sinclair ago

These people know no dignity.

ardvarcus ago

There were only two people in the Garden of Eden, right?

Merlynn ago

When this church gets burned down,I'm not going to feel bad about it.

GiantComet2016 ago

So... the devil or serpent is represented by a transgender person, while the original sin of man is being portrayed by homosexuals? No one saw the irony in that? XD

WD_Pelley ago

A church in Malmo has a new altarpiece meant to celebrate inclusivity by replacing Adam and Eve in paradise with gay couples in suggestive poses, while depicting the serpent tempting them as a transgender woman.

I never thought I would've read this sentence in my life until now. Jesus. Wept.

Anon1492 ago

Frst read that as "Church of Satan." Then I realized, no, I read it correctly.

Wolfspider ago

Arise God, for we hold thee just. Arise and strike down this whole race of venomous worms, they are not worthy to live.

DrPhate ago

Blasphemy. Paradise isn't going to have gays or trans.

whitesilk ago

Fake News.....

sonofaboomer ago

Any real christian in that city would take a sledge into the church, preferably during mass, and swing with all their might into that satanic altar. Man might not forgive you, but God would, and frankly, that is really all that matters. But how many swedes would risk prison defending God when they won't even risk it to defend their families? Sad.

tastywhitemeat ago

The story of Adam and Eve is pretty clear. There is room for interpretation, and multiple translations have obfuscated certain details, like the fruit might not have been an apple for example. But no way no how were there sub-Saharans and Nordic whites mixing there, neither were there fags and trannies.

Why the need to blackwash amd gaywash it? I'm getting so sick of them pissing on all our nice things. Go invent something of your own and quit fucking up our stuff.

pby1000 ago

It is Satanic inversion.

The Adan and Eve story is not very clear to me. What about Genesis 1? Adam and Eve are not mentioned.

tastywhitemeat ago

Genesis is a mashup of a bunch of snippets of various creation stories. It's not a sequential narrative, or even the same story told from different viewpoints. It's several, incomplete interpretations of the beginning of the world and humanity.

None of which includes race-mixing, gays or trannies.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

It's not even a good picture for fucks sake. No talent or skill went into making it, no brush strokes, just shitty photography and primitive editing. It's not even good photography, the framing is way off and oversaturated in parts, while undersaturated in others.

Fuck, Modern art makes me angry. Burn it all down.

Wynterwhisper ago

She painted Apollo. The guy that you see on the Catholic crooked cross. That's not Jesus. The crooked cross is Luciferian and Apollion is their deity. Look it up.

OldCoot9292 ago

Just as God sent Babylon, maybe he sends the Son’s of Ishmael to purge Evil from Europe.

Veggiehead ago

Weimar 2.0

jdk2881 ago

This is what happens when you don't have separation of church and state. The priesthood are public employees paid by the State and all religious laws must follow State hiring practices for non-discrimination. That is why they have to accept gays and other religions in the building.

Church of Norway broke away from the State. But damage is already done; in some places where there are only gay/lesbian ministers, membership is down 66%. Something like 41,000 people left the Church the first day they allowed online withdrawal. Meanwhile, "free" churches in Norway (the traditional, conservative types) are seeing an increase in membership.

con77 ago

satan laughs

superspathi ago

The death pit is going to need to be ENORMOUS.

Cid ago

Nah, ashes pack well.

Maevtr ago

"God has left the game"

wig ago

Is The Church of Sweden still awaiting the figurine of the feminist purple haired SJW?

indoctrophobe ago

The complete and utter destruction of European culture and heritage is accelerating. And the population is either too brainwashed or too demoralized to stop it.

Moln0014 ago

There could be possible brainwashing drugs in the water supply.

Cid ago

Water, food, medicane, and who knows what else.

Moln0014 ago


Ps37-27 ago

I thought the painting was rayciss.

HighEnergyLife ago

Don't forget the miscegenation too

puggy ago

Adam and Tyrone

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

It's all starting to become clearer now

kobold ago

looks like a job for a moab

SealofApproval ago

And in Malmo of all places. A lot going on here, it is a distraction from real issues, this will get a reaction while distracting people from the real problems of the country being taken over by migrant muslims.

A wealthy western liberal country brings in a problem to help the new world order and next is is sharia law for all the only way to control.

