whitesilk ago

I am against abortion after 8 weeks but lets get real here. Most abortions are unwed thot mothers, liberals and niggers. Nothing wrong with that.

VoataoV ago

Life starts at conception/implantation.

skimster ago

Crazy broad wants attention points for sui infanticide. Should celebrate end of her genes.

donald_trump_rocks ago

She is worthless and disgusting. The silver lining is this whore is not passing down her genetics.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Hello my fellow white people, we need to support abortion because, oy vey, it's mostly blacks who get them.

voatergoateryoda ago

It was probably a mongrel half-negroid anyway. So she's doing us a favor.

Poinifie ago

Fuck, I was wrong, the culture behind completely excepting abortion is a slippery slope into inhuman degenerate lifestyles. This is one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen.

he_found_wepon ago

Even the soy faggots on Reddit universally saw this video as negative.

boekanier ago


Diggernicks ago


Get back to Reddit you worthless nigger lover

he_found_wepon ago

Ok coomer.

Diggernicks ago

Youre not flooding my country with fatherless niglets you brainwashed christ cuck sheeple

Alzapua ago

The true irony here is I can only hope she never actually has a child.

PurpleGiant ago

I'm not watching this shit

Fuckyounigger ago

I once by accident got a girl who was bat shit crazy (found out she was meth head) the condom broke and I had to pretend to want the kid so much until she thought I was more crazy than her and wanted an abortion and it was the happiest day of my life

BearDolphin1488 ago

You killed your son. Whatba faggot

Fuckyounigger ago

I found out down the road she tried to essentially rape a dude in a van in front of his friends so I could care less that kind of crazy is too much

BearDolphin1488 ago

she --- raped... what kind of weakling world do you live in?? praise israel!

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

It is better to kill your son than have him raised by a crazy single mom.

Skipberry ago

Or maybe just get custody instead of letting the whore kill your baby?

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

Good luck with that. Let me know how it goes. You think you're the first man to think "lol just get custody bro" is possible in our gynocentric society?

Diggernicks ago

Or maybe just get an abortion.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Maybe she gets pregnant by niggers and then kills nigger babies. We come here and post anonymously and she's murdering nigger babies. Possibly the most based among us.

j/k, she should neck herself.

Mind_Games ago

Moloch demands sacrifices of the innocent.

DavidsHogg ago

I can only hope it was some random nogs baby. If not, I hope she is successful when she decides to slit her wrist.

NiggadermCQ ago

if it was a nog, she now has nogger dna running through the her body. fetus stemcells alter's the mothers dna.

Lord_Oprah ago

I love abortion especially since blk ppl utilize it the most

Master_Foo ago

Do you really want this psychopath passing her psychopathic genes on to a new generation of psychopaths? This woman is the exact reason we need abortion.

Let the barbarians genocide themselves into extinction.

eyeswim ago

Abortion , America's death squad. Fuck pph

Diggernicks ago

More like americas nigger population control amirite

anticlutch ago

She'll likely commit suicide.

Despite jews' efforts, women EVERY SINGLE TIME, feel horrible about the abortion when they reach their low 30s.

Diggernicks ago

If its a niglet or beaner baby theyre doing the world a favor by aborting it.

NiggadermCQ ago

doesn't make up for the disservice of only banging white guys, or at least white chads.

Splooge ago

Headline doesn't say it, but merely reporting this on Twatter got the LiveAction (and Lila Rose's tweet on the topic) banned/removed. Because of course it did.

I imagine right after this came out, a bunch of old jews sat hunched around a dimly lit round table, clinking champagne glasses and celebrating with lots of hand-rubbing. To them, the only thing better than killing a goy is getting a shiksa to happily pay them for the privilege of killing one before he/she can be born.

ManchesterT ago

All Jews must be forcibly relocated to their desert shithole

WhoWasSethRich ago

That's gonna be a lot of ashtrays to purchase.

Diggernicks ago

All catholics require ovening on maximum.

anamazonslittle ago

Can we fucking make the list 110 before we start splitting hairs of which sect of some desert jew religion need the axe?

You have to prioritize or you'll never pull out of the purity spiral.

Splooge ago

Indeed, that was the original "Final Solution" before the ZOG elites decided to declare war instead. Frankly, it never ceases to amaze me that jews had to throw nearly the entire fucking world at Germany before they succumbed. How close they came to losing everything they wanted.

When you consider things from that perspective, it suddenly makes sense why they push their poisonous media so aggressively, why they cling to the holobunga as desperately as they do, why they flood European countries with foreign invaders and disarm the goyim.

They can see WWIII marching ever toward them... and they are terrified.

ManchesterT ago

Great comment. I hope I live long enough to see at least a little serious payback.

gazillions ago

Shame is the only thing that works on people and it works particularly well on the female chromosomes.

Shame and shunning got everyone to quit smoking the tobacco herb.

Ghetto people don't shame the criminals they harbor.

123456788 ago

We need to make shaming women great again and make non-life threatening violence to men great again.

Sometimes a girl just needs to be made feel guilty without the shamer getting doxed and sometimes a man just needs to get punched in the face without the puncher going to jail. Make these things great again and society will take care of itself.

ManchesterT ago

Lots of girls still smoke in my city

gazillions ago

Good. They're probably immune to all kinds of things besides Parkinsons. The busybodies are upset that poor people refuse to quit smoking. Asshole poors aren't respecting their betters. That upsets your average leftist.

thomastheglassexpert ago

I tend to most always believe exactly what a person says the first time they say it. After that comes all the walk backs and "I didn't really mean to say what I said". For this episode I would tend to agree the chicks in this video mean exactly what they are saying which is utterly evil. KILL THE BABY YAY LET'S HAVE A PARTY! DEAD BABY DAY!

