thebearfromstartrack ago


TabascoTabasco ago


friendshipistragic ago

Currently the front-runners for the Democrat party are two Jews and a faggot. Let that sink in.

Quotes_retardation ago

In the end I feel like it's pointless to get too concerned about these candidates. Trump is going to steamroll any of them. Despite his faults and shortcomings at least we know what we got.

halinflorida ago

Jews of the world are almost universally pro-UN and against nation states, especially ours.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Gee, the woman nobody fucking heard of over the past year suddenly gets noticed as corporate cocksucker Warren and Babbling Biden sink. I smell beigels!

PolPotPie ago

She's a great friend to AIPAC.

AIPAC stacks the deck with all of them being Israel-firsters.

If anyone thinks our government and country are not completely compromised, they are fucking insane.

neuschwabia ago

Time to arrest these traitors and charge with treason under 18 USC 2381.

Jujubean ago

Imagine wages across the board if illegals were deported and no H-1B visas were issued.

anticlutch ago

32 million

Try about double, likely more.

magaloid ago

The 32 million here illegally are already at nation destroying levels. Will we ever have the will to deport these people and retroactively revoke citizenship for those who's only claim is location and convenient timing?

The task becomes more and more herculean as time goes on, things could have been completely prevented 40 years ago, and the choices now are all severe.

Landrictree ago

Who's behind this Abomination?

If you're on this fucking website then you already know...

poly ago


friendshipistragic ago


chintappingretard ago


PontarBewsar ago


Anonz55z ago

The deep state is behind it.

huge redpills

AlternateSelection ago

So destroy our country and replace us with "refugees".

Anonz55z ago


AlternateSelection ago

I do believe it's well past time to fill up Israel with Congo Niggers and Ragheads. Would be most excellent. Also declare that "country" a sanctuary state for the world's downtrodden. Turn synagogues into cheap housing for all the poor refugees.

Twodivinehipsters ago

Wtf no. There's a way to fix things without completely replacing us. Start encouraging people in all the crowded US cities to move to the rural towns, and to have kids. All the decent people anyway. I realize there's an issue with small towns needing more people. I've seen a lot of towns with all old people, which will be empty if people don't move there. And some are already at replacement level with all old people and the only families are immigrants. There's definitely something wrong. But using immigrants from other countries is such a lazy way to fix that.

goat-ditarod ago

I don't think the world migration would be an issue if we weren't wrecking peoples homeland. See the Middle East and #Israel

PontarBewsar ago

Most of the subhumans coming to Europe are not fleeing anything other than the shithole countries that they have fucked up themselves

habitual2 ago

We should stop wrecking the Middle East, but those countries would be backwards places producing people incompatible with American values.

We aren't dropping bombs on Africa, but Africa is as messed up as ever, and those people started trying to get to good countries the moment Libya stopped protecting its borders.

spaceman84 ago

Shut up faggot

Straight_up_Prick ago

Folks this is a traitor and the enemy we are facing. When the time approaches, remember trash like this and act.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Why put off until tomorrow what is so desperately needed today?

Straight_up_Prick ago

Just waiting for the TSTHTF, receive orders then act.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Orders? I don't think you know what's coming.

the-rooster ago

Isn't she jewish?

PolPotPie ago

“She’s ubiquitous in the Minnesota Jewish community,” Steve Hunegs, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Speaking last March at the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Klobuchar relished telling how in a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister lavished more attention on her than her colleague from New York, Kirsten Gillibrand.

She is the only one of seven presidential hopefuls who voted with AIPAC on an anti-BDS bill

Among the seven declared or presumed presidential candidates in the Senate Democratic caucus, Klobuchar was the only one who voted Tuesday to approve a law that would consolidate $38 billion in defense assistance for Israel while protecting states that penalize businesses that boycott Israel.

theHare ago

I looked into her. She is supposedly not Jewish, but she is second generation, "eastern european". Also, it appears she is, at the very least, a shabbos goy. I found articles where she talks about how she is basically a staple of the twin cities jewish community.

sonofaboomer ago

Honorary jews get an honorary gassing.

redwing14 ago

32 mill is a game ender.. they procreate like rats. 4-5 kids per 2 people.

dirtbeard ago

Literal litters

chintappingretard ago

What I cannot believe is that somehow the media labels this leftist nation wrecker a semi-CENTRIST.

Moderate ? fucking hell she is no Moderate, but the press says it is so :

These socialist women are trying to rapidly destroy White civilizations across the globe.

manxman ago

It’s not only the socialist women, but yeah

voatuser1128 ago

It’s not only the socialist women, but yeah

All women should never be in politics or be given any independence.

BlackStrapMolasses ago

The fuckers behind all this shit are men buddy boy.

Maroonsaint ago

Hey can I see your cock plz

Barfin ago

is it only socialists that want to wreck USA with immigration? It is all funded by rothschild thru soros, they are neoliberal capitalists and also fund RINOs.

La_Chalupacabra ago

No sane, rational American citizen can read something like this and agree that such policies would not be disastrous for the working class and poor.

Which leads to the inexorable conclusion that rhetoric like this is not aimed at those people, but, at the sizeable population of illegals with the express intent of getting them to vote.

And with 32 million+ in the country, it wouldn't take much to steal the election, especially if they get their National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.