Kristov ago

If you must commit suicide in response to being a victim, at least have the decency to kill the perp first.

Seventh_Jim ago


NotaQjackass ago

God's will.

ardvarcus ago

If there was a lack of evidence, we don't really know that she was raped by this man, do we? She may have been mentally unstable to begin with.

800B7355 ago

The snake!!!

uvulectomy ago

Guarantee you if she accused a white man of raping her, the "lack of evidence" would never be an issue. He would have been convicted by lunchtime.

weak_penis ago

Whore. Her father should kill himself.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Wow it's almost like allowing Muslims into a country is the antithesis of all modern feminism.

Where was Me too in all of this?

maaaxheadroom ago

My wife says, “not saying she asked for it, but what the fuck was she expecting? Suicide? She should have put one of those razor spiked sperm catchers in her vagina and gone for a rematch.”

Remind me not to piss off my wife!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Sosacms ago

Not even a murder suicide? Get it together...

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Refugees welcome!! Then gets muh dikked and kills herself kek


Moln0014 ago

Im glad i live in a white community. Sad to hear about the white chick.

wgtt911 ago

She invited them into her nothing lost


Not what she claims. She was worried for a cancer suffering neighbor so she opened the door without a second's thought. The subhumans forcefully barged in.

AlternateSelection ago

When will the madness end? Before or after the whole world is irradiated?

w1rtz ago

yeah. i sawed now she was a lsebo...

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck you and your malware site

BushChuck ago

I feel no sympathy for this clearly leftist retard.

Rabid_Robot ago

The savages are being protected by the globalists because they are to have a significant role to play in destroying society.

Broc_Lia ago

  • She's a "refugees welcome" idiot. Toll paid

  • The rape happened in her apartment with no sign of forcible entry. The prosecutor only had her word for it that it was rape, not sex.

And the lesson is: Don't fill your country with rapefugees then expect a pozzed legal system to pick up the pieces.

Original_Dankster ago

If you vote to allow crocodiles into chicken coops you shouldn't be surprised at chickens being killed... And if you're a chicken yourself, I have even less sympathy.


Yeah because opening your door before looking through a peeping hole or putting the latch on when you have social cohesion with your neighbours is a common thing. Thus no sign of forceful entry is fairly normal in white society. She could have broken the latch on her own door after the fact as well... no way to prove it. They found enough DNA evidence of that subhuman in her bed and in her vagina. The forcefull entry is just an excuse.

The State of Sweden is going out of it's way to hide crime by the vermin they imported or it could hamper their diversity project.

She's was indeed a retard who welcomed subhuman vermin and then was formally acquainted with their root behavior.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah because opening your door before looking through a peeping hole or putting the latch on when you have social cohesion with your neighbours is a common thing. Thus no sign of forceful entry is fairly normal in white society. She could have broken the latch on her own door after the fact as well... no way to prove it.

You're missing the point. A lack of forceful entry doesn't disprove her rape claim, but it does introduce enough doubt that a jury probably wouldn't convict.

They found enough DNA evidence of that subhuman in her bed and in her vagina.

Ok, so all he has to do is say she agreed to have sex with him. Case lost.

She's was indeed a retard who welcomed subhuman vermin and then was formally acquainted with their root behavior.


ninjageek97 ago

she brought it on herself by welcoming her syrian neighbors with open arms this leaving her guard down to be attacked.

oh but she’s a lesbian she never asked for it...ironic she just became another statistic for why welcoming foreign invaders is detrimental to their well being

TreeMan32 ago

I was hoping for some closure for this story. and actually got happy ending! thanks!

Original_Dankster ago

I wonder if the suicide was partially motivated by not just the rape but he realization that her whole world view was wrong and guilt from the harm she voted into her society.

blackzetsu ago

Ofc dankster. The amount of pain she would be had to process was clearly too much

neuschwabia ago

She may have finally realized her world view was total trash as she was. The ultimate penalty for stupidity is death.

Shotinthedark ago

She got the diversity she was so happy for.

Proudarmygal1 ago

Fucking horrible. Rip

AngelofDeath ago

The Jew stands back smiling, rubbing hands.

