beefartist ago

Women in the absence of decent men are a danger...stop being faggots and lead your women

Gas_the_Jews88 ago

It sure looks like they're still repelling immigrants from turkey. I'm not sure this is an accurate representation of her stance on it. I think she wants to keep immigrants out. If she doesn't it won't matter much though because the greeks will kill her. The greeks and the vast majority of the citizens in Europe are fed up with them and are speaking out against immigration even though in some places that has been legally restricted.

Jivicus ago

This is how we know that Lucifer is/was female.

negrojohnny ago

Say it ain't so, Joe.

newoldwave ago

Women are fine as long as they're not in charge.

neuschwabia ago

When will the Greeks get rid of this disaster, a childless loser playing at leader.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

There's that jewish phrase again: "human rights".

Every time you see or here it think Kalergi Plan.

Leveraction ago

Women should NEVER, EVER be in charge of running a country!!!

FACT: women base decisions on emotion(heart), NOT logic(head)! Very, very dangerous!!!

PaulNeriAustralia ago

in a professional situation i.e at work, the female finds it impossible to compartmentalise the professional and the personal - it's all personal viz "I hate her because she's better looking than me. I'll make sure she doesn't get a promotion".

Helena73 ago

Who do you prefer, Marine Le Pen or Macron? Margaret Thatcher or John Major? Never?

Leveraction ago

You are correct. Le Pen and Thatcher are top notch. No disputing. I should have stated 95% are NOT qualified.

Helena73 ago

Because of maternal instinct, women tend to fall into the Mommy-fix-it political trap of socialism more often than men.

But not all aspects of the human condition are fixable, and mommies are, by nature, authoritarian and often tyrannical.

I don’t think we’d have had the problems with communism of the last hundred years without womens suffrage.

turtlesareNotevil ago

No. Women who want to be in charge of shit are destroying civilization. Normal women are not.

aboutime ago

Don't read this crazy spin. Daily stormer will twist every story to suit their craziness.

RoundWheel ago

When men fail, they die. Ending their genetic line.

When women fail, they just start fucking the new alphas. Their genetic line usually lives on.

Cost for men is the destruction of high value generics. Cost for women is a good fucking.

Women have never taken societal responsibility. They are never responsible for their actions.

When women have authority they only destroy.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

well said especially this bit: "When women have authority they only destroy". Females are not used to exercising power which is why, when they have it, they f..k-up, whether in the workplace, the Parliament, the Courts...

beefartist ago

Who gives women authority? Weak men like you

PaulNeriAustralia ago

there are a lot of males about with menstruation-envy. They tend to hang out on Reddit.

AdValorem ago

"When women fail, they just start fucking the new alphas. Their genetic line usually lives on."

All through history this has really been the story. As a construct, women desire security, whereas with men it is very different and is based on survival. Interpreting this with peace and war, the differing constructs are manifested by the policy of the ruling class. After all, what better way to avoid the threat of uprisings than by control over the kingdom's women?

With the conquered, the women are subject to rape and being murdered. These often cruel and barbaric acts sends shock waves through the dispossessed population. The lucky few are carried off into captivity to live another day. Whether it is peace or war, the elite benefit in the form of what we know as the harem. Europe had its own form of it and was called the gynaeceum. A gynaeceum actually has its origins in ancient Greece and Rome and can be described as a house or a section of a house reserved for women members. The male elite who acted as their male-providers in society often created gynaeceums for their personal pleasures.

Concerning the medieval gynaeceum, Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby writes:

“In the chansons de toile, women were seen to be dependent and in a virtual state of rebellion against the institution of marriage.” Women’s time was a time of waiting; and was experienced inwardly, and in despair . . . . Women’s space is closely guarded, for within it resided the women in whom the quality of the lineage was vested. In the gynaeceum, a woman was exalted in her role as mother. Men may enter, but only for a limited time. In parts of the household where multiple female functions were on display (lady, retinue, nurses) spatial functions were absent. In the gynaeceum, the child received its earliest education; the segregation is functional . . . The women’s group has a very distinctive character. It defines itself in terms of boundaries . . . Withdrawal is another constant.”