VoataoV ago

It's 2020 and sacrificing babies to Moloch hasn't ended yet.

Master_Foo ago

Which is exactly why we need to let them do it. We can't allow psychopaths to breed more psychopaths. In 15 years these women's nigglets will be a huge burden to society.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

"To much of the world, however, America has become the most secularized and decadent society on earth, and the title the ayatollah bestowed upon us, "The Great Satan," is not altogether undeserved."-Pat Buchanan

Diggernicks ago

quoting Pat Buchanan

Thanks for the laugh

Maroonsaint ago

Satan isn’t real. People are just terrible creatures. “Yea it was satan” no, you’re just a cunt.

Swo1ested ago

You really give the Jews that much power over you? The real explanation is that Satan uses the Jews to push the satanic agenda. This is a spiritual battle.

Think of all of the symbolism and how everything goes together like pieces of a puzzle. No Jew power cult can be this organized without the help of the spiritual.

Metallicarrow ago

My family spent 3 days trying to exorcism my sister (2012). We talked to them like I would talk to a regular person. Demons exist.

Maroonsaint ago

Mmmmmm.....I could fake a voice. And see shit. Ain’t no demons though. I remeber when I had a nightterror as a kid and I woke up pouring sweat. Woke up to my own voice screaming help me. Lmfao in hindsight imagine my parents were having a heart attack waking up to their child screaming that. Anyways I was incoherent mumbling nonsense like we need to help them we need to help them. Even after I was awake. I’m just saying I was out of my mind. It happens. Doesn’t mean there’s a creature taking over you.

Skipberry ago

You're a faggot if you think demons don't exist.

Blood-is-Nature ago

A demon is an idol created by humans to shirk their own responsibility for the inaction (ignorance) towards the negative actions of others. It's the same as the talmudic reasoning behind ticking karma to get a clear consciousness for the crimes they commit. When the so called jews are "transferring" their crimes into a chicken through a ritual, then they freed their consciousnesses of guilt by killing that chicken. Your belief in demons is the mental contract that transfers your guilt (of ignorance) onto an idol that you can worship by blaming it. "It's the fault of demons; not mine".

In reality; and according to the laws of nature: "all actions have consequences", which means when somebody commits a crime and you know about it, the consequences of that crime will be shared, because not only is the crime a negative action, but so is your inaction (ignorance). And all negative actions lead to negative consequences, which is nature's judgement upon all of us, which creates the demand for a system where the consequences of all our actions are responsible for the balance (natural order) of this ecosystem. And the rules of that system do NOT require any belief; they demand you to constantly adapt to them, because in a system based on time initiating movement, balance can only be attained in constant movement; physically and mentally).


Funny that you retards can believe in a mythical creatures depicted in a book written by a man without any (by todays standards) education a couple thousand years ago and rewritten many times since then, BUT at the same time holohoax is fake, 9/11 is fake, other gods are fake, I will go to hell for typing this but there will be no epstein because he will be 139 year old mecha jew living in israel because a cult of shaman cabal zionist lvl 80 sorcerer kikes are giving away safe haven of israel to people based solely on the size of their noses.

Seeing some clearly insane people here with only thing we have in common being not believing in holowax, I think fuck both right and left, I'd shoot both leftists and christian lunatics, fuck anyone who is driven by their beliefs not by logic and critical thinking, hope you all die and your corpses end up on bestgore

Ificsxxel ago

Real men don't believe in fairy tales.

blindwebster ago

Autist wannabe-science-fags think that the measurable world is the whole of existence.

Maroonsaint ago

Are you just gonna ignore me now. You’re gay. I wanna hear your explanations and experiences

Diggernicks ago

Anyone who is a grown ass adult and still has imaginary friends needs a post birth abortion

Swo1ested ago

Have you actually sat down and thought about this? Or are you just regurgitating Jewish lies and scholars that God and Jesus Christ did not exist. I bet your a real numbers guy and "muh universe". The times should prove that he is real.

Seventh_Jim ago

Compare fuctional ability in atheists vs. Christians.

Atheism is for faggots.

Maroonsaint ago

Sorry to spam you but here’s another weird experience I had. There was a period of a couple days where everytime I would close my eyes instead of seeing black like you do I saw a demon head staring straight into my soul. It kinda scared me cause I wasn’t trying to imagine it. It just happened. Then one of those nights the same thing except I was trying to fall asleep and everytime I would close my eyes I would see a different hellish land scape. Dead trees, red sky. You know it was different but I couldn’t sleep because of it. I had never had that happen before or since.

Maroonsaint ago

Oh wait Iv seen demons before I take it back. When I was doing meth I would often go on 4-5 day binges aka no sleep. Atleast a few of those times I saw demons. That shit was creepy. I went walking around my neighborhood once. Every window had shadow people looking out at me. There were black faceless people running towards me at full speed. I ran back into my house. I know it’s not real but when you’re sitting there staring at it run towards you, very unnerving. Anyways once I got in my house I looked behind me and peeking around the wall at me was a demon. It was white face, with white fur on its face. It had red eyes. Black pupils. It never moved. It never smiled or anything. It just stared at me. When I would walk into the next room I would turn around and it would be peeking around another wall at me. This shit was freakin me out but I know it wasn’t real. I still took a bunch of sleeping pills cause at that point I had enough

Maroonsaint ago

Have you ever experienced demons or ghosts? The creepiest thing I can experience is self induced. I taught myself to lucid dream. I dream the very second I fall asleep it’s weird I don’t have an rem cycle. Straight into it. So I’ll put on headphones and listen to creepy shit while I drift off. I’ll close my eyes in the real world and wake up in a nightmare. It’s so awesome. Omfg it’s so awesome. Fuck a scary movie. Try being lucid in a nightmare. Last time I woke up in the dream and I was looking into a mirror in the dark. And somethin in the mirror started moving towards me. Not behind me but in the mirror. Omfg it’s so fun

Maroonsaint ago

Look I would love for demons to exist. Iv tried summoning them. Praying to be possessed. Ouiji boards. Looking around haunted places n all that shit. I know it’s stupid and edgy. But I love creepy shit. Guess what though. Not a single thing ever happened. Not once. It’s not real. There’s no god. No demons. I WANT them to be real. Very much so. Unfortunately they’re not

Seventh_Jim ago

Says demons aren't real.