So the prosecutor gets a call from some Jew, or higher up paid by the Jew, and ordered to send this woman away, forget the accusations.


They seek destruction of Western civilization and the white race. This will encourage more rapes. This may even encourage some white guy to start killing the niggers. This might eventually build into a civil war.

Either path leads to their goal.


There is a reason Jews LEAD the pack in nearly every mental disorder. They tell you several million of them have multiple personality disorder. There's supposedly only about 20 to 25 million of them, and a third have multiple personality disorder. One reason they are such liars. They also lead in schizophrenia, by far.

Get that gene pool out of the world.

voatuser1128 ago

Start the purge

If white Americas in a far more racist time did not purge them. I can't see how in modern times that could happen. Especially with Americans brainwashed by Hollywood to view nazis as bad and the Holocaust as something whites should feel guilty about.

We can't even deport the over 12 million illegal aliens, I also can't see how we can deport legal citizens.

Face it, it's over. All we can do is post memes and cope.

lowlife-thew ago

FBI entrapment shill, meet blackpill shill. Social proof works, so I'll bother commenting: I hope no one takes these two doofuses seriously.



voatuser1128 ago

You don't like me dispensing blackpills but like I wrote before. No one has given me a credible argument that there is any hope. Even if immigration was totally banned, whites will still become a minority. Women's rights/voting was a huge mistake, but I doubt women's rights/voting will ever be revoked. Donald Trump is the most alt-right friendly President the alt-right will ever have and his son-in-law in Jewish and his daughter converted to Judaism and Trump bows down to Israel every chance he gets.

AngelofDeath ago

Been at this over 35 years. Before there was an internet. I've invested thousands of dollars and spoke in many places promoting the racial message. I have no organization to join, don't need nor want donations. I can assure you, there are millions more awake on the race and genetics message then I've ever scene. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The purge will come. We do win this. No matter what the kike Jew above tells you.

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Would you recommend using 6 million ovens? It would be fun for about a week, then it would become tragic, and then it would get funny again.

AngelofDeath ago

I recommend a "lactose intolerance" focused bio weapon virus. Such is common among Mongols. And CHAZAR Ashkenazi Jews are commonly effected by such. Kill "two birds" with one stone.

deadindian ago

Fuck guess I’m dead then, thanks

Call_Of_Goat ago

We know they rape

We know they kill

If these dumb women don't protect themselves

I feel they are just as accountable as a girl who goes to a bar

Divinelight ago

She was probably there demanding they get brought in. Enjoy the diversity you wanted.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Next time, kill the prosecutor before you kill yourself.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

She was the problem. She supported importing it, then she let it in her home.

kammmmak ago

Blatant defending of savages is just so fucked.

ReAwakened ago

White women voted for this. It's good to see them getting what they wanted. I hope a lot more get to enjoy their choice.

AgentSakura ago

No one voted for this, our jewish oligarchs told us that this is what would happen. Were you born before 1965? I don't think so, shut up.

Europeans collectively never voted to be invaded by foreigners or to have their traditions trampled on or land stolen or currency devalued.

This has all been dictated down to use because we became a captive population long ago.

jthun2 ago

Bullcrap. Data on voting clearly shows white women vote for left wing parties that promote open borders.

60 years worth of time to catch up and figure out what is going on.

I agree that Jews are pushing mass immigration, but white women are exceptionally stupid in going along with it.

neuschwabia ago

Giving women the "right" to vote spelled the death of the American Republic.

stray502 ago

BS here in America we saw how you welcomed them into your country like you were getting some kind of prize. Even in Germany many women at the train station with signs welcoming refugees. More than 200 of those women were raped shorty after the refugees came in. You were too stupid to notice most of the refugees coming in were men not women. You knew in their own country rape and killing is the norm but you still wanted them there. Now its time to pay the piper.

AgentSakura ago

How is being sold out by traitors and raped the victims fault. Most of us are innocent and never wanted this.

jthun2 ago

A woman who goes to a train station with a sign saying 'welcome refugees' is making a choice. She is not a victim.

