I could've kicked myself in the face for not being able to think like that sooner. You need to question the foundation of all your beliefs; not just religion but absolutely all.

Someone could even think they were a good and noble steward of natural law while not understanding their actions, and thereby bring about negative results even though their intentions are positive.

Yes, they created the laws of men, while hiding the laws of nature from mass comprehension by utilizing the concept of blind faith, protected by the concept of a deity, which demands unquestionable belief. Everything about religions afterwards is mere occupation; distraction of mind. They can even tell the believer that blind faith and idolatry are negative, but the believer would never think as far as applying this to his own belief. And once you have established believer (and the conflict against the non-believer) you only have to reapply endless lies to keep their belief; trust; blind faith running in circles. Their corrupted consciousness will excuse and justify everything for them; doesn't matter how contradicting, because the deity is unquestionable, which is their foundation to argue from, which is why each and every argument will end up with them saying "you gotta believe".

Your criticisms of religion and god are faulty.

Nope. I can disprove belief according to the laws of nature. That is the building block for all religions. I can sweep the carpet right under all of them. I comprehend the rules that defines them, they can only argue from within their scriptures; I comprehend the origin of who wrote it, what the intent was and who it was intended for. I don't have to waste my time on the complexity of their details, because I already know the simplicity hidden under it.

You don't seem to like that words can be broad and mean many things...

Words are human assumptions of natural knowledge. Nobody needs human words to comprehend what nature is offering, and believing human words tends to backfire spectacularly like that the ritual dismemberment and blood sacrifice of babies (abortion) is a health choice. I clearly sense and comprehnd the negative consequences of negative human actions and frankly I don't give a fuck about the "broad meanings" behind their endless justifications for them. How am I the one in the wrong here?

but if you're going to engage in conversations and persuasion

I argue from a foundation of truth; the majority of humans argue from beliefs of lies. My persuasion attempts are aimed at a deeply rooted corruption within the human consciousness; not at human feelings. I'm not only up against human hedonism (ignorance) and their silly emotions, but against ruthless professional liars with a track record of millennia and the stolen infrastructure of the entire world. Sorry for being not sorry that I might not be the most agreeable conversationalist, but my mind is literally bursting with information that are looking to be put into the right places. And I didn't chose this; I'm not even intelligent; the comprehension came to me.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

The reason we don't see what it all means is because WE lack comprehension.

As not-all-powerful beings we are lacking in some ways. Because of that, we can be deceived by nature even if nature is not intending to deceive us (another animal can of course intentionally deceive us). Reason is blind until it knows the facts of the situation. You cannot abstractly reason to come to conclusions about reality.

Because comprehension demands responsibility by following the laws of nature, being stewards and creating for the benefit of all, which in return creates the best possible breeding ground for our offspring, who then have a chance to have more advanced individual traits like intelligence, creativity, comprehension, strength etc.

You're falling into nonsense again. You cannot see something that is very far away. That's not the fault of your lack of responsibility to follow the laws of nature. Similarly, you can be deceived by a natural thing because, as a finite being you have limitations, and therefore not always able to grasp all the facts of a situation. This is not the fault of you lacking responsibility.

Reason is a failiure of the intellect. If you knew everything, you wouldn't have to reason.

All good.

No. Reason, when it does not possess the necessary facts, is blind. If you follow reason when you don't know the facts you will almost always go wrong.

You need to question the foundation of all your beliefs; not just religion but absolutely all.

I have been explicitly both religious and non-religious in my life. But I agree, you should question the foundation of your beliefs. Not all religions have books, scriptures, deities, morals, and various other things that have been made to appear to be religion in the mainstream conception of things.

I comprehend the rules that defines them, they can only argue from within their scriptures; I comprehend the origin of who wrote it, what the intent was and who it was intended for.

You say you comprehend it all, but I would guess that you probably can't even sit in a chair without slumping or straining yourself. You probably can't bend down to pick something up without compromising the integrity of your spineand/ or falling into habitual movement. You've got a good start putting your belief in natural law, but you're lost in words even while trying to transcend them. If you can't convey your ideas to people with words, you must give them something practical. If you can do neither, you will share nothing with others.

Blood-is-Nature ago

As not-all-powerful beings we are lacking in some ways.

We are able to comprehend the consequences of all actions, we can mimic whatever we can sense, we can create with whatever is offered to us and we can even procreate new life...how about turning the greed down a notch and going with what you have?

we can be deceived by nature even if nature is not intending to deceive us

No. nature has nothing to do with what you perceive as deception. Your false belief, based on lack of comprehension, is what you use as a justification to share your guilt by blaming nature for deception. Nature doesn't care for your beliefs tho, it's what your intent creates as actions; leading to consequences, which is what nature will judge upon. Freedom of choice is ours; judgment is on nature.

another animal can of course intentionally deceive us

How do you create the intent of deception, without the comprehension of what deception is? When a chameleon changes his colors he doesn't deceive us; he operates on his survival instinct to protect himself. Your belief is what creates the association of deception, which is based on the same hedonism that led to you passing judgment down on every other life form by calling them animals to justify your crimes against them. Not cool.

Reason is blind until it knows the facts of the situation

Reason is comprehension, but instinct comes before comprehension, because it is directly tied to the laws of nature. Try to kill yourself by holding your breath to see if your will is stronger that natures instincts. You are not in charge here, you just make yourself believe it (hedonism).

You cannot see something that is very far away.

I see your problem here...the big picture is based on comprehending simple fundamentals, which makes all the complex explanations irrelevant for comprehension, because they were build on the foundation. If you comprehend the foundation everything build upon becomes bonus information, but not a necessity.

For example a book has three fundamental building blocks...author, authors intent, aim of authors intent. Without reading the book I already know that I'm the aim and that the intent is either positive or negative. That's 50% of the foundation in my comprehension before reading one word. Now I can use common sense in combination with all the alleged knowledge we got from history, to come to the conclusion that a book requires a publisher, and that mass reach of publishing requires a power based infrastructure. In other words human leadership, which is the consequences of humans first claiming ownership over that which natures offers free for all, which is based on hedonism. So all human leadership represents a net negative, which makes criminals responsible for vetting my author, which makes his intent negative. So now I know more then 75% of the foundation of what is presented to me, which creates the question "what inside the following could negatively affect me?" And just like that; all the complexity of the presented parts in the story (the names, dates, events etc.) become irrelevant, easily replaceable props of a trickster trying to hide his ill intent from me, but I know to look for it, which destroys the whole illusion.

