ToxicWhiteMale ago

Fuck all these savages, right back to the 7th century!

CrudOMatic ago

It's official; the UK is a third-world hellhole with first-world infrastructure.

allahead ago

Now the guy that turned him in is going to have to watch his back for the rest of his life.

HiJoker ago

It sure didn't take long for the UK to fall. Thanks, Jews.

Soyboy69 ago

Part and parcel of living in an Islamic country. Honestly these days it seems more news worthy when a muslim actually does go to jail.

AgentSakura ago

At what point do we retaliate?

WhiteChickens ago

Never, just take it.

uvulectomy ago

"Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual."

-- /u/AgentSakura

You sure you wanna open that can of worms, Shlomo?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Anyone who is certainly isn't going to talk about it here.

random128dsf321 ago

hello fellow fbi

ElvisP ago

Don't judge... america loves submitting to shit like this too.

WNwoman ago

Such a peaceful religion. It’s beautiful.

HeavyBrain ago

Good that means anyone of us can go out and cut some kebab its ok they love being knifed.

Cat-hax ago

Burn it down

WhiteChickens ago

Moar white baybays on aisle 3!

con77 ago

Brit judges and pols should be lynched

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Genocide Works

tokui ago

Based muslim.

yids_rape_kids ago

Thats what semites do. Thats the diversity they chose to import. Thats their punishment for losing 2 world wars.

changz ago

I didnt choose to import these shit skinned wastes of humanity. I'd throw them off the cliffs of Dover along with the people who allowed and supported it.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Sand Niggers are Semites Just like Jews

Issac and Ishmael

They are the choosen people of the devil.

To the Christians, notice how in the bible the devil that tempts christ offers him power.

Notice how the God of Abraham offered him power

Notice how Muhammed was taken up on a high peak, just as christ was when tempted, and offered him power

The true God of Christ and Moses does not offer

He commands, he does not make offers

QBoomBoom ago

God's power is manifest is His creation.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Spelling. But yes

Tallest_Skil ago

You seem to have things backward.

Gopherurself ago

Kikes have occupied their govt science King George kinda why we revolted, Rothschild kikes, the same ones who control us now, FED

gazillions ago

I'm getting an inkling of why Hitler thought bombing those idiots was beneficial to mankind.

yids_rape_kids ago

No its dead accurate.

Tallest_Skil ago

Then you don’t know what semites are.

yids_rape_kids ago

Semites are any shitskin from the semitic speaking regions of the middle east. kikes and muslims are both semites. Anything else you need help understanding?

Tallest_Skil ago

anything else

Yeah, how about you answer the actual question you were asked. Semites didn’t lose the world wars, you fucking idiot.

soabirw ago

Let me translate for those with diminished brain power. Removing the contextual words that require extra thought.

Child rape is what semites do.

Child rape is the diversity UK chose to import.

Child rape is the UK's punishment for losing two World Wars.

Tallest_Skil ago

Right. Yet that’s not what he said.

soabirw ago

It is. I just replaced contextual words of "that", "they", and "their" to be explicit. Everything else is word for word.

I mean, his username is @yids_rape_kids ffs.

Tallest_Skil ago

it is

It’s the exact opposite of what he said.

I just replaced

Thereby changing the entire context of the statement.

soabirw ago

Staggering amounts of brain power displayed here.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, kill yourself. You’d fail a remedial 4th grade English course. You have no fucking idea what context is or what the pronouns in his post signify. We’re done here.