AgentSakura ago

Yes she is a victim of brainwashing by cultural marxists and is following her self destructive programming to the letter.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The thing is, most victims have to behave in specific ways in order to successfully become victims. If you look at violent crime in particular, the typical perp runs an assessment on potential victims until one meets their victim criteria. See "the five stages of violent crime" for more - The Interview stage is the one you want.

AgentSakura ago

It's still never the victims fault though, I get what you are saying but some either aren't equipped to deal with the situation or prepared. We are talking about our little girls and women who are not prepared to fight off people. When we abandon our most vulnerable people or make excuses what does that say about our society and ourselves.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

some either aren't equipped to deal with the situation or prepared.

Very true, whether it's a robbing, raping human criminal, or a natural phenomena like a crumbling cliff or tornado. But we all have the right to the consequences for our actions, for good or for bad, whether we're able to anticipate those or not. We as a society deserve what we're getting, because we know how things work, and we're pretending we don't.

Look. The jew has been doing this for years, and is literally still alive... We deserve whatever happens as a result of our behavior, or lack of behavior. As you say, we're abandoning our most vulnerable people, and we're receiving the correct consequences for that.

AgentSakura ago

We deserve whatever happens

No we don't, it's not our fault that our societies have been subverted for jewish interest. Who old are you? If you like 90 maybe you should feel shame for not doing something about this but many of us are born before the war and are just victims of an unjust system that has been forced upon us.

If we don't do something now to change things even then we still don't deserve to be subjected to barbarism as a result of our pacifism.

Stop blaming the victims and instead point the finger at the perpetrators of these crimes.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

But we all have the right to the consequences of our actions, for good or for bad, whether we're able to anticipate those or not. We deserve an objective and consistent reality that rewards our actions with logical consequences. And that is what we have.

Societies are built from the uncountable number of individual behaviors that each member exhibits every second. Add those all up and throw them against the wall of reality to see what sticks. That will be the result the society 'deserves'.

landoftraitors ago

don't need to tell me you are one of these ''islam is right about women'' retards'' or a complete and utter traitor.

ReAwakened ago

I believe in natural consequences. People should reap the rewards of their choices. Women run Sweden. Now they're reaping the harvest of their choices. I applaud them.

That said, the Bible is right about women. They shouldn't be in positions of authority and this is a perfect example of why.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I believe in natural consequences. People should reap the rewards of their choices.

Same. We should figuratively hang out. But yes, life would be chaos if actions didn't produce predictable results.

landoftraitors ago

you don't understand the dynamics because either you are too , maybe wilfully stupid, or consciously do not want to understand what is behind all this. Applaud away, if you are a white man applauding this, well you are a mad fucking fool, if you are an arab applauding this I suppose mission accomplished.

jthun2 ago

what are the 'dynamics'? Jews push mass immigration, white women cheer them on and direct hatred at white men.

Women have access to the fucking internet. They can go and research places like Syria or Morocco.

landoftraitors ago

Blame the woman an age old trick, how is that working out for you, depending on the skin you are ofc. :)

ReAwakened ago

You are a stupid fuck. As long as women have the vote and until white women clamor for white men to save them, the destruction of our lands will continue. Once white women really understand what they have wrought, only then, will white men take action. Once white men take action, it will not be stopped. Order will be restored.

cokehead ago

Lol triggered by the truth, you still argue a point based on shaky , unstable foundations like sand, to be expected by a typical male w a monumental ego. White men will never take action, to be absolutely 110 percent trusted on that, as long as they are stuck in filth, money, blackmail and their own precious vanity, it wont change. Keep calling me a stupid fuck , etc , doesn't make a diff, doesn't make any point, you dumb nigger.

ReAwakened ago

... and you continue to demonstrate that you are a stupid fuck.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

any residual men in her family that will man up and mow down the rapist’s entire immediate gene pool?

maaaxheadroom ago

Vegas money says their ain’t.

boekanier ago

Judges are afraid of muslims, it could be considered as 'racist' to condemn a muslim. In sweden, 'progressive' as they are, that's the worst possible crime.