Obviously possessed ranting.

Tandemlee ago

You’re insane

Maroonsaint ago

I’m not insane I just like adrenaline. Pushing it. And fear releases adrenaline so I’m always looking for a bigger thrill you know. And fear is one way to get it sitting around in your place bs getting up and going sky diving or something.

Tandemlee ago

That can’t be good for you man.

Sky diving comes with adrenaline and fear but it also comes with a lot of positive emotions as well to balance. And you usually don’t do it alone.

Nalbarcam ago

It's not literal, dipshit. It's in spite of qualities that build a connected society.

Maroonsaint ago

Do you think ghosts are real mr. Dipshit?

Maroonsaint ago


anticlutch ago

So what you're saying is that America isn't a capitalist society/economy run by it's citizens through a republic but is a communist shithole of corporate welfare?

That's what I'm getting.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Neoliberalism takes the worst of left and right.

anticlutch ago

left and right

muh false dichotomy

You have cute lips but stupid shit comes out of them.

I get what you're meaning but stop playing into the false D&C of (((two parties))).

Change your language, control your language, and you'll start changing/controlling more minds than your own.

Alzapua ago

What do you mean?

anticlutch ago

Alzapua ago

What's the solution? Multi party system doesn't work either. Look at the Netherlands or something. 20 parties, still this left right competition and it all comes down to the same shit due to the nature of "compromise". And the real shit that matters that gets passed through, the public doesn't seem to have a say in. The public is mislead through propaganda anyway. I wonder what the solution is. I feel like the whole representative political system is an outdated one that needs to be replaced with something different. Something truly democratic. Or no government at all.

Diggernicks ago

Trash can santa is wise

SirNiggsalot ago

Abortion is a sacrament in the church of liberalism

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Master_Foo ago

Nonsense. I'm a pretty conservative guy. 100% pro abortion. Let the barbarians abort themselves into extinction. It's less we have to pay for welfare and prison.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Most people can't accept the cruel fact of of Darwinism.

Universe gives no fucks for anybody's emotions or morals.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

Same and agree.

Maroonsaint ago

LISTEN YOU STUPID FUCK. MY OPINION OS SUPERIOR TO ALL SO LET ME SCHOOL YOUR DUMB FUCKING ASS OK? Abortion loses the crime rate. YES. Check true. It’s MOSTLY little dead nigger babies and little dead nigger babies makes my heart SO HAPPY. Here’s what it is. If a women thinks she would make a horrible mother and what’s an abortion then good. Get her one. Then neuter her. She forfeited her right to breed. Then she can become the cum dumpster she dreams of being. Now that I’ve shown you the light maybe you return the favor and show me your dick

Master_Foo ago

So, abortion and sterilization it is. Glad we agree!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Sarcasm is lost on you, dude.

Master_Foo ago

Poe's law is in play.

Maroonsaint ago

Yea now show me your dick you fucking homo

BearDolphin1488 ago

You're a retard. Maybe, when you've killed a few enemies yourself, I'll take your view point more seriously, otherwise, you're just lazy .

Diggernicks ago

Post some pics of "enemies you've killed"

Otherwise you're just another wannabe keyboard commando making empty boasts,

BearDolphin1488 ago

But at least I sound cool?

Maroonsaint ago

Hell yea Iv killed many niggers. I regularly go out with my black face paint and do drive bys. I was gonna do one tonight but I don’t feel motivated I’m watching some fights. Maybe if you show me your dick I’ll Change my plans. It’s literally that easy. One picture=1+more dead niggers. If you don’t send me a picture you’re a race traitor. Simple. Don’t be a nigger loving piece of shit

BearDolphin1488 ago

Well, if it looks small, its Cuz the file is compressed, alright?

Maroonsaint ago

Just don’t be like the last guy. He took a picture from the side in the dark. Of his laptop screen. Had voat open. I get he was proving it was real but he didn’t get hard and all you see is an outline. Pretty lame

Maroonsaint ago

I don’t give a fuck how big your dick is. I wanna add it to my small collection.

Master_Foo ago

I've put my time in on the battlefield. Now it's your turn.

Besides, why lift your sword when the enemy is willing to destroy itself? Abortion clinics do our job for us.

BearDolphin1488 ago

What ao? I was in Kandahar

Nigger populations increase by millions every year despite abortions. But abortions are but a drop. Not to mention those abortions affect white women. Ahh I guess you're right. I call this the white races genetic hardening phase, I suppose

Master_Foo ago

Baghdad. It was a stupid war, but I was there, and there's a few less Hajjis due to our effort. So, I guess it was worth it. Kind of an expensive way to kill Hajjis though. Mixed bag.

Nigger populations increase by millions every year despite abortions.

So... your goal is to create more resistance to abortion? Great plan Captain Retard!

Not to mention those abortions affect white women.

White women don't get abortions. White isn't just about skin color. To be white, you must also have the genetics for personal responsibility. Responsible people don't get abortions.

Ahh I guess you're right. I call this the white races genetic hardening phase, I suppose

The future race of Übermensch needs to start somewhere dude. Join us, we've been waiting for you.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

What anti-abortionist seem to forget is that the most dangerous place on Earth is in their mother's womb and care. Coat hangers, stair cases, "left to the faires" in the woods, dumpster abandonment, shaken baby syndrome, and sudden infant death syndrome are all ways women kill their children.

