Ilovetrumpmaga ago

I loved Kobe as a player, I met him when I was 11 and he was 17. He picked me out of a crowd of people and signed my hat because I said please. He was an awesome guy. That girl that he “raped” is a lying slut. She had like 7 different dudes semen on her panties. Also check out Bryan Schaubs podcast tfatk, they personally know that bitch. Money grubbing slut is what they all say. So fuck you dumbasses not knowing what you’re talking about.

Brawndosaurus ago

Purple makes it funnier

PeacefulAssassin ago

Fucking lol

odb281 ago

Texan here, San Antonio specifically. This city remembers 2004.

goypls ago

Honestly it smells like bullshit to me. What person would "deface" a mural in a matching /appropriate color? The artist or the owner of the building did this

capicua ago

this thread is full of #metoo loving libfags

VoatContainmentGuard ago

haha shit on everything that they hold dear.

skimster ago

Pound me too vs nig worship! FIGHT!!!!

Jebas ago

“Kobe Bryant died 23 years too late today. He got away with rape because all the Hollywood liberals who attack comedy enjoy rooting for the Lakers more than they dislike rape. Big ups to the hero who forgot to gas up his chopper. I hate the Lakers. What a great day! #Fuckthelakers.”

Ari Shaffir

RM-Goetbbels ago

Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.

It's awful when a government doesn't allow it's serfs to learn about the things going on in the world that might harm or protect them. Buy hey, that's what you king is for. He knows best.

VillaLopez ago


hellno ago

They're not wrong.

Pointyball ago

Enhanced, not defaced. The wall was defaced when the ghetto mural was applied.

Goyrillion ago

Someone on Sirius xm yesterday(?) was relating the magnitude of his death to that of 9/11

DontBeRacist ago

Nig nogs are always painting murals to criminals or maybe white people or (((white people))) are doing it for them.

Shotinthedark ago


Goys-R-Us ago

Anal rapist. Disgusting.

hollywood2020 ago


Pissed_Off_Vet ago


Smokybubbles ago

At least it didn't say nigger, that would've been offensive.

Dauphin ago

How appropriate...

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

local artist writes slur on his own canvas after not getting enough attention

Note that it was on the edge of the image and was immediately scrubbed off. Someone used something that would not bond to the paint. And why was it not covering more of the mural? Not even a random streak across the faces.

Nobody was paying attention to his painting. This is just another example of them shitting in their own pants and demanding your help because they live in shit.

Goys-R-Us ago

Very astute. Like a jew drawing a swastika on a synagogue.

beefartist ago

With washable markers

Guy_Justsome ago

I wish there were a way to spend an entire daily allotment of upvoats on one comment.

Maroonsaint ago

If you send me your nudes I’ll upgoat his comment for you

MrBateman ago

Not convinced someone on the "right" would do that

FullBloodedWhiteMale ago

Doesn't look like him.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Good. Should have made the "Rapist" sign bigger. He didn't rape that bitch, but she was a prostitute that was known to be hanging around all of the other NBA players; what could she honestly expect if he did? Still, no one in their right mind should be glorifying this nigger. The only positive things that he ever did were to get in Lebron James way and die in an explosion.

TheStapler ago

I don't give a shit whether he "raped" someone. All he did was throw a ball into a hoop a bunch of times and he made millions for it because people are retarded and think that means something. Fuck him and fuck all his nigger fans.

habitual2 ago

It's so embarrassing how these random movie stars that maybe met him a couple times are posting their over the top 😭💔😭💔 tributes on social media.

Heaven forbid they are left out of all the attention, miss an opportunity to show everyone how compassionate and poetic they are.

Maroonsaint ago

It’s funny watching people pretend like they care. Just another reason to support your local terrorist organizations

anticlutch ago

I don't give a shit whether he "raped" someone.

quoting raped as if it's merely a feminist accusation in college

Fuck off kike. No proof is necessary if a White girl says a nigger raped her. Odds are it did.

PeacefulAssassin ago

I mean, she left all bloodied, went straight to hospital and authorities, reported right away, case was dropped mysteriously.

Usually those that make false rape claims never went to hospital/authorities, never report, and wait a long time before speaking out, she does not match the patter of false reports.


She was a girl who got picked up by Kobe in a hotel bar and went back to his hotel to get railed out. Niggers. Nigger lovers. Don't care about either. Let them reap as they sew

hellno ago

She was employed at the property he stayed at and offered to give him a tour of the hotel as an ecstatic fangirl. She was 18 and not used to the advances of a grown ass adult .

BlackGrapeDrank ago

lol no. she knew what she was up to.

hellno ago

Maybe. I wasnt there so I can only speculate. Were you there by any chance?

cdglow ago

No proof is necessary if a White girl says a nigger raped her. Odds are it did.

Niggers have their instincts and failings, of course, but so do women. Sluts throw themselves at athletes and celebrities. Sometimes they try and get pregnant and, failing at that, they claim rape to try and milk the target out of cash.

Society should take accusations seriously, but let's put it into context. Kobe was famous and a multi-millionaire. He could walk into any bar or club and have a flock of 9s or 10s throwing themselves at him. I don't know the details of the Kobe case, but taking any he-said/she-said at face value without evidence seems misguided, especially when it comes to celebrities who have their pick of women.

