boekanier ago

The jews will have to enhance their propaganda. More shekles needed.

YouAreASlave ago

Which is why the jewish Central banking mafia is desparate to shut everyone down concocting fake virus psyops through which they can impose martial law at will.

Don't be a cohencidence theorist. Stop swallowing their lies and proliferating fear by which they rule you.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

ay Tone...

Tb0n3 ago

You misspelled Lies OP.

speedisavirus ago

Except it did and I've known people that went through it.

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

This warms my heart

Ezre ago

Next you know is that world war 2 didn’t really happen and Vietnam was only a joke

PizzaphilePodesta ago

9 gorrillian

lecnylep ago

funny how we always default to the highest estimate of deaths for the holocaust

but when it comes to white genocides from communists jews, kikes like to talk down the 12 million dead from the Holodomor to 3.5 million

skewed numbers for me not for thee

RexYehudi ago

12 million nuthin' .. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn says 66 million perished in the Holodomor, others put the death toll gets as high as 100 million.

nullifyNWO ago

a gas chamber for 2000 people is not feasible. Burning 1,5 Mio corpses with 15 crematory ovens within 1 1/2 years is not possible. The idea of a gas chamber with a wooden door is childish. There is not one statement by a 'Nazi' about mass killing Jews. There is no technical documernt, no list of names, nothing. A real holocoust was WW1 from 1917 on, the bombing of 167 German cities, the Holodomor, ... all planned andor aided by 'internationalists'.

4thUsername ago

Very well said!!

Paulsmith1958 ago

Taking all emotion out of the subject and looking at it from purely an engineering/logistics point of view it just doesn’t add up!

BlackGrapeDrank ago

dont do that goy!

engineering and logistics are anti antisemitic!

newoldwave ago

Winning what?

outrider787 ago

Of course it happened you dumb fucks

biggdiccbenny ago

of course it happened

you dumb fucks

Ya gotta pick one there bud

chirogonemd ago

I think the time is approaching for a rebuild.

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

We should have helped Japan conquer China.

Tormentor101 ago

they're even more considering they didn't ask me anything

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Facts don't care about your feelings. Especially the kikes' feelings. Fuck Jews.

Conejo_loco ago

Because it DIDNT happen

Atkho ago

Romans are finally waking up. It's a little late though. They were an earlier version of cultural enrichment. The Italians are french people mudded by north Africans. Notice how Benito Mussolini looks like Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. Other places that have been white then enriched are Egypt, Indus Valley and probably Mesopotamia.

CPSisCorrupt ago

Mudded up by Africans? You do realize the pre Indo-European civilazations that lived in or near the Iberian peninsula were a darker shade of white. This was before the caucasians migrated west into Europe. Italians are not french mixed with north african. That is absurd. The French and the Italians are 2 totally different tribes. I will admit that Sicilians are very dark, almost Mediterranean. But most of that geneology comes from the pre Indo-European culture that lived there before it was conquered by the Holy Roman Empire.

Atkho ago

This says a little about it. There was a genetic study but I can't find it right now.

CPSisCorrupt ago

The aquitanian, basque and ligures, along with many celtic tribes scattered out in what is now modern day Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy, were the ancestors of that region's Europeans. Arabs controlled the Iberian peninsula before the Romans did. Obviosuly you will find some genetic similarites in a percentage of the population

Anyonethere ago

Everyone here is a fucking moron for believing this go to college


34 minutes account.

Go to Marxist indoctrination centers

hahaha oh you silly fuck.

privacy_first ago

It is getting harder and harder to believe "the narrative". Examples:

  • Illegal immigrants are needed to pay your pension -> yeah, sure, no way, they ar emostly criminals
  • Eurepean Union think of the citiens - > Yeah, sure, just think of banks bail-in and you are convinced
  • Taxes are used to help the poor -> yeah sure, let me have a look at where the money really go
  • Removing cash is needed to have all pay taxes -> yeah, sure, like Google, Apple, Amazon, Airbus, etc. they all pay 40% like the rest of us

Not to mentions the current Church narrative on Muslims, LGBT and so on (current pope is ppointed by the Devil)

So, no wonder that Italians start thinking about what really happened during war, and who really died...