-- "A History of Private Life, Vol. 2: Revelations of the Medieval World"

The gynaeceum was a secure environment for females. Away from the threat of any males, females were given the sense of security and safety in numbers. Their lords and masters lavishly provided them, for which to some might not have known. They knew their purpose concerned lineage and reproduction. Their thoughts centered on the seed they might carry and its importance concerning her future welfare.

How is it any different than today? Women's rights? Feminism? Who controls the women? Think about that for a moment.

midnightblue1335 ago

When women fail, they just start fucking the new alphas. Their genetic line usually lives on.


150,000 years ago, when the Oog tribe went to war with the Oogara tribe, all of the women stayed in their nomad camps during the fighting. The Oog tribe defeated the Oogara in ferocious battle, and slaughtered all of the men, even the survivors who surrendered.

The Oog tribe then approaches the Oogara camp, filled with the women and children of the now dead Oogara men. The Oogara women have ONE chance at survival- AND THAT IS TO SPREAD THEIR LEGS FOR THE MEN WHO JUST BUTCHERED THEIR PREVIOUS MATES. If the Oogara women would try to resist, they'd be either beaten into submission, or simply killed. The Oog tribe wins- Oogara male line is gone, if the Oogs decide to kill all of the children.

But the Oogara women survive, because the Oog men have a biological compulsion to put babies in their wombs, not to kill them.

But what if there is a surviving Oogara man in the camp as all of the women are being raped by the conquerors? What can he do to survive this? Does he have anything to offer the Oog victors? He can't give them pussy or children. He can't be trusted to fight alongside them, since the Oog just killed all of his friends and stole his woman. The only fate that awaits a defeated society's males is EITHER EXECUTION OR SLAVERY. The fate of the defeated society's women is to ingratiate themselves with the conquerors new society.

This is also a large part of the reason why women make such terrible warriors- they have no vested interest in victory. The men going into battle know "Either we win, or I die, and my woman/children are taken by the enemy." The women going into battle know "If things start to get ugly, all I've gotta do is drop my weapon and take out my tits and surrender, and I'll probably be fine after getting fucked a few times."

This has repeated a million times throughout history. That nigger was right when he says "Dese hoes ain't loyal". Even niggers get it.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Expert post.

kawyzoqau ago

Ancients had already realized this, hence the story of Adam and Eve.

Helena73 ago

Its something thats been observed as happening over and over throughout history. Latinos e.g. are overwhelmingly descended from Spanish dads and native moms, you can see it in the y and mtDNA haplotypes. Very few native male lines. La donna e mobile.

PaulNeriAustralia ago


Ozzsanity ago

The soul of a woman was created below.

BadBoyBubby ago

considering that ordinary Greeks rally at the border to fend off the invaders it is very (((suspicious))) that this woman was "elected" there

Broc_Lia ago

Ordinary greeks living in border area, who know what this means.

If Greece is like any other European country there's more than enough naive urbanites to cancel out their votes.

ilovejuices3 ago

Rape fantasy or noble savage fallacy?

JohnGaltApproves ago

Usually both. Explains Charlie Kirk, too.

Anarchy99 ago

Men are the Destroyers of civilization. Men are not liberated. If men are not liberated women cannot be liberated. Women only follow men. Men are broken and fight stupid Wars for Jews. Women only mirror what men do. Men need to liberate themselves. Women are just two ton anchors on a sinking ship. But they are not the Destroyers.

MissingEgo1 ago

But women are indeed destroying modern civilization. Who is the most intent on letting hordes of invaders overrun the west? Who votes in vast numbers for feminist governments? They fell for the evil white patriarchy propaganda and now they will face something far worse.