Sadly the only thing that can stand up to this invasion is a strong Christian population,

Atheist Globalists are allowing this to happen . Divide and rule.

o0shad0o ago

Ya know, if they're trying to convince me that there's a literal devil, they're doing a damn good job of it. :-P

philmchawk ago

They are doing a good job of convincing me Christianity is just the Jews religions.

steven_feelsperg ago

All denominations of Christian religion are cucked by the jew. It started during the time of Christ and never let up. That is why it looks like a jew religion... because (((they))) subverted that too. Scripture tells another story, but you have to start with the original text because (((they))) twisted translation too, just as (((they)) always do. Best place to start over is Jews and their golems will claim all sorts of bullshit about it to prevent you from looking and learning, but its more anti-jew than Hitler could dream of. Calls out all the nigger races too because they're all bastard offspring.

RayPinpilage ago

Bruv about 7 years ago i was convinced there was a Devil because how sick these people are, i am now a Christian, pick a side mate.

Niggardly_Jew ago

I'm on the side that doesn't speak like niggers, bruv.

RayPinpilage ago

I'm from London and that is what white Londoners say not blud like the blacks say or you gay fucks who say bro.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

What if i think Christ was a pussy and only follow the parts of bible before the hippie messiah came about?

In which category does that put me in

HelpAcct123 ago

Someone had a great write up on the satanism at the VMAs this year. Its everywhere now. Even the pope is displaying idols and giving awards to abortion proponents.

allahead ago

The vatican literally declared Lucifer as god, and Christ as his son. They also have a serpent shaped audience hall with a 35 foot wide bronze statue of Christ burning in hell. Fuck the pope.


Jesus visit hell. Could that be it?

allahead ago

No I just think the vatican is full of pedophiles and crypto satanic jews that hate Christ and Christians.

WD_Pelley ago

a 35 foot wide bronze statue of Christ burning in hell.

Any pics of that one? I know about the serpent hallway.

allahead ago

WD_Pelley ago

Thanks. Apparently, that was supposed to be Christ coming out of a nuclear explosion but I'm not buying it.

allahead ago

Yeah there are no nuclear explosions in the Bible that I'm aware of, and his body and the look on his face in the statue doesn't exactly look like he's feeling very well.

WD_Pelley ago

Yeah there are no nuclear explosions in the Bible that I'm aware of,

Some have suggested that Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction could've been ancient aliens dropping nukes but even if that were true Jesus is NT, not OT.

and his body and the look on his face in the statue doesn't exactly look like he's feeling very well.

He looks reptilian.

JesusRules ago

Satan is a Jew

Killdozer6gozillian ago

We are in his thousand year rule.


Tell me more

steven_feelsperg ago

Napolean unchained the last shackles of the jew. Now we have free range demons in shoeleather treading chaos in White nations.

swinston79 ago

I think you are right.

Podge512 ago

It's in Malmo, so at least it won't be long until the muds burn it down.

Revelations2_9 ago

Reject God and you lose your nation. Hello, Sweden.

Honor God and you keep your nation. Hello, Poland.

waucka ago

If we assume these people follow Luciferian theology (probably not a bad assumption), that means they see Satan as the savior of the world. That means the tranny is basically their Christ in this picture.

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smokratez ago

Satanists control the West. Shit will only get wackier from here.

ALIENS2222 ago

THere are aliens

smokratez ago

God qualifies as an alien.

ALIENS2222 ago

Or if you want to get all crazy god is a 6th dimentional entity and we are 4th dimentional entities who are nearly transitioned into the 5th dimention. What is happening right now is the determiation of if we are worth saving and bringing along or if its best for god to just make another flood and wipe out all the evil since for him to pick and choose us would violate his own Free Will laws that he established in the 4th and 5th dimention from the 6th. ... ayylmao BUT REALLY I THINK WHAT I WROTE ABOVE IS PRETTY CLOSE TO THE MARK HENCE WWG1WGA

smokratez ago

This is a prison planet. We are all slaves. Nobody is coming back for us. That's why it's important to gass all the jews and take control.

