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yewotm8 ago

I heard they had connections to the sex cult known as the Church of the Latter Day Saints.

newoldwave ago

You sure can believe the NYPost. That cartel kill squad was actually doing us a favor.

Helbrecht ago

ITT: salty mormon kidfuckers

Come at me, heretics.

boltstop ago

Can't we just hate the cartels


as long as it doesn't involve troops on foreign soil

DeadFox ago

Why? Why would we not fucking invade and wipe those cartels out. Do you know how many Americans are being killed by the drugs those fuckers bring in? They're already fighting the war.

sunshine702 ago

I read an article in Daily Mail. NXIVM recruited fundamentalist Mormon nannies from this compound to bring to New York but no proof that they were sex trafficed . And that wasn"t their compound region.

HAESisalie ago

Here is one of the women, who wasn't a "child sex trafficker" and had NO ties to NXIVM & Ketih Raniere, and only had one husband, and loved her children, but lets smear her and help the MSM trivialize her slaughter.


What US state did she live in?

Or was she living in Mexico on a Polygamist compound?

anoncastillo ago

Makes you wonder. Were they killed to keep them quiet?

HAESisalie ago

The victims — dual US-Mexico citizens with ties to Utah — were allegedly caught in crossfire of two cartels in the border state of Sonora, near where they worship with Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“It was a massacre,” LeBaron, an activist who has denounced gangs in the area, told Formula Radio, according to AFP. His cousin’s van was set ablaze fire with the victims inside, he added.

Ummm, that is not how just getting caught in the crossfire works. Does anyone tell the truth at all when reporting this stuff. Do they sit around and say: This might make Trump look right and Mexicans bad, so let's just act like it was all a mistake and these women and children were not slaughtered and set on fire.

ALIENS2222 ago

NY post is not a source...

HAESisalie ago

It is when you have a false agenda to push, like OP.

Lord0Trade ago


Calm down Voat, it's alleged.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Ok. So being in the same state simehiw tied them together


Operating Competing Pedo Rings in the same state

CheeseboogerHimself ago

So they were jews living as Mormons in Mexico? Holy shit that's double-ultra crypto

WolfShepherd ago

Mormon shills are powerful here, in the Q movement. See:

OP's downvotes.

Watch as I get jumped on for this by Langley operatives.

jthun2 ago

the article you posted did not say that they were sex traffickers.

they said that NXwhatever recruited from that region.

Dodgy ties, but doesn't mean those PARTICULAR MOMS or the kids had anything to do with it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

A sect of mormons fled to Mexico so they could continue to build harems of 8 year old girls

SIayfire122 ago <<< same link

Scroll down to the part about Mitt Romney. Now everything is starting to make sense to me. Turns out his family fled to Mexico so they could continue practicing polygamy. Mitt Romney was born in the US, but his father and ancestors were born in Mexico and likely have dual citizenship. He has closer ties with Mexico than most jews have with Israel.

Mitt Romney... has extended family who still live in Mexico, where his father was born.

Miles Park Romney, Romney’s great-grandfather, had four wives and came to the Chihuahua desert in 1885 to escape U.S. laws against polygamy.

Romney’s family in Mexico, many of whom share his last name, live in Chihuahua about 190 miles from Texas. “Romney’s Mexican clan are powerful farmers. They grow vast fields of peppers, peaches, pears and apples.

The last point also explains why he hates the trade war with Mexico. It hurts his entire extended family on his father's side. For him, it's not his beliefs or morals (or lack thereof). For him, it's personal.

HAESisalie ago

I don't know why they went to Mexico to live, but they were only connected to NXIVM because some women from that group went down there to try to recruit some nannies. There is no evidence presented (yet) that any of these women or small children were part of any pedo activity.

This seems to be an effort to minimize this slaughter of targeted US citizens. I wonder why.

HAESisalie ago

That was 1885 ffs!!!!! You think those 20 and 30 year old women fled the US in 1885?

I am sorry 2+2 =4 so polygamy = pedo activity? Wut?

Polygamy doesn't = pedo, and not every Mormon down there fled for polygamy reasons in 1885 LOL!

Please try harder if you are going to shill the MSM agenda like a good goy, to try to make these women and children not worthy of our concern.

zxcvbnasdf ago

You mean their prophet, who they follow to this day, called for the overthrow of the US government and you're asking me if I believe they want to overthrow the US government and continue polygamy when they're self admitted polygamists?