Anarchy99 ago

It's easy because white men are alcoholic and spineless. Most men are circumcised so they can't control a woman sexually. So they think they have to look outside their race for sex, not knowing that the Invaders are probably circumcised to. It's all happening because men are fucking weak and spineless and are allowing it. You can't blame the woman she is only following what the man does which is nothing. So they are attempting to pick up the slack in their own way. Which is a major fail. It happened here in America. Man cannot stand up

MissingEgo1 ago

I have to agree on some points you make. I never thought men are blameless. A big portion of men are weak. That said though, The notion that women in leadership will make things better is preposterous.

Anarchy99 ago

I have yet to see a woman who can address any threat. Men used to be able to address the threat but they ceded their jurisdiction to women. It's quite embarrassing

Helena73 ago

All good points. Except the circumcision bit. Men became addicted to cradle to grave economic stability of big gov. At the expense of their own self sufficiency. Women got jobs in big government or its “service economy”, ie welfare or redistribution of wealth, and can now exploit men economically (men are still overwhelmingly the producers of actual wealth) without having to commit (submit?) to any individual male sexually or otherwise. Naturally women like this arrangement and are protecting and expanding their source of power. They see immigrants as natural allies to help them exploit native male slaves.

Same can be said of many other groups who are living off the corrupt system.

The problem is, most are really unaware of how exploitive they are being. They rationalize that the really deserve/have earned their power.

ihatedtheenglish1st ago

a contrived accident would do it nicely.

BushChuck ago

Boogaloo time.

Gopherurself ago

I'm there right with ya, PAGAN FAGGOT.

BushChuck ago

jew lover.

Anon765 ago

"Women are the destroyers of civilization" That sounds like some gay incel talk OP.

boekanier ago

Yes, women and 'migrants' have a strong bond. What do psychologists think of that strange phenomenon?

BlackStrapMolasses ago

“Women are the destroyers of civilization”.

No, that “honor” belongs to men. Women could fuck things up for a century and still not come close to the destruction men have unleashed on this planet since humans came into existence. Sorry but y’all own that one.

tastelessinvective ago

If women couldn't vote we wouldn't have mass immigration. US demographics would about the same as they were in 1965.

Do you agree or disagree?

Do you think mass immigration is even a problem?

BlackStrapMolasses ago

Yes mass immigration is a major problem. Borders need to be protected. I favor the merit immigration system and setting a limit on how many are accepted each year.

You’re blaming mass immigration solely on women? Absurd. Where is the evidence for that? Something other than a pie chart from a reddit poster. Re: Europe, they have always leaned more left than the US. Women getting the right to vote didn’t usher in a major political swing. Y’all are blaming women when you most of the blame goes to political ideology (liberalism, etc), not gender. There are plenty of male liberals and female conservatives.

tastelessinvective ago

Women vote left wing.

Voting left lets in dumb violent foreigners.

Dumb violent foreigners collapse your society by taking more than they produce.

No system can have outputs great than its inputs and survive.

Women getting the right to vote didn’t usher in a major political swing.




Oh wait you're serious.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I didn’t realize we had so much power. You guys sure didn’t put up much of a fight to retain control. We should’ve done this years ago. ~eyeroll~

BushChuck ago

Whamens have fucked things up for a century, and now you're going to die from a chicom bioweapon, becasue there are no men in charge of anything.

Enjoy that.

Also, I'm going to get a nice sense of revenge by not selling women food. You want my crops, send a man.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I doxxed you bro to the Canadian Women's Suffrage Association because of your anti-Australian sentiments. They are coming for you. Hundreds of thousands of hairy legged feminists twirling bloodied tampons around their heads, shouting, screaming and ululating as they seek out the man who would deny them food in a time of crisis. Yes, huddle low looking fearfully out as they clamber over your makeshift barricades and batter on your wooden walls. They will tear at your entrails more viciously than any prairie wolf and throw your dismembered body onto the white snow where you will lie, testament to a hatred the world has never before experienced.

BushChuck ago


PaulNeriAustralia ago

you're meant to be terrified - wake up in a cold sweat.

BushChuck ago

Ah. When you've had a life like mine.

Not sure when the last time I felt fear was.

romanstock ago

women have done so for a century and mass immigration is the result:

Othmar_Regin ago

You are correct, women can only do so much as much MEN allow them to do. We (men) could pull the plug on all this shit tomorrow yet we don't do it, why? because we are weak and we got ourselves into this position and have only ourselves to blame.

