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zerozen77 ago

Defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Anarchy99 ago

That could mean "US Citizens"

goatboy ago

It is illegal for soldiers to follow illegal orders, so any attempt to violate the US Constitution would be illegal for soldiers to obey.

yergi ago

I'm not fucking installing your bullshit spy app in order to read this.

Fuck off glowy.

FreeinTX ago

This seems to be manufactured hysteria. No laws have been passed, and if they are, they will be immediately challenged in court.

Anarchy99 ago

maybe . people need to understand, if you vote, and admit to being a "united states citizen" you are no longer one of The People. A USC is a federal slave with privileges.

Anarchy99 ago

Everything is manufactured and controlled

sovrn ago

Why doesnt the National Guard arrest the governor for putting down a law in writing that goes against the Constitution?

Anarchy99 ago

probably because everybody sucks jew cock

thomastheglassexpert ago

Just to be clear here I will not "comply" with tyrants either. The very tyrants that would order others to come to my door apparently have zero fear of my coming to their door and that is a serious mistake. Cut the head off the snake is my thought of the day. When politicians and tyrants see the business end of a gun as the last thing they see here on earth then maybe just maybe other tyrants will have a thought to that as they believe themselves untouchable and ironic they believe that as they are protected by men with guns.

totes_magotes ago

The only correct response of the National Guard upon being ordered to do this is to arrest everyone in the chain of command responsible for giving that order.

wincest1 ago

Posse comitatus? Retarded Democrat governor has never heard of law his own party passed.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Is their official position? Or just some asshole?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

When the militia hangs the legislators, be sure to use American rope.

AnthraxAlex ago

They still make rope in America? I thought all that shit was made in China now. Really messes up the idea that "A capitalist will sell you the rope you hang him with". In this case it would be communists selling us rope to hang communists with.

lanre ago

Can we stop masturbating to this story of one anonymous guy saying they won't comply? Did the Adjutant General in charge of the VA national guard come out and say this? No, predictably he's playing it safe because he doesn't want to lose his job.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

What even is this shit site you've submitted? Is it yours or something? Trying to get them sweet, sweet jewgle ad bucks from the six people on this site that will look at it?

Why not just directly link to the article that they're quoting two lines from?

Or, better yet, an archive?

Fuck out of here with your two-line-quoting, click-through-to-see-the-actual-article, bullshit boomer blog.

FederalShill ago

The correct response should have been "we're going to attack the government now"

CrudOMatic ago

FTA User Comment:

ItsHateAndHeritage: So what you are saying is TRUMP cant enforce the immigration laws with the national guard or armed forces in LIBERAL SANCTUARY cities??? WOOO HOOO!!! DEMOCRATS WIN AGAIN!!! All you rave who said the military would come in and round up illegals in SANCTUARY cities ARE DEAD WRONG!!!! NO ENFORCEMENT ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN SANCTUARY CITIES ACCORDING TO THE 2ND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY CITY ILLEGALS!!!

This is a perfect example of why liberals got rid of civics classes - illegals are FOREIGN NATIONALS, and it is completely the purview of the military when dealing with foreign nationals. In fact, the foreign nationals in question have been shown time and time again to be part of an organized invasion.

NancyPelosiUterus ago

Hey... what does Virginia’s flag look like again? Oh yeah..

frankie2shoes ago

If the people and the military disagree with the government, it's time we start seriously considering if we keep calling it government or start calling it an occupation.

captainstrange ago

"The occupation government"

Use that phrase.

AshesAshes ago


0011000100100111101 ago

arrest governor, dickheads.

Master_Admin ago

Anyway to read this without the app?

CapinBoredface ago

Yeah no shit. This is what I’ve been telling faggots like @Tallest_Skil for four fucking years.

Just because (((they))) tricked a bunch of 18 year olds into fighting kike wars doesn’t mean that all those men are suddenly going to happily murder Americans when the order comes.

You can all bitch and moan about “the troops” fighting for Isreal instead of America but those “troops” don’t see it that way and they will refuse to attack Americans.

