Bigwhistle ago

Can’t eat the dog after it’s been poisoned.

Anarchy99 ago

sure you can

Blood-is-Nature ago

Dog killer = 9, rams him into = 11 9/11 Coincidence?

Bigdickedelf ago

Jaundiced squint kikes....the lot of them!

ExpertShitposter ago

col but i want the video

Groff ago

I see nothing wrong with this other than the person driving the car was arrested and charged with a crime. The dog killer was begging for it.

Whitening ago

We need to have this same fervor when it comes to Leftists.

SearchVoatBot ago

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IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

This happened in China so it's anyone's guess if this was intentional or another car accident.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

That's great but what's goona happen to @Gabara for blowing his dog?

Wowbagger ago

justifiable homicide. deceased's family member can eat it. her relative was a serial animal killer and he'd have moved on to people soon enough.

Anarchy99 ago

That's right . Asians are also cannibals. Look up death by a thousand cuts in China, sick mother fuckers

yewotm8 ago

The owner’s family have reportedly claimed that he got the pedals confused as he was driving and did not intend to ram the suspected dog thief with his car.


Fuckin cops gonna get in the way of people trying to get justice now tho

MrGoober ago

Remember boys and girls. Diversity is our strength!


Terrible...both the dog killer AND the chinks who eat dogs.

Toolmaker ago

"The owner’s family have reportedly claimed that he got the pedals confused as he was driving and did not intend to ram the suspected dog thief with his car."

Works for me.

rspix000 ago

I know there is a lot of bonding in relationships with dogs which have become almost quasi-children as family size decreases, but the "rule of law" is a cold heartless bitch. Deadly force may not be used to protect property. A famous case involved a NYC taxi cabbie who witnessed a purse snatching and pinned the perp against a wall with his bumper, leaving the perp hobbled for life. Judgment for perp because, as I stated at the beginning, deadly force may not be used to protect property. A dog is mere property.

Herkules97 ago

Laws can be bullshit, this is already known.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Go fuck yourself

Soyboy69 ago

Why the fuck shouldn't' deadly force use be used to protect property, a declaration from the government saying you can't is damn near the same thing as them handing over your belongings to the first nigger who wants them.

rspix000 ago

If a robbery is involved, that means you may have a reasonable fear of bodily injury and you can blow away the perp. I don't make the rules, I am just discussing them in a thread that seems to not appreciate the info.

Anarchy99 ago

you are circumsized jew monkey. Fuck Off

rspix000 ago

Now tell me how you really feel.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Need to bring him here and set him loose on the ATF.

superspathi ago

Kill everyone in dog killer's family too.

saltpricesplummet ago

Mother fucker was let off easy.

GasChamber ago

A female relative of the deceased reportedly said: ‘Even if we were in the wrong, that does not give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner.’

Fuck you. He would still be alive if he hadn't pulled that bullshit.

HiJoker ago

Hunt that cunt down and run her over as well.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

I like dogs, except pit bulls. Dog owners are half the time literal psychopaths though, see comments. That said obviously don't go killing other people's dogs unless you want to get killed by the aforementioned psychopaths. I'll bet the murderer will get more time than had his dog killed someone, but less time than the dog killer would likely have had.

Soyboy69 ago

Pitbulls are good for home defense, the biggest issue is that they'll also kill each other and the owner in addition to trespassers, but you have to take what you can get whenn other forms of passive home protection are banned.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

They're good for home defense, too good some might say. I think a German shepherd would be a better option.

Anarchy99 ago

If you kill my dog, you get prolong torture, and a slow painful death

Sleuth222 ago

re: aforementioned psychopaths

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

In case I needed my point to be proven that at least half of dog owners are psychopaths, here we go. Treating your dog higher than people is gay, torture is gay, you are gay, killing dogs is also gay. Unless it's a pitbull or generally violent, if it's a nuisance (barking and shitting everywhere) it should be given to a non retarded dog owner.

greenfrog ago

It is painful for them to hear, go easy. When his pit bull decides for absolutely no reason that they want to maul their owners face off, the dog will not even wait for him to die before eating him alive.