Doglegwarrior ago

it happend but no way near the way the story is told. maybe 250k jews died maybe but they died because supply lines where bombed and every one was starving not just fucking kikes... and those jews were not some innocent sheeple those where communist wolves they were the ones bringing and spreading degeneracy and promoting all the liberal shit we see today. they were the leaders of the 1919 german civil war which was really a communist attempted coup that failed because the men from ww1 came back and out it down.

romanstock ago

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Thus the laws being created to criminalize "anti-Semitism" and anti-bds laws being levied against companies.

romanstock ago

and of course holocaust denial in the pertinent countries where economic fraud takes place.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Just as the world will get tired of "only white people are Racist". So, will the world get tired of "only Jews have ever been slaughtered".

speedisavirus ago

Your IQ is very low. It's quite clear no one thinks only the jews have been slaughtered.

PraiseIPU ago


Other things that are 15%

People that believe the earth is flat

People that believe the earth is hollow

People that believe earth is the center of the universe


blit416 ago

You again. Why are you here?

You just made up those numbers(you lied) to associate TRUTH(the holocaust is a ridiculous bit of kike fiction) with completely unrelated things (the shape of the world and outer space).

What was I just saying to you about "the father of lies" being the father of the jews. Then you lie like this. I'm thinking your a dirty, lowlife, rat, jew, Hiemi, Schlomo, wimpy little girl-wristed kike... with one of those randy-as-fuck jew wives that just GAG for a gentile like me.

Can you blame them? Some kravitz kike faggot couldn't possibly keep those flabby little pig women satisfied.

What say you? Jew or no JEW, /u/PraiseIPU

PraiseIPU ago

Why are you here?

Why do you ask?

4thUsername ago

The jewdar is off the charts, captain!

MemeDropAcct ago

Another way to read this might be "There are now 9 Million Muslims in Italy"

speedisavirus ago

When I was there last year it sure as fuck looked like it if you walked around in Rome.

Othmar_Regin ago

This is probably sadly true(not that I like Xstians any better) but yes 90% of the "anti-semitism" in Europe comes from immigrant Muslims and other non-Evropeans

anoncastillo ago

I don't want you to be right, but....

AlphaOmega ago

Lots of people died in World War II, including lots of Jews. Especially considering the reality that Hitler did not like the Jews for what they did during the Weimar republic.

"The Holocaust", on the other hand, is a propaganda event. So many of the witness accounts are provably false or, at the very least, muddy. The death tolls make no sense. I've been to the Holocaust Museum, it's a Jew's wet dream of fantasy. There is a model there of "The crematoriums" that is patently absurd and laughable.

You have to be able to see through it but once you're on the other side of it you almost have to give Jews credit for the amount of success they've been able to create on the back of this bullshit story.

TheEqualizer ago

Credit is the last thing I'm ever givin these assholes.


If the holohaux didn't happen but the rhinecamps and the gulags did happen, what kind of people makes that the winners?

anoncastillo ago

When you say Hitler didn't like the Jews, it was more complicated than that. Over a hundred thousand Jews served in Hitler's army and his chauffeur was a Jew. He specifically didn't like the large subset of Jews who engage in parasitic, nation destroying behavior.

TheEqualizer ago


anoncastillo ago

What part?

TheEqualizer ago

That Hitler had a jew chauffer and jews served in his army. The only jew's that served in an army where the KGB kikes from Russia.

anoncastillo ago

His chauffeur:

Already provided the link to the rest in another comment.

NarrativeControl ago

Over a hundred thousand Jews served in Hitler's army

Do you have a nice source for that?

speedisavirus ago

He doesn't because it's bullshit. Some Jews like Soros maybe but other than that it's pure bullshit.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Look up Emil Maurice.

Phantom42 ago

Isn't having discernment fucking great? Must be a White thing

neuschwabia ago

Why would a "Death Camp" have an infirmary, a concert /dance hall and a pool?

HeebSlayer ago

Also daycare for the children who would routinely put on plays.

TheEqualizer ago

And a soap making machine. Don't forget the soap making machine..

YouAreASlave ago

A relaxed jew made better soap and lampshades.

Tb0n3 ago

Because somebody had to RUN the death camp.