RM-Goetbbels ago


Walkin' up n' down these streets ya don' wanna think about what you gonna havta do....if somebody pops up around da corner......

and this cock smoke isn't the only one. There's a mentality among people who ENLIST in the military that stems from their own agenda not to mention the propaganda they get brainwashed with.

But don't worry, we all know you wuz fightin' fer ar fureedum n' sheeeit.

Fuck, during Katrina cops from all over the nation were going there just to kick in some doors. THEY FUCKING LINED UP to harm the american people.

So don't give me that "they will refuse to attack Americans." bullshit. THEY DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD.

CapinBoredface ago

lmao bro. I bet you were 11 years old when Katrina happened and you’re getting all your info from @Tallest_Skil

Imagine being this brainwashed by kike propaganda.

“All cops are bad goy! All of them!”

How many times did you get pulled over for speeding before you decided the cops were just mean?

RM-Goetbbels ago

You fucking moron. My god, people like you are an actual reason for birth control.

I bet you were 11 years old when Katrina happened

You strawman because you're scared.

Imagine being this brainwashed

nice use of projection retard

How many times did you get pulled over for speeding

Nice deflection from the subject.

So what you're really saying is that you don't have a legitimate argument and so instead you attack my experience, attack my character and then attack my credibility.

Lol! loser.

captainstrange ago

RM, Cops are not the same as military. Nice goal-post moving faggot.

Maybe stop buttchugging retard nutbutter. It seems to be impacting your IQ.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Nice goal post moving faggot.

My entire post was about numbnuts up there claiming that "they will refuse to attack Americans" when in FACT THEY DON'T. Sure I tagged on a tiny little sentence about cops but again, it was minor. And here you two fuckwads are trying to derail subject.

You fuckheads. This is straight up forum sliding faggot shit. You cocksuckers need to leave. Fuck off and fucking die.

captainstrange ago

This is straight up forum sliding faggot shi

Forum sliding faggots always accuse others of being forum sliding faggots.

Sure I tagged on a tiny little sentence about cops

No, you provided a direct example related to cops, about why the fucking military would fire on americans.

A better example would be say, recruitment of military into the police.

Or talking about military involvement during katrina.

But like the typical faggot shill, you outed yourself when you went for the anti-cop stance.

Cops are dangerous but they're not the enemy of the public, not yet. Not if any of us have anything to say about it.

CapinBoredface ago

There is no “legitimate argument” against saying all police are evil psychopaths.

Do you understand how ridiculous your claim is? All you have to do to “refute” any claim I make is say that I’m wrong. There is literally nothing I could say to convince you otherwise.

So I’ll just continue to assume you’re a nigger that hates police because you got a ticket for being an idiot.

Leveraction ago

Damn straight. NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND AND FIGHT!! If not now, when?

BarbaricHamSammy ago


beefartist ago

You don't need them to tell you this...cops aren't willing to go door to door and participate in this shit, weekend warriors sure aren't going to either.

WhiteChickens ago

They're willing to make you a felon at a traffic stop.

beefartist ago

You're a fucking pussy

WhiteChickens ago

No, you're a pussy for putting up with it.

beefartist ago

I don't put up with are a pussy for your despair mongering faggotry. That is more comments from you will be tolerated

WhiteChickens ago

You'll put up with whatever you are told to put up with and you will sit there and suck on it.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Except that cops and National Guard both did that very thing after Katrina. They literally went door to door and confiscated firearms.

beefartist ago

They confiscated guns from empty houses

RevDrStrangelove ago


itssomatic ago

They confiscated guns from empty houses

Because the homeowners were facedown on their lawns with their hands ziptied.

beefartist ago


itssomatic ago

What ate your opinions about the 'Boston Bombing'?

Do you consider it a possibility some of the police could have been federal-agents or private-contractors wearing police jackets?

beefartist ago

What does that have to do with the price of peanut butter in kindergarten?

itssomatic ago

Thanks for the confirmation.

beefartist ago

So fucking stupid

itssomatic ago

Haha, pussy.

RM-Goetbbels ago

beefartist 19 minutes ago They confiscated guns from empty houses

You lying cunt. Shut the fuck up. THE NATIONAL GUARD AND POLICE AGENCIES STOLE FIREARMS from the people.