Gopherurself ago


boekanier ago

You are a woman.

Anson ago

this statement isnt even possible. men have advanced everything ever including the incomprehensible, to you, amount of technology used for you to post your pseudointellectual comment

Anarchy99 ago

Men haven't Advanced anything. They have participated in material wealth via the destruction of other countries. Consequently Western countries are taking in the refugees of the countries white men have destroyed.

Anson ago


Anarchy99 ago

Fuck off Jew

Acerphoon ago

Jewish propaganda.

No other country was ever exploited effectively. It had actually no impact on a nation's wealth at all.

You will notice that you will always only read theories about this. Because the studies that were done always proved the theories wrong.

Anarchy99 ago

Well you know white people don't want to work , haven't you heard?

indoctrophobe ago

Go back to faggit.

Anarchy99 ago

I'd rather be a faggit than a circumcised Jew

Acerphoon ago

You have to go back.

HiJoker ago

I found a retarded cunt! Say some more ignorant shit, bitch, we can use the laughs.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I love how you resorted to insults but didnt refute anything I said.

Gopherurself ago

You are right you women are so insignificant on the great scale, we give you a chance to play on it for a century and now poof our actual fucking entire race is being genocides by jewish hordes. Are you happy? I'd fuck you good and have warm balls for your ass cheeks. But j expect my children to be raised and taught basic shit by you.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

If whites are eventually genocided, it’s because people like you didn’t put up a fight. I guess you’re busy being a keyboard warrior. You guys have essentially been castrated by liberals. Sad. But in your case, it would be a positive. We have enough useless, ignorant people like you floating around.

Gopherurself ago

And doing it all for the cunts like you without any original thought anymore. Just npc women everywhere but you know what I'd still die to save you all from jt.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I hope you would fight. I hope I’ve pissed you off enough to set a fire under your ass.

Gopherurself ago

You are everything that it is good in the world. We must.

HiJoker ago

It's pure feminist retardation drivel. I've already wasted more time than your worth. Fuck off.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

So in other words, you're stupid and can’t refute what I said. You can only hurl insults and spout off curse words. lol

HiJoker ago

Women could fuck things up for a century and still not come close to the destruction men have unleashed on this planet since humans came into existence.

We built this world, we've built everything in it of worth. We've done so with or without your help. You've given us more grief than you are worth and continue to do so. Once civilization falls, the constructs that have allowed you to be so shitty will be gone and you will pay dearly for your treachery. Dearly. Very dearly.

So by all means, run your ignorant cunt mouth now while you can.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I doubt someone like has ever contributed anything meaningful to our society. You’re merely a useful idiot. You’re the one running your mouth but are too ignorant to see it. You can’t even string together a few sentences without insults and threats. You’re no one special. That’s why you’re so angry at what I say.

You should thank God for Donald Trump. A strong, confident leader who has to stand up for weak “men” like yourself.

HiJoker ago

Hahahaha! If anyone should be thanking God it should be you that you have a man around to protect and provide for you.

Or do you? lol I feel sorry for the cuck that does if so. What a pathetic fuck if he has to put up with your mouth.

That's got to be why you're being a bitch on here. Angry dumb bitch comes on here to bash men because she can't get a good one. It's not them bitch, it's YOU. You're toxic, your pussy is toxic, your breath is toxic, your words are toxic. Ewww.

Now go make that pathetic excuse of a man miserable and leave us be. We don't want you. Go away. Fuck off.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I mean, you’re the one who keeps replying to me. I’ve been married to a great guy for 11 years now. Thankfully he doesn’t act like the type you represent.

I’ve kept my calm while you’ve resorted to being overly emotional. Just proves my point. lol. Go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine, get out of your mom’s basement.

HiJoker ago

It's called a mesageboard you retarded whore, I grow tired of your lies. See you or one of your ilk in the boog, bitch.