That is big picture thinking and it was once thought in schools by teaching children to first comprehend past, present and future on a connecting timeline, then finding your place in it and connecting any other part to you, which makes inquiring new knowledge an addition to yourself and the hunt for more knowledge an adventure of growing as a person. That was stolen from mankind by so called jewish parasites.

as a finite being you have limitations, and therefore not always able to grasp all the facts of a situation.

Again; details don't matter if you comprehend the foundation that allow the details to happen. I can adapt to any situation by building my response on the fundamental truth of the laws of nature, which I can always fall back to, to get more evidence and perspective. If your foundation is based on beliefs you will run into endless contradictions and the conflicts based on the believer vs non-believer division. I don't have this, because if you say you don't believe in the laws of nature (which you don't have to since they demand adaptation not belief) I just start to point out the consequences of your actions based on the laws of nature and you will run out of air soon when you try to justify them with your false beliefs.

Reason is a failure of the intellect. If you knew everything, you wouldn't have to reason.

No. You base intellect on following the laws of men. Intelligence is defined on how how good a goy you are to what beliefs other humans teach you. All knowledge comes from nature, but they claim ownership over it, while also withholding natural knowledge from you and preventing you from comprehending the laws of nature. Religions were created to do just that; replacing adaptation with belief and the laws of nature with the laws of men.

Reasoning is a tool you were given the liberty to use, but you can gain knowledge from nature without utilizing it. Knowing everything requires the responsibility to grow comprehension, which you can only achieve by following the laws of nature and you are also responsible to pass knowledge in between generation or it has to be rediscovered yet again. All possible knowledge already exist, but there is a natural order to gaining, maintaining and keeping it. You can find how to utilize free energy (we did), then you can lose it (we are in the process) and the next generation can find it again. Balance demands adaptation constantly, which is how nature demands responsibility from us.

No. Reason, when it does not possess the necessary facts, is blind. If you follow reason when you don't know the facts you will almost always go wrong.

You cannot have facts (truths) in a constantly changing system. I fart; it smells; I claim it stinks. That's truth in my belief. Minutes later you come along, smell nothing and call me a liar. That's truth in your belief. Both of us are not operating under truth, but under assumptions, which are lies. That's where conflict comes from.

Not all religions have books, scriptures, deities, morals, and various other things that have been made to appear to be religion in the mainstream conception of things.

Correct, but none of these things is based on foundations. All their knowledge comes from nature; that is where all of it was build out of. Nature doesn't require belief; all these things do, which you can easily prove by the ability to not believe in them. See, no consequences for not believing in any of them, also no consequences for all other lifeforms or inanimate objects for not being able to believe in them. The laws of nature has consequences for all.

You say you comprehend it all, but I would guess that you probably can't even sit in a chair without slumping or straining yourself. You probably can't bend down to pick something up without compromising the integrity of your spineand/ or falling into habitual movement.

I live martial arts all my life so I get what you are saying, but you try tie behavior towards an achievable goal. That's again hedonism. It's the human fear of death that let's them create endless substitute scenarios to find purpose in life and avoid death; it's why they chase after everything to find meaning in their existence. There is no higher goal then what was already gifted to you...existence, which defines all value of everything. Without it you couldn't even comprehend what value is. You can comprehend everything, mimic and create out of everything and create new life. You are a creator in a world of wonders...this is THE goal and it was gifted to you by those that came before you. And instead of making in better for your children you chose hedonism and seek for a way out. You reject the gift of reality by holding to the fantasy of your beliefs. That is the weakness that created the parasite within our species, that uses lies an deception to make us believe more and more so that we comprehend reality less and less.

You've got a good start putting your belief in natural law, but you're lost in words even while trying to transcend them. If you can't convey your ideas to people with words, you must give them something practical.

Already on it, but here on fake social media I'm bound to pig-Latin and the usage of words with corrupted meanings. Life is indeed a struggle...and thank you again for your response; it already help me a lot.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

I can adapt to any situation by building my response on the fundamental truth of the laws of nature, which I can always fall back to, to get more evidence and perspective.

Why would you need to fall back if you comprehend everything? Why would you need more evidence and perspective if everything in nature is incapable of deceiving you? I thought you saw through all the deceptions because you know the rules? You don't like language because it reveals your own misunderstanding to yourself.

No. You base intellect on following the laws of men. Intelligence is defined on how how good a goy you are to what beliefs other humans teach you.

I didn't say intelligence. Again, when you make a bunch of assumptions about someone else's position, it just makes you look dumb. Intellect is just a word for the part of you that senses and perceives. When the intellect is insufficient (eg when you try to see something that is too far away or understand a material fact that has not yet been tested), reason, when in possession of the facts, may be able to remedy that insufficiency.

You cannot have facts (truths) in a constantly changing system. I fart; it smells; I claim it stinks. That's truth in my belief. Minutes later you come along, smell nothing and call me a liar. That's truth in your belief.

This is a bad analogy. It's made of a series of non-sequiturs. You claim it stinks - sure, your intellect has perceived that and you expressed a fact. If I come along, and you say it stinks even though it no longer does, I may disagree. If you say, it stunk a few moments ago, it's irrelevant, but I would suppose that maybe it did. If you claimed it stinks now, you would just be saying something other than what you think to be true. None of this proves that either discrete facts or broader general trends cannot be experienced by the intellect or understood by reason.

I live martial arts all my life so I get what you are saying, but you try tie behavior towards an achievable goal. That's again hedonism.

Why can every other life-form function on instincts alone?

Yes, this is something to ponder. What changed? Why did man stop functioning on instinct alone? The truth is that your instinct used to be honed by nature (I think you'd agree), you had to be fit and coordinated to get your food. Your instinct is no longer honed by nature, your instinct has withered. But what did you give up your instinct for to begin with? Consciousness. Through your consciousness you can get food even though you're not following your instincts. If you wish to reject consciousness, you're welcome to. Return to the animals. Forget arguing with people and condemning those who deceive others. Go see how your instincts serve you now.

It's not an "achievable goal" that I desire. If you are injured do you not attempt to remedy your injury? Of course you do, and you'd probably say that you do so because that is what nature compells you to do. Well, if you can't sit in a chair without slumping, if you can't bend over with out straining, if you can't make a single movement in your day to day life without falling into habit and strain, then you are injured. If you addressed this self delusion, you could heal your injury. But if you refuse to acknowledge that deception, it will continue inside your mind even as you deny it. You haven't seen this delusion in yourself because your intellect has never received the necessary information.

This is why a lack of humility will harm you, even according to natural law. You'll fail to learn and adapt. You'll miss the delusion that took hold of you before you ever understood anything you now think you understand.