Sour ago

Meh probably a leftist cunt who voted for this. At least the men are beginning to wake up there.

Smokratez2 ago

This is what they want for all white women.

Mr_big ago

She could have gotten a gun and took out a bunch of invasion enablers or even better a bunch of shitskins

crazy_eyes ago

she was a refugee enabler, so she kind of did

ovenbakedkike ago

agreed, a refugee enabler, one tiny grain of truth there, lets look at the men behind all this the fuckwits like yourself who sit there smug, after engaging in all sorts of filth, and pointing the finger, as per usual, most white men are damaged goods. its no wonder some idiot refugee whore goes off to the circus, expect that if you are not a man.

neuschwabia ago

So her long string of bad choices are other peoples fault?

Just how does that work?

crazy_eyes ago

what the fuck ?

ovenbakedkike ago

cunt face fuck off and die, open another bag of crisps immediately.

crazy_eyes ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You referring to all the brand new accounts, or their inability to English?

crazy_eyes ago

the whole ball of wax

bluebells ago

fuckwit cunt.

lululu ago

Rather prioritize the """invasion enablers"""

If not arabs, jews would find someone else

thebearfromstartrack ago

That's a shame. I know how she feels. Life is permeated with evil and incompetence and we're led to believe that goodness prevails. QUITE a let down.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

You know how it feels to have a tampon fucked deep into your uterus by a Syrian?

Sackajahweeda ago

Fuuuuuck...Is that what happened??She should have killed him and the prosecutor first.

thebearfromstartrack ago

No, I meant the other part that made her KILL herself. You don't kill yourself over a black eye you fucking dumbass.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

The pain and despondency of having a tampon fucked deep into her IS what made her kill herself. Don't call me a dumbass because you don't know how to articulate your thoughts.

Fuck off, you come across as overly sensitive and it makes me uncomfortable to interact with such a sensitive male. However, if you're a female...lets hear this rape story that has you so deeply affected.

Original_Dankster ago

The pain and despondency of having a tampon fucked deep into her IS what made her kill herself. 

Maybe having her worldview violently changed and the realization of guilt for the evil she enthusiastically helped impose on Sweden contributed to her suicide.

thebearfromstartrack ago

The EFFECT does NOT affect me. No, the pain and despondancy? is not relevant to a girl. It's the other thing I mentioned. I called you a dumbass because you ARE a dumbass, and NO other reason. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

What? You're retarded and sensitive.

Lets take the same story but instead of rape the neighbor steals her bike. They go to court, he walks out free. Is she killing herself because her bike was stolen without repercussions?

The rape (which you compared to a black eye) is what drove her to her suicide. You said you knew how she felt. You're backpedalling. You know I'm correct which is why you resorted to calling me a jew. Dont let this "new account" fool you. I've been proneboning fuckers like you around here for years and no you talk out of your ass half the time.

thebearfromstartrack ago


Let's pretend that petty theft (insignificant) is equivalent to grand theft (life destroying). Let's pretend you're not a dumbass who knows the difference....hmmm. WASTE of time.

The black eye is the physical trauma, the suicide has NOTHING to do with that.

I say smart things. I know you're a dumbass. See? Isn't your SCREEN NAME jewish you fucking IDIOT? I'm planning to destroy you in MY eternity. You have no place. NO place...nO pLaCe? Get it?

SulemonSeinfeld ago

Bear. I like you better when you're quoting scripture. Have a good day buddy, I look forward to the future debate.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Oh, you know about that? You too fag. You KNOW it's ALL in fun right? retard. What's FUNNY to an autistic person frequently isn't to others.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

Well, I can see which one of us had a little too much to drink around the holidays.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I just can't completely give that up. Sometimes I'm pretty confused and hopeless like a crippled beaver.

SulemonSeinfeld ago

I was referring to myself, but Im right there with you my friend.

RevDrStrangelove ago

I don't 'get' this train of thought. Someone attacks you and in response you kill yourself? That doesn't grok. I don't understand why she didn't kill her attacker. That, to me, makes the most sense as well as making the world a slightly better place. She could spend a little time in the rest home that is the Western European prison system and get on with her life after her release. She could use her time away from society to get whatever therapy she needed to cope with her experience and emerge a better person as well as a bit of a hero.