What you though you were going to get away with idk, but fuck did that make you look fucking stupid.

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina

beefartist ago

Like I said...empty houses

beefartist ago

Quit buying the story dum dum...

voatusernamevoat ago

You can't spin what's on those videos, boot licker.

beefartist ago

If you say so, dummy. Maybe it is a deep fake you dumb fuck

voatusernamevoat ago

You're not fooling anyone, eat a bullet.

beefartist ago

Only a complete and utter faggot makes comments like these. Take your lips off the barrel, it isn't a cock

voatusernamevoat ago

Says the boot licker. You're not fooling anyone.

beefartist ago

See above faggot...this is a weak version of your last shitty peddle despair and fear and I tell you to shove it...

voatusernamevoat ago

Old White lady deserved to be beat up, right, boot licker? Ra-ra police! Woo, maga.

beefartist ago

Obviously, you pussy....where the fuck is her family?

voatusernamevoat ago

The boot licker confirms once again he's a boot licker.

beefartist ago

I don't wear boots until it is minus 20 you faggot. In real life I would make you see the bottoms of my filthy fucking feet

templurker ago

Keep believing in that fantasy. Most cops are abusive assholes.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Your comment is an exact measure of pigs/goat ratio on voat.

In real life 100/1 citizen/pig.

On voat the ratio is close to 50/50

Voat is the little piggie safe space of the internet.

Reeks of vile swine around here all the time.


These piggies will continue to follow their masters. Cops are pieces of shit. They'll be told they can follow a lawful order or they will be fired and lose their pensions. Then they will come to the big igloo

Deplorablepoetry ago

LMFAO! You do realize this is voat, right?

Voat - low IQ pigs and the equally retarded copsuckers that celebrate the communist scum.

This site is a shitstain on the internet. Little piggie safe space.

I upvoated you goat but you will be swamped with downvoats by pig gangbangers.


CapinBoredface ago

Spoken like someone who is bitter cause they got pulled over.

Was a big bad police officer mean to you little baby? Did they give a big mean ticket? Oh, I bet they wrote you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. You poor poor soul.


Shouldn't you be watching nigger ball and applying lotion to your massive man tits, Boomer cuck?

CapinBoredface ago

assuming a lot there.

Wanna come meet me in the desert? I’d love to hang out with a super cool, tough, man like you.

I promise I won’t fuck you up and leave you out there or anything.


Send address

CapinBoredface ago

Google Borrego Springs. I’ll meet you there when you want. I’m sure you don’t have any other commitments


So.... You're bragging about how cops are badasses and how you're going to put work in, and you live in California?

I'm literally the LOL'ing

I'm going to take my SBR and my can out to the back range at my ranch and shoot some, then take my race gun to town and carry anywhere I feel. Why don't you just let the pigs do my easy work and you attempt to do that? I'm sure they'll recognize your Civic boomerism and not lock you up for the rest of your life or kill you on the side of the road.

CapinBoredface ago

“Bragging about cops being badass”

Literally where did I say that?

“I’m loling”

Ok boomer

listing gun buzzwords to sound cool

not making a single move to back up his hard ass posturing

You’re pretty cool, bro. Is “ranch” code for your exgirlfriends brothers backyard?


Nope, I'm a physician and own a little under 409 acres of beautiful land. Why don't you go to your homestead and shoot your LOL 30rnd mags? Or your LOL suppressors? Or hunt with your Daniels defense Ar10? Oh wait. The piggies that you're fellating would arrest you in less than a heartbeat and you'd spend years getting your shit pushed in. OinkOink.

CapinBoredface ago

You are way too stupid to have a degree of any kind.

Use some of your doctor money to come visit me.

Do you enjoy selling opiates for kikes?


Why don't you just post a picture of an AR with a 30 rnd magazine? That would scare me right into submission.

Oh wait, you're too busy licking their boots to break the "law"

CapinBoredface ago

Implying I don’t have 7 of those in my closet right now.

Tell me something? How much else do you have in common with niggers?

The only people I’ve ever seen that constantly bitch about all cops being big meanies are niggers and criminals.

Which are you?


So you're breaking the law?