We are able to comprehend the consequences of all actions, we can mimic whatever we can sense, we can create with whatever is offered to us and we can even procreate new life...how about turning the greed down a notch and going with what you have?

I have no greed for being all-powerful, what an utterly strange thing to assume and then use as a vector for a cheap and irrelevant attack. My point was because we are not all powerful, we sometimes must use reason to understand something we did not formerly understand. If we knew everything, we would not reason, we would simply know.

Blood-is-Nature ago

If you are injured do you not attempt to remedy your injury?

What you're describing here is not about the foundation, but about adaptation to a consequence, which is positive. The foundation of an injury is that living describes the state of dying. You struggle with adaptation against that injury and you will die from it none the less. The deception and self disillusion is to reject the comprehension of that reality and the laws and responsibilities coming with it. You adapt to a consequence, while not comprehending the cause.

This is why a lack of humility will harm you,

You are now threatening me with your belief. That's good. It means you are entering the anger part of the 5 stages of loss. Keep pushing.

My point was because we are not all powerful

Yes we are. What are bigger powers then full comprehension of everything; mimicking and creating out of everything and even creating new life? We were given the liberty to shape a world full of wonders and we even have the liberty to reject and ignore it all (which we are currently doing). The reason you cannot comprehend the magnitude of value existence offers us, is because you think you can be the liberty giver; which is based on the hedonism of believing in yourself. That's why you cannot grasp what power you already have, because the unquestionable almighty is a reflection of you; the little hedonistic child that created chaos and is now too ashamed to fix it himself and instead leashing out in the attempt to get the higher power (his father) to take the burden of responsibility and fix it for him.

You know what this all happens? Because power corrupts and the consciousness did just that to us, because it is too much of a temptation to not fall for selfishness, which is greed.

we sometimes must use reason to understand something we did not formerly understand

No. You added the belief of "must". It's "can"; it's a choice. You once again passed a judgment for the behavior of all stemming from your individual belief. That is what you are not allowed to do. You can reason, but not using it as a justification without getting negative consequences of your actions. There is a natural order to all your actions where they go from positive to negative; common sense helps you to navigate this, but the responsibility is on you, while the judgement over the consequences is on nature.

If we knew everything, we would not reason, we would simply know.

You cannot know everything, because "opposites must coexist". You cannot reach perfection on either side; nor can you reach absolute balance. Why? Because TIME initiated constant movement. It is not about getting all knowledge, which is a another hedonistic goal you can never reach, but about the maintenance of knowledge in the present. You will always gain and lose knowledge, but you need to create towards the balance to uphold order; not chasing into either direction, which only ever creates chaos.

Thanks again for the great response. Please do continue to try to disprove me and don't hold back in any way. I want to read what you really want to say.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Because this is a world of pathological liars

But nature doesn't deceive. You said an animal cannot deceive, is man not an animal, a part of nature?

I cannot avoid to make mistakes, which in return is something I can learn from.

we are not all powerful

Yes we are.

Not adding up.

when you try to see something that is too far away

You are looking in the wrong direction.

This is just nonsense.

It takes less then 48 hours without access to water, food and shelter to shatter your fantasy right back to the natural survival instincts.

Okay, go naked out into some wilderness where no liars will bother you and prove this. Let's see how your instincts guide you.

You struggle with adaptation against that injury and you will die from it none the less.

Your blurring lines like a liar. You've turned an individual injury into a concept "death," and then lost sight of the individual injury.

You cannot know everything, because "opposites must coexist".

It is not the case that oppsites must coexist, believing things have one explicit opposite is a delusional belief.

Blood-is-Nature ago

But nature doesn't deceive. You said an animal cannot deceive, is man not an animal, a part of nature?

I said world, because we are confined to it, but this natural ecosystem encompasses more than the world alone. So it's a world of pathological liars, not a natural ecosystem full of pathological liars.Deception requires enough comprehension to understand the consequences of your actions on others, but so called animals act upon instincts alone, so their is no intent to mislead; to deceive in them, but only the impulse to survive by utilizing what is at hand. An no; there is no such thing as animal, only different lifeforms that are part of the sum of all things that sustains this ecosystem. the term animal is based on human hedonism that led us to rebel against the natural order by branding nature designed differences under the same umbrella; one that we pass down onto those who have no voice to rebel against it.

Not adding up.

You conflict powerful with faultless. Chaos and order must coexist, because they're defined by each other. You cannot have one without the other.

This is just nonsense.

For you; who operates on the wrong rules...the laws of men over the laws of nature. Imagine getting a LEGO-kit without the manual. For you the build will become a complex task, but for those who have the manual it is a simple one. The manual in this case symbolizes the foundation; the laws of how to behave, the beginning you build upon. Building without it leads to chaos against the natural order, but unlike nature LEGO doesn't pass judgment on you for doing it wrong (unless you step barefoot on one of the pieces).

Okay, go naked out into some wilderness where no liars will bother you and prove this. Let's see how your instincts guide you.

Again, pagan propaganda under the assumption that utilizing your instincts means giving up all the technology you're so addicted at. It doesn't. Why would I go naked outside in the wilderness when my common sense tells me to bring shelter and whatever necessary to gather water and food? Nature doesn't restrict your choices; it judges the consequences of your actions, which means it's about your intent.

Your blurring lines like a liar. You've turned an individual injury into a concept "death," and then lost sight of the individual injury.

All existence is confined in between two barriers; a beginning and an end, which for us life-forms means inception (life) and death. So everyone of our actions will have a consequences leading towards one of the two outcomes; survival towards life or INJURY towards death. And injury doesn't have to be a flesh-wound; it encompasses all negative consequences like all the temptations, mental and physical trauma, increased danger of your surroundings, lack of resources etc. All negative consequences are leading closer to death and shortening your life.

It is not the case that opposites must coexist, believing things have one explicit opposite is a delusional belief.

Disprove that "opposites must coexist", because they are defined by each other. Give me your top examples for things that don't have a natural opposite and I will tell you what you don't see.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

So it's a world of pathological liars, not a natural ecosystem full of pathological liars.

What caused the ecosystem to no longer be natural?

but so called animals act upon instincts alone

there is no such thing as animal

Then please formulate the first thought in a way that does not use animal or "so called animal." You've made a claim about the concept of animals while claiming that animals as a concept doesn't exist.

All negative consequences are leading closer to death and shortening your life

So you agree that if you're incapable of sitting in a chair without sitting or slumping, if you are incapable of bending over without straining or falling into habitual overuse and under use, that to move towards survival and life you must change something about yourself so that you are capable of sitting without slumpting or straining, etc?

Give me your top examples for things that don't have a natural opposite and I will tell you what you don't see.

