AlternateSelection ago

Digital mud huts and virtual lip plates.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Yeah sure. I bet it will look RIDICULOUSLY niggerish.

Teekan ago

It's all so tiresome.

HiJoker ago

Rich nigger goes to apefrica, gets robbed, raped and killed.


apathy_meh ago

Well to make sure there's no cultural appropriation they should only have technology developed in the area. You know what I'll be generous, only technology developed on the continent.

475677 ago

He's not setting up a city, he's trying to make a tax free economic zone and promoting it like wakanda to sell it to the retarded niggers.

Bigdickedelf ago

Will authentic nigger stew still be on the menu?

Wowbagger ago

I'm sure it will look a lot like Wakanda in that it will remain a fantasy.

BumbleTummy ago

AH-hahahahahahaha! Sure.

Shotinthedark ago

This should be fun


No it won't

Wise2TheLies ago

we wuz kangs n shit my nigguh befo rayciss whitey stole our ventions n shit and slaved us

NevadaDesertPatriot ago

LOL. Just like Liberia!!

Rikhart ago

HAHAHAHAHA, suuuuure it will.

AlternateSelection ago

Advanced mud hut technology.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Mud is an African rescource.

Mustard_Monkey ago

We flying the freeloaders out? SWEEEEET!!!

CoronavirusPatient0 ago

Good. I hope all Africans move there.

AntiMason ago

Dumb nig

dollfarts ago

The Locked Up rapper

😂 can't make this shit up. Also, they misspelled raper.

somebody112 ago

Technically "futuristic technology" in todays Africa could be considered:

  • Toilets

  • Electricity

  • Paved Roads

  • Agriculture

This is not hyperbole. Just straight up facts.

tokui ago

Oh my sides.

TabascoTabasco ago

Fucking LO!

by Alicia Adejobi

Any one care to even look for and post links about South Africa? And how it has gone to shot with wogs running it?

I will thro this little link in here.....

But that said. It is nice that a nig is going home!

Any best how long before he gets ass raped by the natives?

SerialChiller ago

My guess is that it's hype to get that Akoin cryptocurrency scam started.

That is where the money is, and his "(((international financial experts)))" who are running it are a lot smarter than him.

bfriend13 ago

It will just turn out to be some investment scam and the city will never be built.

Merlynn ago

Rumor is they already got a military.

But I'm really looking forward to the 3D render of his city. Should be a lot of laugh for our engineers.

dirt_reynolds ago


It_was_the_juice ago

I honestly hope he somehow manages to build a fantastic city, even if it's just a few blocks. Because then we'll all be entertained when the natives move in, strip it of anything remotely valuable, and turn the rest into a literal dump.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Ever the emulators

mleczko ago

No it won't.

ALIENS2222 ago

Who will build it for them and protect it from them and heep them from parting it out to sell the copper?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

He'll have to hire a shitload of White contractors or possibly Asians or nothing will get done.

ALIENS2222 ago

Then they will tear it apart as soon as it is done. I love you carona-chan!

Sellyoulight ago

No comedian or comedy act ever reached this height of lunacy.

bobdole9 ago

So a city in Africa is expected to use cryptocurrency as their money? FAT FUCKING CHANCE

DirectPressure ago

'Akon City'? Yeah, there's no ego involved here folks. 1 supreme leader in an African country? Sounds like a new/fresh idea, especially in Africa.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Harambe did it in his caged pen.

Robert Mugabe did it in his caged pen.

Nelson Mandela did it in his caged pen.

These people like their caged pens so it is no surprise that:

Akon did it from his caged pen.

Black people LOVE their cages. That's why they are always in one.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Not sure how long a mud hut will hold up If it was turned into a pyramid flew around the village.

allupinyogutts ago

A rich black man wasting his money on stupid purchases. Shocking.

JudenIsEdom ago

Im building a cutting edge future city. We got the land thats that hardest part..... Wtf this should turn out great.

Phivex ago

He's calling it "Akon City" and not "Akonda"? Well that's a missed opportunity.

voatsecurityguard ago

We should support this and pay for 1-way tickets for our wakandans to go home.

LettItBurn ago

We should get governments around the world to contribute trillions to make this happen.

Pay all expenses. Free transportation for any black living in an oppressive White country to Akonda. (thanks @Phivex). Free Welfare. Free food. Free housing. Free cars. Free gas. EVERYTHING FREE for the negroes living in Europe and America.

...they just can't come back.

Penguinpecker ago

Once you go back, stay out nigger.

SouthernCh0l0 ago

Sure it will.

runOJrun ago

Futuristic technology like soap in bathrooms? Just bathrooms?

Penguinpecker ago

The toilets will also sometimes flush, and on the first day there will be toilet paper.

videocodec ago

"will look like" So they live on a fake set until a chimp out destroys it? Sounds more entertaining than the original movie.

The_Infidel ago

Bahahah they cant even farm properly how the fuck are they going to run a city?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Into the ground, of course. The same way they run everything else.

AmericanJew2 ago

Import Bug people from China to do it behind the curtains, at least until they infect and kill everyone with corona virus.

Win win in my book.

SearchVoatBot ago

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chintappingretard ago

International BANKERS , will be funding his Crypto-Currency in that city-state.

He wants to fund everything via CRYPTOCURRENCY controlled by (((International finance experts)))

The glitzy show architecture andhis wakanda claims are just part of the phyical show for his new Wakanda Crypto-Currency.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

The great banana war of 2020 quickly ended the city but 4 or the judicial members escaped the carnage and then settled into a zoo as primate residents. Senegal then conducted research on how to prevent another coup and banned the movie series "Planet of the Apes".

Guy_Justsome ago

Finally, and at long last: The Promised Land. Return home, Black Man. Your bondage is over, your freedom awaits you, your justice is here. Come home, o noble sons of Africa!

anamazonslittle ago

Swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry them home.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Can we make an all white one here now too please?

Master_Foo ago

We already have one. You didn't make the cut. Too much Irish DNA.

Gunk ago


Mr_Quagmire ago

We'll even pay for your one way plane ticket! Just sign here renouncing your US citizenship.

ALIENS2222 ago


PontarBewsar ago

Can't wait! should be a laugh

Demonsweat2 ago

A nigger using white man technology.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

A nigger using the appearance of white man's technology. That's all they're capable of.

Mr_big ago

Not sure if that was comedy or if a nigger is really going to try and make wakonda. Niggers are low IQ savages who think dey wuz kangs, so it is possible that a rich nigger could attempt this

AmericanJew2 ago

The irony will be when the rapper gets mugged and murdered in his own utopia.