Also many LolS about having SEVEN mags. I run more than that in my plate carrier, cuck.

CapinBoredface ago

its almost as if I’m not actually sucking cops dicks or something huh, negro?

Send me a pic of you in your kit. I bet you have a lot of super tight air soft patches


I already asked you for pics of your ar and 30 rnd mags. Don't strip your exif data I want to get it to your local cops that you love so much.

CapinBoredface ago

I don’t own an ar. I don’t want it. I used to but I sold it. All I have is two shotguns and two pistols.

But you know what? I don’t need any of them to make you look like a whimpering child.

And you’re seriously going to fucking threaten to report me? You fucking pussy. What the fuck kind of faggot are you?

Stupid bitch. I would love for you to drag your fat Texas wannabe cowboy ass over to me. You’re such a bitch.

“I’ll call the cops. Who I don’t trust. Because they are all evil and psychos.”

Seriously. How fucking absolutely brain dead are you?

“Muh AR. Muh plate carrier. Muh 30 round mag. Muh land.”

Fucking retarded nigger, you’ve been playing too many video games. With all that gear and hard time prepping it sure would be a shame if I put a .30 right through your oblivious fucking face.

I can’t even imaging being so retarded that call of duty is my role model.

Fucking their 1 operator wannabe pussy. Try harder to grow a beard to hide your weak ass chin. Maybe if you swallow enough of your dads cum some of his male genes will finally come through to you.

Good luck, doc. I hope you don’t trip and fall down in your super tacticool gear. That would be really embarrassing.


You're the one that boot licks for cops. I figured youd love to have them come over and tell you how right you were and how they're just here to help you

CapinBoredface ago

Idiot, saying that they aren’t all evil is not the same as boot licking.

But by all means, continue to be a weak ass faggot bitch that would rather run and cry to the authorities he doesn’t even fucking trust than settle things himself. You’re fucking weak. Weak and pathetic.

Your bullshit tough guy posturing is transparent as fuck. You’re a coward that thinks he could stand in the face of hardship but you’ve never had a difficult day in your life.

I hope you haven’t had kids cause you’re putting them in danger with your weak faggotry.


[seal team 6 copypasta]

I'm just sitting here drinking a bottle of wine that costs more than your clothes while cleaning my high end firearms.

You keep cuckin', California swine. I'll say a prayer tonight In hopes of an earthquake

CapinBoredface ago

All you do is brag about the money you spend.

Fucking kike faggot. Go cry to the police about the mean poor person on the internet who hurt your feelings.

Cry about how you have nothing despite spending so much money.

Degenerate consumerist.

No one is impressed by your Jewish wealth.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You need to die today, pig.

You were born a scumbag moron, you became a pig because you are far too fucking stupid to get a real job.

Now you need to die, pig scumbag, today.

Only way you can die with honour you fat, ugly, parasite is if you kill yourself right the fuck now.

Be a man for once in your pathetic life, die, with honour or continue to exist as filth you are.

CapinBoredface ago

lol, come get me big boi.

Fucking internet tough guys won’t do shit.

I’ll meet you out east of where I live. Borrego Springs. That way no one will interfere when you try your best to look tough.

What time do you want to do this?

Deplorablepoetry ago

Die with honour, pig coward.

Kill yourself.

CapinBoredface ago

Nothing honorable about the cowards way out.

Come do it yourself, faggot.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

They won't need cops to do this. They'll simply start shutting down the bank accounts of anyone who refuses to turn in any firearms that are registered to them. No cops will be required to risk their lives, except the heavily armored swat teams that show up toward the end to remove the "illegal weapons" of anyone who did not comply. By that time I think that we will have more pressing concerns, such as the nanobot seams with AI facial recognition that are assuredly being developed, or have already. Just release a swarm, they'll find an opening and pop anyone's head who matches the description of the perp.


But they are also cowards, so no way is Johnny Law gonna suddenly nut-up when asked to go up against an armed populace.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Thus the militarization of local pig forces.

Propaganda at this point in time is far better than bullets.

Realization of living in a police state should frighten the fuck out of anyone with an IQ over 99

Public union domestic terrorist cowards, fat and stupid holding onto a thread commonly referred to as the thin blue line.