Anti-abortion seems to forget that women have other means to kill their children.

Maroonsaint ago

Who cares what a worthless would be mother does. Fuck em.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I didny "forget", those whores are just murdering faggots. You're not a wiser reddit fsggot, you're just a reddit fsggot

quick_and_dirty ago

Hello (((fellow conservative)))

Diggernicks ago

Hello tinfoil bhttplug enthusiast

Master_Foo ago

Tell you what. Get out your pocket book. Put your money where your mouth is. Everyone who is anti-abortion gets stuck with the bill for welfare and prison. Everyone who is pro-abortion gets stuck with the check for abortion and sterilization.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'll do what's best for both now and after so I can live with clean hands and a clean conscience. We both have to answer to God.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

No, you will answer to whichever god you sold your soul to.

Those of us who are more intelligent will simply shake our heads in disbelief ....

anamazonslittle ago

God probably doesn't exist. Seems like a cop-out excuse.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Seems like a cop-out excuse.

It is.

Typical of a jewchrist who doesn't want to take responsibility and do what is necessary.

Master_Foo ago

Which god is that exactly? A Jew-God? Of course a Jew-God is going to convince you to keep weak genes in the gene pool. The Jew-God knows that the biggest threat to the Jews are the white race, and if we get our eugenics program up and running the future race of Übermensch will absolutely destroy every last Jew.

So, yeah, go grovel before your Jew-God. Fucking race traitor.

Heil Odin!

Spiteful_Mutant ago

You sir, are as based as you are informed.

Universe will provide you will great rewards.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

And there it is, your true colors. If that's how you feel, you should forge a hammer in the manner of Odin's son and smash the skulls of those who are a threat to the White race. Kill babies, crush the uteri of niggers before they can give birth, remove the filthy contagion before it can live! Get your own eugenics program going to supplement the one liberals legalized in 1972!

Fucking faggot. I don't disrespect your religion, so stop disrespecting mine. By the way, stop calling me a jew.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

I don't disrespect your religion, so stop disrespecting mine. By the way, stop calling me a jew.

You wrote that without a hint of irony didn't you?

Master_Foo ago

If that's how you feel, you should forge a hammer in the manner of Odin's son

We have more modern weapons these days. A vacuum, or a coat hanger, or a pill will do fine.

smash the skulls of those who are a threat to the White race.

We're working on it. Come join us. We've been waiting for you.

crush the uteri of niggers before they can give birth

Yep, that's the plan.

remove the filthy contagion before it can live!

I hear you brother!

Get your own eugenics program going to supplement the one liberals legalized in 1972!

The future race of the Übermensch starts at the abortion clinic.

I don't disrespect your religion, so stop disrespecting mine.

Your religion isn't respectable.

By the way, stop calling me a jew.

You literally worship a Jew.

The people of the Bible are not your people. The Cultural Epic of the Bible is not your Cultural Epic. (((Jesus))) is not Germanic. (((Jesus))) did not preach the gospel to the Germanic peoples. (((Jesus'))) (((apostles))) were not Germainic. (((Jesus))) is a Jewish Psy-Op designed to trick whites into worshiping a foreign god that the Jews can control.

Forsake your Jew-God. Remember that you are white. Remember your white gods. Join us. We've been waiting for you!

Heil Odin!

TrialsAndTribulation ago

This is the best troll account I've seen in a long time!

Master_Foo ago

Loki has a role to promote the white race as well.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Why would anyone trust Loki? He's like a jew -- he only acts for his own benefit and enjoys the chaos that results from it. Why do you worship a Norse god who acts like a jew?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... enjoys the chaos ...

Universe favors chaos.

You and your god both exist withing Universe.

Think about it.

Master_Foo ago

Loki teaches us that when you depend on the Gods for favors, you get exactly what you deserve. Just like you'll get exactly what you deserve for worshiping a Jew-God, eternal slavery.

The difference between Loki and your Jew-God is. Once you get burned by Loki, you are expected to learn a valuable lesson, move on, and figure shit out for yourself. Your Jew-God expects you to get burnt over and over and over again.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Spot on!

Caveat emptor.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

you are expected to learn a valuable lesson

What's the lesson? And why is that such a difficult lesson to learn, when you have your own people telling you "Don't trust that Loki bastard"? Who would be stupid enough to do trust him? Doesn't seem like such an important lesson, don't you think? Doesn't it sound like the lesson you learn from dealing with a jew?

I guess the lesson you learn is, Loki is a jew, and the Norse gods think it's funny that their worshipers rely on any of them for anything. Why do you worshipers of Norse gods even bother your gods they have such contempt for you?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

The point is that you don't know it's Loki until after you've been burned.

Then the next time you start doing something stupid a little voice in your head should be saying, "Wait a minute ...."

And by the way; you're not supposed to be worshipping Loki—just like you're not supposed to be worshipping Jesus. They are instructors, not idols.

Master_Foo ago

What's the lesson?

Don't rely on the Gods for favors.

And why is that such a difficult lesson to learn, when you have your own people telling you "Don't trust that Loki bastard"?

Well, look to your own experience here. Here you have people warning you about a Jew-God who wants to enslave you for eternity, but you are still going to go to church on Sunday.

With Loki, you only stick your finger in the electrical socket once. With Jesus, you do it every day of your life. And the sad part is, everyone tells you that doing this every day is a good thing. So, you continue to do this every day.

When Loki gets you. Everyone pats you on the back and says "Well, you fucking moron, are you satisfied yet?".

Who would be stupid enough to do trust him?

Whites are stupid enough to trust him ONY ONCE. Christians are stupid enough to trust him forever, but they choose a Jew-God instead.