The principle that society needs to stand by is innocent before proven guilty. I don't care if it's a nigger or not. This #PoundMeToo approach to believing victims is the total death of civilization.

Fuck_SRS ago

If she hadn't bragged about it to friends I would agree with you. They found seven different semen samples in her. she was a whore.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


and had a BF at the time I believe. exactly that- a complete slut.

jewsbadnews ago

Oy vey! Didn't you read To Kill A Mockingbird in high school?!?!?!

BeeBop71 ago

Definition of black foreplay "roll over bitch!"

SearchVoatBot ago

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DougieJones ago

Also, he was a blatant satanist: youtube /watch?v=Ab7znwmU5LQ

toobaditworks ago

Why would delete the .com off the link?

BB-3 ago

The noob doesn't have enough CCP to post links.

toobaditworks ago

Ah I see. makes sense.

Goys-R-Us ago

I thought he was a cut of beef.

Jimmycrackerson ago

He is. Just a bit overcooked atm

gosso920 ago

No, that's Hillary Clinton.

EpiPendemic ago

"victim" had jizz in underwears from two other men from what I recall. Some would say it is not rape if she didn't call police immediately.

BeeBop71 ago

muh niggah

NakeFews ago

So he raped a cumdumpster.

THSenior ago

All would say you’re a Jew

EpiPendemic ago

lol just because i'm not poor doesn't mean I am jewish.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

You're blindly believing a whore purely because it's against a nigger

ConquistadorCoronado ago

America needs to stop celebrating this guy. Glad someone spoke up for his victims.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He never raped anybody.

smokratez ago


Pattern recognition.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do you have evidence he raped anyone?

The DA dropped the charges because the case was so weak.

smokratez ago

That nigger is a tranny.

Guy_Justsome ago

He initially told police there was no sexual contact. After they told him there was a forensic rape kit done, and he was served with a warrant for a DNA swab, he changed his story to "I thought it was consensual."

Who commits felony perjury to the police over consensual sex? Lying rapists and stupid niggers. A more concise & less controversial grafitti would say, "rapist and/or stupid nigger."

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Who commits felony perjury to the police over consensual sex?

The girl admitted making multiple lies to the police, too.

Who lies to the police about an actual rape? Crazy women and cheating skanks.

Guy_Justsome ago

Fair enough. So we're at "crazy-skank sodomizing stupid nigger" for the mural's proper addendum.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes, that's about right.

She got star struck and cheated on her boyfriend (or otherwise was just a slut) then regretted it.

When she went in for the rape kit she had another guy's semen on her.

My entire feelings on this are based around how much power women have over men regarding rape accusations. She was kissing him and grabbing his dick, and said he couldn't cum on her face. I think she changed her mind later (she was also on medication for schizophrenia).

Smells_like_ducktape ago

Perfect. Hopefully more about Kobe's dark side comes to light.

HAESisalie ago

Beyond "the dark side" stuff. I find it funny the same people who will hate you for driving a truck because of global warming, love Kobe and don't have a problem with him using a helicopter to get his kids to their youth bball games. I wonder what else he used them for? Getting flown to Whole Foods when they need organic Kale?

HillBoulder ago

organic watermelon

Tucker4president ago

Not defaced, improved

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Not improved enough. Should have added a thought-bubble with a slice of watermelon in it for the sheboon and added bigger lips and "SHEEEEIT" for Kobe.

derram ago :

2020-01-31 | Kobe Bryant mural in Texas defaced with word ‘RAPIST’ - New York Daily News

'In the summer of 2003, a 19-year-old accused Bryant of raping her in a Colorado hotel room. '

'Prosecutors dropped the case a year later, saying that the accuser wasn’t willing to testify. '

' Bryant, 24 at the time of the allegation, said he believed the encounter was consensual. '

This has been an automated message.

MemeDropAcct ago

Kobe said he liked a Dark MuseCage, so the rapist label fits right in:

Watch that creepy shit till the end. WTF?

speedisavirus ago

I lean towards him not having raped her and she was trying to get a pay day. Which I believe she did.

badruns ago

Part of his settlement forced apology was specifying that she was not getting paid at all.

WNwoman ago

I’m somewhere in the middle. I think she was a typical star struck white thot, a victim of our degenerate culture that agreed to go to his room and let things get physical until he started getting too aggressive and kinky (I think he wanted anal?). At that point she wanted to stop but in his aroused muh dick state he kept going, not believing anyone wouldn’t want his famous sports ball dick.

I mean, there was the victim’s blood on his shirt and she had bruises on her neck from him choking her. Something violent happened and I find it hard to believe that rough of sex was consensual the first night they’d met.

Anyway, kek at the mural graffiti.

speedisavirus ago

I find it hard to believe that rough of sex was consensual the first night they’d met.

Never underestimate a thot looking for a payout

sunshine702 ago

Read the police interview transcript in Daily Beast. Kobe burrys himself with his arrogant excuses. Basically he admits he cheats on his wife with his sidechick and they do that stuff all the time.

HAESisalie ago

Men like this don't just get aggressive enough to leave bruises one time. There are other women out there who didn't want to fight the NBA, MSM, SJW machine that would back him and try to destroy and shame them.