Goys-R-Us ago

So the killers could enjoy themselves? Duh. /s

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

For the workers there perhaps?

Sitnikoff ago

*for the INMATES

Charilko ago

Honest question: if the camps weren’t intended to kill the Jews, what was the intention? Just hold the Jews until the war was over, like we did with the Japanese?

Master_Foo ago

The thing you have to realize is, Hitler was a Jew. The Jews created Hitler so he could destroy Western Civilization. The camps were resorts for the Jews to relax in while the world burned around them. When their plan didn't quite work out the way they wanted it to, they changed the narrative and claimed they were held there as prisoners.

doubleanalbypass ago

labor, plain and simple. jews were a minority there, but they made everyone work and were avid in making sure they stay healthy, the holocaust is a soviet lie that the (((west))) later adopted to extort and mind-rape all germans, to also keep them playing along and never rise up against the international jew ever anymore.

RoundWheel ago

They are a labor force. The news you hear about escaping jews, largely did so under Hitler's orders. He had a jewish agreement (with usa and Briton, who betrayed him) to get jews out of Europe and war against stalin (communist jews).

The fact is, with many exceptions, the germans treated their prisoners better than america treated the Japanese in internmentment camps. Much better. AFTER the war ended, jews murdered millions of germans and a plot was uncovered which was to poison six million more. They always project.

Germans had many, well justified reasons to hate jews. See wwi (treaty of Versaile (sp), and germans reparations after they repeatedly offered peace) and the weimar republic.

Many took vengeance on them when they had the power to do so. In many cases jews were treated differently than many other prisoners. But the "final solution" was transport to Madagascar. The jewish holocaust never happened. Though many christian holocausts did.

Wwi and wwii were both literally created and caused by jews so whites and especially white Christians would murder themselves. According to talmudic jews, even though they created it, they are not to blame. The talmudic jews are the pharisees in the bible.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Make the lazy schemers work for their freedom. Jews are lazy and only do financial scams not to mention what they were doing in Wiemar with transvestites and whatnot. Work is worse than death to a jew.

speedisavirus ago

Labor until they were useless then into the ovens. Once they hadn't had a real meal in over a month they were week it was time to shoot or cook them.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

They were there to organize, centralize and catalogue the jewish people until they could be deported, which was the true "final solution". Originally the target was Madagascar, then with the haavara agreement, Palestine. People forget the jews wanted to work WITH the national socialists when they saw a way to hit back at the British in the mandate of Palestine, who they hated more than the Germans. However, ultimately at wars end they couldn't tolerate a goyish people having told them who they could parasitize or not, being God's chosen and all. So they invented the myth of the holocaust, with the approval and help of their media apparatuses. They are genetically evil.

Sitnikoff ago

Essentially to inculcate a better work ethic as they remain separated from the greater German population, and to contain the potential spread of Communism in Germany.

biggdiccbenny ago

What everyone else said but also:

Why would you allow people of a perceived threat group roam free in your war time country? Free to sabotage your efforts? War creates displaced people and enemies of state alike. You have to have somewhere to keep and watch them.

chirogonemd ago

Labor, my friend. Labor.

War places an intense strain on domestic industry, largely because it pulls from the available labor pool. Especially in Germany's situation after WWI and because of Hitler's popularity being coupled with recovering the economy in a way that was felt by the middle class, labor was extremely important. Many people don't realize how much the German civilian population suffered during WWI. Coal shortages especially were estimated to have been involved in the deaths of +700,000 over expectations. Look up the Turnip Winter.

In fact, it would have been intensely stupid for the Reich to have killed able-bodied prisoners during WWII. Which is why they didn't. But the blockade by the allies did starve them out, and with close quarters/death/starvation, Typhus rears its head. This was what led to all of the activities that would later be misconstrued as related to the Holocaust.

These were prisoner camps, but they were designed to extract useful labor.

Charilko ago

That would make the most sense. During the war, absolutely. But long term... would the Germans be hoping they’d all die off on their own?

chirogonemd ago

It's hard to say what Germans would have done with the prisoners once peace had been established. Ostensibly, we might say that the original Havaara (Transfer) Agreement than Hitler had established to subsidize and facilitate the deportation of Jews to Palestine would have continued to go on like it had been prior to the war, until Israel manipulated it's political puppets into declaring war on Germany.

