Saltyhymen ago

I hope he gets stomped in the yard - no mercy for chomos.

Cat-hax ago

I don't think he will make 10 years

randomfuckingidiot ago

How much is a child? Is the dollar to calorie density comparable to other long term storage foods?

Was it organic free range or cage raised?

epiphanot3 ago

just can't imagine being the agent that has to text that stuff. hope they get good counseling.

Lokester ago

He's not going to last ten years in prison once they get his "papers".

TheEqualizer ago

Ever seen some of the weirdo couples that advertise online through adoption agencies to adopt? I'm talking so called straight couples, the woman is always a mean looking fat cow and the guy looks like a pedophile. I bet many of them are bi and the Christian husband is still in the closet. Fags are very deceptive and adoption is outright buying a child. The corrupt adoption system still in place was started by a butch and a kike anyway.Kids are better off being kept in their own bloodlines. Families need to take care of their own.


When jews wage economic war on a nation, the byproduct of that is that parents will often sell their children out of desperation, as they can't afford any basic necessities such as food any longer. Even some of the German parents during the Weimar were forced to do so.

AlfonsHilter ago

The problem are the (((child services))) which will kidnap a baby from a completely normal family and then give them to some degenerates.

TheEqualizer ago

Yeah I know. Those cunts have been stealing children for almost 90 years. They get a commission you know from adoption agencies and the state. The problem today is single mothers are brainwashed by them and adoption agencies that they can't care for their own child, that it is good for the child to give them away (which it ain't) and that their child is a gift from God to an infertile couple which is bullshit. Young women have been brainwashed into giving their baby to fags and butches now too. Adoption is the problem and families need to accept an unwed pregnancy, forgive their daughter and help her financially to keep their grandchild until she gets on her own two feet. It is dangerous to give a baby away-adopters are fake, will say anything to get someone's child, use the kid to heal their hurt egos and ignore the fact that being adopted is psychologically harmful to kids. It's time to start looking down on barren couples like they deserve-straight and gay. If young women would never call one of these damn places it would help. We need to start petitioning the government to get rid of social workers as well. Let the police handle real child abuse cases. Not being rich isn't a crime and money is not the most important thing concerning parenting.

totallynotFBI ago

No, he was convicted for attempted child enticement. Pedophilia is not a crime.

habitual2 ago

But this Peter Bright faggot wanted to buy a child and commit crimes.

totallynotFBI ago

I didn't say he's not a criminal, or that what he did is acceptable.


Read the chat logs. Literally discusses putting finger, penis into small child's vagina/anus. Say's he's done it before with is own "princess", what that means is unclear.

tokui ago

Don't try reason. Voat is filled with alt npc.


As a father, if someone so much as exert these type's of pro pedophilia opinions, in my book warrants a gunshot to the back of the neck. I don't give a shit about freedom of speech in the context of someone who wants to appease pedo's or somehow make talking about kiddy diddling okay and in the process society less safe for my child, i'll kill you, no holds barred.

If you think buying a kid and talking to FEDS about wanting to stick your finger and dick in a 6 year old and 11 year old and having done it with your own "princess", then having the balls to go and meet the informant to buy said kids is acceptable, and having the opinion that pedo's should be shot wherever they are found makes them a NPC? Fuck outta here with this role reversal leftist bullshit. THE LEFT CAN'T MEME!

tokui ago

LMAO. 90% of pedo action is fathers on daughters. Learn the clinical records, you virtue signaling idiot.


muh virtue. Again, spout your pro pedophilia in my country and you're going to get a personalized visit.

tokui ago

You're all up in your kids. Don't lie.

Wowbagger ago

Hopefully, since his case is making the news, the inmates will be ready to "greet" him and his sentence will be commuted to the state paying funeral costs. Any chance he'll be in with the guy who did the hero who did two at once a few weeks ago?

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Problem with that is that the CO's and the warden especially will get put under the microscope like you wouldn't believe if that happens, possibly even sued by the next-of-kin for 'wrongful death'.

We don't just lack the courage to execute these monsters we are literally punishing the cops when some ulstermensch earns a Darwin Award.