All any of them are to their dog is a food source.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Neck yourself, kike

Anarchy99 ago

fuck off kike

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Not a single thing I said was close to kikery. In fact torture is as kike like as you get. Did I upset you faggot for even questioning your unhealthy obsession with your pooch?

wickedkae ago

Good. If you kill someones dog you deserve nothing less than death

Broc_Lia ago

I was going to say, either:

  • Muslim who hates dogs


  • Some gang trying to cash in on the dog meat

Turns out it was a latter. Dognapping is a huge problem in china, they travel around cities looking for dogs in back yards and steal them for the meat industry.

Soyboy69 ago

Why would the Chinese even have dogs?

ex-feminist ago

I know a guy who's half Chinese and lived there a couple years. He said the streets were filled with strays but not all dogs are picked for food. The dogs that servive are very cute, very clever, and not big or fat enough for Chinese folk to waste their time with in the food industry. They're mostly domesticated but they're feral enough if you try to pet them they'd scoot away from you like any stranger would be weirded out if a stranger tried to touch them. They're indipendent but sometimes travel in small packs. The strays normally have a route they do every day like, go to the old guy, visit butcher shop A, B, C, go to the watering hole etc.

My buddy lost his pup when she escaped when he lives their and she never returned, but maybe she just misses the street life

Broc_Lia ago

They're a fashion statement, especially purse dogs. Having a dog means you're an affluent middle-class family with western sensibilities. Which I guess is ironic in a communist country but that's life.

Anarchy99 ago

We used to live next door to Hatians. They would throw these voodoo parties, food all around. My room mate got a plate . He said then there was this , swirling what looked like a German Shepard's claw in a Dixie cup. In other words, it wasn't curried goat. Hatians are racist pieces of shit.

steven_feelsperg ago

All POC are POS, but if you're not racist yourself, you're not doing it right.

RevDrStrangelove ago

We could glass Haiti and Jamaica and I wouldn't lose a second of sleep over it. Haitians and Jamaicans are some of the biggest lowlifes in existence.

Draco777 ago

Even American blacks hate Haitians.

whitesilk ago

Average IQ of Jamaicins 71 - Haitans 67

Retarded is 75

Broc_Lia ago

With Haitians I'd expect chicken. That's pretty gross though.

Leroy_Antoine ago

Also cat.

Anarchy99 ago

They will eat anything. They are a cursed people with Jewish genetics . They learned all that voodoo bullshit from the jews kapparot

Broc_Lia ago

Aren't similar practices to voodoo common all over west Africa? I would've thought they came up with it independently. After all, sacrificing an animal isn't unique to judaism.

Anarchy99 ago

Maybe the jews got it from Africans. Jews are part negro

oneinchterror ago


I'd expect mud cookies

Broc_Lia ago

Where would they get the traditional Haitian mud though?

I think that's the worst part of the mud cookie story. They don't just use dirt from where they live. They actually import it from the mountains and pay money for it.

ardvarcus ago

Chinks are like locusts -- they'll consume anything.

Broc_Lia ago


whitesilk ago

The Insect People.


Bug gooks

RM-Goetbbels ago

A female relative of the deceased reportedly said: ‘Even if we were in the wrong, that does not give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner.’

Ohhhh yes it does. In fact I think that fucker is lucky, he should have been chained to the floor, had gasoline poured on separate parts of his body, and ignited over a course of 10-12 days. THAT would be fitting.

beefartist ago

Violence revenge faggots are just that, also they are always larping.

Groff ago

I like the way that you think.

TheSolutionist ago

You guys really love your dogs.

beefartist ago

No they don't, they are overcompensating

RM-Goetbbels ago

Dogs are the greatest! Barely second to cats. The cat needs a toy/servant.

alele-opathic ago

[...] that does not give you the right to be judge, jury and executioner.

This is a classically Jewish line used to neuter a populace. It implies that the state is the only one with the authority to decide guilt and mete punishment, which is also classically Jewish, and, if you look hard enough, our country still has vestiges of the old systems that allowed an individual to perform these functions (not sure about the executioner bit).

This is the same line the boomers fighting for Castle Doctrine / Stand Your Ground laws were up against.


Literally the only thing they fear is mob violence, because so much could be set right so quickly if this were to be a thing again.

beefartist ago

It isn't at all...there are very clear lines in the bible about when it is ok to kill and when not. The translations have been a bit grabbled though: it is actually thou shalt not MURDER, and that is totally different.

Broc_Lia ago

It's worth noting that the chinese have nowhere near the same attachment to animals that westerners do. Animal abuse is pretty common there, so I guess it makes sense they'd consider this a minor crime.


