Not only can he not sell or buy them, Democrats states made it ILLEGAL to sell it in stores at the exact same price you bought t for no profit! You HAVE to sell Hand Sanitizers at a LOSS, so that the government can grab it all.
Democrate State Attorney General of Michigan put a price cap of 10% higher than 6 MONTH AVERAGE prior price, pre-inflation pre-shipping increase pre-supply-fight.
This means, like venezeula, with socialist "democrat" price controls, many states like michigan, with democrat appointed attorney generals, WILL HAVE NOT ONE SINGLE BOTTLE OF HAND SANITIZER! It will all be diverted and sold to Ohio border stores.
Michigan bills aim to stop price gouging during emergencies like coronavirus:
Because of socialists, who do not know anything about supply and demand markets, there shall NEVER EVER be any more hand sanitizer ever again shipped to michigan and the democrats in michigan will end up killing millions of people.
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He didn't win, he's arguing a different case, where the supply chain is compromised and vendors step in to help, not when vendors fuck up the supply chain themselves so they can gouge cash out of desperate people who are in fear of spreading or catching an very contagious virus during an impending epidemic.
However, buying shit up to create a scarcity should be illegal. It is market manipulation. You should not be allowed to resell it into the same market at a markup. #changemymind
^^this is spot on in the case of emergency supplies, pandemic. Maybe a case can be made for free market ticket scalping at popular concerts but not this.
It is real when everyone is panicking and it is the panic that is the crisis. It doesn't matter what the kill rate is, what matters is the effects of the quarantines.
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oar ago
Not only can he not sell or buy them, Democrats states made it ILLEGAL to sell it in stores at the exact same price you bought t for no profit! You HAVE to sell Hand Sanitizers at a LOSS, so that the government can grab it all.
Democrate State Attorney General of Michigan put a price cap of 10% higher than 6 MONTH AVERAGE prior price, pre-inflation pre-shipping increase pre-supply-fight.
This means, like venezeula, with socialist "democrat" price controls, many states like michigan, with democrat appointed attorney generals, WILL HAVE NOT ONE SINGLE BOTTLE OF HAND SANITIZER! It will all be diverted and sold to Ohio border stores.
Michigan bills aim to stop price gouging during emergencies like coronavirus:
Because of socialists, who do not know anything about supply and demand markets, there shall NEVER EVER be any more hand sanitizer ever again shipped to michigan and the democrats in michigan will end up killing millions of people.
thanks, women voters!
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/news comment by @Plavonica.
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StrangeThingsAfoot ago
Isn't that exactly what led to the state Venuzeula is in?
Broc_Lia ago
oar ago
Yup. Price controls to prevent "gouging", did create venezuela death spiral.
GoyimNose ago
what the fuck boomer post even is this lol
canbot ago
I don't like price controls but I hate crisis vultures more. Price controls during crisis are ok with me. Market forces are no longer effective.
Broc_Lia ago
How are they ineffective?
oar ago
Bwah hah hah hah !
THAT is why NOT ONE GALLON OF GASOLINE in the state with tropical storm Sandy because of people like you who never took a class in "BASIC ECONOMICS"!
High prices draw scarce resources to where they are needed most, from all over to area needing the goods!
Price controls means NO GOODS at all ever in regions stupid enough to elect democrats.
WATCH THIS and learn!!!
Stossel- “Price Gouging” :
John Stossel - Is Price Gouging Bad?:
Please Educate yourself , and watch those videos, or NO MORE GOODS in your area from socialist price controls!
canbot ago
ok fine, you win.
kestrel9 ago
He didn't win, he's arguing a different case, where the supply chain is compromised and vendors step in to help, not when vendors fuck up the supply chain themselves so they can gouge cash out of desperate people who are in fear of spreading or catching an very contagious virus during an impending epidemic.
^^this is spot on in the case of emergency supplies, pandemic. Maybe a case can be made for free market ticket scalping at popular concerts but not this.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
except the entire crisis is manufactured and not a real crisis at all
canbot ago
It is real when everyone is panicking and it is the panic that is the crisis. It doesn't matter what the kill rate is, what matters is the effects of the quarantines.
oar ago
Regardless, price controls destroy goods availability.
Stossel- “Price Gouging” :
Outstretched_Bill ago
Just when I think I’ve seen all the idiots, people like you prove me wrong. Well done.