Doesn't it sound like the lesson you learn from dealing with a jew?

We don't have to deal with the Jew to learn that lesson. We already learned it from Loki. And now we are wise enough to see through the Jew-God's lies.

I guess the lesson you learn is, Loki is a jew.

Well, no, Loki is white, it's like this, either you get tricked by your uncle who is kind of an asshole, but just wants you to be wiser, or you remain ignorant and get tricked by the Jewish grifter.

Loki will trick you. But you will gain wisdom from the experience.

the Norse gods think it's funny that their worshipers rely on any of them for anything.

Exactly. The Norse Gods are busy preparing for the final battle against entropy. They don't have time to coddle you.

Odin wrote the traits of personal responsibility into the genome of the white race. You already have everything you need. It's now your biological imperative to create a race of Übermensch so we can defeat entropy.

So, to bother the Gods over petty problems isn't wisdom. It's egotistical to think you are the most important thing on a God's mind. The Jew-God, on the other hand, will take all the attention he can get. The Jew-God is an agent of chaos. The Jew-God wants entropy to win.

Why do you worshipers of Norse gods even bother your gods they have such contempt for you?

They don't have contempt so much as they have bigger issues to concern themselves with than the petty problems of mere mortals.

So, we don't bother them. Gods are dangerous and Odin already gave the white race everything we need to succeed.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Wall of text. Cool.

Master_Foo ago

Well, it was pertinent to the conversation. But, if your only concern is "Me nigger, me no read", then I suppose the conversation is over.

Good day.


Top kek

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Such wow. Bye.

The_Venerable ago

Jews didn't invent the concept of a god.

Master_Foo ago

The Jews don't invent anything. But they will co-opt anything they can use to control you.

The people of the Bible are not your people. The Cultural Epic of the Bible is not your Cultural Epic. (((Jesus))) is not Germanic. (((Jesus))) did not preach the gospel to the Germanic peoples. (((Jesus'))) (((apostles))) were not Germainic. (((Jesus))) is a Jewish Psy-Op designed to trick whites into worshiping a foreign god that the Jews can control.

Forsake your Jew-God. Remember that you are white. Remember your white gods.

Heil Odin!

chirogonemd ago

You don't get it. At all.

Master_Foo ago

What? You think it's a good idea to let the goblins breed unchecked?

chirogonemd ago

I'm just going to give you my reasons, in no particular order. I've thought about this a great deal in the past, but I've never sat down and really put the thinking "to paper". I hope it at least conveys a "bigger picture" that's broad enough to hook you, despite our possible philosophical differences of opinion on this or that.

(1) It is fundamentally immoral (dare I say: evil) to cause suffering to an unborn child, or if you prefer, to any organism that is capable of perceiving the synthesis of pain, confusion, and panic that we'd term "suffering".

After the cannula is inserted into the uterus, the other end is attached to the tubing of an aspirator. The aspirator provides the necessary suction to empty the uterus, pulling the developing human being to pieces in the process. The cannula is rotated side to side, from the back of the uterus to the front until the "flow of tissue through the cannula and hose ceases." (https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_techniques/#Anchor-SUCTION)

The vast majority of abortions are performed as curretage - involving the dilation and use of the cannula described above. The fetus is literally torn to pieces. The same article describes that for later abortions (larger fetuses), physicians must routinely use forceps to separately tear out the cranium/spine. We are talking about humans at this point, and tearing them to pieces inside their mother's womb. Their tissues are sucked out through a tube via aspirator suction. New York has passed a law allowing abortion at any point in the term of pregnancy. Think about this, along with the precedent, for just a moment.

(2) The killing of unborn fetuses, it's centralized and hierarchical structure, along with the industrial scale at which it is being performed (we have broken 30% of all pregnancies in the US resulting in abortions) bears a very troubling connection to ritualistic child sacrifice. The powers that these systems are feeding, and what they represent, may not strike the non-religious person as significant, but it should at the very least strike you that your ruling elite consider this extremely significant.

(3) Abortion is not a static phenomenon. Since it's introduction, the number of abortions has grown immensely, and tends to track with rates of marriage (possibly giving you a hint about where it might be going. Although in the most recent couple of years abortions have gone down, this is only a result of the fact that less people are (a) remaining in long-term marriages and (b) having children. This brings me to Reason #3: the acceptance and proliferation of abortion systematically undermines the value of children, for an entire society. A society in which you can abort babies for economic, social, or whimsical reasons, is one whose overall value placed on children of all ages is depreciating - this is also a society, then, which will see its children compromised in other ways. The rates at which we are seeing pedophilia acceptance being pushed cannot be decoupled for the overall artificial way we are introducing children into adulthood and adult themes earlier and earlier. It cannot be decoupled from an abortion culture either.

(4) A culture that is permissive of abortion is permissive of greater and greater sexual risk, fringe sexual relationships, and racial miscegenation. The possibility that one can have an abortion takes away the natural risk that is present in having sex with a man - that is, getting pregnant by him and relying on him. No matter if a woman were to tell you that she had preconceived pro- or anti-abortion values, she is unconsciously bolstered in her willingness to be more promiscuous with men she normally would avoid because underlying her libidinal decisions is that knowledge that if she were to, say, wind up with a black man's child, she could have an abortion. These types of artificial safety nets condone greater and greater sexual risk, and therefore greater amounts of racial miscegenation, instead of the forces which used to ensure that people "stayed in their own neighborhoods".

After all, these "goblins" you are referring to include your own people. Your own women. You can't possibly claim that you care about the future of your people if you think an abortion-tolerant society is inconsequential.