What's the opposite of a bobcat?

Blood-is-Nature ago

What caused the ecosystem to no longer be natural?

Nothing obviously, but the term "natural" is a double edge sword, because the majority of mankind doesn't follow the laws of nature, since they were deceived to believe in a "world of lies", so when I say "natural" I try to get the noggin joggin' for those to question the narrative. If you comprehend the laws of nature, then obviously the term is nonsense, because there's no such thing as unnatural. Natural is a rhetorical attempt to distinct between truth and lie.

Then please formulate the first thought in a way that does not use animal or "so called animal."

Sure. Lifeforms with a lesser developed consciousnesses act upon instincts alone. Consciousness is a tool for comprehension and ours is the most sophisticated, because it is able the comprehend the consequences of all actions. At the same time it receives a command-line containing the laws of nature called instincts, which all lifeforms are sharing.

You've made a claim about the concept of animals while claiming that animals as a concept doesn't exist.

All existence are different parts of the sum of all things that sustains this ecosystem. Language based names are consequences of conscious lifeforms to distinct those differences for themselves for whatever reason of convenience, practicality or hedonistic selfishness. We can name anything as we please, that doesn't change natures segregation of differences to create order. The problem comes when we create our own belief based hierarchies like passing the judgment of "animal" over all other lifeforms, which is the hedonistic ignorance of not comprehending that all those "animals" are a part of the same machine that sustains our existence. It's like shooting yourself in the foot to go against this ecosystem.

So you agree that if you're incapable of sitting in a chair without sitting or slumping, if you are incapable of bending over without straining or falling into habitual overuse and under use, that to move towards survival and life you must change something about yourself so that you are capable of sitting without slumping or straining, etc?

Existence equals constant movement (change), which demands constant adaptation for survival, but adaptation encompasses every possible positive action. For your example that means you neither have to sit in a chair nor bend over if you want to survive...you just adapt to whatever limitations that come along. Remember that you cannot survive in the end, because it's not about reaching a goal; it is about experiencing, maintaining and growing what was gifted to you for your offspring, because the life essence inside the blood is the only part of you that can go beyond death through procreation.

What's the opposite of a bobcat? Or a rock?

What's the fundamental state of a bobcat? Alive, so the opposite is death. What's the fundamental state of a rock? Unconscious, so the opposite is conscious. Nature created different life-forms, but at the foundation they are still all lifeforms, same with the unconscious; inanimate objects. The distinctions are just different variations of the same core material (energy). When we name things then that's to help us distinct more efficiently, but it has no impact on the fundamental states. We can call rock a bobcat and vice versa...it doesn't change the truth of nature, because it's just our beliefs; assumptions; lies.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Well, all in all, while some of the things you've said touch on things that are more or less true, overall it seems like a bunch of delusional nonsense to me. Thanks for sharing though, it was an interesting conversation.

I have one question about you, if you'd be obliged to answer. Just curious, what kind of diet do you eat? I ask because I'm generally interested in different "diets" (by diet I just mean what foods you typically eat). According to your understanding of natural law, what are you compelled by your instincts to eat?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Just curious, what kind of diet do you eat?

I drink nothing but water and I exercise outside daily, which makes any thought about food intake irrelevant; outside of avoiding poison and consuming life essence as fresh as possible. I pretty much adapt to whatever my body demands and throw in a 48 hour fasting cleanse every 3-4 months or so. I haven't seen a doctor in over two decades.


how can the laws of nature exist without a creator?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Because the laws of nature are defined by existence creating them. It's not ONE creator; it's the sum of all things (the ALL) that is responsible for creation. If you have change; as in constant movement; that that state defines a natural law "opposites must coexist", because they're defined by each other. Why? Because change is defined as happening in between a beginning and an end, which means all existence in between is defined by those fundamental barriers and the law it just created. If you have a beginning; you automatically have change towards an end, which means you create rules out of the ALL, even with the end being out of reach in the future, and the beginning being lost in the past.

Now before you bring in the next obvious question; add this...change is energy.

npcshillbot777 ago

Does the cycle of our sun and moon have a beginning and an end?

And, what do you suppose exists beyond the Antarctic ice wall?

Blood-is-Nature ago

Does the cycle of our sun and moon have a beginning and an end?

Yes; both of them are within this enclosed ecosystem, because they directly affect this system and everything in it and are thereby governed by they same rules. They also might be direct opposites, because the light of the so called moon is colder than the shadows on earth. The electric earth model tries to tie all of this together with energy into this being a battery, but that's all assumptions, which brings me to the antarctic ice wall. I wasn't there so it's a lie until proven otherwise in my book What we need to focus on is realizing that they lie about antarctic and the whole antarctic treaty crime, and tackle the source of why their lies work on us...it's because we hold beliefs, which in a system based on constant changed represents stagnation, which is the opposite of the adaptation demanded to attain balance in movement aka survial.

So know that when we make assumptions of what might or might not exist behind the alleged antarctic wall, we create opportunities for them to use it as idols against us, by simply paying someone to proclaim it's the truth, which will start another endless round of contradiction argumentation. Or in the case of the flat earth society; discrediting valuable information by letting clowns make a mockery out of it. Same with Alex Jones on a wider scale. If I had to make a guess, then I would say a military operational ground, because with space being unreachable for them (otherwise the military would've claimed the high ground) they have to get control in a closed system. This ties into the UN using admiralty law to control water and land, using the "space" agencies to claim the sky and the antarctic treaty to surround us. It's all very strategic in a military way. There could also be other landmasses, they keep hidden from us, which becomes easier and easier to indoctrinate in the digital age, with tools like google earth. I also had a trusted source tell me about law enforcement real time surveillance via "satellites", and I was told the view is confined to perimeters. So no google earth around the world journey for zog I guess.


Ok certainly fair to apply the rules of the system to the sun and moon; if they are indeed entirely within our ecosystem.

However,applying nature's laws to the sun and moon leads to a paradox based on what I believe is your philosophy.

Truth; the laws of nature are self evident. And if there is nothing that can disprove a theorized law it must be truth.

Life and death are self evident. Law of nature indeed.

Yet the life and death of the sun is not self evident. There is no record of the sun or moon being born or dying. In fact, astronomical observation gives no indication of start nor end - the truth is that they will go on forever. This cannot be disproven.

Though I don't doubt that a psychopath would try (ie- by attempting to destroy them). Maybe you might respond then by saying yes they will try and eventually succeed because everything must eventually die. Implying that this ecosystem; that the sum of all things has a beginning and an end...

which again is paradoxical - at some point something must be forever; immune from death and requiring no (deception?) birth.