Torqueness ago

Pedo Arse, lol.

gosso920 ago

Chomo's gonna be real popular in GenPop.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Sex predators are rarely in general population. Most prisons keep them separate with each other.


That's because they wouldn't live past a week. It's time bring back those good old days.

gosso920 ago

What a pity.

kidcip16 ago

frailty ago

I'm a tech savvy Internet guy. I have no fucking clue what OP is saying.

LOL, it is crazy.


You're a retard.

chrimony ago

It's saying a male feminist, who argued against "bro" cultures like gaming, was convicted of pedophilia. There's a long list of these male feminists that turned out to be sexual predators. It's a meme.

frailty ago

"It" ... so I wouldn't like it. Fair.

ForgottenMemes ago

Dr Pizza? I remember reading the complaint. It was some fucked up shit. Surprise, surprise he is also a faggot.

beefartist ago

My wife can't understand the sight test for these fucking weirdos? One glance and a normal man would never allow his kids around this guy. He might as well be wearing a bowtie and calling himself a "science guy"

Floppyhorsecock ago

Some people just look off. It isnt always their hair or clothes or the pedo stache.

Like Tom Hanks. He has a rep for being one of the nicest people in Hollywood, but when that lady accused him my immediate reaction was yeah, I can see that in him somehow.

Maybe I am way off base. It is rare tho that they show a pedos picture and you think what, not that guy.

Anson ago

haha, fuck that guy


hangman ;7

tokui ago

He just wanted to stroke his penis, make him feel good. Is that wrong?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Have you seen the "Funkytown" cartel video? That should be his fate.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Found another one.

Get the flammenwerfer.

Maroonsaint ago

Why the fuck would he only get ten years. That’s like people who get murder and attempted murder. It should be life or the death penalty. Makes no Fucking. Not only are you showing that one life isn’t worth another. You’re saying that the victims life is worth less than the murderers life and it’s supposed to be the exact opposite

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

It's basically legal now, unless you're a white man caught diddling an underage girl. That's the only social barrier really left standing.

Berniesanders2020 ago

Uhm.. no, it's not. This rationale is indicative of desensitization to pedophilic ideas which leads me to believe you're projecting your latent pedophilic desires...

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Yeah, I'm totally the dangerous one, not the people mandating 'gender equality' or allowing perverts in drag to read to children and conduct lap dances...

MineFuror ago

He’ll probably get stabbed in prison

nononanon ago

We can only hope

PontarBewsar ago

Because every American institution has been converged by lefty pedos

facepaint ago

Probably because it was a sting operation and no minor was ever really at risk... that anyone can prove.

tokui ago

Nobody was harmed, is why.

Asshat69 ago

Ok, Oprah

derram ago :

Breaking911 on Twitter: "JUST IN: Former Journalist & Self-Described 'Male Feminist' Convicted At Trial For Attempted Child Enticement - /fyrnLcrAlT

**WARNING: Details revealed in the federal complaint are extremely disturbing.**… /PXUWfKCo0v"

This has been an automated message.

Manintights ago

Never trust a man who is a self proclaimed feminist

uvulectomy ago

"So-called 'male feminists' are date rapists looking for victims."

Broc_Lia ago

^ Especially if you're a woman

gazillions ago

Peter Bright for search

noob_tube ago

Pedophilia has no cure and is not a manageable illness.

Wrong. Just because you haven't found a cure doesn't mean there isn't one. Anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that there are two classes of pedophiles: homosexuals and incels. The homosexuals may be incurable, as neurological changes due to hormones and abuse during development are substantial. But for the incels, easy access to regular pussy in conjunction with abstaining from pornography seems to cure of them of their pedophilia (and most other sexual derangement). I'm hopeful that psychoactive therapy can be used for homosexual pedophiles as well.

We have been studying that perversion for ever and have had ZERO results that don't really say convicts are correct in killing them Third world communities that kill them are also correct.

Where are these studies? I have seen nothing of the sort. For most of history there has been no research into this, and from what I've seen its mostly illegal to study the subject now. The best research, again, seems to indicate that the brain's neruoplasticity could be used to reverse any substantial neurological changes, nevermind the already existing (anecdotal) therapies.