BushChuck ago

Nah. We're just burned out on arguing with retarded bitches.

NotTheMeanest ago

You are a retarded bitch

BushChuck ago


BlackStrapMolasses ago


BushChuck ago

Enjoy the Boogaloo, bitch.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I’m prepared and have been since 2013. Food and other ~necessary~ essentials.

BushChuck ago

I'm sure the nigger who will take your shit appreciates it.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

I’m not concerned. I’m confident I could keep you from stealing my stuff.

BushChuck ago

That what passes for wit in your world?

GeneralDisposition ago

When Jesus said to love one another he meant other Christians. When he said to turn the other cheek he meant walk away and forgive. That enemy might feel bad and become friendly again. That being said, i will not allow a woman to teach or usurp the authority of man. They just aren't made to be an authority figure. 1 Timothy 2:12

Thin_White_Duke ago

Actually... turning the other cheek has a deeper meaning.

At the time, a Roman would strike with the back of his right hand. By turning the other cheek, Jesus is forcing him to strike with the back of his (unclean) left hand, which would be an embarrassment for the Roman or the palm of his right, which would put Jesus in equal standing.

Jesus was playing a power game without delivering a blow. Attacking the ruling class without a shot fired. Let them dig their own grave.

GeneralDisposition ago

What's so hard to understand with love one another? It was written in a letter to followers of Jesus. You guys can love pedophiles all you want but I'll hate them openly. No apologies.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... he meant other Christians.

He meant humans. For one thing "Christians" didn't exist. For another, not all hominids are human—despite outward appearances.

When he said to turn the other cheek he meant walk away and forgive.

No, that isn't what he meant. If it were, the Gospels would be replete with examples of him doing so.

I'm not trying to shit on your post; I'm trying to dispel the jewish myths about Jesus and his teachings.

Remember: There is a reason the israelites got the Romans to execute Jesus in such a vicious and public manner.

GeneralDisposition ago

Christians are true believers. They've always existed, that's how we git the bible. Walk away and forgive is backed up by scripture. Luke 6:30 comes to mind. Strange that you would give opinions instead of examples.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Christians are true believers.

Of that I have no doubt.

Of course, you don't actually understand what it means to state, "I believe". ("Ye of little faith.")

They've always existed, that's how we got the bible.

Wow; you have absolutely no idea of the history of "christianity", the bible, or world history in general.

Walk away and forgive is backed up by scripture. Luke 6:30 comes to mind. Strange that you would give opinions instead of examples.

So you defend you're ignorance by referencing a book written by jews for the sole purpose of subverting the teachings of Jesus Christ. Interesting how that works.

But if you want to limit yourself to that book then here's a quote for you.

The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”

He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.

In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: “‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’

But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

If you think you understand Jesus because your follow "christian" teachings, and reference a supposedly "holy" book, you have absolutely no idea what is going on or why you exist. Not that you're unusual, but it's still sad to see nonetheless.

GeneralDisposition ago

A non believer trying to tell the things of GOD. Yuck. Lipstick on a pig

Spiteful_Mutant ago

You use your "believe" like a drunk uses a lamp post—for support not illumination.

And to think a "supreme being" would have any use for you ....

But whatever, it's your soul to lose.

Good luck.

GeneralDisposition ago

Yes. Belief is my crutch. I need it every day. You wouldn't punch a guy with glasses would you?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Belief is my crutch

At least you admit it.

You wouldn't punch a guy with glasses would you?

No, but being dependent on glasses is not the same as being dependent on alcohol.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jesus didn't turn the other cheek when dealing with the jews. He beat them with a whip and used profanity. "Turn the other cheek" doesn't mean what most people think it means in the bible.

GeneralDisposition ago

He whipped the money changers for desecrating the temple. It's a great story. Never read about him using profanity, then again i only read the KJV because it's without error.

MissingEgo1 ago

I also think that when He said turn the other cheek, He meant don't give up. Not what modern Christianity tells us.

Anarchy99 ago

Women can only follow men and what men have built. Women cannot be liberated until men are liberated.