Your logic taken to its conclusion may be in fact life and death are lies that contradict each other. For there is no life and death only permanent existence. The opposite of the sum of all things is impossible.

It is this train of thinking that we should question if the sun and moon indeed are eternal because if we find something that cannot be born nor die we obviously have found something very close to the root of existence itself; and likely the source from which all laws, life, fantasies and deceptions emanate.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Ok certainly fair to apply the rules of the system to the sun and moon; if they are indeed entirely within our ecosystem

They absolutely are. They define light and dark, hot and cold, the circle of life, the perceived color spectrum etc. The influence everything within this ecosystem and foolw all three fundamental laws of nature:

1. "opposites must coexist" ,because they're defined by each other.

2. "all actions have consequences"

3. "morality"

And if there is nothing that can disprove a theorized law it must be truth.

No. I talk about fundamental truth. TIME initiates movement, which defines all existence as being finite; as moving from a beginning towards an end. In a system based on constant movement nothing can ever be truth, because truth doesn't change. This is why nature doesn't name anything, because it would be an assumption, which means a lie, and nature doesn't lie. Now, to operate within a system based on constant change you need two things: 1) a foundation of truth that never changes and 2) the conscious ability of adaptation to ever changing circumstances.

The foundation of truth in a changing system are the laws of nature that define this system. If you have change; you automatically have a beginning and an end. If you have conscious beings within a beginning and an end, then all their actions will have one of two consequences, and since the barriers of conscious beings are already defined as inception (life) and death), you then have a positive (life) and a negative (death) consequence for all actions, which creates the demand for balance in between (the natural order) and that's "morality". Everything else comes from that.

Life and death are self evident

No. They are one and the same. Two sides of the same coin; coexisting with each other, separated through change; time, life; existence. They are defined by each other.

Yet the life and death of the sun is not self evident.

What are they? Energy? What is energy? Movement. What defines movement? Moving from a beginning towards an end.

In fact, astronomical observation gives no indication of start nor end

What about the sun going from yellow to white?

Implying that this ecosystem; that the sum of all things has a beginning and an end.

Again; energy = change, all existence = finite. Now let me throw something wild out there...TIME is the initiator of movement that defines all existence as being finite, and I don't mean time as the measurement that all life perceives differently, but TIME as the initiator of movement. If I apply the laws of nature on finite existence itself (opposites must coexist) , then TIME would be that opposite; the infinite nothing.

which again is paradoxical - at some point something must be forever

Well, I guess I just gave you the answer for that. (I really should read in full before answering...)

For there is no life and death only permanent existence.

The difference between our life and dead cycle and existence; is when you view it in energy form, you have a temporary specific constellation of energy (us) formed out of the same core energy (existence; the sum of all things). The "us" comes with the ability for comprehension of reality, while the core energy of existence doesn't offer that individual trait. Our lives are the gift of comprehending participation in existence. The life essence within our bloodlines is what allows us to gift that gift of life throughout all existence. We are a placeholder for the continuity of our bloodlines from the past to the future.

we should question if the sun and moon indeed are immortal + eternal

Always boil the material down to energy to think about these things; otherwise you objective them (idolatry). Remember nature doesn't name anything. When we use sun and moon we already have countless preconceived notions about them in our minds. That is contra productive to the comprehension process. "Simplicity means truth; complexity hides lies"

Thanks for the post. That was very inspiring.


Thanks for the reply.

I've attempted to digest as much as I can from your input and I do appreciate it/saved for future reference as I obviously cannot counter your whole philosophy in a single reply or thought at least for now; and particularly since it seems to be a very good one at that. I came to the same conclusion about accepting incoming information as false by default - perhaps for many of the same reasons but certainly not exactly in the same philosophy - it is just a logical/pratical and even instinctual/survivalistic way of proceeding given the times and the predatory death cult(s) for which we share this ecosystem with. Truth is 'essential for life' in that regard; I feel sorry for those still 'starving' of truth because their behavior is so easily manipulatable/predictable by those cults - but also frustrated in having to share with some of them the same local community as their ignorance puts us all in danger - though this is where you would say we are all in it together I suppose :)

The one thing about your ideas that give me second thought is this notion of treating the sun and moon and cosmos as like anything else; I think you may be over generalizing - it seems they are either a result of chaos (ie- artificial constructs like some ancient or even alien tech) or the fundamental source of all order. They contradict your philosophy of an ever changing and finite existence because they are indeed constant, albeit ever moving. Is not the constant motion and predictable, ancient and never changing pattern of the sun, moon and stars a fundamental truth that will never change? What else in nature exhibits this behavior (not a direct effect of these elements)?

On another topic - what of consuming the 'blood' of plants that induce the wild range of psychedellic experience?

For example, the geometric visualizations and 'Elven' summoning capability of DMT, ego-shattering and consiousness expanding altered awareness inducing effects of psyliocibin - and it's longterm 'truth serum' impact on the human experience thereafter, the intense visual hallucinations of LSD, the dissolving/merging of physical body into all other existence from salvia, the radiating interconnected web of dream world of induced from an extract brew of San Pedro cactus.

What are the implication of such deep 'spiritual' experiences; what do they tell us about the laws of nature and truth?

oh and I may look into the claims of the sun's color change but not buying it until seeing hard proof ;)

Blood-is-Nature ago

I obviously cannot counter your whole philosophy in a single reply or thought at least for now

No rush. I have discussions going on for weeks and months at a time. The only thing that matters is that we engage in it, because only that way we grow from it.

I came to the same conclusion about accepting incoming information as false by default - perhaps for many of the same reasons but certainly not exactly in the same philosophy - it is just a logical/practical and even instinctual/survivalist way of proceeding given the times and the predatory death cult(s) for which we share this ecosystem with.

What you're doing is comprehend the problem based on the consequences of the actions of men. You see the lies that other men created to control each other. That's good. What I see is how their behavior ties to nature; where it all originates from. The freedom of choice for them to lie is based on the laws of nature; rules not made be men, but by this ecosystem itself. It boils down to that there cannot be a truth within constant change; neither physical nor mental, because truth has to be fundamental. A temporary truth is an assumption; is therefore not a truth, but a lie.

It is the laws that define constant change that are fundamental truth, because change means in between a beginning and an end. It doesn't matter if we can't comprehend when it starts or when it will end, but there is a beginning and an end to all movement; it's what defines movement. The natural law established out of this is "opposites must coexist, because they're defined by each other. All existence is operating within these barriers; being finite, being constantly changing.