Fucking bug people. Unable to empathize. Fucking gook eyes alien give.

followthedolla ago

yeah they're soulless ant communists

alele-opathic ago

Worse than that - in most of the countryside, dogs never live past 3-4 years. Once a major disease comes through (e.g. tick-borne), the authorities will order everyone to kill their dogs, and nobody can replace their dogs until it subsides.

Soyboy69 ago

I guess it makes sense they'd consider this a minor crime.

It's still theft and destruction of property.7

Broc_Lia ago

They have nowhere near the same attachment to property either.

Gangs of thieves are common in Chinese cities, but no one dares confront them because they pay off the cops.

Approved ago

At least this guy cared enough about his dog to go kill the fucking dog-killer in revenge. Good for him.

They should sentence him to 15 minutes in jail and make him pay a half dollar in compensation to the "victim's" filthy fucking relatives.

lord_nougat ago

And the name of this car?


GumbyTM ago


lord_nougat ago


ardvarcus ago

My thinking is, any dog owner who kills someone because that person killed his dog has done the right thing, and will be rewarded in heaven. You kill my dog, you have every right to expect to die. We're pack. My dog would die for me, and I'm not going to let him down.

beefartist ago

Try having kids will make you less of a fucking retard. There is no such thing as a pet parent...stop watching John Wick, the title of this should read "dog killer gets MURDERED".

skidder ago

Damn tootin he would. Had a dog about 30 years ago saved my live in girlfriend at the time from being raped and likely murdered by 3 illegal aliens in a home invasion.

He was 120lbs, she said he never even started breathing hard. Never barked or growled when he heard them getting ready to kick down the door. Just went over, sniffed the door, backed up about 4 feet and sat down on his haunches. My girlfriend was in the bedroom calling 911 when the door got booted in. All she heard were screams as the dog ripped into them. I came home to a blood trail a 100 ft from the apartment and blood dripping down the entry way walls to about 4' into the apartment. That's as far as he was going to let them come in. The cops got 2 of them at the hospital with severe bite wounds, they turned in the 3rd guy. Dogs are great. Anyone who would go around killing a dog should be hung by his balls until dead. It kills me to see how some people treat their pets as well. If you can't make the dog a member of your family, don't bring it home.

CalAnon805 ago

What kind of dog, and was it protective trained or instinct?

Master_Foo ago

Hey everyone, I found John Wick's account!

beefartist ago

First non retard thing I have ever heard you say, congrats!

Master_Foo ago

Well, I don't know who the fuck you are, or remember anything you've said, so, If we are keeping score, I guess I'm one better than you.

Herkules97 ago

There is such a thing as reading..

GreenSlug ago

I dont even like dogs particularly and i agree. If you own animals they are your responsibility to protect, and seek vengeance for

SparklingWiggle ago

Would you die for your dog?

Broc_Lia ago

Depends on the situation, but I'd be willing to take extreme risks for my dog. Some of which include risk of death.

thatguyiam ago

..if only the cucks would do that to the hoes that abort their offspring, things would make more sense

watts2db ago

if im willing to kill that implicitly answers the question since there is good chance of dying in prison

SparklingWiggle ago

Willing to kill is far different than willing to die. Your penalty for killing is not an absolute. Your dog will live about 15 years. You will live much longer. Have children (assuming you're white. If not, do a flip.) And then you will know love worth dying for.

watts2db ago

thats what I mean Im already an old guy but heaven help anyone that harms my dog if I get a hold them. Im willing to lose it all for him

SparklingWiggle ago

Rumor has it that George Soros is going to fund an organization that wants to take away pet ownership. They will confiscate all pets, including your dog and put them down. Please don't try to stop him.

watts2db ago

actually that's probably true

HiJoker ago


SparklingWiggle ago

He especially hates your dog. It gives off too much gas. Your little farter is speeding up the death of this planet. Greta is going to personally snuff out Mr. Snuggles.

HiJoker ago

Did you hear that Mr Snuggles? A plump little white girl is coming over to be your food!

Greta Chow.

Greta Chow for the chow gonna chow now pal. Greta Chow pow pow pow.

Give me a beat. Boom Tiss. Boom Tiss. Boom Tiss. Boom Tiss Boom Boom!

