sunshine702 ago

Pop country ALL sounds the same- male or female. Blame the svengallis in the (((music industry))

eyeswim ago

does bullshit smell like some bullshit?

reason247 ago

Muslims are right about women... And banking.

Handsoffmygats ago

I wish we knew their timeline for shitting on our cities like they did with Rhodesia and South Africa. Would alllow us to enjoy the most out of our city before they shit up the place.

Maroonsaint ago

Everything links back to iq. All of it. Lower iq people come to higher iq countries and suck. Their countries suck. They suck welfare and commit crime. Asians with higher iqs come to we at western countries and do fine. Their countries are fine. If you look at the best to worst countries you’ll find the same trend all the way down. It holds steady no matter where you look. That’s why I always bring it up to anyone arguing. Cause it at the very least plants the seeds of doubt in their brainwashed heads

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I keep seeing this being pushed that asians are angels and it isn't so. There are asian gangs and fucking asians shysters and whatnot. Its just not as widespread because of their numbers

prairie ago

And white male bullshit sounds like feminist bullshit.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its jew bullshit. Loxism. The Kalergi Plan. Jews hate whites.

ex-redd ago

Financial terrorism

nice, I gotta remember that one

VoatContainmentGuard ago

(((Reverse mortgages))) is a prime example of financial terrorism.

illuminalto2 ago

I always thought they sounded fishy as fuck.

What's the deal with them anyways? You sell your house over time?

uvulectomy ago

Hey OP, here's a hint. When you're posting links.... EVERYTHING from the ? onward can be deleted.

There's literally 3.5 times more tracking & referral bullshit than actual URL. This is bad, and you should feel bad. And if you do it again, you should just kill yourself.

  • See THIS? It takes you to the same place, without all the bullshit.

  • Even better, here's a thing called an archive link which is even shorter, and bypasses the twitter kikery entirely.

Don't fuckup again, nigger.

Recyclops14 ago

Was the quoted tweet deleted before you archived it?

uvulectomy ago


parnellsUprising ago

Should have tweet saved it, the tweet has been deleted now, so it doesn't really have context.

SuckaFree ago

The tweet she quoted has been deleted. What did it say?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

She said that country music radio stations didn't play female artists back-to-back and that smells like white male bullshit.

abattoirdaydream ago

This is part of a deliberate effort to attack Nashville. They moved a shit ton of migrants in, Hollywood moves in, and now they refuse to take the mike away from Underwood, give contracts to no talent hacks like Musgrave's, threaten Swift into compliance, and abuse Dolly like a dancing monkey. It is shameful.

uvulectomy ago

Nashville has been niggered-up for a long time. Just drive south along 8th and you'll see what I mean.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


chirogonemd ago

How about you're just not that talented?

How about the fact that the country genre as a whole has seen such a downhill slide in terms of talent, songwriting and promotion, that if, as a female country star, you cannot follow in the shallow foot falls of Taylor Swift, you probably don't deserve the attention you're asking for.

SearchVoatBot ago

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