The parasites understand this and use it for their own benefits by selling us on beliefs; on assumptions that we mentally declare as truths, which they control by dumping contradictions onto them, so that our species will endlessly divide each other about who's right and who's wrong, while not acting against the exploitation through the parasites. Now add the fact that nature doesn't name anything, because it would mean to proclaim assumptions (lies), and nature doesn't lie, and you see how easy it is to control us through language, because we use it to proclaim our belief based truths onto everything. We have corrupted ourselves into being pathological liars, but we cannot comprehend it, because we don't believe it.

frustrated in having to share with some of them the same local community as their ignorance puts us all in danger - though this is where you would say we are all in it together I suppose

Correct. This is an enclosed, self sustaining ecosystem in which the sum of all things works together to sustain it. Now apply the natural law "all actions have consequence" and you understand that what ever we do will affect our surroundings and vice versa. Our freedom of choice for actions, is a liberty given by this system, who judges only the consequences of our actions by passing them onto all of us. There is no us vs them conflict going within this ecosystem. The parasites are destroying themselves by destroying the host and vice versa. Order and chaos are two sides of the same coin. Neither of them can be stopped; you can only balance them out. There's no positive or negative goal to existence; only the struggle to uphold the balance (the natural order), which in return gifts sheer endless benefits to all.

The one thing about your ideas that give me second thought is this notion of treating the sun and moon and cosmos as like anything else; I think you may be over generalizing - it seems they are either a result of chaos (ie- artificial constructs like some ancient or even alien tech) or the fundamental source of all order. They contradict your philosophy of an ever changing and finite existence because they are indeed constant, albeit ever moving. Is not the constant motion and predictable, ancient and never changing pattern of the sun, moon and stars a fundamental truth that will never change?

Artificial is a selfish term we created so that we can claim ownership over that which we build out of that which nature offers us for free. So if you grab a stick to hit an apple from a tree, you can now claim this to be an artificial action by yourself. Never-mind the fact that nature create you as well. It' self destructive selfishness (hedonism) and once again it's based on language and proclaiming assumptions to be truths, while ignoring the consequences. Alien; just means other; different. This ecosystem is based on nature segregating differences so that our senses can detect those differences and learn from them. The parasites made up words like alien to divide us by making differences seem dangerous, unknown, out of our comprehension.

ancient and never changing pattern of the sun

This is specifically contradicting, because ancient means old, which by definition is defined as being the opposite of young. In one sentence you point out the change between young and old to then declare it unchangeable. This entire language is designed to contradict our comprehension of reality. The parasites are at this for thousands of years. They've corrupted everything. We have clocks and timetables everywhere, not because of convenience, but to create deadly stress and prevent us from comprehending the sky-clock; from being in tune with nature. Our calendar is complete bullshit. A circle has 360 degrees, yet a year has 365 days...like what?

What else in nature exhibits this behavior (not a direct effect of these elements)?

TIME. The initiator of movement that defines all existence as being finite.

On another topic - what of consuming the 'blood' of plants that induce the wild range of psychedellic experience?

For example, the geometric visualizations and 'Elven' summoning capability of DMT, ego-shattering and consiousness expanding altered awareness inducing effects of psyliocibin - and it's longterm 'truth serum' impact on the human experience thereafter, the intense visual hallucinations of LSD, the dissolving/merging of physical body into all other existence from salvia, the radiating interconnected web of dream world of induced from an extract brew of San Pedro cactus.What are the implication of such deep 'spiritual' experiences; what do they tell us about the laws of nature and truth?

It's the consummation of life essence for temporary benefits, while ignoring long term consequences. It's is us falling for the temptation of hedonism (selfishness) by choosing the ONE (ourselves) over the ALL (the sum of all things). Buddhism describes this as "following the way", which is self enlightenment through meditation. As a martial artists I'm well aware of the benefits of mediation in movement, but it's a temptation nonetheless, because I "escape" from the ALL to find strength within me (the ONE), and your substance induced mediation makes this even more clearer through they exploitation of the ALL for your own selfish gains. Creation comes from the ALL; from within unity, which is why you think you can flee into mediation, while the world around you gets more and more dangerous for you.

The reason I use adaptation here is because I engage with the ALL to heighten my senses and it is way faster and stronger then when I use adaptation in motion during my training. Most importantly; we both grow from this and everyone else that engages in it. We ALL get stronger through unity, hence us having parasites attacking our unity from every direction.

oh and I may look into the claims of the sun's color change but not buying it until seeing hard proof ;)

I remember from my childhood to always referring to the color of the sun as yellow and orange, and those pictures my mother kept from those days were all painted in dark yellow. Nowadays, and I sun-gaze whenever the cloud seeding terrorists allow me to do, I cannot see the yellow anymore. Then again; it's all circumstantial evidence, an assumption; a lie to which you are trying to build the contradiction "until seeing hard proof". The good thing about the parasites is that the information. that we will have to re-uncover. will exponentially grow for as long as we allow them to lie and deceive. We are back to exploring and conquering the world all over again.

They represent movement, so they're defined as having a beginning and an end. Energy reduces over time. If you build a perpetual motion machine; it would still end, because time makes all existence (the material) finite, so the material, you build your perpetual motion machine out of, will fail and stop the motion. Everything that nature is presenting us about the sun and the moon is a constantly changing assumption, and everything men are educating us on about them is based on lies upon lies upon lies. Our mistake is to try to exchange their lies with other assumptions we declare truths, which is just the same old contradiction circle that gives control to them.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Why would you need to fall back if you comprehend everything?

Because this is a world of pathological liars and as you correctly pointed out; our language is also corrupted. It's like walking a minefield of contradicting information. That I have the truth on my side doesn't help those who didn't comprehend it, because they are living a lie based on a totally corrupt comprehension of reality, but it helps me laying a path for truth out into this mess. I cannot lose my path, because the laws of nature won't change, but everyone else can, because their beliefs can change at any second.

Why would you need more evidence and perspective if everything in nature is incapable of deceiving you?

because I'm up against liars who misuse their consciousness to make up endless justifications based on lies. In an argument with someone who comprehends truth their corrupt survival instinct will try to seek out any contradiction so that he can bury the whole argument to ease his conscious guilt. The saying "truth hurts" refers to the perceived loss of identity when it gets questioned by truth, and denial is the first protective response to deal with such an attack. So what do I do? Bring more ammunition against denial by branching out into natural evidence in the attempt to find something that resonances with the particular human psyche, because we are all different, which makes it so immensely difficult to find a collective trigger to reach mass consciousness. Yet, collective consciousness exists, so there needs to be a way to get a message into it. That's what I'm working on.

I thought you saw through all the deceptions because you know the rules?