BushChuck ago

"jesus" never said anything at all.

He's a fictional character in a jew psy-op.

GeneralDisposition ago

I feel bad for you.

BushChuck ago


Zyklon_Bear ago

For real. They might as well quote the Harry Potter books, because it's the same fucking thing in the end.

BushChuck ago

No, really. The jews are the chosen people of a god named "God".

And then 122,000 christians get to go to heaven and never suffer again!

Because God loves you, but will condemn 99.9999999% of you to eternal hellfire!

Hellfire of love!

Turn the other cheek. Trust the plan!

Good goy Patriot!

AnmanIndustries ago

Turn the other cheek has nothing to do with someone charging at you with a sword. If that was the case the disciples wouldn't have had any weapons when they came to arrest Jesus. (There are many other reasons for this, but this is the simplest to understand). THAT BEING SAID, you should read the bible again.

mathew 5: 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

GeneralDisposition ago

Peter cut off a man's ear when they came to arrest Jesus. Jesus said buy a sword in luke 22:36. Even the disciples had to defend themselves from robbers. Turn the other cheek is for when somebody offends you, love /one another/ isn't related to that.

AnmanIndustries ago

Ask god that. You will not listen to what i say as you have made your mind up, even in the face of his own words.

Do remember that all people, can be saved (within our instruction). What better ally is an ex enemy who has seen the truth. Now knowing what you know and angry at the lies of the world. In the christian ministry in muslim countries (which used to be christian ), ex muslims are the greatest tools there as they know specifically how to combat the quran and hadiths and knows how a muslim thinks, having been one.

GeneralDisposition ago

Don't change the subject. We weren't discussing soul winning we were discussing self defence. Christianity would cease to exist if we all hung out with murders as if they're normal. We're in the world not of it. To join your conversation; yes, converts do great work for GOD but they were called by GOD before they became believers. Some reject him.

AnmanIndustries ago

When Jesus said to love one another he meant other Christians.

Sorry I misunderstood you when you said this. Please explain what you meant by this.

GeneralDisposition ago

It's plain. He wasn't speaking to muslims or even jews since they killed EVERY prophet.

AnmanIndustries ago

Ok good. Just wanted to make sure. Now, did you say Jesus was only talking to other Christians, or did you mean that jesus only wanted other Christians to love each other? Just in case:

?mathew 5: 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.


?46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

And some more:

“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,


Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

This one below is in both the new and old testament. (As it was quoting the old testament)

To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”


Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.


But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

And there is a lot more.

So if a non christian read these, does this mean they shouldn't put it into practice?

GeneralDisposition ago

I'm glad you did the research. Study to show thyself approved. My enemies taught me to never post real pictures online(attempted dox). My enemies taught me to find sources first and double check them before posting. My enemies are trial by fire. GOD's enemies are a different subject. The sun shines on them but we both know that the wicked store up toward the day of judgment. Some have become reprobate. "Remember sodom". Remember Lot's wife.

AnmanIndustries ago

Sure. I did the research by reading the bible. Where did you do yours?

GeneralDisposition ago

Same place. No one gets raptured before the tribulation. Buckle up. Be strong.

BushChuck ago

You should understand that your "holy book" is a jew psy-op.

A very successful one.

Othmar_Regin ago

When Jesus said to love one another he meant other Christians

Hahaha you don't have to wait long for a Xristfag to show his true face

GeneralDisposition ago

Yup. And glad for it.

AnmanIndustries ago

I am sure you claim to be a westerner of some sort and have clearly forgotten that whatever nation you are apart of came to greatest on the foundation of Christianity. The wests decline and the fall of christianity (real) is not coincidental. Jewfag

Othmar_Regin ago

Actually the rise of the West has been 1-to-1 correlated with Xstianities decline every since the Renessaince

BushChuck ago

I'm Scotts.

We still remember the old gods.

Ragnarok is here, fren.