Music for the electric Boogaloo. The bass like bullets goes through you. If your a commie, then screw you. Leave a message for all that knew you.

ardvarcus ago

I've never been in that situation, but I expect that I would. Loyalty is a two-way street, and my dog is a hell of a lot better than most people I've met.

greenfrog ago

Your dogs ‘loyalty’ is it’s evolved mechanism for getting food. People seriously forgot the difference between an animal and a person, and think that a food-dependent modern wolf has human loyalty.

beefartist ago

Animal "lovers" are notorious for their lack of understanding of animal nature. Anthropomorphizing your dog is cruel and gay as fuck.

Live_Wire ago

Like all the food dogs who wait at bus stops when their owners never return get?

pzazz ago

People seriously forgot the difference between an animal and a person

Provide a detailed explanation of the difference please.

beefartist ago

Is that really necessary for anyone with sense? (that's a rhetorical question but I knew I would have toexplain that to you).

SparklingWiggle ago

Your dog is your servant, not the other way around. Find love, have children. You will know what you would die for and why.

badruns ago

People who talk like they're savants just because they spit out kids are annoying.

beefartist ago

Don't let all the shitty parents distract you from the FACT that there is nothing more impressive nor greater than creating life.

SparklingWiggle ago

People who don't have them think dogs are equal to children. The Jews love you for ending your genetic lineage.

beefartist ago

Haha triggered the "pet parents".

SparklingWiggle ago

They're not animals; they're "furbabies". Now all the downvotes make sense.

badruns ago

No one here is saying replace children with pets, dumbass.

greenfrog ago

If you have children and are still willing to die for a dog, you really should consider not having children.

GreenSlug ago

I have to agree you froggy fuck. You better not besmirch the title of green though!

badruns ago

What if you only have one kid, green? If you sacrifice yourself for that kid, you don't go on to have the other 3 kids you would have had after. Should you let the kid die in that case, or have you realized how much of a faggot you're being by trying to turn this into a question of morality?

beefartist ago

It isn't morality...if you can get your shit right AND you end up having kids you will look back on what you say and realize it is stupid. No amount of dumb fuck hypotheticals will change the mind of a parent to agree with you, nor will it justify what you say.

greenfrog ago

Children are not replaceable and are your bloodline, will care for you and bring you everlasting happiness if treated right. A dog is, well - a dog.

SparklingWiggle ago

If you are willing to die for a short-lived pet, I can guarantee you don't have kids. **guarantee **

alele-opathic ago

If you are willing to die for a short-lived pet

This is actually a philosophical necessity (i.e. it should be done based on principle) - trying to argue against it is 'pragmatism', which seems to be what has neutered us all.

On principle, 'the group' is more important than any singular member, and thus any member must be willing to die to preserve 'the group'. This is true regardless of scale and regardless of whether the group is the family, nation, or race.

Pragmatism leads to artificial inflation of self worth, e.g. 'I am important because X relies on me, therefore I cannot risk my own life to defend this threat'. Pragmatism en masse leads to a tragedy of the commons situation, where nobody will defend against a threat, because everyone thinks their own life is too valuable.

You're (presumably) inadvertently shilling for the same ideology that is causing our suicide.

greenfrog ago

What does a dog have to do with the group?

alele-opathic ago

I wasn't so much responding to the 'dog' part as the 'if any member of your group is willing to die for you, you should reciprocate'. It was a tangential relation, but I enjoy any time I get to have a discussion of the philosophy etc. of what to do about our plight.

Of course, the inverse is that 'you should not risk death for those who wouldn't reciprocate'. Though most dogs are 'just pets', a properly trained dog is an invaluable defense tool.

beefartist ago

Yes, you were responding to the dog part, don't back pedal now. Childless people signal themselves as such from a mile away...You should give up your life for PEOPLE you would NEVER want to reciprocate for (FAMILY). Also once you have a family your life is not your own and throwing it away when you have a family is selfish and senseless.

badruns ago

Please, tell us all about your kids sparkling, we love to hear about it. I mean yeah, the conversation was about dogs, but please go ahead and talk about your kids. Are you going to talk about crossfit or being vegan after?

beefartist ago

You reply without listening to what you are replying to...again you are comparing being a parent with faggot shit (like being a pet parent).

SparklingWiggle ago

Sure. They are all blonde haired and blue-eyed. They know niggers are dangerous and jews are evil. They act without degeracy.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

Without hesitation.