You don't have a strong argument here, rabbi.

HAESisalie ago

DO you even know what you are talking about? Jesus, get a grip. We are talking about these women who were slaughtered with their children by Mexican gang cartels. Wipe the cum of your face cooper Anderson. Enough of your lies and propaganda.

zxcvbnasdf ago

What did I lie about, rabbi?

Were they polygamists?

Were they in Mexico?

Was their polygamist (((prophet))) calling for the overthrow of the US, going so far as to move the polygamists to Mexico to create the people who would overthrow the government?

Why are you ignoring facts, rabbi?

HAESisalie ago

All 3 women killed had ONE husband, does that tell you anything, "But, but, but in the 1880's!"

Yes, they were in Mexico genius. Who said they were not?

There is no evidence that these women or their children, or anyone in their family alive ever called for the overthrow of the US government.

Why are you peddling lies and deceptions Brian Selter?

zxcvbnasdf ago

There's no evidence that the women associated with NXIVM called for their overthrow of the US government?

You think they're just normal conservative women who work for a child sex trafficker? That's what you're peddling rabbi?

Do you want to talk about this?

Give me a break, rabbi. No one is buying what you're selling.

HAESisalie ago

There is no evidence that these women were connected to NXIVM at all. Just a report that NXIVM came to that part of Mexico to recruit local women to be nannies.

Stop with the fucking lies, George Soros spawn.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Rabbi, rabbi, rabbi. You're not providing compelling arguments against the fact that the Mormons in Mexico, including PierrE DelectO's family, went there due to the treasonous rantings of their polygamist (((prophet))).

The day of the noose is coming rabbi. Repent.

HAESisalie ago

Actually you are the one spewing the Jewish narrative and trying to convince people we should not care that one of the last few remaining white groups that don't do interracial and are having lots of children to preserve pure white DNA is being slaughtered by the mongrel horde.

You should repent. I would hate to see you dangle over a mistake. If that is what this is.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Mormons are traitorous, polygamist, kikes. I will never disavow that.


Hear Hear!

con77 ago


CaptnObvius ago

If true, then that would explain a lot.

Hoboritler ago

This is retarded. Ok is a kike

lord_nougat ago

Ok is Oklahoma. You may be mistaken.

sunshine702 ago

Maybe it was not mistaken identity maybe it was a hit. Armored SUVs for FLDS?

canbot ago

It probably was a hit. They were killed for being white. They are the only successful community in Mexico. They had to wage war with both the cartels and the corrupt government, and they won. They have a fortified city that they can defend, and that is why the cartel attacked them on the road.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol what a bunch of speculative BULLSHIT, you faggot

AdmiralEnchilada ago

More than likely they werw converting locals, and they were hit as a warning for both what you said, and to prevent fraternization

canbot ago

Based in what? Why would they want mexican mormons when Mexicans are so easily corrupted and can't be trusted in the group?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

It missionary work. They are bound by god to bring the word to everyone. These people were faithful enough to move to another country to have godly three ways

canbot ago

It's funny how you think you can just discover so much about what they were doing just by rummaging about up your ass.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Ahh, a man that disparages thinking


canbot ago

I just don't like the way you think.

A salaam alaikum

canbot ago

They murdered women and children in cold blood. Then burned the cars to try and cover it up, and now they made up this story to try and minimize the fallout.

The cartels are known for child trafficking, they are not fighting it. Especially not by murdering scores of children in cold blood.

whitesrbetter ago

Curious how involved the rest of the mormons killed were, I mean if it was a territory hit why shoot the kids. It seems then at this point it was done to cut loose ends by their relations with trafficking for Nvxim which links to US politicians like Hillary Clinton which links to Israel on the other end.

So over the years since Nvxim has been exposed there has been a lot of related crimes or death across other countries borders too. But zero investigations into all of this by the US government other then flimsy attempts at wild goose chases. This was the next step in pizza gate through child trafficking so did they arrest Rainere to be the fall guy and limit external investigations.

jthun2 ago

you think beaners can shoot straight. they just shot up the cars.

version7 ago


anticlutch ago

this whole White family tortured by some future doctors and engineers were connected to this jewish pedo gang

so don't feel bad about your slain kin goyim

t. (((NYPost)))

For some reason I'm not believing this.