Because it's a ever changing system that requires constant adaptation, which is an ever increasing struggle until we die. I comprehend the ground rules on how to operate, but I still need to struggle to apply it correctly with each and every of my actions, and since chaos and order must coexist; I cannot avoid to make mistakes, which in return is something I can learn from. Life is a struggle, we will get hurt, we will lose something that we hold dear, we will fall for temptations over and over again, and we will die in the end...but it's all worth it, because it's the greatest gift there is which defines all value.

Understanding the rules helps tremendously to spot those who break them, but the game is still on despite truth and lies...it's a balance act.

You don't like language because it reveals your own misunderstanding to yourself.

No. I don't like language because it's an interpretation of natural knowledge that can easily be corrupted into endless contradicting meanings, while nature only shows truth. What is language to those who cannot speak? Nothing, yet nature remains everything to them.

I didn't say intelligence.

IN'TELLECT, noun [Latin intellectus, from intelligo, to understand. See Intelligence.] That faculty of the human soul or mind, which receives or comprehends the ideas communicated to it by the senses or by perception, or by other means; the faculty of thinking; otherwise called the understanding. A clear intellect receives and entertains the same ideas which another communicates with perspicuity.

Everything you say was corrupted by historical revisionism. You don't know what you're saying, because you don't follow the laws of nature, you instead hold beliefs, which makes you susceptible to believe different meanings; corrupt meanings; lies. This corrupts your intent, but you think you say the truth, because you fully believe it. That's the problem and the majority of mankind is under that spell, which was designed by criminals to control you. It's why there's a copyright sign in every modern published book...the sign of owned and vetted information.

Intellect is just a word

No. A word is a representation of what truth nature offers and that word then creates the intent that steers your actions within this natural system. And the consequences of those actions are judged by that natural system. Words can corrupt your comprehension of nature. Those who control the words control the perception of reality, but they require your blind faith; your assumptions; your beliefs. Their control requires for you to not adapt to change.

when you try to see something that is too far away

You are looking in the wrong direction. You believe the answers to be found in complexity, which is based on you chasing empty goals. The answer is in simplicity, you find it at the beginning of your reasoning process, because the foundation of your reasoning is corrupted. Your comprehension is operating on false assumptions; you've been deceived. We all were; still are.

None of this proves that either discrete facts or broader general trends cannot be experienced by the intellect or understood by reason.

Because you belief in intellect (a corrupted term) and reasoning (a corrupted process). Let's take them out. I fart; It stinks; it's truth for me. My dog comes along later, has way better smelling senses than me, yet operates on instincts instead of beliefs like you, and he ignores the smell that I proclaimed as truth, which means his actions oppose my beliefs. And that is truth for him. Yet, again we both were dealing with lies; not fundamental truths. That is why we are not allowed to pass judgements, because we judge about temporary things and proclaim them as truths. It's the hedonistic act of proclaiming belief (lies) over truth in nature and it all originates from us claiming ownership over that which nature offers for free. In this case our ability to form beliefs, which should be a tool to help us, but we fell for the temptation of hedonsim and misuse it to justify the negative consequences of claiming ownership when we had no right to do so.

The truth is that your instinct used to be honed by nature (I think you'd agree)

Yes and no. You perceive it wrong. The instincts are a command line that we (all lifeforms) receive from nature; it's our connection to the laws of nature. That command line overrules us; it's the fundamental connection between all life essence. The honing process is not collective; it's individual. It's all the information you stack in your conscious memory that will help your moral compass (common sense) to shorten the distance between comprehension and reaction; both mentally and physically. You don't hone your instincts, you hone your comprehension of them so that you can utilize them faster, which is all based on survial; towards life; towards the positive; towards truth.

Why did man stop functioning on instinct alone?

Ignorance towards common sense based on guilt for the negative consequences of our negative actions originating from claiming ownership over that which nature offers for free.

you had to be fit and coordinated to get your food

Nope. Look at the so called jewish parasites. It's all about adaptation. You are allowed to utilize everything. We were given the liberty of freedom of choice for all our actions, because we are bound to the judgements of the consequences thereof.

Your instinct is no longer honed by nature, your instinct has withered.

Nope. The instincts are a fundamental baseline. They don't change. We do; based on our lack of responsibility towards them.

But what did you give up your instinct for to begin with? Consciousness

No. The consciousness is a tool for comprehension. That's it. It is not your identity, you deceived yourself to believe that based on the ability of the inner dialog, because it's so simple to fall for the temptation of hedonism and believing what you're telling yourself. Humans claiming ownership over nature, which created chaos, and the inner dialog goes into panic "it's my fault; it's my fault", until the temptation of "it's not my fault; it's (insert belief here) fault" becomes too convenient to fall for. Remember...life equals struggle; death equals the easy way out for of temptations. Humans are nature's ongoing test on how advanced the consciousness can be allowed to get, without the power of full comprehension self destructing them. So far we are failing spectacularly, but people like me prove that we can get a hold of ourselves.

Through your consciousness you can get food even though you're not following your instincts.

The instincts are always in charge. Your consciousness just creates a fantasy world that is convenient enough to allow you to ignore reality. It takes less then 48 hours without access to water, food and shelter to shatter your fantasy right back to the natural survival instincts. You were enslaved to your wants; while forgetting about your needs.

If you wish to reject consciousness, you're welcome to. Return to the animals.

All regurgitated pagan propaganda. It's the tree hugging analogy...all about ridiculing nature as backwards, which in return shows that you are deceived by the temptations luring you forward...towards death. Existence isn't about backwards vs forwards (another division) but about the struggle to uphold the balance in between. You cannot go back into the past and the future is always out of reach...it's the present that counts, which is defined by having a past and a future. Past and future don't fight each other. It is you that was deceived into believing they do, which gives a 3rd party control over you in the present.

Blood-is-Nature ago

This is an assumption. He was agreeing with the person you responded to, saying "we" are against promiscuous sex. It could be seen as a manipulation tactic, but it's not inherently one. He could just be agreeing, so you've made an assumption.

No. You are one part of a collective. You speak for yourself; not for the collective, because that would be hedonism.

(Evil) Depends entirely on the definition. Again, assumption.

No. If there's room to define something differently than it isn't a fundamental natural state, but a belief; an assumption; a lie. A definition is you trying to make sense of nature for yourself, but that definition doesn't affect the foundation of nature.

So you think things can be positive or negative, but don't think things can be evil? You weren't talking about batteries, here, so that's hypocrisy.