Germany wanted the Jews out, period. There was also the Madagascar Plan, which may have given us another clue. This plan had it out to relocate all Jews to the island of Madagascar. It had been owned by the French, but despite Germany's overtaking of France, Great Britain's superior naval force prevented it, and as we know, Germany never was able to defeat GB.

But I'd imagine if Hitler had won the war, he'd have relocated and isolated Jews. There was no evidence that he'd planned to simply eradicate them from the earth.

registeretakes10s ago

I'm glad some people like you still take the time to post this on voat instead of the random "blah Jews sux" thing.

For what it's worth what you wroteatches what i learned at school 40 y ago, and what my grand parents would say. They lived the war. They thought the holocaust was going to be taken as a poor taste joke by the world. Little did they know.

Oh and one more thing: Allies bombed factories in full knowledge's these were civilians and prisoners.

chirogonemd ago


Allies bombed factories in full knowledge's these were civilians and prisoners

Shutting down these supply lines and taking civilian casualties was perfectly intentional on the part of the Allies. If we even give a brief thought to the premise that supposedly got the U.S. involved in the war, it was obvious at this point that honor was going to play no part in their strategy. They knew very well what they were doing when they destroyed the roads and railways. I personally have no doubt - given that the documentary crews were ready to initiate filming in the camps less than 24 hours after "liberation" - that the Allies had already planned the story in advance of the blockade. The point was to starve and let Typhus tear through these camps.

What's so interesting is that if you go back and dig up the materials about Ellis Island from that era, you'll see that the immigration centers used by the US had a strict de-contamination protocol that involved stripping, showering, and delousing, including fumigation of clothing using, you guessed it: Zyklon B.

Climhazzard ago

They were deportation camps with the opposite function of the importation camps (immigration detention centers) we have in America.

Maroonsaint ago

You should send me a link to a picture of your dick

zxcvzxcv ago

That would be a large link. Are you certain your browser could handle it?

BlowjaySimpson ago

You fucking methed out tweaker degenerate faggot.

Maroonsaint ago

I will take the high road like Jesus and tell you I still love you even if you’re mean

BlowjaySimpson ago

Do you at least get a reach around when Jesus fucks you in the ass?

smokratez ago

To keep the jews safe.

BrooklynParanormal ago

German authorities established camps all over Germany on an ad hoc basis to handle the masses of people arrested as alleged subversives. The SS established larger camps in Oranienburg, north of Berlin; Esterwegen, near Hamburg; Dachau, northwest of Munich; and Lichtenburg, in Saxony. In Berlin itself, the Columbia Haus facility held prisoners under investigation by the Gestapo (the German secret state police) until 1936.

THSenior ago

Thinking critically, for the soldiers. You are asking stupid questions.

Climhazzard ago

Why would they ship Jews around on trains to begin with? Why use elaborate gas chambers instead of just hanging them or bayoneting them and tossing them in the nearest ditch?

The NSDAP (Nazis): White people, and especially blonde-haired blue-eyed Germans, are the best race in the world and everyone else needs to be eradicated.

Japan: Sign me up.

Animals9 ago

Why would they ship Jews around on trains to begin with? Why use elaborate gas chambers instead of just hanging them or bayoneting them and tossing them in the nearest ditch?

Bullets were pretty fucking cheap even back then, and the Germans had lots! The fact that they housed and fed these vermin along with the rest of their POWs speaks volumes. The Hall Of Cost tale aims to make sure you see through the poor victimized jews eyes.

misaeldodsonQbt ago

The mass executions took a massive toll on the soldiers performing them. The extermination of the jews started just the way you would expect: dig a huge hole, bring everybody over from the nearby village, and everybody gets hosed with lead.

The german soldiers doing the job developed PTSD and were subsequently much less efficient in combat. The gas chambers made the process opaque, and more efficient.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

"The gas chambers made the process opaque, and more efficient."


'more efficient'


speedisavirus ago

Because they were used as forced labor?

YouAreASlave ago

What would you know about work you obvious kike?

speedisavirus ago

Not a kike like you. I've worked since before it was legal.