Your jew desert demon is going to get his brains splattered with a Hammer.

gazillions ago

Your Scots; that's now the welfare sucking socialists that rely on the government like a whore relies on her pimp daddy. They do that because they've had their spiritual beliefs stripped away by being made to feel that they're very, intellectual if they don't believe in anything except government and brand names. They were given a religious like belief in the media and pop psychology to fill that void, like the good marxists they are. Suicide, drugs, drug deaths, homelessness and prostitution were the trade off. The complexity of a spiritual belief is too complex for some, and they seem prepared to take their deaths quietly and without much fuss rather than face the insidious hell of being seen as someone with Christian beliefs.

Christ never said he'd reveal his face to the unworthy. Perhaps it isn't the Christ of Christianity you should be questioning; but only if you'd like to fight communism, islam and jews with unity and success.

On the internet every muslim and jew can say they're not muslim or jew though.

BushChuck ago

Okay. You enjoy your jew-on-a-stick, and jew desert demon worship.

gazillions ago

You people always try that one and it's so old and so worn out it just brings eyerolls. There's no hope any of you are actually smart enough to realize it.

BushChuck ago

Turn the other cheek, christcuck.

gazillions ago

You have no idea what that even means. It's over your little head

BushChuck ago

Yeah, you must be a super genius.

kidcip16 ago

Turn the other cheek is about the need to overcome PRIDE. That's why Jesus says RIGHT cheek. Meaning they either hit you with their left hand or the backhand. Both considered huge personal insults.

Christians have an obligation to fight for what is righteous, as long as it is not motivated by pride (the deadliest sin).

DrShitlord ago

I think the concept of caritas in Christianity is not restricted to Christians. But the concept is very different than tolerance or all of the other contemporary bullshit. It includes love of the enemy, so you can behead your enemy while still loving him.

GeneralDisposition ago

It's impossible to love someone and end their life. That sounds like an abortionists argument. I'll save the mother by KILLING.

registeretakes10s ago

i think its a powerful concept. you can only be all powerful if you love - ie if you understand and truly empathize with your enemies as you kill them. when you make that happen there is nothing they can do - your morale is indestructible. theres no hate, no revenge, only compassion and what needs to be done.

YamaMaya ago

Reminds me of this

BushChuck ago

It's a retarded concept.

I have never once struck a man because I "love" him.

Some faggot nonsense going on there.

registeretakes10s ago

you should try it sometimes. i doesnt mean it gets your dick hard. it means you understand this person had a life, a goal that brought them here and that they believed these things to be right or necessary. even if they were forced to fight, their choices brought them there. if you understand these, or even just think that you do in a compassionate way thats all there is to it.

if you have not killed a man, maybe youve killed game. you dont hate the animal. you generally want it to not suffer. you know why theyre here and what they do, why they do it. same shit, just much simpler.

BushChuck ago

NO. Fuck off with your retarded jew religion bullshit.

I hate my enemies. I will smite them with my hatred, and righteous fury.

I have absolutely hated animals that I have killed. Passionately hated.

Your viewpoint comes from being a city dwelling retard.

registeretakes10s ago

hope you realize you sound like you're crazy

BushChuck ago

This guy.

Worships a jew demon, calls me crazy.

What a world.

registeretakes10s ago

well now you sound double crazy. almost glowing may i say.

BushChuck ago

Fuck off, newfag.

registeretakes10s ago

triggered at nothing uh

BushChuck ago

Hang yourself.

registeretakes10s ago


gazillions ago

And you know better than anyone that there's something not quite right about you.

BushChuck ago

Ragnarok is coming.

We shall take a measure of all men.

Good luck.

gazillions ago

all 20 of you?

Gopherurself ago

Fed bitch you gonna die and I'm gonna love it

gazillions ago

How many accounts do you have? Idiot.

Gopherurself ago

I'm not booshc9ck

GeneralDisposition ago

do not insert unknown language or philosophy to the bible.It is a plain language thou smart personage. revelation 22:18-19. lol.

DrShitlord ago

εγω δε λεγω υμιν αγαπατε τους εχθρους

(Matthew, 5:44)

There it is, nothing inserted here.