(5) An abortion-tolerant society (including all of the adjacent things that come packaged with that) is an assault on the integrity that it takes to live a good life. Life is fucking hard. It's harder when you try to do it the right way. Marriage, as one example, is difficult. Marriage and children, even moreso. We're moving forward with the assumption that a society with strong families and lasting relationships tends to be better for society. Find any couple that has made it for 50 years of life together. They'll tell you that there were plenty of times they wanted to quit. The reason we celebrate these types of things late in our lives, is because we know they are special, and because they didn't quit when it got hard.

All of this becomes far less likely in that abortion-adjacent world. Again, forget the values that someone might claim publicly. The key thing to understand here is the difficulty of sacrifice, that is, sacrifice of one's own self-interest for something greater (the greatness of which might not be obvious today, or tomorrow, but 50 years from now). When someone in the midst of difficulty in marriage or child-rearing sees that 40% of her society (or her friends) are getting abortions, she won't ever see the implicit negatives (certainly not in the world of Facebook). She'll see freedom. Independence. Dropping the chains and just getting away.

The central vector in almost any message or influence that any society has ever treated as classically evil, has always centered on liberation. It's the fundamental temptation. But white, western society is largely what it is in comparison to the rest of the world because of its response (collectively) to liberation. The family unit and maintaining it for a lifetime is an act of submission, dedication, even mission.

Women receiving abortions where it is socially acceptable will always represent a very proximal threat to the integrity of women's ability to see their mission in life (with respect to family and motherhood) in satisfying terms, instead of just a "boring old existence". This is even truer in the world of social media where her existence will be juxtaposed with and transparently "less exotic" than her childless counterparts who are free to live hedonist lifestyles and spend their lives pursuing nothing beside self-interest. A society doesn't get on like that. But what is important is not that the former woman doesn't value motherhood or family, it's again the fact that these values are a long game that don't always obviously appear to be as fruitful in the short term as just dropping your responsibilities and being "free".

Abortion will always represent the epitome of archetypal freedom, because it is fundamentally the release from woman's most natural responsibility. It seems like a far cry from reality to think that most women will keep toeing the line over the decades, when the other half of women aren't, and when the products of all of their fucking tireless work (CHILDREN) aren't even being treated importantly by society. Here she is sacrificing the best years of her life to raise children, and the rest of society is celebrating killing them...think about that, and what the effects of that feedback could be across a few generations.

Master_Foo ago

Holy shit dude, that's a text dump. I'll try to respect your effort.

to cause suffering to an unborn child, or if you prefer, to any organism that is capable of perceiving the synthesis of pain, confusion, and panic that we'd term "suffering".

Sure, I can agree to this. I generally advocate for abortion only before a central nervous system has developed. It's a reasonable compromise.

The fetus is literally torn to pieces.

That really doesn't matter. See reasoning above.

New York has passed a law allowing abortion at any point in the term of pregnancy.

Sure, limit abortions to 12 weeks. No central nervous system, no problem.

bears a very troubling connection to ritualistic child sacrifice.

They are barbarians. What do you expect from them? Let them genocide themselves.

but it should at the very least strike you that your ruling elite consider this extremely significant.

Yes, the barbarians ARE a problem. I'm going to have to go with the ruling elite on this one buddy.

Since it's introduction, the number of abortions has grown immensely

So... You are upset that it's working?

and tends to track with rates of stable marriage

Yes, abortion is a genocide of barbarians. You are making great points BTW. I like you!

this is only a result of the fact that less people are (a) remaining in long-term marriages

I.E. Responsible people don't get abortions.

the acceptance and proliferation of abortion systematically undermines the value of children

Value is something that is earned by being useful. Barbarian children are a deficit to society.

A society in which you can abort babies for economic, social, or whimsical reasons, is one whose overall value placed on children of all ages is depreciating

You put too much value in barbarian children.

Find any couple that has made it for 50 years of life together.

OK, counter point, what about the baby-momma with 7 children from 10 different fathers and living on welfare? We aren't talking about the happy successful couple here. We are talking about the barbarians.

The rates at which we are seeing pedophilia acceptance being pushed cannot be decoupled from the artificial way we are introducing children into adulthood and adult themes earlier and earlier in life.

So... You are saying we have a barbarian problem? I'm glad we are in agreement here. Now, what do you plan to do about it? I say we solve the problem early before the barbarian is strong enough to swing his club.

It cannot be decoupled from an abortion culture because abortion is a part of the overall signage that childhood is unimportant

Barbarian children are not important.

A culture that is permissive of abortion is permissive of greater and greater sexual risk

Well, the barbarians are permissive. Responsible people are responsible.

After all, these "goblins" you are referring to include your own people.

My people are responsible. We don't get abortions because we have good paying jobs and want our children.

You can't possibly claim that you care about the future of your people if you think an abortion-tolerant society is inconsequential.

There are huge consequences to abortion. Namely, the genocide of barbarians. Which, BTW, is important to the future race of Übermensch.

is an assault on the integrity that it takes to live a good life.

Agreed. Barbarians live an irresponsible life.

It's harder when you try to do it the right way.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I need to allow barbarians irresponsibility encroach on my own problems. As you say, I have enough problems of my own because I'm responsible.

We're moving forward with the assumption that a society with strong families and lasting relationships tends to be better for society.

Yes, and broken families with fatherless unwanted children are a detriment to society, so... ABORTION!

The key thing to understand here is the difficulty of sacrifice, that is, sacrifice of one's own self-interest for something greater

Barbarians are incapable of this. Let them genocide themselves.

When someone in the midst of difficulty in marriage or child-rearing sees that 40% of her society (or her friends) are getting abortions, she won't ever see the implicit negatives (certainly not in the world of Facebook). She'll see freedom. Independence. Dropping the chains and just getting away.

Let the barbarian self-genocide. We'll all be better off for it.