Climhazzard ago

Jews do not do any labor. They hire catering for every event, and no Jew ever works catering. Maybe he would be a catering advisor but never a server.

A Jewish labor camp would never produce anything except menstrual blood from their matriarchs. Jew men are limp-wristed.

christophoros ago

Speaking as a non Germanic person...

Anyone with half a brain can see the the apple in God's eye are the Germanic people.

If you cannot see it you have been kiked

Granite_Pill ago

The Germans are a bunch of collectivist group-think faggots who run and cry at the first sign of danger. They make over-engineered expensive junk. They're mostly communist retards.

BushChuck ago

Now do Americans!

speedisavirus ago

Ah, yes, the people that destroyed one of the greatest civilizations and almost destroyed Europe twice in the last century are god's people. Your IQ is low.

BalfourYourFace ago

Go to Germany and meet some of them, they are all hardcore libtarded socialists.

registeretakes10s ago

Definitely true, and the vast majority have been brainwashed so hard.

But I did meet some hardcore Germans every now and then. These own guns (you can own hunting rifles) and take no shit. They tend to be more hardcore than average

BalfourYourFace ago

I'm sure they exist somewhere, but my company is huge and I don't know a single one

registeretakes10s ago

Mostly in rural areas. As you'd guess really

everef ago

Agreed, whatever they were prior to the two world wars is lost. Hopefully only temporarily, but it will take some serious eugenics to get it back.

ussliberty ago

I feel like they were the ONLY race during WW2 that was culled.

YouAreASlave ago

It was a Russian and German genocide that the kike must ever be held accountable for.

Brawndosaurus ago

Accurate. Well, Russian Christians too

PraiseIPU ago

Why did Alcatraz have an elementary school?

1stResponder ago

Why did Alcatraz have an elementary school?

I think you meant Auschwitz. Otherwise if it was Alcatraz, it was for the birds.

PraiseIPU ago

Just one bird

smokratez ago

Obviously to gass all the jews, right?

HillBoulder ago

And curiously missing incinerators and other machines of death...

THSenior ago

There were probably incinerators.

HillBoulder ago

If you're considering a heat source an incinerator then yea ok you win.

Climhazzard ago

Nobody upvoated you, so I will. There were probably incinerators. There are morgues underneath our prisons and hospitals. They do not accommodate large numbers of deaths, and neither did the NSDAP deportation camps.


Yes. There were wood burning incinerators for trash. There were also small gas chambers (which a person could not fit in) to gas clothing against typhus and prevent measles spreading. You could fit about 3 to 4 kilos worth of clothing inside a hermetically sealed metal gas chamber. Picture the area of inside a common washing machine.

People also forget the brothel, a post office, a growing green house for potatoes and other greens to grow all year round, a rabbit breeding program as a hobby, a horse grooming and stables as a hobby and outer patrols, a dedicated concrete orchestra/concert area, a library, an in-camp currency money free from the German mark devaluations due to the on-going war, a birthing room, a dentist room, a barber, a tailoring area. A large washing house for clothes and bathing house. With separate small outhouses throughout the camp to prevent the spread of typhus and measles, with even section of quarantine fo those possible infected who would still have some of the aforementioned amenities. These outhouses had dedicated showers and toilets to service thousands. The guards used the same facilities. All set up to serve thousands, not just guards.

Oh and the really sick and injured inmates were sent to university hospitals and given preferential treatments over German citizens to try to save their lives. But don't question any of this, they were all systemically killed upon arrival, we pinky promise.

Maroonsaint ago

I heard they even had free unlimited internet access

kammmmak ago

No dude, it wasn't free.

Maroonsaint ago

I need to go to a Nazi dentist my tooth is fucking killing me. And now it’s the weekend so I can’t go. Maybe I need to go score some h kill the pain till I can make it.

AnthraxAlex ago

Ration the pain killers the dentists give you periodically and always save a few. It takes some discipline but ive got a decent stash in my emergency kit now and you'll thank yourself when you get a tooth that is abscessed or needs a root canal. Also if i get shot in the boogaloo atleast ill die fucked up and not feeling it.

kammmmak ago

Aspirin can help big time in an emergency situation until you get some behind the counter stuff

justregtoasku ago

Nurofen is good for tooth ache

Sweettendiesloving ago

I heard that nazi dentists specialized in working on Canines. The third tooth to the reich.