Partners complicit in crime on a national scale.

Justice has failed.

PeeNutButtHair ago


When you exaggerate you make yourself look fucking stupid.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Not most ALL!

Die pig.

You exposed yourself pig faggot by being stupid, pig scumbag.

The only good pig is a dead pig so you need to kill yourself today coward, scum, criminal, pig.

You were born an ugly, stupid, sack of puke and you will die an ugly stupid fat putrid, parasitic worm.

The only good pig is a dead pig.

Kill yourself, die with honour or keep breathing in shame.

PeeNutButtHair ago

What a unique mental illness you have.

Deplorablepoetry ago

No, pig.

Everyone hates you, other than retards that are as fucking dumb as you are, idiot.

What you think in your little faggot mind as respect is in fact fear.

People fear you faggot like they fear a rabid dog.

I love dogs but I will put one down if it becomes rabid, officer.

Best case scenario is you shoot yourself in your ugly face, die with honour, coward, criminal, communist, filth.

Tallest_Skil ago

totally not most goyim

Explain why all (((laws))) today exist.

Go on.

Do it.

PeeNutButtHair ago

You don't think laws against murder or rape or robbery should exist?

Morality is more than financial control you fucking retard.

Tallest_Skil ago

You don't think laws against murder or rape or robbery should exist?

Reply to what was said, not what you constructed, yid.

Morality is more than financial control

Thanks for asserting something no one questioned.

PeeNutButtHair ago

Point is basic laws exist because some thing are undeniably bad. Implying jews force officers to enforce those laws is pretty silly.

Tallest_Skil ago

to enforce those laws

They force officers (etc.) to NOT enforce those. That’s why I said ✡laws✡, and not laws. It’s rather obvious that I mean invented and unconstitutional laws, rather than natural law.

CapinBoredface ago

So that retards like you know their place.


Yeah he should have said "every single cop" is a piece of shit and modern American LE attracts and protects psychopaths.

PeeNutButtHair ago

I urge you to call your local police department and ask them to not service your residence. Let them know how you feel even if they tell you they must.

Soyboy69 ago

Would they fucking leave me alone then and allow me to organize with fellow whites and let me own the full array of equipment necessary for waging a modern war without putting me through any bullshit? Would they still spy on my every move and word? Would they let me raise my children the way I want without interference? No, they wouldn't.

PeeNutButtHair ago

even if they tell you they must

It's like you didnt even read this.


In my 48 years I have never been helped by a cop. I've been extorted a number of times by your Heros and ive had to jump through hoops so that I only made things in my own property that the pigs approve of. I've had to apply for a permission slip to exercise my inalienable rights before and had to pay for it. Id love to opt out of this "protection" and be responsible for my own safety. Back to the NFL game, Boomercuck

PeeNutButtHair ago

See, the way you think is flawed. They aren't "heroes." They are just people. Most go to home to their families and want to be save, so they understand they should provide a good service. You. Of course, can't see beyond black and white rationale, so you refuse to humanize them. Some are bad, sure, just like every human. Don't be so fucking childish.

You sound like someone who gets mad when they get caught doing something morally wrong.

antiliberalsociety ago

Keep believing the propaganda, kike.


There is no more Boomer tier cuck faggotry than worshipping the piggies. Bloomberg has turned the NYPD into his private gentile army.

midnightblue1335 ago

You retards genuinely believe that the "cops" is a monolithic organization, don't you?

You don't realize that every individual department in every county has different practices and policies, different people, differing amounts of corruption (or lack of corruption), and many other differences?

NYPD might be a kike army. My county police most certainly are not.

You're insane if you think even 1/3 of the police across the country would participate in mass gun confiscation. Most cops are extremely pro-2nd Amendment. Having armed citizens means their job is way easier. Having citizens standing around in bad areas with rifles- omg what do you know, crime rates drop significantly! No reason police that aren't corrupt wouldn't want us to be armed.

Soyboy69 ago

No reason police that aren't corrupt wouldn't want us to be armed.

Creates less demand for police, makes it harder to meet quotas, and creates a safety risk when performing tyrannical actions. All of those are just a few reasons non-corrupt police want us disarmed.

midnightblue1335 ago

No reason police THAT ARE NOT CORRUPT wouldn't want us to be armed.