The family unit and maintaining it for a lifetime is an act of submission

You aren't describing the barbarians who are getting abortions here.

Women Barbarians receiving abortions where it is socially acceptable will always represent a very proximal threat to the integrity of women's Barbarians ability to see their mission in life


This is even truer in the world of social media where her existence will be juxtaposed with and transparently "less exotic" than her childless counterparts who are free to live hedonist lifestyles and spend their lives pursuing nothing beside self-interest.

They are barbarians. What exactly do you expect from them?

A society doesn't get on like that.

Exactly, so, let them self-genocide, and we can be done with them.

when the products of all of their fucking tireless work (CHILDREN) aren't even being treated importantly by society.

Your 7 nigglets aren't important to society. In fact, they are probably going to spend most of their lives in prison. So, lets just tear off the bandage quickly and go to the abortion clinic.

Here she is sacrificing the best years of her life to raise children

Responsible women, yes. Barbarians, no.

and the rest of society is celebrating killing them

We aren't celebrating killing a responsible woman's children. We are celebrating the abortion of a barbarian's children.

think about that, and what the effects of that feedback could be across a few generations.

An aborted barbarian has no more generations.

chirogonemd ago

Haha. I highly doubt if the word 'barbarian' has ever appeared this many times in a single comment, ever.

It was impossible not to get your point here, but I have to throw a challenge up to some of your assumptions here. You seem convinced that what defines your people (aka, non-Barbarians) is a particular set of behaviors that you find admissible and ideal. That is, you've personally defined who your people are on an ideological basis, as opposed to an ethnic one.

Exactly how do you know where you and your people stand? Who are they? Do they know that you've selected them?

Additionally, you're willing to forego the male's responsibility to tend to his flock, and dismiss any white women who may get caught up in this charade as a barbarian? Plenty of people have succumbed to this sickness, who I'd argue represent your people, taken advantage of due to the fact that we haven't tended our flock properly? Are these write offs at this point?

It also seems to discount the ongoing threat to your people that I pointed out. A society that continues to slide down this road of tolerance grows in its ability to corrupt your non-barbarians every day, particular the women. Am I assuming that any true non-barbarian is impervious to these changes, even the women? Or are all the true non-barbarian men doing a literally flawless job of making sure none of these fringes elements of liberal society see the light of day in non-barbarian land...

Master_Foo ago

That is, you've personally defined who your people are on an ideological basis, as opposed to an ethnic one.

Ethical behavior is a consequence of responsibility. My ethics is a consequence of my ideology. Be responsible and you will live an ethical life.

Exactly how do you know where you and your people stand? Who are they? Do they know that you've selected them?

Yes, I choose my responsible friends and I don't hang out with irresponsible barbarians.

you're willing to forego the male's responsibility to tend to his flock, and dismiss any white women who may get caught up in this charade as a barbarian?

I take my responsibility very seriously. White women don't get abortions. Being white isn't just about skin color. You must also have the genetic disposition toward responsibility. "White" women who get abortions lack this trait. Therefore, they are not REAL whites. They are barbarians who have light colored skin.

Plenty of people have succumbed to this sickness

They are genetically inferior.

who I'd argue represent your people

No, as explained above.

they've been taken advantage of due to the fact that we haven't tended our flock properly.

My flock is responsible. We don't need a great deal of tending.

Are these write offs at this point?

To create a future race of Übermensch, the weak genes must be purged from the gene pool. Even if they superficially look "white", they are defective and can not be allowed to retard the race.

A society that continues to slide down this road of tolerance grows in its ability to corrupt your non-barbarians every day

People don't just go out and get an abortion for fun. (Although the may falsely claim it is fun). There is a reason people get an abortion and it's because they are fundamentally irresponsible. All reasons stem from irresponsibility. So, if my people are defined as "Responsible", then abortion has no danger to my people.

Am I assuming that any true non-barbarian is impervious to these changes, even the women?

Yes, as a matter of tautology. See above.

Or are all the true non-barbarian men doing a literally flawless job of making sure none of these fringes elements of liberal society see the light of day in non-barbarian land...

Liberals have nothing of value to tempt a responsible person.

chirogonemd ago

I've got my qualms with things you are saying, but nevertheless, everything you're saying is pretty admirable and optimistic. You're conservative to a tee, but still quite liberal in your use of absolutes! Good luck Master Foo.

Master_Foo ago

Liberals are not absolutists. They will change their principles to fit their ideology whenever it is convenient.

I'm simply staying consistent with the emergent properties of reality.

Gravity doesn't give a fuck and you recognize this plainly and respect this fact. So, why not extend this principle to include natural selection as well?

Responsible people are in tune with the emergent properties of reality. They are successful because they understand how reality works and can harvest it for their own benefit.

I'm not sure how you can have any qualms with this. But, OK, whatever. Good day sir!

Feldorai ago

The life of an innocent unborn baby is not to be blamed for the sins of the mother/ father.

Don't be a dumbass.

anamazonslittle ago

That "innocent" is going to be raised into a dependent, fatherless home and a future of crime and death.

It's a mercy killing at this point.

Feldorai ago

That "innocent" is going to be raised into a dependent, fatherless home and a future of crime and death.

And who's fault is that? I don't see any of you useless pathetic failures as Western men, MGTOW faggot cucks, stepping up to do anything about it, to control your own damn women, out of fear of an oppressive Tyrannical court system punishing you.

Even if such court systems are against you, your sons & daughters would still grow up resenting their mothers for bringing them up without you and most would make choices to not repeat the past mistakes of their mother. As well as at least those children would grow up knowing that you at least tried and stood up to that oppressive system that kept them away from their fathers & grow up with the intent to seek to change it.

anamazonslittle ago

Ok, you go do that. In the mean time 33% of my income goes to taxes, most of which is gobbled up by these low IQ rabbits who hate me and don't appreciate what I do to pay for them to live.