Nope. What you are saying is based on your hedonistic belief that you can pass judgements like "evil", but only nature has the power the judge the consequences of all actions. Positive and negative cannot be defined from within existence; which would just be self destructive ignorance, but are defined as the barriers in between which all existence operates; or life and death for us lifeforms (to make the concept a little smaller in scale and easier to comprehend). If you have the movement of life towards death; you have the draining of a positive state towards a negative goal.

How does nature demand you uphold its natural order? If that were the case, how could anything go against the natural order?

By passing the judgment of the consequences of all our actions back onto us. Take the sun for example; the life giver and life taker in one body. It has no intent towards us, yet this ecosystem uses the sun to teach us about the natural order by putting the responsibility of balancing it on us. Every life form embraces the sun and escapes its heat into shadows...its their choice, but the laws of nature define the rules.If you embrace the warmth of light of the us (Helios) you heal; you blossom; you live, but if you don't struggle to uphold the balance and fell for a temptation (sloth; greed; ignorance) then you get sick, wither or die. The positive outcome creates order; the negative outcome creates chaos; both are defined by each other and must always coexist. Every possible action is defined by that "morality". The same thing; like an apple, can be positive and negative depending on your choices, which is how this ecosystem passes responsibility to its participants. Why? Because it (the ecosystem) wants to survive and strive, which is why it needs to entice us to take responsibility for it.

Going against the natural order is your free choice, but it will have negative consequences passed by nature on the sum of all things that sustain your existence.You were given the tools and materials to make this ecosystem better, and every negative thing happening to you is based on you not using these tools to adapt and create order.

You can't prove or disprove this (Creation without a creator).

Of course I can. The act of creation is all around us, we participate in it all the time. What's wrong with it is our perception of what it entails, because we were indoctrinated to believe that creation means a creator. In reality all creation requires the sum of all things working together. We don't exist inside a vacuum where you can make up things out of thin air. All our thoughts and ideas first require inspiration from nature, everything we create requires the materials nature offers, every act of creation requires the sum of all things sustaining this ecosystem so that we can have the liberty to create within. Creation requires the "ALL" not the "ONE".

The criminal parasites in control withhold the laws of nature from us to sell us on the opposite of what is good for us; that is their entire roadmap. they are a death-cult based on hedonism and they groom mankind into being hedonistic too, which is why in this case they made us believe in the one over the all. This is all about destroying unity, which is why they utilize lies and deceptions to sell beliefs and -isms to divide us endlessly so that we cannot unite and crush them.

Yes, once living things exist they can do things.

As I stated...they are not conscious about creating a new law of behavior or about the consequences of that new behavior on all of them. They collectively (by instincts) decided to temporarily not follow their natural instincts towards predator and prey behavior, because their survival instinct overruled it based on an imminent threat. A new law was created without a creator and without it being consciously planned, yet everyone follows it.

Why would that be order? Would the order cease to exist if one of the predators attacked a prey animal? Why would you say "moral behavior patterns?"

Because they exist in between the states of life and death, and they use adaptation to struggle for life (survival) and against death. That is the natural law laying out the ground-rules to them via instincts. If a a predator in that situation started to prey upon the others; it would be against the natural order and automatically create chaos, which in return will also create negative consequences for the predator, because handling desperate masses of animals in panic becomes a deadly threat for the predator, so the predators survial instinct will make him bow to the new temporary order. Look at the leadership principle of the wolf-pack...the alpha may be the strongest of the pack, but the pack could collectively take him out easily, but they don't, because they comprehend that a capable alpha means better protection for the pack, yet they never stop individually challenging the alpha to make sure he is up to par, which is how the pack sustains their own survial.

I say "morality", because constant balance in between a positive and a negative outcome demands responsibility. Nature defines morality; not humans. The religion based moral system that the parasites created to control us are all lies. The biggest example would be "murder", because in a system where life is defined by death, and where survial is defined through a food-chain of killing each other it's absurd to see "murder" as morally wrong. Nature doesn't care one iota about us killing each other; it only judges the consequences of that kill, which means the importance is on the intent. Talmudic reasoning was created to trick intent to circumvent the consequences of karma. In nature lion cubs are happily playing blood-soaked in the carcass of the antelopes and neither the lion; nor the other antelopes are passing moral judgments upon that. Only we; the self corrupted hedonists were taught to throw a hissy fit when facing the carnage of death, which corrupted us to the point where we hide the mass torture and murder of billions of life-forms annually behind anonymous walls to protect our emotions, or the whole funeral perversion of making the dead look alive, then sacrificing life essence (flowers) to make it look pretty for us, so that we can feel better for ourselves, and instead of respecting the alchemical ritual of transmutation, by letting the corpse become one with the earth, we empty the corpse, put make-up on them, dress them, and put them in boxes to keep the appearance of life going to hep the hedonistic psychopaths feel better for themselves, while rejecting the laws of nature.

Anyway...killing isn't an issue; it's the intent behind it that matters, because if you have a shred of doubt about why you're killing, it will have negative consequences and create chaos. if you see a guy raping a child and you get over their to kill that motherfucker; you act on the intent of the temptation of anger; rage, which will have negative consequences, but if you go over their to help the child, while killing the motherfucker then your consciousness will be free of any doubt, which lead to positive consequences. See, it was never about the act of killing, but about your state of mind while doing in; leading to the consequences that nature will judge. Again; look into talmudic law surrounding karma; they may be psychopathic mass murderers, but they fanatically bow down to karma, because they know the damage it causes to have the wrong moral intent.

Such a broad statement and essentially useless. Again, not a provable statement - it relies on poetic meaning. But you could just as easily say the many are one.

No. One enclosed ecosystem with the sum of all things inside sustaining it. Your individual state of one is thereby defined by being part of the many; the collective; the sum of all things. You can't do anything without them making it possible for you. And the "many are one" is in the sense that they are the sum of all things; the inside of an ecosystem.

AntiMason ago

Damn you really typed all of that keyboardnigger?

Blood-is-Nature ago

You imply me typing out my thoughts is about slavery, but I embrace the act of adaptation to others; it's how my consciousness grows, which in return has benefits for others. I already got the benefits from my choice; what you do with the information I provided is your choice. If you don't want to benefit from it...that's on you.

tokui ago

Don't be a Debbie Downer.

Harpfor7 ago

Sex like eating has a time and place that is relevant. Over indulgence has consequences.

tokui ago

Where does it imply "overindulgence"?

Teens are the most enthusiastic in bed.

Fuhrer1488 ago

how the fuck do you know this exactly?

tokui ago

18 & 19 yr olds are teens, sir. Get your mind out of the gutter!

Fuhrer1488 ago

thats not the age group the magazine is referring to, they are talking about 13-17 year olds