But, no, she took the easy, cowardly way out.

Guy_Justsome ago

Part of the answer is hidden in how she killed herself:

by overdosing on her medication

She was dependent on a pharamaceutical healthcare system that was maintaining this young adult on sleeping pills.

If she could accept this as a normal condition of life, then what's the value of life?

BrokenVoat ago

What you dont understand is that Swedes subconsiously hate muslims (and immigrants) and want to eliminate muslims from earth.

She is likely a victim of socialist brainwashing nd had been taught that her survival impulses she was born with are evil.

This creates a weak person who will try to overcompensate (with open border opinions) that dies when their world view gets challanged.

Charlez6 ago

Fuck off. She's a woman, she's not bred to kill. You and I might prefer to go out in a flurry of vengeance and fury but that doesn't go through her mind.

All she knows is that she was attacked, degraded, and devalued by a disgusting foreigner, and that her countrymen sided with him instead of her.

She was ostracised from the tribe. That's fatal for a woman.

If you're looking for a coward, look to the Swedish men who side with the invaders as their women are publicly defiled as spoils of war.

jthun2 ago

Ugh, you had better look up what Russian and Afghan women would do to captured soldiers of invading armies. They would torture them to death.

Approved ago

She's a woman, she's not bred to kill.

She was used for her primary purpose, but by a foreigner, so this is basically theft of services from Swedish males? :/

RevDrStrangelove ago

Viking women were killers as well. Yes, she's a woman but she's just as capable of violence as any man. Is she equal to a man physically? Of course not. But with proper planning she could have easily had her revenge. So, YOU fuck off, faggot.

Voatnoevil ago

That whole shield maiden myth is just that, a myth. Women are significantly weaker than your average man and this would be blatantly obvious in hand to hand combat. The TV series Vikings is not a documentary.

RevDrStrangelove ago

So, you're asserting that women are incapable of killing men? Is that right?

Voatnoevil ago

In general they are far less efficient at it than men. A professional female mma fighter could probably kill many men, but they are fewer than 1/1000000. Where as most men could kill another man if push came to shove.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You're thinking of mortal combat. And, yeah, in a hand-to-hand fight to the death situation most women are going to lose quickly. There's no disputing that. In fact I even mentioned this scenario.

But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about straight up premeditated murder. Which isn't particularly difficult.

Voatnoevil ago

Yes, I was referring to hand-to-hand combat. I thought that was what we were talking about based on what you wrote about Vikings. You are correct in that women can kill other ways and often just as well, if not better than men. My point was just that women did not fight in the shield wall alongside men.

Aonuma ago

There are exceptions but they're not the rule.

lemon11 ago

I don't 'get' this train of thought. Someone attacks you and in response you kill yourself?

But, no, she took the easy, cowardly way out.

I think you do understand her, and also Swedish politics as a whole.

Randy-Dreamweaver ago

Women aren't built for war, we're in a silent war. Even If she couldn't get to her attacker, she, or any man worth a fuck in her life, could've gotten to at least a couple of his co-ethnics. Children make great targets for Women.

Proudarmygal1 ago

What people don’t think about either is if she was a virgin, that many of these disgusting perverts have stds, and although she was on her cycle, she still could have gotten pregnant. It’s a lot with the mental pain. They could still live near her as well...

tokui ago

Because he wasn't white or named Assange.

Gopherurself ago


indoctrophobe ago

If you ger accused of rape as a white man, you better be able to prove your innocent beyond a doubt, otherwhise you're pretty much guilty by default. Shitskin rapefugee? Eh, the woman is probably just a raycis who doesn't understand dey cultcha.

anamazonslittle ago

"Sexual emergency"


(((greer))) close friend of the (((rockefellers))) is here to tell you tale of magical utopian machines and inventions that exist but are secret by the us government. Buy my course goy. Buy my trip to go watch ufo's goy while we trip and space out on shrooms.

That whole alien shit has been an attack on religion by cancerous kikes.