SparklingWiggle ago

But you won't die for white people?

zxcvzxcv ago

But you won't die for white people?

White people have forgotten how to be loyal. Dogs have not.

SparklingWiggle ago

I guess you're not loyal either. Learn who you truly are.

hang_em_high ago

What are you doing? You seem quite alive to me. Maybe you are a fucking sellout as well.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

First, stop denigrating your people with the subversive jewish label of "white".

SparklingWiggle ago

Nope. White is wonderful.

Don't tell me you can trace the label of white to a Jew. I know what I am. I know that if any other race were to breed with a white they don't make a white child. I am white.

And, if you're going to start by saying, "First" then don't be a nigger, have a "second."

Communism4Israel ago

/u/SparklingWiggle, we're not a color, you fucking troglodyte. Our race is Indo-European and we should refer to ourselves as European first and foremost.

Is that understood?

ScottMAGA ago

Our race is Indo-European

No. Modern Whites are descended from three races, one of which was the Indo-European race from the steppe. We are also descended from a race of farmers from the middle east who spoke language from which Basque is descended, and a race of hunter-gatherers from Europe.

GreenSlug ago

You might be a cuck, but im an american, not a shit poking faggot European. Im white. My ancestors were white (except that one native american guy, he was likely asian in actuality)

memik ago

im an american

So is Pedro and Leshawndra.

But Pedro calls himself Mexican, and Leshawndra identifies as a kang.

GreenSlug ago

And so Muhammad and Jamal also call themselves European.

Communism4Israel ago

You're racially of European stock you stupid fuck. You're not a fucking color. I'm an American from Oklahoma. It's retarded and absolutely fucking deluded to identify yourself as white. As a damn color.

Amerimutts like yourself need to get through your damn head that you are European.

You think because of some faggot cucks over in Europe, I'm going to decide to dumb down labels and call myself a color? I'm not a self-conscious bastard like yourself who resorts to doing such.

I am proud of my heritage and I am European.

Let me put a bit of a disclaimer here. I will state that from time to time I do call myself and other Europeans as 'white'; it is a go-to, apt term for Europeans. However, I think it's asinine to exclusively and only refer to yourself and others as 'white'.

GhostCow ago

If you want to be that pedantic European isn't even a race. You can split it into two discinct groups if you want to use broad strokes and beyond that an Irishman isn't the same race as a German. You're arguing retarded fucking semantics and the only other dumbass I've heard say the same shit as you is Owen Benjamin

GreenSlug ago

NOT ONE SINGLE WHITE PERSON EVER REFERS TO THEMSELVES AS JUST WHITE, you stupid motherfucker. My ancestors were english, german, scottish, dutch, and some other small percentages of other stuff. But, I AM NOT EUROPEAN YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER. My ancestors settled these lands, and became AMERICANS, and their children were born Americans, and their children, and their children, and finally me eventually. In NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM am I a European, just because my ancestors were at one point European, does NOT make me European. I know my heritage, same as every other WHITE person worth their color knows theirs.

You say "Amerimutts like you" showing your true KIKE heritage, trying to dissuade WHITE people from joining together under a unified name, AKA, white! You want us all divided as our separate euro heritages, so you KIKE fucks can wedge us apart, because you fear the power of real white people.

So fuck you and go gas yourself "my fellow white person"

Communism4Israel ago

Let me reiterate that only a canaanite would want to separate Americans from who we are. Americans that first settled this country are European.

Let me ask you, why do you want separate this reality that we hold so dearly?

GreenSlug ago

Because Americans left Europe on purpose, and settled new lands. We became separate people. We are still white, as real Europeans are still white.

By your logic and the commonly accept theory, we are ALL actually AFRICANS! OHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO what now faggot? We all gotta unite with our african brothers!


As people evolve, we move away from the less evolved who seek to hold us back as crabs in a bucket. Someday i hope my progeny will call themselves Martians, and still unify with the Venetians as WHITE to fight against the dirty nigger earthers (really i hope that last part doesnt happen, i hope we reclaim earth for WHITES as well)

Communism4Israel ago

"dirty nigger earthers"

Yeah, you're a canaanite.