Read again.

Soyboy69 ago

Okay I read again, what I described is the view of a straight edge honest joe cop trying to do his job to the best of his abilities, that's about as far from corrupt as you can be, if it still sounds corrupt then what does that tell you?


Where are these pro gun cops? In a state where you have to ask permission and get a permission slip to exercise your inalienable rights. Imagine being so cucked. Nice talking with you but Jerome is done with your wife and she needs a cleanup!

antiliberalsociety ago

He gave himself away as not American, his opinion is moot

midnightblue1335 ago

Most Americans don't realize it, but some of us see the reality- The USA has been fighting a domestic war since the 60s. Police are the soldiers for the "law", fighting against swathes of organized and disorganized criminals 24/7.

People wonder about the "militarization" of police in the USA. When you actually see what they're up against, when you look at the photos that thugs post on their instagrams, armed to the fucking teeth, with vests and all kinds of gear... yeah, it starts to make sense that police have patrol rifles.

It shouldn't be like this. It wasn't like this before the fucking curse that was integration. But now that the filth has infected the entire body of the USA, the immune system goes into high gear. Think of police militarization as the human body getting a fever. Your body raises its temperature in order to hopefully destroy whatever infection you have. However, the longer you have a fever, and the higher it gets, the more damage your own organs take.

Until we fully address the nightmare of diversity and integration, police will need to be armed like soldiers, because they are soldiers who fight on home soil. I don't want it to be like this. But in modern day Clown World, it has to be like this.

Until people accept and understand this reality, we can't start making moves to change this shit. Everyone is misdirecting their anger and emotion towards this fake monolith of "the police". This is like being angry at a Private in the USMC fighting in a war you disagree with- the Private had no say in where he fights. The politicians do. Be angry at the people calling the shots, not the ones taking the shots.

Soyboy69 ago

People wonder about the "militarization" of police in the USA. When you actually see what they're up against, when you look at the photos that thugs post on their instagrams, armed to the fucking teeth, with vests and all kinds of gear... yeah, it starts to make sense that police have patrol rifles.

I don't give a shit what they carry, I give a shit what they prevent me from carrying, likewise they don't do jackshit against actual criminals, but you can bet your ass they would fuck a white man over for so much as considering actual solutions.

midnightblue1335 ago

likewise they don't do jackshit against actual criminals,

Lol. How naive.


Also, how many criminals have you goodified? I can link you a hundred videos from 2019 of niggers being goodified. By cops. To pretend cops do nothing is stupid, edgy, rebellious teenager bullshit. The courts prevent them from doing their jobs, just like kike politicians kept our military from doing its job in 'Nam. Would you misdirect your anger and frustration at the failure of the 'Nam War at the actual guys fighting said war? Or at the kikes giving out the orders?

Soyboy69 ago

Also, how many criminals have you goodified?

Well when the police are protecting said criminigs and preventing law abiding citizens from organizing and being properly armed it makes that a bit hard doesn't it?

The courts prevent them from doing their jobs, just like kike politicians kept our military from doing its job in 'Nam.

And who is it that enforces the will of the courts? The police, and if they refuse the military would be brought in.

midnightblue1335 ago

Well when the police are protecting said criminigs and preventing law abiding citizens from organizing and being properly armed it makes that a bit hard doesn't it?

Do you honestly believe that the average police officer in the USA would rather chase down and shoot down Tyrones himself for like $40k per year?

Or do you think he'd rather have it so that citizens could goodify nogs on their own? You think he'd rather get into a gunfight than let you do it yourself?

People tend to view "the police" as a monolithic organization. It's not. It's made up mostly of White men, with different policies and practices state-to-state, county-to-county.

This is the way it is today. It shouldn't be like this, but since Boomers passively allowed us to become diversified, it's something we live with today. And until the boogaloo goes down, we have to fucking eat this turd sandwich.