Cat-hax ago

Not at all

mattsixteen24 ago

They are mormons. I'm not surprised.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

My thoughts exactly. Fake news. Mormons have been populating that area for well over 100 years. Just because the sex cult set up shop down the road doesn't mean there is a connection at all. The fact that a newspaper would think it's readers are so dumb they can insinuate such a connection is more telling of the newspaper.

ForgotMyName ago

*its readers. ;)

"its" is the possessive spelling. "It's" is a contraction.


Here's a Mexican Newspaper verifying the info

"The day Keith Raniere of NXIVM advised Julián LeBarón"

The film shows Raniere advising Julián LeBarón, a serious and hardworking man whose brother, Benjamin, had been brutally kidnapped at his home and killed outside his Mormon community in Northern Mexico in 2009, after he refused to pay. the ransom for the kidnapping of another of the LeBarón brothers.

anticlutch ago

he trusts a spic newspaper to not be a literal jewpaper

Oh (((you))).

1 year account



AdmiralEnchilada ago

Ok first paragraph it talks about how he hired these girls as nannies to get out of the violent region

This implies he was hiring illegal immigrants.

Not the mormon polygamist

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Cartels in Mexico are more of a government than the government. As long as the people under them don't act up, the cartels take care of them. It's a really interesting system.

mattsixteen24 ago

Another government of satanists. If you don't do what they say, they'll kidnap torture and kill you and your whole family. Haven't you seen any of their death videos? Makes isis death videos look like child's play.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Also, Isaiah 33:15

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

If only there were a type of government where the governmental authorities had to answer to a moral authority with power to approve or reject their decisions. If only...

ScottMAGA ago

I think that the US government will eventually be replaced by mexican cartels, sort of how the Roman government was replaced by Germanic kingdoms.

lord_nougat ago

I'm still in favor of bombing them with napalm.


It's a really interesting system

If it stops Polygamist pedos from operating on their soil It's an improvement from our Political Cartels

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

It's more brutal in terms of retribution. Also a lot of them worship the demon Santa Muerte. So not that much different from our cabal.

jthun2 ago

basically we need to disembowel and immolate them, along with the catholic church hierarchy, the jews, the masons, etc.

derram ago :

2019-11-05 | Women killed in Mexican cartel murders had alleged Nxivm ties

'This basketball team’s hurl-inducing new camera trick is no slam-dunk.... '

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The nine women and children slaughtered in Mexico on Monday were part of a Mormon community with ties to the alleged sex-cult Nxivm.

The outpost Mormon community in Mexico is where underlings of Nxivm leader Keith Raniere recruited young women to work as nannies in an upstate New York compound run by the accused cult — suggesting at least in part that the jobs would get the girls away from their home region’s drug violence, according a man hired by Raniere to produce a documentary about the group.

The three moms and six kids killed in Monday’s violence in the northern town of Sonora are believed to have been the victims of a drug cartel, which may have mistaken the group’s caravan of three SUVs for rivals, Mexican authorities said Tuesday.

The filmmaker working with Raniere at the time, Mark Vicente, told the online magazine Slate that the documentary ultimately became a recruiting video for Nxivm, which purported to be a self-help group but morphed into what the feds called a cult that sexually, physically and emotionally abused its mainly female followers.

The film included an interview with Julian LeBaron, who identified himself as the cousin of one of the moms killed Monday and who is a leader of the Mexico Mormon community. LeBaron’s brother was kidnapped by a local drug cartel in 2009, and the family defiantly refused to pay a ransom. The cartel eventually released the abducted man.

giveitup ago

Of course they are! Everything in this crazy story is related to everything else! It's insane!

Who would have guessed?

and BTW

ronita looks more like a ron.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Found the idiot

canbot ago

Of course? Why would you say that? Because the gang of violent criminals who murdered them said so? Are you fucking serious?


Explains the Mormon Church shills pushing this "slaughtered white women" narrative

canbot ago

The bodies don't lie you fucking shill.


I saw a smoking car.

not smoking bodies.

TheKalergiFan ago

Dude it's on the news so you know it's real


Orange Man Good

TheKalergiFan ago

Hillary is stunning and brave