They have made children's lives the priority instead of the power trip of pop psychology.

While I agree that modern psychology is mostly unhelpful (usually harmful?), that doesn't mean that actual medicinal research should not be conducted.

More to the point, third and second world researchers are too low-IQ to think beyond "ooga booga my dick", there's no reason to believe that they will ever be capable of understanding medicine generally well enough to heal in any case. We should not be taking cues from Africa in how to structure western medicine.

I support the death penalty for people that aid and abet pedophiles by fantasizing they can cure can them instead of facing the reality that they can not be managed or cured.

In that case, I support the death penalty for people who seek death in place of medicine.

uvulectomy ago

"I have to believe it's curable because otherwise my neck is in the noose as well."

Says the pedophile.

noob_tube ago

About what I expect from an emotional retard. All rage, no though. Easy to control.

gazillions ago

Another pedophile appears and believes he can convince the world to let pedos roam around raping children. Go ahead asshole, say that the kids are the ones doing the seducing.

There are tons of studies on pedos. I'm not your librarian. Go get one to dig them up for you. YOur a fucking pedophile and I bet you've got a hard drive of "artistic pictures of children"

Trying to tie imaginary "incels" into pedophilia and create an association is fucked up beyond language. Good thing you're stupid besides being a pedophile. There's only one reason to defend pedos.

noob_tube ago

Another emotional retard. All rage, no thought. Easy to control.

gazillions ago

Pedophile and narcissist. Who would have thought to two go together? Oh yeah, every reasonable person in the worl

Fuck you, you disgusting monstrosity

noob_tube ago

No amount of rabid frothing at the mouth can be used as a replacement for rational argument.

gazillions ago

Fuck off asshole. Go sell the con job about studying pedos somewhere else. Drug addiction, alcoholism mental illness and suicide has been cured by all the constant studying too.

Go get your attention from someone else. I'm done with you.

noob_tube ago

Fuck off asshole.

The battle cry of those with no rational thought to express.

MemeDropAcct ago

pedophilia is a "manageable illness

Actually it is. The Jonathan Watson Pedophile Rehabilitation Center in California has a 100% cure rate for Pedophiles.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Wait ... i gotta be reading this wrong.

Pedos have a forum? On the open internet?

gazillions ago

It's called Ars Technica, just another progressive shithole.

tokui ago

You know alot about pedophilia..

gazillions ago

You want to get as close as you can to defending pedos without actually going there.


uvulectomy ago

Oh no, he flat out defends them. He defended Epstein and an Epstein apologist, for example.

gazillions ago

Him and noob-tube. They're fucking disgusting.

uvulectomy ago

Careful, noob_tube might call you an "emotional retard" for calling out his kiddie-diddling. Then what would you do, huh?

gazillions ago

Hahahah. Add his name to the list.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Some childmolester downvoated you.

anticlutch ago

Is it a jew?

If so he'll get like 3 years due to reasons.

Broc_Lia ago

His surname is "bright," so there's a good chance it was shortened from "brightmann."

BeeBop71 ago


veteran88 ago

Why isn't death on the table?

Liberalism is for faggots.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

We haven't had the balls to execute even the worst of the worst for decades.

veteran88 ago

That is a big reason Jews need to be driven from power. They, in general and all in office, are pro infanticide, but against the death penalty. They have also been the primary force to release rapists and murderers from prison as long as they aren't white.

uvulectomy ago

Even if he's not "officially" sentenced that way, they could always throw him in gen-pop and have one of the guards "accidentally" leave his packet where an inmate could glance at it...

Wowbagger ago

They'll know regardless. They stay on top of those things. He may not be killed if he doesn't piss anyone off but he certainly won't be making any friends during his sentence.

wigson ago

Serial murderers



They can't be rehabilitated. Keeping them alive is a huge waste of money. Death penalty would go a long way in removing some of the true filth and evil in society.

veteran88 ago

Also userers, malicious tempters, and rent seekers.

Death penalty for all.


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