GreenSlug ago

Listen here KIKE, we know your plan is to make a mud race to be your slaves. If white people cant take back earth from your jew fuckfaces, we will end up elsewhere. And we will glass your fucking nigger asses from space

Communism4Israel ago

Do you not realize that by blending of the ethnic makeup of all European ethnic groups, you will destroy the distinctions that make each one unique?

If there's anyone that's a canaanite it's you.

You wish to separate the European identity which we hold dear as well. You're touting a Richard Spencerian belief that Europeans should all blend together to create some empire akin to the size of the EU. Fuck you, you canaanite piece of shit. I spot a shill when I see one.

GreenSlug ago

Point out specifically where i called for blending the Europeans? Where as you called for labeling ALL white people as Europeans.

You are a KIKE.


You've been found out

Communism4Israel ago

By taking away the distinction that we are of European descent, it's muddying of our European heritage altogether. What's so wrong with identifying as a European or even like a German or as British?

You haven't found me out at all. If anything you've attempted to dumb down labels in order to muddy down the European identity of Americans.

You need to cool it, dude. Typing in all caps isn't helping your case at all and makes you out to look like a Hasbara troll.

GreenSlug ago

What distinction did i take away? Did your inbred kike eyes miss the part where i pointed out that all white people worth their color celebrate their ancestors and heritage? Being of European descent does not a European one make. If i was of euro descent, and born and raised in Europe, i would be European. Since my ancestors, and their ancestors, and their ancestors, and on and on and on, were born and raised and founded a country called AMERICA, I am not European, i am American, and god damn proud of it.

You, maam, are the kike attempting to dumb down the labels to be "European".

Communism4Israel ago

I'm a guy, soooooo, eh fuck it whatever.

Again, you and I racially of European stock so why do you keep trying to separate that distinction? Do you not realize how retarded you sound?

Imagine identifying as a color, lmao. Keep calling me a kike, dude. It doesn't help your argument in the slightest.

GreenSlug ago

Ignore all points i make, disregard where i point put your lies, keep up the drivel.


Communism4Israel ago

In what way am I a kike?

wokeasfook ago

So Celts and Italians are the same?

Celts and Greeks?

Slavs and hispanics?

Slavs and Celts?

All come under the European label.

You're denigrating this poster because he identified as a color while you identify as a vast geographic location.

Communism4Israel ago

Indo-European to be exact but that calling you're that would be a mouthful. I don't see the reason to dumb down labels. It may have seemed like I refer to us as such but we are of European stock? I think that's more important to remember than calling us a fucking color.

wokeasfook ago

White is shorter. It's also a frame of mind.

Anybody can be a nigger. Lots of whites are niggers.

Be white.

Jews aren't trying to wipe Europeans off the map they are trying to wipe whites off the map. Do you agree or disagree with that?

They aren't even hiding it anymore. Openly calling for it. Racism won't end till white people are no more. A respected (at one time at least) medical journal just did an entire piece in the subject.

Our enemies don't call us info Europeans. They call us white.

If they you to cease existing because you're white you should want to exist because you're white.

You seem to be occupying a battleground that doesn't exist.

Feel free to join us on the actual battlefield whenever it finally clicks.

Communism4Israel ago

Eh, good point. I cede defeat on this. I still think /u/GreenSlug is a fed or retarded though. You need to calm down, dude.

GreenSlug ago

These "dont be white!" KIKES just seek to drive a wedge between the varied kinds of white people. Its obvious. They will fail. Their tiny little sandnigger brains cant do any better and they slip up constantly. English and Germans are different people, both are European, both are white, they are still different but should unite under the label of white. Scots and Danes, separate and different, both white.

But these stupid fucks think that saying "Im white, hes white, their white" means we disregard our unique and valuable heritages. We dont. We celebrate our ancestors. We also unite with those like us, those capable of civilization, as we are both white, despite if one of us is American, and the other French (however much i dont personally like the French very much, i respect them under the label of WHITE)

wokeasfook ago

Man I even like or at least respect Asians in that I like that they are industrious hard working people capable of building a civilisation we can trade with. They also like their heritage and are willing to defend it. They encourage us to do the same. They love us for the same reasons.

We like and respect each other because we know without us the entire world would be like Africa and the ME.

The one thing we have in common is we aren't niggers, Muslims or inbred kikes.

GreenSlug ago

I like some kinds of asians, but some are little too bug person for my tastes.

The Japs deserve great respect, they stand out the most as great asian people.