ALIENS2222 ago

Could be we are like a planetary version of North Korea. Outside of our gravity well is a massive galactic civilization (some call it The Domain or Dominion There is a hard and fast rule called Free Will as well as a Prime Directive like in Star Trek. It is universal. A group of aliens of this culture violated this Prime Directive and then violated our free will... In return The Dominion took away their technology leaving them in a 'fallen state'. These are the fallen angels or demons or whatever from various religions. They had (lucky) 13 bloodlines with advanced knowlege but no tech and no way to make that tech and no ability to get it from off world or to get themselves off world so what do they do?

Rule the planet in secret with religions and financial tools and etc until they advance enough to re-make and re-invent their tech! Then they can re-ascend to the 'heavens'. Well, they did this back probably around the middle of the 20th century. Maybe even the early 20th century and when they got there they got a rude awakening. They were not welcomed back into galactic society because they had violated all of our FREE WILL over the last 2000 years! Had they been open and honest and used their knowlege to uplift all of humanity they would have been good to go but their stupid plan of 'we made movies like The Matrix and told them!' didn't get past the galactics so they were cast back down to earth. Today is the last gasp as the technology is slipping through their fingers... All of us humans are going to ascend with the tech we made and was hidden from us and these evil 13 bloodlines will die out in prisions in 1-2 generations...

Or something like that. That is what I have put together over about 4 years of really digging on this shit. It explains most religions most secret tech most secret societies most fuckery with NASA and space stuff. Most weird social ills and massive missing money (21 trillion just out of HUD!) Endless wars, Race replacement of whites with niggers because we have invented the tech for them and now they want to control it and if we are still here they can't... shit like that. I think this is the big story... @iTSSOGRiM you as well...

WD_Pelley ago

This whole comment was one wild ride for me.

smokratez ago

We are fuel and entertainment. That is all humans are. Whoever made us decided to make it interesting. Every race has their strenghts and weaknesses. This is a planetary battle royal. We can't leave Earth. Can't go past the van Alllen Belts.


Unironically closest to what seems to be indicated at least via historical myths when cross-compared to all the various ones, not least the old testament with the old testament psychopathic "should have no other gods then me" "god".

One certain.. (((people))) made a covenant with this psychopathic god, a god also known as the "pig demon" in esoteric Christianity.

WD_Pelley ago

a god also known as the "pig demon" in esoteric Christianity.

Can I get a source for esoteric Christians saying that? I want to know more!

romanstock ago

satanists is a disinformation tactic sites like infowars use. they are jews. JEWS. the archbishop of canterbury is a racial jew and i bet there's some jews within sweden's church hierarchy and everywhere else. they've been working on infiltration for centuries, they've had nothing else to do. they don't have their own civilisation. all the time and effort that we spent on building a civilisation, well they've spent all that time infiltrating our civilisation.

smokratez ago

jews are the leaders of satanism.

RayPinpilage ago

You are both correct according to the Bible, Revelation 2, 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

romanstock ago

yeah but using the term 'satanists' makes unaware people think we're talking about random white people. they're all racial jews. the orthodox/spiritual jews still think they should be the 'chosen' leaders of the world but try to live by the old testament, the atheist jews (this also includes jews who think they are practicing but lie to themselves.. all religions have these 'fake christians/muslims' etc. who just take what they want from the bible and ignore what they don't like or want to do) also think they should be leaders of the world and are prepared to do anything and certainly aren't going to allow the rules of the old testament to get in their way. this is where much of the zionist/communist divide comes from. but at the end of the day they both want to rule the world so it makes little difference to us as that makes both of them our opposition.. except that the latter are prepared to commit mass genocide etc. so they need to be taken seriously, they're not just competition they are a disturbingly dangerous threat.

Troll ago

Swedish Civil War when?

HiJoker ago

We need to worry about our own Civil War first, then we can go destroy these fuckers globally once we sort the traitors out here.

HeavyBrain ago

Now to Ahllah the same way, after all equality, you dont want to exclude muslims do you?!

Deflo56 ago

The Cabal often takes what was Gods and claims it as his own.

pby1000 ago

Is that why the Freemasons call their deity the Great Architect of the Universe? They could say Great Creator, but they don’t.

kobold ago

that's right. because they don't have the power to create, that's all they can do. and because they hate god and all its creation, they will always invert it, ruin it, desecrate it in some way.