But I will tell you with absolute certainty- WHEN SAID BOOGALOO BEGINS, THE VAST MAJORITY OF POLICE WILL SIDE WITH PATRIOTS/PARTISANS. How do I know this? It's simple. Police live in or near the communities they police. They have a vested interest in making the place better (less niggers), because their own children are going to live in that world. To ignore this is silly, and again, childish. Reeks of "Fuck the man, maaaaan!" nonsense.

antiliberalsociety ago

North Hollywood shootout, need I say more? They had to visit local gunshops because they were so outgunned.

Soyboy69 ago

Not like the gun shops could provide much help after the bullshit laws against guns in the past 90 years.

CapinBoredface ago

I’m pretty sure faggots like @itsALWAYStheBANKERS and @Tallest_Skil have never actually met a cop unless they were getting a ticket for something retarded.

They both sound like the kind of people who “drive better when they are buzzed” and think DUI checkpoints are entrapment.

beefartist ago

I don't disagree with you but they are also lazy and act in self preservation...most cops will bust teenagers drinking at the park before rounding up meth heads causing problems. They aren't coming to your door, special boy (unless you go out of your way to act like a woman/nigger and be all up on social media wit yo guns...even then)

Soyboy69 ago

most cops will bust teenagers drinking at the park before rounding up meth heads causing problems

Good, fuckers deserve it, plenty of people have a very strong grudge against drunk teens due to being pissed off at having to wait until legal to drink. Methheads are a problem but they don't cause the same kind of visceral anger at the mere thought of them

Deplorablepoetry ago

Pigs commit crime with impunity.

The only good pig is a dead pig.

beefartist ago

No they don't stop reading the news and believing it

boomersarecylons ago

Instead they should deal with the domestic threat to the Constitution.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Pigs are domestic terrorists, immune from prison, murder with impunity. Public union communists every filthy one.

Soyboy69 ago

Sounds like a pretty good job then.


Oh hey nigger that glows, I'm not surprised to see you here, being a nig. Impunity is a fairly large word for your double digit IQ. Glad you were able to figure that out :-).

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would they tear up their meal ticket?

Broc_Lia ago

How lucrative is being in the national guard exactly?

SirRender ago

I was in it for a number of years. I treated it like a part time job. As the matter of fact the years I was in they often fucked up pay so I really couldn't count on it. I was in through 9/11. Prior to 9/11 they had not deployed in like 20 years. It led to a mass exodus. Personally I went back on active duty and got my pension. They are regular people.

Broc_Lia ago

Doesn't sound bad.

So it's not like the cops where there are mountains of benefits, overtime, specialist pay etc.

Tallest_Skil ago

Dunno. Do they get free college, too? That’s good enough for most of the brainwashed faggots who think the piece of paper is all that matters today.

Helbrecht ago

Yup. Guard/reserves education benefits are a bit different from what active-duty get under the post-911 GI Bill.

But guard/reserves still get money for school, and they have access to student loan forgiveness programs.

So yeah, it can be lucrative, in indirect compensation.

hello_reddit ago

all anyone knows how to do nowadays is nothing. voting culture is great at giving people the illusion that we can accomplish things by doing just nothing.

lanre ago

And that if we are ruled over by people we know are terrible, well at least we're being lorded over democratically and some other idiots must've voted them in, right?

revofife ago

If anyone takes a serious look at the position of the politicos in the US specifically (and worldwide in general), there does not seem to be a path to vote our way out of the swamp.

Jefferson had a point

antiliberalsociety ago

National Guard, cops, and militias alike

Bobtheviolent ago

Crap site requires its app e installed to read

Neongreen ago

If you click desktop view, then simplified view no app required. Yes it was a faggot move on OP not to link the actual fucking article.

Uxg ago

Nothing of value there.

Bobtheviolent ago

Thanks for reminding me I can access different stuff that way. Any site that uses tactics like this I just assume they are clickbait or lying like most MSM

PussySmasherMD ago

If you browse the Web on a phone, you're a faggot.

Cockboy ago

You're just plain a faggot.

Bobtheviolent ago

"If you browse the web on a phone your a faggot" fixed it for ya.

not_saying_a_thing ago

If you look at it in a browser, it takes you to the fucking Apple store.

PussySmasherMD ago

Are you not using an ad blocker?