And damn right, ill take a 50/50 white asian world before i accept the niggers, dune or jungle, as worthy

wokeasfook ago

Of course, some Asians are niggers. Some white are too in fairness.

But I do feel a kind of camaraderie with them. We have the same goals for the most part. Do better and improve on those that went before us and laid the ground for the lives we get to live.

Like us, they create. They work hard for their families. They plan for the future. Maybe even better than we do following decades of kike propaganda.

GreenSlug ago

Agreed. I wish i could see what the Chinese could have become if they didnt suffer the fate of communism and anti intellectualism.

Whites have been degraded intentionally to the point we now have such low IQ people that they may as well be niggers, we have a lot of correction to do in the future

wokeasfook ago

Couldn't agree more mate. One small positive is that we have started to correct. At least it feels like we have to me. So many of my friends are on the same page now. Something I thought impossible only a couple years ago.

Awareness is the key. White people aware of the Jew are unstoppable. We don't even need to do anything about it. Awareness alone will lead to the correct actions from whites and in turn the death of our parasite. They can't move to Russia or China this time. They have no more hosts to attach themselves to.

It's why if you say "Awareness is the key" you get immediately attacked by not only the obvious kikes but also the "calling for violence paid shills". They get really triggered.

Try it for the laugh. Make a post or just comment on some of the threads that "awareness is the key". It terrifies them because like cockroaches they scatter in the light. They fear the light being shone on them more than they fear anything else.

Once awareness comes we'll be like how my big dog (German Shepard Rottweiler cross) is with little dogs. Dismissive. They can bark and screech at him all they like and he looks at them as if to chuckle to himself. No training necessary for that. He just KNOWS. He's stoic as fuck when little dogs go crazy around him. Jews are little dogs. Whites will be so dismissive of those little inbred weaklings with shit genetics that without ever attacking them with violence we will destroy them.

A parasite can't survive without it's host. Once whites identify the parasite it's over for them and we're nearing critical mass.

I look forward to winning our freedom.

SparklingWiggle ago

Nope. Fuck special words. White works just fine. I also don't want people starting up with more immigrant shit. My ancestors went from one British land to another, then became Americans on 7/4/1776.

dingdong44 ago

Asian drivers.

totes_magotes ago

The darts contained a dose of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium that was large enough to kill the dogs instantly, and could harm people who ate the poisoned dog meat.

That says everything you need to know about the people there.

oaf ago


FUN FACT #593: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese "livestock meat" dog specifically bred for its tendency to "recycle" dog feces by re-consuming other dog's feces, if fresh, keeping kennels cleaner. If young puppy, a Chow will eat their OWN feces, as countless Web searches indicate.

Almost no mammals on earth eat feces regularly, except the RABBIT and the blue tongued Chow dog.

Some animals very low on vitamin B-12 may eat feces.

Eating feces may result in a different flavored dog meat, and conserve salt and mineral loss.

CHINESE increase the flavor of dog meat slightly by killing the dogs slowly, releasing stress chemicals into dog's bloodstream : see :

oaf ago


FUN FACT #593: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese "livestock meat" dog specifically bred for its tendency to "recycle" dog feces by re-consuming other dog's feces, if fresh, keeping kennels cleaner. If young puppy, a Chow will eat their OWN feces, as countless Web searches indicate.

Almost no mammals on earth eat feces regularly, except the RABBIT and the blue tongued Chow dog.

Some animals very low on vitamin B-12 may eat feces.

Eating feces may result in a different flavored dog meat, and conserve salt and mineral loss.

CHINESE increase the flavor of dog meat slightly by killing the dogs slowly, releasing stress chemicals into dog's bloodstream : see :

oaf ago


FUN FACT #593: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese dog specifically bred for its tendency to "recycle" dog feces by re-consuming other dog's feces, if fresh, keeping kennels cleaner. If young puppy, a Chow will eat their OWN feces, as countless Web searches indicate.

Almost no mammals on earth eat feces regularly, except the RABBIT and the blue tongued Chow dog.

Some animals very low on vitamin B-12 may eat feces.

Eating feces may result in a different flavored dog meat, and conserve salt and mineral loss.

CHINESE increase the flavor of dog meat slightly by killing the dogs slowly, releasing stress chemicals into dog's bloodstream : see :

alele-opathic ago

Fun fact: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese dog specifically bred for its meat.

