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quest4truth ago

Stay calm, fear wreaks havoc on your immune system...As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us to Fear Not many times!

Timur9000 ago

The Bible is for Jewish cucks

quest4truth ago

Well every word is true, The Bible is man's hope, the prophecies are being fulfilled rapidly. One day, sooner than most realize Every knee will bow and Every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. (yes, that includes you)

Timur9000 ago

Said the jew. Dumb Shabbos goy.

quest4truth ago

not Jewish by birth, I worship a Jewish carpenter Jesus Christ who loves you too, I suggest you read a Bible or one day I can guarantee you will wish that you had...

Timur9000 ago

you read a book written by a cabal of jews. You've been jewcucked to oblivion.

quest4truth ago

Just said a prayer for you, hell is real and eternal...I will no longer engage with an obvious shill...

Timur9000 ago

The jews don't believe in hell or heaven. As I already said, you are a useful shabbos goy. You will always be a puppet.