Feldorai ago

Again, who's fault is that? Control your fucking women and you dipshits wouldn't have these types of problems either financially, economically, or domestically. You want to bitch and complain -- be a man who's worth it to a womans eyes to keep in her life. When I tell you to "control your women" I don't mean to be such an insufferable abusive douchebag who's all possessive & domineering. I'm saying to take the lead, to be the fucking leader in the relationship, women do not want a man who doesn't have their fucking head on their shoulders whom is weak & soft like a bunch of Liberal-minded cucks.

I've got plenty to say about Western women in general being failures as well, I heavily scrutinize Western women by a majority being pathetic failures. They'll willingly degrade themselves just to fucking please you and you can't even appreciate it in turn when they do -- and why should you respect a woman who willfully degrades herself? I sure as hell wouldn't. I don't view a woman who willfully sucks my dick as any such sort of an equal much less even human. That's where you failures as pathetic Western men are having problems.

You're all either a bunch of fucking MGTOW faggot cucks or fuckboi's. When women surround themselves with your types its no wonder they view the world as men all being the same and it's no wonder that you see and hear so many screeching about bringing down the fucking Patriarchy.

Here's a hard lesson for all of you combined, both the failures as Western men & women. Stop just thinking with your fucking junk & fooling around, pry your fucking heads out of your asses and put it the fuck back on your shoulders, look forward, figure out what the fuck it is you want to do with your lives, and stop blaming society for your own God damned failures.

If you're having problems keeping your own women in line then that's your own fucking fault, it is your fucking role in the cohesive unity of family to be a protective and providing figure. it is not your job, however, to make being around you an unsafe and unsecure, insecure mess. Women are not providers and they cannot protect, womens role in such a cohesive society is meant to nurture and provide guidance.

anamazonslittle ago

You're missing the point by a lot. It's not my women who are having abortions as birth control.

Master_Foo ago

Don't be an ideologue. Mental health is an inherited trait. Unwanted children grow up to be unwanted criminals.

If you want to protect unwanted children, you should stand up and declare 100% them 100% wanted by YOU. If these unwanted children need to be adopted, you need to adopt every last one of them. If these unwanted children need welfare, you need to pay every last cent. If these unwanted children need guidance, you had better be there guiding them. If these unwanted children go to prison, you should be the one paying for it.

Oh, you aren't willing to step up? You don't want these unwanted children either? It's funny how every last principle evaporates the second it becomes your responsibility.

OK, then take a step back and we'll do this the practical way.

Feldorai ago

Spoken like a true dumbass projecting every argument you think you've encountered and have the immediate response necessary for every rebuttal.

Oh, you aren't willing to step up? You don't want these unwanted children either? It's funny how every last principle evaporates the second it becomes your responsibility.

They're not unwanted for one thing. Secondly, I don't mind looking at all of them as me having (x) number of children, I want thousands if not millions of children.

Master_Foo ago

They're not unwanted for one thing.

If these barbarian spawn are wanted, then why are these barbarian spawn being aborted?

I want thousands if not millions of children.

Then step up. But as soon as you can't burden a single one more, you have to do the responsible thing and let the eugenics program take over. We can't just let irresponsible shits run wild. Western Civilization is more important than an unwanted barbarian.

Feldorai ago

If these barbarian spawn are wanted, then why are these barbarian spawn being aborted?

Because dumbass MGTOW faggot cucks like you aren't stepping up and taking control over your women. You have no drive nor direction in your life so you want someone else to pick up and solve all of your problems. You're a failure as a Western man.

Then step up. But as soon as you can't burden a single one more, you have to do the responsible thing and let the eugenics program take over. We can't just let irresponsible shits run wild. Western Civilization is more important than an unwanted barbarian.

Way to project an unrealistic reality, you massive dumbfuck.

Master_Foo ago

Because dumbass MGTOW faggot cucks like you aren't stepping up and taking control over your women.

Disregarding the MGTOW troll bait... My women? I don't fuck niggers.

You have no drive nor direction in your life so you want someone else to pick up and solve all of your problems.

My life is squared away. I'm just tired of paying for the collateral damage of barbarians.

You're a failure as a Western man.

Eh, I'm doing OK.

Way to project an unrealistic reality, you massive dumbfuck.

What's unrealistic? Barbarians are a heavy burden on Western Civilization. If you can't pay for all these barbarians, you can't expect everyone else to pay for them. So, be responsible and let them go, before someone gets robbed and murdered. That blood is on your hands if you let the barbarian run free.

Feldorai ago

Once again. You're a failure as a Western man. You are a dumbass MGTOW faggot cuck.

Good day.

anamazonslittle ago

Lol, what a fitting conclusion to a meaningless discussion.

King_Leopold_II ago

Every non white can and should abort as many of their own kind as possible.

Master_Foo ago

Non-white is a given. Whites don't get abortions. Don't be fooled by the white-trash who pass as white, they lack the responsibility genes real whites have.

blit416 ago

yes and only germanics are white according to you.


Master_Foo ago

Yes, that is the definition of white. You want me to include Aboriginal Australians to the definition? Or can we please have some standard of purity which is meaningful?

You act as if I have anything to do with this. As if I'm somehow in charge of who is white and who isn't. I'm not, and it's unfortunate that you are butthurt over it, but Germanic peoples are white. Everyone else is something else. That's just the way it is. Deal with it.

Maroonsaint ago


Diggernicks ago

Youd love working at the dead nigger storage facility where I draw a check from.

Maroonsaint ago

Yes I would.

newoldwave ago

Evil is as evil does.

Maroonsaint ago

I wish a female mma fighter would just wrestle me down and grind her wonderful ass all over my face