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veteran88 ago

These Kikes said the Dr mengele had a WALL OF EYES!!!

Tallest_Skil ago

My wall must be a kind of eye wall,

I can't see anyone but jews.

What’s wrong with being white?

Makes me sound like an antisemite…

I only have eyes… of jews, oy!

These jews all should die

They say that makes me a real bad guy,

'Cause I only have eyes... of jews.

midnightblue1335 ago


Take some notes, DP. That's how you write poetry.

Saying "VoAt iS AlL COMMunISt chilD MolESTorS ALL piGS MusT Die!11" is not poetry.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Deplorable's poems are poems. you don't have to agree with the message for it to be poetry.

midnightblue1335 ago

That is what you're defending.

He has gone insane. His hatred of the police has consumed his mind. Here's just one example:

He is going to random submissions, replying to random people (or just posting) variations of "DIE PIG COPS ARE TEH WORST" when police have not even been mentioned in the sub.

I don't think English is his first language. I believe he is Chinese. He went completely off the rails right around the time of the virus spreading, and started replying to people who talk shit about the bugmen with bizarre, muddled gibberish, ALWAYS saying "DIE PIG". Here's another great example:

Look at this beautiful, topical poetry:

You may wonder- why do I know so much about this retard? Well, a while ago, I made an objective assessment about a video of some kind of police incident. Ever since then, he follows me around to every sub, and threatens me or calls me a cop. I live inside of his head. u/DeplorablePoetry cannot stop thinking about me, and looking at that list of comments, I've clearly driven him insane by logically presenting the reality of a single bodycam video.

It's pretty wild to watch.