GeneralDisposition ago

I don't read greek and might need a translator. See my comment to ammanindustries for clarity. You're trying to combine verses that don't go together.

Thereunto ago

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. - Rev 22:18-19

A common interpretation is that "this book" only references the book of Revelation.

GeneralDisposition ago

He's talking about all the new false interpretations of the bible that actually do add and remove words from the bible. Clear word, i believe, removed the word hell. Every one has differences from the first common translated KJV.

Anson ago

women and men are not equal

AdValorem ago

Men have an average 3.5-billion more brain cells or 18.1% MORE brain cells than women.

When Wechsler was developing his IQ test, he found that out of 105 tests assessing skills in solving maze-puzzles, involving the most heterogeneous populations throughout the world, 99 showed an incontrovertible male superiority.

  • "Were our State a pure democracy . . .

    there would yet be excluded from their deliberations . . .

    women, who, to prevent depravation of morals and ambiguity of issue, should not mix promiscuously in the public meetings of men." -- Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval (Sept. 5, 1816), in 10 Writings of Thomas Jefferson 45-46, n. 1 (P. Ford ed. 1899).

  • "Let me tell every woman, however much "protected", whether Dairymaid or Duchess, that the safeguards which she imagines to be thrown around herself are but a mirage of the past. Her own and her children's future are at the mercy of those [occult] forces."  --Edith Starr Miller (Lady Queenborough)

  • "As Kipling says in his famous (or perhaps infamous) poem, the female of the species is more deadly than the male, but why? The answer, I believe, is that men, who are genetically and culturally programmed to be aggressors and fighters, have had to learn to control their aggressions in the interest of social harmony -- a control which is reflected in the compliment given to a man when that control has been displayed by calling him a 'gentleman'. Women, on the other hand, have not been taught to control their emotions, because they are usually under the direct control of men, rendering self-control unnecessary. However, on those occasions when the women are given free reign, as Indian women were given when allowed to torture prisoners, their uninhibited cruelty was brought to the surface for all to see. This, indeed, is why feminists are a dangerous and ugly breed, since they do not have men to keep their aggressions in check."

Helena73 ago

Did you adjust for BMI? Elephants have even more brain cells than that, but I never saw one do calculus.

Men are statistically better at puzzles hands down. Women score better verbally. We have evolved together to have complimentary specializations. If men were responsible for keeping small children alive infant mortality would increase at least tenfold. Come on. No IQ study has shown more than a 2 or 3 point spread between mean male and female IQ.

You don’t know any cruel men? You don’t know any women who control their emotions?

We are currently living under a matriarchy which has become cruel and tyrannical in some totally new and horrific ways.

But men are not inherently more or less virtuous, and history is rife with shitty corrupt patriarchies.

People can be selfish and cruel > Women are people > Women can be selfish and cruel

pushthis ago

The term equal is preposterous

Nothing really is 'equal'. It removes identity

PaulNeriAustralia ago

"All men are equal, but some men are more equal than others" (George Orwell)

TruthSemen ago

Honestly, the moment we decided to pretend that women and blacks and white men were equals, shit just started spiraling.

That's just a fact. The moment we agreed on those lies, suddenly the truth meant nothing.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

the moment we decided to pretend that women and blacks and white men were equals, shit just started spiraling.


Shit started spiraling when we decided to pretend that all WHITE MEN are equal.

Once that ice was broken, voting rights for niggers and women were just a matter of time.

Leveraction ago

Well said!

Gopherurself ago

This is gold

PaulNeriAustralia ago


"The new head of the Greek state begins her five-year term in a terse standoff with neighbouring Turkey, which has allowed tens of thousands of refugees to mass at the border.".

SearchVoatBot ago

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Anson ago

Katerina Sakellaropoulou, a 63-year-old former senior judge, said she would “walk together” with Greeks to create a “prosperous” and “cosmopolitan” future “that includes all of us.”

PaulNeriAustralia ago


Anson ago


Helena73 ago


PaulNeriAustralia ago

relax. Greece is safe albeit, yes I'd prefer a man in charge.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

all wogs are cosmopolitan man!