Maroonsaint ago

Ok. I’ll upgoat you..... homo

RexYehudi ago

There was a Holocaust alright ..

The official story is arse about face, Jews perped genocide upon the German ppl not the other way around.

Ppl should get it well understood the Holocaust was an inside job and that Adolf Hitler and all of the top Nazis were Jews, the non Jewish Nazis Ernst Röhm and the SA hierarchy having been slaughtered in the Night of the Long Knives Massacres of June 1934, after H was sworn in as German Chancellor Jan 31, 1933.

In the video Danger Zone for Trucks in Czech Republic, driver Harry Stam takes us thru deserted towns and villages we say the former inhabitants of which were the Sudetenland Germans, whose ancestors had been sent there by usurper Catherine the Great in the 18th Century.

Who were with the Volga Germans, other pockets of relocated Germans in Poland and the Gypsy ppl the principle victims of the H'caust.

The word "Nazi" as in Ashkenazi refers to a "Prince of Jewry," the title given the head of the Sanhedrin court which meted out life and death under Talmudic Law. Secrets of Zion.

blit416 ago

Nazi is Not "Prince of Jewry" its a slur for NSDAP / Natsoc party, that roughly translated is Crazy/Nutsy.. created by a Jewish journalist.

You're a misinformation cut'n'paste pasta queer. FUCK OFF

captainstrange ago

"humansarefree" is another jewish front for bullshit news like 'freethoughtproject' and similar ilk.

Whenever they make these big wall to wall posts with bullshit links it's almost always some faggot out of israel.

4thUsername ago

Hitler Was a Rothschild

Go back to reddit with your lies, kike.

fightknightHERO ago

Hitler was a rothschild

take your kike lies and shove em up your arse mr (((Yehudi)))

RexYehudi ago

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911 then established the bogus War on Terror, like they infiltrated Turkish politics then perpetrated the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Hitler arbitrarily Declared War on the United States Dec. 11, 1941, following President Roosevelt's Declaration of War on Japan three days earlier in response to the False Flag Pearl Harbor attacks.

After having declared war on France and England June 10, 1940 Benito Mussolini Declared War on America on behalf of Italy on the same day as Hitler, thus between the two of them they deliberately caused Germany and Italy to be on the losing sides in WW2.

Just as Jews had infiltrated German politics so were they simultaneously running things in the Soviet Union, the Communist / Bolshevik was movement completely devised and executed by Jewish or partly Jewish masterminds like Lenin and the Secret Police Chiefs all the way to Marx & Trosky.

Jew Lazar Kaganovich was the real master of the Kremlin during the Stalin era .. Jews put corrupt gentiles like Bush, Obama and Donald Trump into nominally powerful positions, then surround them with their people who wield the real power, so when things go south they can scapegoat their Gentile puppets for their sordid malfeasances.

4thUsername ago

Jews infiltrated German politics then perped the Holocaust in the name of the German ppl, like they infiltrated US politics perped 911

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. While Hitler cooperated with Zionists in their shared efforts to get Jews out of Germany, Jews were successfully purged from the German government and all facets of German society. The infiltration of US politics by Jews is obviously correct, but your first statement is absolute garbage.

You are attempting to sneak in the "Hitler was a Jew lie" by telling some 9/11 truth, when the two situations are completely opposite. You got caught. Go back to reddit.

NoBS ago

The Vatican has the worlds oldest Military Intelligence organization today.

By the the time the first horde of Muslims moved North and Northwest the Jesuits had been collecting (stealing) historical artifacts that helped centralize Power.

WWI empowered the Catholic Church to play politics on a global level and groomed Benito Mussolini to lead the Italian Fascist Party.

With Benito's arrest and later execution the Jesuit owned and operated Fascist Party remained in power.

You think the King of England and our OSS did that willingly? Hitlers largest supporter, the Vatican?

Even Democrat loyalist can't be that stupid, right?

The Vatican is the owner operator of Mossad, Israel is just a scapegoat.

The Rothschild's own more than just the Vatican, but AAA, CIA, FBI, NSA, ... XYZ.

Fuck google and the alphabet soup.