revofife ago

Again the chiners are copycats. Canadastan beat them to this hybrid years ago...

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I would take any ground-breaking science coming out of China with a grain of salt.

facepaint ago

This is been going on for a while. Chimeras were they just slip in some stem cells from the other animal isn't exactly special.

Where matters really start to take off is when they start to mix & match genes in the initial cell.

mrnicegoy ago

and this is just what they think is tame enough to tell the world about. imagine what they are working on in some shitty basement somewhere, now that should keep you up at night.

Improbablyanasshole ago

This is how we get Manbearpig.

Ken_bingo2 ago

If any of you stupid fuckers studied Biochem/Molecular Biology or related fields, you wouldn't be so alarmed.

wincest1 ago

The chinese can only steal,they are only capable of conformity.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Omg, Al Gore was right

Dave_ph ago

No problem

Still plenty of Falongong left for harvest

shiffscreek ago

What a horrible thing to do without thinking of possible pain the creature might have to endure with so many organ systems problems!

No asian empathy for animals?

Oh that's right : Chinese have NO empathy for animals, and its from a DNA defect (proven rs53576 has a defect of a G to A) :

raver9876 ago

Well, right now, your alternatives are watch your Dad slowly dies from which ever organ is failing OR

Rip the organ out of some criminal's body.

Hopefully in the future we can grow just the organs themselves, by using some type of cellular framework inside a growth solution. However, that tech may be far off.

shiffscreek ago

Or B) allow USA to pay people money to sign away their organs if they die in a accident for their proper value ($100,000).

If everyone did it the value would drop though.

NakedWarrior ago

Here's the thing, every time scientists mess with mother nature there is always that chance things go horribly wrong. The big concern about pig-monkey hybrids, as anyone who studies virology can tell you, is that monkeys carry a lot of bad viruses that could potentially wipe out a lot of humans. Fortunately for humans, we can't catch some of the more fatal ones. But virologist centers (like the CDC/USAMRIID) always keep an eye on them because viruses have a nasty little habit of mutating and species jumping. One of the reasons pigs are used in research is because they are SO extremely close to human DNA and therefore make good test subjects. So let's look at a virus like the Reston Ebola, the only airborne ebola strain, 100% fatal, and is found only in monkeys at this point. What if this hybrid somehow gets infected and it jumps species to humans? I'm sure there are those that would ensure everyone that could never happen, but that's what they said about africanized bees. A scientific cross-breeding experiment to try and produce better honey makers, but oops, they got out and now people get killed by them every year.

SirNiggsalot ago

Better those than nigger human hybrids.

tokui ago


We have enough extra humans to harvest from.

canbot ago

Why do you have a problem with this?

Master_Foo ago

Because they are going down the wrong path.

Clearly, the research that needs to be done is to gene splice Japanese-Sideways-Vagina DNA with Australian-Upside-Down-Vagina DNA.

mrnicegoy ago

be careful, you may create a "vortex" vagina, a vagortex if you will

shiffscreek ago

wont that make the vagina too huge and less pleasurable?

like tossing a hot dog down a hallway?

Master_Foo ago

Have you ever heard of anyone complaining about Japanese Sideways Vagina? No. Have you ever heard anyone complain about Australian Upside Down Vagina? No. It's like chocolate and peanut butter. Nobody complains about chocolate and peanut butter. Then you mix them together and you get something far superior than if they were just alone.

shiffscreek ago

You are probably correct.

MrPim ago

Because using pig-monkey hybrid organs sounds like a FANTASTIC idea with no possible negative side effects.

SirNiggsalot ago

It's settled science goyim.

MrPim ago

Yeah I know. There's nothing wrong w putting a monkey-pig organ in a human. Theres no chance of disease crossing from pigs to humans or monkeys to humans. Thats just a silly idea. Pay no attention to the fact that it illegal in Isreal. Totally cohencidence.

MrPim ago

OMG we could end up w a second Rob Schneider.