PussySmasherMD ago

Yesterday, I read an article written in Law Enforcement Today entitled “The Law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military against cops who refuse to enforce gun laws.

In the first few paragraphs, I was alerted to the fact that the state of Virginia’s leadership is upset that law enforcement officials do not want to violate their oath to uphold the Constitution. So upset in fact, that they want to call up the National Guard.

I wanted to write and address Representative Donald McEachin.

He said:

“And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law. That’s his call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he has.”

It disturbs me that this guy got elected and has no concept of the law or reality.

Mr. McEachin, have you ever heard of a little thing called the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878? Apparently, you are not.

Allow me to fill you in.

The purpose of the act is to limit the military branches from enforcing laws against US. citizens. While the PCA does not prevent a governor from calling the Virginia National Guard, the law enforcement capacity of the Guard while on state active duty is full-scale enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement can no longer maintain civilian control.

Are you listening Mr. McEachin? If Governor Northam were to call up the National Guard, it would be through enacting martial law.

Since you are so slow in understanding, allow me to explain further.

Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.

Sheriffs and police chiefs refusing to go against the Constitution to fulfill your stupid anti-gun drivel hardly constitutes a temporary emergency.

If you and your fellow Constitution-hating hacks continue to push an agenda of gun banning, forfeiture and confiscation, I can almost assure you that you might meet more than one requirement for enacting martial law.

If you force local law enforcement to start violating peoples 2nd Amendment rights by taking their guns, you will wind up with temporary emergency due to an occupied territory.

There are people who will dig in. They will fortify their habitations. They will stand firm in their resolution to exercise their un-infringed right. And it will get ugly.

Furthermore, Gerry Connolly said:

“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they’re prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath. The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don’t have a choice, not if you’re a sworn officer of the law.”

I wonder if he sees the irony of his statement.

If the state deems that it should enact martial law because sheriff’s, whose only “crime” is standing up for the Constitution, here is what it looks like.

The state Constitution would be suspended. So would habeas corpus and civil rights.

There would be no freedom of the press, assembly or speech.

Curfews would be enforced on the people.

Troops would be in the streets for enforcement.

Checkpoints would be set up for control.

The Guard would have the ability to hold a person without charge.

Imprisonment without representation or due process.

Seeing that we are talking about gun control, there would be warrantless, house to house confiscation of firearms, ammunition, food supplies.

I have to wonder if this is really what Democratic leaders in Virginia want. Because what it equates to is a tyrannical government using its military as ‘enforcers.’

And that is exactly what the 2nd Amendment was created to protect against.

If the Virginia legislators want to push this issue, it could get ugly.

And oh, by the way, plan on seeing the vast majority of the Virginia National Guard become Conscientious Objectors. It will be really hard for them to arrest cops and confiscate guns when none of them will carry the necessary arms to enforce said arrests and confiscations.

How do I know this? I am one of them and will be one of the first to lay down my gun and walk away.

I will not be a pawn in a tyrannical game of human chess. Neither will most of the men and women I serve with.

Editor note: Virginia is quickly becoming a very different kind of battleground state.

Over the past week, we haven’t been afraid to report about the rising numbers of men and women across the country who say they’re joining the militia.

It’s no longer a veiled threat – it’s a reality. The numbers have exploded thanks to what’s happening in Virginia. More on that in a moment.

But first – this message came in Wednesday:

“Your reporting about the growing numbers in the militia create a clear and present threat to America. As part of Congress, I’m giving you fair warning that this is the equivalent of shouting ‘fire’ in a movie theater. If your reporting incites violence, or can even be tied to it, we will make sure to charge your editors with felonies,” wrote the person.

It’s worth pointing out the message came in anonymously – so we’re pretty confident it wasn’t exactly a sitting congressman.

friendshipistragic ago


Tallest_Skil ago

Breaking news: National guardsman fired.

CapinBoredface ago

No, faggot. They say this shit all the time.

When I was in the Marines we had long conversations about exactly what would happen if we ever got an order like that.

You don’t get “fired” from the guard for upholding your oath. Fucking mongoloid.

awildbanannaphone ago

Sounds like national guardsman not brutally beaten in pitchfork and and assault shotgun riot