That they literally named it 'Chow' gets me every time.

Soyboy69 ago

Nothing wrong with eating dogs if thats's what you're implying, whats worse is they would consider eating something that didn't die in good health immediately prior to butchering

totes_magotes ago

There's everything wrong with it. Any medical treatments from a vet can make the meat toxic/hazardous, dumbass. Not to mention it's a fuckin' pet.

beefartist ago

No, they aren't a pet they are an animal. You identify or treat them like a pet, fine. In many ways we had cows and pigs that we treated in some ways like pets, but that didn't stop us from eating them. Farms don't produce pussies, cities do.

totes_magotes ago

All those years of evolution where dog has been directly influenced by pet breeding and behavior selection makes them unfit as "just an animal" as they are far less capable of taking care of themselves.

What you're trying to tell me is that a Lamborghini isn't a car because it's a vehicle. Take your fuckin' bullshit jew logic the fuck out of here.

beefartist ago

Your logic is fucked up and retarded. No one is saying buy a dog (especially not a Chihuahua you homo) and not feed it. What I am saying is that no matter how pathetic your life is and how much you want it dog's aren't people and treating them as such isn't fair to them. Also Chihuahua are more than capable of being "mouse dogs"

totes_magotes ago

You have no reading comprehension. I guess that "Common Core" crap reading does work to destroy the goyim.

beefartist ago

You're a fag who tried to say it is ok to treat animals like "furbabies". I had one of the best public school educations available in the last 30 years and I out read you, and read you as well, if you are capable of getting my meaning.

totes_magotes ago

Quote it, retard. You can't. Because you have zero reading comprehension skills. Now are you gonna quit or do we need to jump to the part where I invite you to meet up so I can put you out of my misery?

beefartist ago

Sure thing's a tip: Don't threaten people on the internet, it is pathetic and not intimidating...especially when your bio quotes the Bee Gees, hahaha!~

totes_magotes ago

Says the faggot trying to quote and mimic the fictional character of Vic Fontaine. So not gonna take me up on the offer then? Figures. I'm hardly surprised, it's the tactic of every jewfag on the internet to back away when cornered.

beefartist ago

People like you don't "corner" anybody. Quit reading too much gamma fiction

totes_magotes ago

Do we need to jump back to the part where you refuse to accept my invitation to meet up?

beefartist ago

Sorry I am not gay and no one is intimidated by your shit. Why don't you show us some vids of you kicking ass or are they all "on the street"? If you don't some legally provable skills I will be charged with a crime because my fists are registered as lethal weapons (2)

totes_magotes ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

beefartist ago

You have been on voat long enough to know this copy/paste shit hasn't been funny or clever for a long time. Maybe try the "hell in the cell" one next time, bucko

totes_magotes ago

Cry some more, faggot.

Soyboy69 ago

Any medical treatments from a vet can make the meat toxic/hazardous, dumbass.

You think chinks take their animals to the vet?

totes_magotes ago

Even if not, they're still a fucking pet.

CalibanFresco ago

My first thought was in jest, 'what is this, China?' Turns out it was also the punchline.

oaf ago


FUN FACT #593: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese "livestock meat" dog specifically bred for its tendency to "recycle" dog feces by re-consuming other dog's feces, if fresh, keeping kennels cleaner. If young puppy, a Chow will eat their OWN feces, as countless Web searches indicate.

Almost no mammals on earth eat feces regularly, except the RABBIT and the blue tongued Chow dog.

Some animals very low on vitamin B-12 may eat feces.

Eating feces may result in a different flavored dog meat, and conserve salt and mineral loss.

CHINESE increase the flavor of dog meat slightly by killing the dogs slowly, releasing stress chemicals into dog's bloodstream : see :

oaf ago

FUN FACT #593: the Chow-Chow is a Chinese dog specifically bred for its tendency to "recycle" dog feces by re-consuming other dog's feces, if fresh, keeping kennels cleaner. If young puppy, a Chow will eat their OWN feces, as countless Web searches indicate.

Almost no mammals on earth eat feces regularly, except the RABBIT and the blue tongued Chow dog.

Some animals very low on vitamin B-12 may eat feces.

Eating feces may result in a different flavored dog meat, and conserve salt and mineral loss.

CHINESE increase the flavor of dog meat slightly by killing the dogs slowly, releasing stress chemicals into dog's bloodstream : see :